SQLite format 3@ d.?~~b`\WURQOMKCA@>A;1.,#(%#  2wYBt`K2/PROJ_DATA.VERSION1.13%PROJ.VERSION9.2.0#NKG.VERSION1.0.0C!yNKG.SOURCEhttps://github.com/NordicGeodesy/NordicTransformations!NKG.DATE2020-12-21%IGNF.VERSION3.1.0^#+IGNF.SOURCEhttps://raw.githubusercontent.com/rouault/proj-resources/master/IGNF.v3.1.0.xml!IGNF.DATE2019-05-24%)ESRI.VERSIONArcGIS Pro 3.1!ESRI.DATE2023-19-01%EPSG.VERSIONv10.082!EPSG.DATE2023-02-06!GDATABASE.LAYOUT.VERSION.MINOR2!GDATABASE.LAYOUT.VERSION.MAJOR1IH17 EPSG#Bin width 37.5 metreslength@BKJIAU_2015%Despina! UEq C TE ;IAU_2015 |Itokawa (2015) - SphereIAU_2015EPSG#)SC ;IAU_2015Aegaeon (2015) - SphereIAU_2015JEPSG#)JRJ #=ESRITethys_2015Saturn - Tethys IAU 2015ESRITethys8EPSG#)QF 1)ESRITitan_2000_IAU_IAGSaturn - TitanESRITitan'JEPSG#)PC  ESRIQGRS_1980_Adj_WI_KN_MW_OZ_RAGRS 1980 Adj. Wisconsin Kenosha, Milwaukee, Ozaukee, and RacinePROJEARTHAXTEPSG#)@r?JOa 1E ESRI*GRS_1980_Adj_WI_IAGRS 1980 Adj. Wisconsin IowaPROJEARTHAXTwEPSG#)@rQ"Ni =IESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_RoseauGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota RoseauPROJEARTHAXTZEPSG#)@rMu IUESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_Itasca_NorthGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota Itasca NorthPROJEARTHAXU`BEPSG#)@rL< !! ESRIHough_1960Hough 1960PROJEARTHaSEPSG#)) 3  w [Նz cIEPSGNorth America - Canada, US (Conus+AK), PRVINorth America - onshore and offshore: Canada - Alberta; British Columbia; Manitoba; New Brunswick; Newfoundland and Labrador; Northwest Territories; Nova Scotia; Nunavut; Ontario; Prince Edward Island; Quebec; Saskatchewan; Yukon. Puerto Rico. United States (USA) - Alabama; Alaska; Arizona; Arkansas; California; Colorado; Connecticut; Delaware; Florida; Georgia; Idaho; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Kansas; Kentucky; Louisiana; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; Michigan; Minnesota; Mississippi; Missouri; Montana; Nebraska; Nevada; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New Mexico; New York; North Carolina; North Dakota; Ohio; Oklahoma; Oregon; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; South Carolina; South Dakota; Tennessee; Texas; Utah; Vermont; Virginia; Washington; West Virginia; Wisconsin; Wyoming. US Virgin Islands.@- =p@Up =@dG޸Q qEPSGIndonesia - 102°E to 108°E, S hemisphere onshoreIndonesia - onshore south of equator and between 102°E and 108°E.(\)fl 1EPSG Slovenia - ZasavjeSlovenia - Zasavje (the Sava Valley) with the broad region of Celje..@G(\)@-zG@.33333 _wEPSG UWorld - N hemisphere - 3-degree CM 171°EBetween 169°30'E and 172°30'E, northern hemisphere.T@e0@e~ A)EPSGUSA - Montana - SPCS27 - CUnited States (USA) - Montana - counties of Cascade; Dawson; Fergus; Garfield; Judith Basin; Lake; Lewis and Clark; McCone; Meagher; Mineral; Missoula; Petroleum; Powell; Prairie; Richland; Sanders; Wibaux.@G\(@H!Gz] =pZ\(j u#EPSGWorld - N hemisphere - 120°W to 114°W - by countryBetween 120°W and 114°W, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore. Canada - Alberta; British Columbia (BC); Northwest Territories (NWT); Nunavut. Mexico. United States (USA).TiG EEPSGUSA - CONUS and Alaska; PRVIPuerto Rico - onshore and offshore. United States (USA) onshore and offshore - Alabama; Alaska; Arizona; Arkansas; California; Colorado; Connecticut; Delaware; Florida; Georgia; Idaho; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Kansas; Kentucky; Louisiana; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; Michigan; Minnesota; Mississippi; Missouri; Montana; Nebraska; Nevada; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New Mexico; New York; North Carolina; North Dakota; Ohio; Oklahoma; Oregon; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; South Carolina; South Dakota; Tennessee; Texas; Utah; Vermont; Virginia; Washington; West Virginia; Wisconsin; Wyoming. US Virgin Islands - onshore and offshore.@- =p@Rp =@dO =q}&}DEPSGTransformation of coordinates at 0.03m level of accuracy.#=EPSGOil and gas exploration.3]EPSGvEngineering survey, topographic mapping.TEPSGRf0zDWk.h#\E{C Y$o8G큚쁙[끙ꁘh遘2聗w灗%恖S偖䁕*ご]⁔ၓN߁?ށw݁1܁lہ%ځ`ف؁LׁtցՁDԁmӁҁ?сhЁρ:΁ć ́5ˁ^ʁɁ0ȁYǁƁ,ŁWāÁ,TzEl:a/V}$KsBj:d7` 2[.dQ9lR >p"T8jN6l"XDz0fR>t*`L8~r}|@{fz y2xXw~v$uLttsrDqlpo<ndm l4k\ji,hTg|f$eLdtcbDal`_<^d] \4[\ZY,XTW|V$ULTtSRDQlPO<NdM L4K\JI,HTG|F$ELDtCBDAl@?<>d= <4;\:9,8T7{6!5G4m3291_0/+.Q-w,+C*e)(''H&i% $+#L"m! /Pq3Tu7Xy;\}?`  3 ]  1 [/X2 |qf[PE:/$ti^SH=2' XW%U^S Q P  NB L{ JHG&E_CA@ >C<|:87'5`310 .D,}*('(%a#! E~)b F  *c zf 1 zGG8[tablescopescopeCREATE TABLE scope( auth_name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(auth_name) >= 1), code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(code) >= 1), scope TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(scope) >= 1), deprecated BOOLEAN NOT NULL CHECK (deprecated IN (0, 1)), CONSTRAINT pk_scope PRIMARY KEY (auth_name, code) ) WITHOUT ROWID$#tableextentextentCREATE TABLE extent( auth_name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(auth_name) >= 1), code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(code) >= 1), name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(name) >= 2), description TEXT NOT NULL, south_lat FLOAT CHECK (south_lat BETWEEN -90 AND 90), north_lat FLOAT CHECK (north_lat BETWEEN -90 AND 90), west_lon FLOAT CHECK (west_lon BETWEEN -180 AND 180), east_lon FLOAT CHECK (east_lon BETWEEN -180 AND 180), deprecated BOOLEAN NOT NULL CHECK (deprecated IN (0, 1)), CONSTRAINT pk_extent PRIMARY KEY (auth_name, code), CONSTRAINT check_extent_lat CHECK (south_lat <= north_lat) ) WITHOUT ROWIDstableellipsoidellipsoidCREATE TABLE ellipsoid ( auth_name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(auth_name) >= 1), code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(code) >= 1), name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(name) >= 2), description TEXT, celestial_body_auth_name TEXT NOT NULL, celestial_body_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL, semi_major_axis FLOAT NOT NULL CHECK (semi_major_axis > 0), uom_auth_name TEXT NOT NULL, uom_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL, inv_flattening FLOAT CHECK (inv_flattening = 0 OR inv_flattening >= 1.0), semi_minor_axis FLOAT CHECK (semi_minor_axis > 0 AND semi_minor_axis <= semi_major_axis), deprecated BOOLEAN NOT NULL CHECK (deprecated IN (0, 1)), CONSTRAINT pk_ellipsoid PRIMARY KEY (auth_name, code), CONSTRAINT fk_ellipsoid_celestial_body FOREIGN KEY (celestial_body_auth_name, celestial_body_code) REFERENCES celestial_body(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT fk_ellipsoid_unit_of_measure FOREIGN KEY (uom_auth_name, uom_code) REFERENCES unit_of_measure(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT check_ellipsoid_inv_flattening_semi_minor_mutually_exclusive CHECK ((inv_flattening IS NULL AND semi_minor_axis IS NOT NULL) OR (inv_flattening IS NOT NULL AND semi_minor_axis IS NULL)) ) WITHOUT ROWID))otablecelestial_bodycelestial_bodyCREATE TABLE celestial_body ( auth_name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(auth_name) >= 1), code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(code) >= 1), name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(name) >= 2), semi_major_axis FLOAT NOT NULL CHECK (semi_major_axis > 0), -- approximate (in metre) CONSTRAINT pk_celestial_body PRIMARY KEY (auth_name, code) ) WITHOUT ROWID2++tableunit_of_measureunit_of_measureCREATE TABLE unit_of_measure( auth_name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(auth_name) >= 1), code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(code) >= 1), name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(name) >= 2), type TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (type IN ('length', 'angle', 'scale', 'time')), conv_factor FLOAT, proj_short_name TEXT, -- PROJ string name, like 'm', 'ft'. Might be NULL deprecated BOOLEAN NOT NULL CHECK (deprecated IN (0, 1)), CONSTRAINT pk_unit_of_measure PRIMARY KEY (auth_name, code) ) WITHOUT ROWIDtablemetadatametadataCREATE TABLE metadata( key TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY CHECK (length(key) >= 1), value TEXT NOT NULL ) WITHOUT ROWID >>  [ ))qtablegeodetic_datumgeodetic_datum CREATE TABLE geodetic_datum ( auth_name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(auth_name) >= 1), code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(code) >= 1), name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(name) >= 2), description TEXT, ellipsoid_auth_name TEXT NOT NULL, ellipsoid_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL, prime_meridian_auth_name TEXT NOT NULL, prime_meridian_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL, publication_date TEXT, --- YYYY-MM-DD format frame_reference_epoch FLOAT, --- only set for dynamic datum, and should be set when it is a dynamic datum ensemble_accuracy FLOAT CHECK (ensemble_accuracy IS NULL OR ensemble_accuracy > 0), --- only for a datum ensemble. and should be set when it is a datum ensemble anchor TEXT, deprecated BOOLEAN NOT NULL CHECK (deprecated IN (0, 1)), CONSTRAINT pk_geodetic_datum PRIMARY KEY (auth_name, code), CONSTRAINT fk_geodetic_datum_ellipsoid FOREIGN KEY (ellipsoid_auth_name, ellipsoid_code) REFERENCES ellipsoid(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT fk_geodetic_datum_prime_meridian FOREIGN KEY (prime_meridian_auth_name, prime_meridian_code) REFERENCES prime_meridian(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE ) WITHOUT ROWID )){tableprime_meridianprime_meridian CREATE TABLE prime_meridian( auth_name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(auth_name) >= 1), code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(code) >= 1), name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(name) >= 2), longitude FLOAT NOT NULL CHECK (longitude BETWEEN -180 AND 180), uom_auth_name TEXT NOT NULL, uom_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL, deprecated BOOLEAN NOT NULL CHECK (deprecated IN (0, 1)), CONSTRAINT pk_prime_meridian PRIMARY KEY (auth_name, code), CONSTRAINT fk_prime_meridian_unit_of_measure FOREIGN KEY (uom_auth_name, uom_code) REFERENCES unit_of_measure(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE ) WITHOUT ROWID)=indexsqlite_autoindex_usage_1usage {tableusageusageCREATE TABLE usage( auth_name TEXT CHECK (auth_name IS NULL OR length(auth_name) >= 1), code INTEGER_OR_TEXT CHECK (code IS NULL OR length(code) >= 1), object_table_name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (object_table_name IN ( 'geodetic_datum', 'vertical_datum', 'geodetic_crs', 'projected_crs', 'vertical_crs', 'compound_crs', 'conversion', 'grid_transformation', 'helmert_transformation', 'other_transformation', 'concatenated_operation')), object_auth_name TEXT NOT NULL, object_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL, extent_auth_name TEXT NOT NULL, extent_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL, scope_auth_name TEXT NOT NULL, scope_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT pk_usage PRIMARY KEY (auth_name, code), CONSTRAINT fk_usage_extent FOREIGN KEY (extent_auth_name, extent_code) REFERENCES extent(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT fk_usage_scope FOREIGN KEY (scope_auth_name, scope_code) REFERENCES scope(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE ) IItablegeodetic_datum_ensemble_membergeodetic_datum_ensemble_memberCREATE TABLE geodetic_datum_ensemble_member ( ensemble_auth_name TEXT NOT NULL, ensemble_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL, member_auth_name TEXT NOT NULL, member_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL, sequence INTEGER NOT NULL CHECK (sequence >= 1), CONSTRAINT fk_geodetic_datum_ensemble_member_ensemble FOREIGN KEY (ensemble_auth_name, ensemble_code) REFERENCES geodetic_datum(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT fk_geodetic_datum_ensemble_member_ensemble_member FOREIGN KEY (member_auth_name, member_code) REFERENCES geodetic_datum(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT unique_geodetic_datum_ensemble_member UNIQUE (ensemble_auth_name, ensemble_code, sequence) )+1IAU_2015_Reference MeridianEPSG# 1z&_ ~ <  a N g  0A!?IGNFREG5860001MHOI 1962 (ATOLL MURUROA)EPSGnEPSG"/D!EIGNFREG0100001CAP BIENVENUE - PERROUD 1955EPSGnEPSG".H? IAU_2015XDesdemona (2015) - SphereIAU_2015XIAU_2015X-S9 )IAU_2015Europa (2015) - SphereIAU_2015IAU_2015Cilix: 182 W.0,=%)ESRID_Ariel_2000Uranus - ArielESRIESRId+D!;ESRItAnthe_2015Saturn - Anthe IAU 2015ESRI\ESRId*`?W ESRIHD_NAD_1983_HARN_Adj_WI_MANAD 1983 HARN Adj. Wisconsin MarathonESRI0EPSG")`EQESRID_NAD_1983_HARN_Adj_MN_ScottNAD 1983 HARN Adj. Minnesota ScottESRIEPSG"(dIUESRID_NAD_1983_HARN_Adj_MN_JacksonNAD 1983 HARN Adj. Minnesota JacksonESRIEPSG"'3'ESRI$D_Sphere_EMEPEMEPESRIEPSG"&5# ESRID_Guam_1963Guam 1963EPSG`EPSG"%=3!EPSGVoirol 1875 (Paris)EPSGcEPSG"1875-01-01$<1!EPSG7Marcus Island 1952EPSGnEPSG"1952-01-01#Zi!EPSGInternational Terrestrial Reference Frame 1989EPSGkEPSG"1988-01-01"<1!EPSGTrucial Coast 1948EPSGlEPSG"1948-01-01!& EPSGTDoualaEPSGcEPSG" C?!EPSG European Datum 1950(1977)EPSGnEPSG"1977-01-01OkEPSGNot specified (based on Helmert 1906 ellipsoid)EPSGlEPSG"OS!EPSGRed Geodesica Para Mineria en ChileEPSGkEPSG"2019-01-01C?!EPSGMacao Geodetic Datum 2008EPSGkEPSG"2008-01-019+!EPSG`Mexico ITRF2008EPSGkEPSG"2010-01-01 nYD/EPSGEPSGEPSGEPSGEPSGEPSGEPSGEPSGEPSGEPSG EPSGEPSG  EPSGEPSG EPSGrEPSG  EPSGrEPSG  EPSGrEPSG EPSGrEPSGEPSGrEPSGEPSGrEPSGEPSGrEPSGEPSGrEPSGEPSGrEPSGEPSGrEPSG EPSGrEPSG vh[M?1# EPSG EPSG EPSG EPSG EPSG EPSG  EPSG EPSGr EPSGr EPSGr EPSGr EPSGr EPSGr EPSGr EPSGr EPSGr EPSGr  EPSGr8L7 %IGNFREA011NGF-IGN 197861 =#ESRIfrom_geogdatum_EPSG_6655D_ITRF_19975O =_ESRIfrom_geogdatum_EPSG_1206European_Terrestrial_Reference_Frame_20144< =9ESRIfrom_geogdatum_EPSG_1053D_Sri_Lanka_Datum_19993! !EPSGLerwick1979-01-012H i!EPSGNivellement General de Nouvelle Caledonie 20082008-01-01  | i&etableaxisaxisCREATE TABLE axis( auth_name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(auth_name) >= 1), code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(code) >= 1), name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(name) >= 2), abbrev TEXT NOT NULL, orientation TEXT NOT NULL, coordinate_system_auth_name TEXT NOT NULL, coordinate_system_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL, coordinate_system_order SMALLINT NOT NULL CHECK (coordinate_system_order BETWEEN 1 AND 3), uom_auth_name TEXT, uom_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, CONSTRAINT pk_axis PRIMARY KEY (auth_name, code), CONSTRAINT fk_axis_coordinate_system FOREIGN KEY (coordinate_system_auth_name, coordinate_system_code) REFERENCES coordinate_system(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT fk_axis_unit_of_measure FOREIGN KEY (uom_auth_name, uom_code) REFERENCES unit_of_measure(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE ) WITHOUT ROWIDAU/indexsqlite_autoindex_coordinate_system_1coordinate_system3//tablecoordinate_systemcoordinate_systemCREATE TABLE coordinate_system( auth_name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(auth_name) >= 1), code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(code) >= 1), type TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (type IN ('Cartesian', 'vertical', 'ellipsoidal', 'spherical', 'ordinal')), dimension SMALLINT NOT NULL CHECK (dimension BETWEEN 1 AND 3), CONSTRAINT pk_coordinate_system PRIMARY KEY (auth_name, code), CONSTRAINT check_cs_vertical CHECK (type != 'vertical' OR dimension = 1), CONSTRAINT check_cs_cartesian CHECK (type != 'Cartesian' OR dimension IN (2,3)), CONSTRAINT check_cs_ellipsoidal CHECK (type != 'ellipsoidal' OR dimension IN (2,3)) )[oIindexsqlite_autoindex_vertical_datum_ensemble_member_1vertical_datum_ensemble_member IItablevertical_datum_ensemble_membervertical_datum_ensemble_memberCREATE TABLE vertical_datum_ensemble_member ( ensemble_auth_name TEXT NOT NULL, ensemble_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL, member_auth_name TEXT NOT NULL, member_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL, sequence INTEGER NOT NULL CHECK (sequence >= 1), CONSTRAINT fk_vertical_datum_ensemble_member_ensemble FOREIGN KEY (ensemble_auth_name, ensemble_code) REFERENCES vertical_datum(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT fk_vertical_datum_ensemble_member_ensemble_member FOREIGN KEY (member_auth_name, member_code) REFERENCES vertical_datum(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT unique_vertical_datum_ensemble_member UNIQUE (ensemble_auth_name, ensemble_code, sequence) ) ))itablevertical_datumvertical_datumCREATE TABLE vertical_datum ( auth_name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(auth_name) >= 1), code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(code) >= 1), name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(name) >= 2), description TEXT, publication_date TEXT CHECK (NULL OR length(publication_date) = 10), --- YYYY-MM-DD format frame_reference_epoch FLOAT, --- only set for dynamic datum, and should be set when it is a dynamic datum ensemble_accuracy FLOAT CHECK (ensemble_accuracy IS NULL OR ensemble_accuracy > 0), --- only for a datum ensemble. and should be set when it is a datum ensemble anchor TEXT, deprecated BOOLEAN NOT NULL CHECK (deprecated IN (0, 1)), CONSTRAINT pk_vertical_datum PRIMARY KEY (auth_name, code) ) WITHOUT ROWID[ oIindexsqlite_autoindex_geodetic_datum_ensemble_member_1geodetic_datum_ensemble_member DnYD EPSGEPSG EPSGEPSGEPSGEPSGEPSGEPSGEPSGEPSGEPSGEPSGEPSGEPSGEPSGEPSG  EPSGEPSG  EPSG EPSG EPSG EPSG EPSG EPSG EPSG EPSG  EPSG nvaJ3{dM8! m V ? (  p Y B +  s \ E .  v _ H 1   y b K 4  |eN7qX?& w^E,}dK2mU=% iC(nPROJENhCartesian'5PROJPROJECTED_WEST_NORTHCartesian(3#PROJOGRAPHIC_NORTH_WESTellipsoidal#-PROJOCENTRIC_LAT_LONspherical# 1 ESRIELLPS_HEIGHT_METREvertical ESRIChainCartesian# -ESRIYard_Indian_1937Cartesian EPSGordinal EPSGordinalEPSGpCartesianEPSGoCartesianEPSGnCartesianEPSGmCartesianEPSGlCartesianEPSGkCartesianEPSGjCartesianEPSGiCartesianEPSGhCartesianEPSGgCartesian~EPSGfCartesian}EPSGeCartesian|EPSGdCartesian{ EPSGcverticalz EPSGbverticaly EPSGaverticalx EPSG`verticalw EPSG_verticalv#EPSGellipsoidalu#EPSGellipsoidalt#EPSGellipsoidals#EPSGellipsoidalr#EPSGellipsoidalq#EPSGellipsoidalp#EPSGellipsoidalo#EPSGellipsoidaln#EPSGellipsoidalm#EPSGellipsoidall#EPSGellipsoidalk#EPSGellipsoidalj#EPSGellipsoidali#EPSGellipsoidalh#EPSGellipsoidalg#EPSGellipsoidalf#EPSGellipsoidale#EPSGellipsoidald#EPSG ellipsoidalc#EPSG ellipsoidalb#EPSG ellipsoidala#EPSG ellipsoidal`#EPSG ellipsoidal_#EPSGellipsoidal^#EPSGellipsoidal]#EPSGellipsoidal\#EPSGellipsoidal[EPSGsphericalZ#EPSGellipsoidalY#EPSGellipsoidalX#EPSGellipsoidalWEPSGCartesianVEPSGCartesianUEPSGCartesianTEPSGCartesianSEPSGCartesianREPSGCartesianQEPSGCartesianPEPSGCartesianOEPSGCartesianNEPSGCartesianMEPSGCartesianLEPSGCartesianKEPSGCartesianJEPSGCartesianIEPSGCartesianHEPSGCartesianGEPSGCartesianFEPSGCartesianEEPSGCartesianDEPSGCartesianCEPSGCartesianBEPSGCartesianAEPSGCartesian@EPSGCartesian?EPSGCartesian>EPSGCartesian=EPSGCartesian<EPSGCartesian;EPSGCartesian:EPSG~Cartesian9EPSG}Cartesian8EPSG|Cartesian7EPSG{Cartesian6EPSGzCartesian5EPSGyCartesian4EPSGxCartesian3EPSGwCartesian2EPSGvCartesian1EPSGuCartesian0EPSGtCartesian/EPSGsCartesian.EPSGrCartesian-EPSGqCartesian,EPSGpCartesian+EPSGoCartesian*EPSGnCartesian)EPSGmCartesian(EPSGlCartesian'EPSG:Cartesian&EPSG9Cartesian%EPSG8Cartesian$EPSG7Cartesian#EPSG6Cartesian"EPSG5Cartesian!EPSG4Cartesian EPSG3CartesianEPSG2CartesianEPSG1CartesianEPSG0CartesianEPSGCartesian EPSGvertical EPSGverticalEPSGCartesianEPSGCartesianEPSGCartesianEPSGCartesianEPSGCartesian EPSGverticalEPSGCartesianEPSGCartesianEPSGCartesianEPSGCartesianEPSGCartesianEPSG Cartesian EPSG Cartesian EPSG Cartesian EPSG Cartesian EPSG Cartesian EPSGCartesianEPSGCartesian EPSGverticalEPSGCartesianEPSGCartesianEPSGCartesianEPSGCartesianEPSGCartesianEPSGCartesian }qeYMA5)ui]QE9-! y m a U I = 1 %   } q e Y M A 5 )    u i ] Q E 9 - !  y m a U I = 1 %  ~ n Q 6 ( 5PROJPROJECTED_WEST_NORTH3PROJOGRAPHIC_NORTH_WEST-PROJOCENTRIC_LAT_LON PROJENh-ESRIYard_Indian_19371ESRIELLPS_HEIGHT_METREESRIChain EPSG EPSG EPSGp EPSGo EPSGn EPSGm EPSGl EPSGk EPSGj EPSGi EPSGh EPSGg EPSGf~ EPSGe} EPSGd| EPSGc{ EPSGbz EPSGay EPSG`x EPSG_w EPSGv EPSGu EPSGt EPSGs EPSGr EPSGq EPSGp EPSGo EPSGn EPSGm EPSGl EPSGk EPSGj EPSGi EPSGh EPSGg EPSGf EPSGe EPSG d EPSG c EPSG b EPSG a EPSG ` EPSG_ EPSG^ EPSG] EPSG\ EPSG[ EPSGZ EPSGY EPSGX EPSGW EPSGV EPSGU EPSGT EPSGS EPSGR EPSGQ EPSGP EPSGO EPSGN EPSGM EPSGL EPSGK EPSGJ EPSGI EPSGH EPSGG EPSGF EPSGE EPSGD EPSGC EPSGB EPSGA EPSG@ EPSG? EPSG> EPSG= EPSG< EPSG; EPSG~: EPSG}9 EPSG|8 EPSG{7 EPSGz6 EPSGy5 EPSGx4 EPSGw3 EPSGv2 EPSGu1 EPSGt0 EPSGs/ EPSGr. EPSGq- EPSGp, EPSGo+ EPSGn* EPSGm) EPSGl( EPSG:' EPSG9& EPSG8% EPSG7$ EPSG6# EPSG5" EPSG4! EPSG3 EPSG2 EPSG1 EPSG0 EPSG EPSG EPSG EPSG EPSG EPSG EPSG EPSG EPSG EPSG EPSG EPSG EPSG EPSG EPSG  EPSG EPSG EPSG EPSG EPSG EPSG EPSG EPSG EPSG EPSG EPSG EPSG  EPSG=S<\ ;/3 PROJOGRAPHIC_NORTH_WEST_LATGeodetic latitudeLatnorthPROJOGRAPHIC_NORTH_WESTEPSG#;6 / EPSG)EastingESouth along 90°EEPSGEPSG#):6 / EPSGEastingENorth along 75°EEPSGEPSG#)92 1EPSGTEllipsoidal heighthupEPSGEPSG#)$PnF] m ;  Z  ! ; Tu:$ePm^ Y'!IGNFTUBU69GTubuai (MHPF 1969) geographiques (dms)geographic 2DEPSGIGNFREG5580001l^ e!!IGNFST84Ile des Pins ST84 cartesiennes geocentriquesgeocentricEPSGdIGNFREG7100001kJ ?'IGNFRGF93GEORGF93 geographiques (dms)geographic 3DEPSGEPSGjT Q'IGNFNUKU72GEONuku Hiva 1972 geographiques (dms)geographic 3DEPSGEPSGia c!!IGNFMARQUI72Eiao Hiva Oa Motohani cartesiennes geocent.geocentricEPSGdIGNFREG5970001hd c'!IGNFGUAFM48GGuadeloupe Fort-Marigot geographiques (dms)geographic 2DEPSGIGNFREG4260001gI K!IGNFED50ED50 CARTESIENNES GEOCENTRIQUESgeocentricEPSGdEPSGVfZ W!!IGNFAMANU63Amanu MHPF 1963 cartesiennes geocent.geocentricEPSGdIGNFREG5660001e[ O'IAU_2015 Wild 2 (2015) - Sphere / OcentricUse mean radius as sphere radius for interoperability. Source of IAU Coordinate systems: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10569-017-9805-5geographic 2DEPSGIAU_2015 d$ S#'IAU_2015:Thalassa (2015) - Sphere / OcentricSource of IAU Coordinate systems: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10569-017-9805-5geographic 2DEPSGIAU_2015:c* =#'3IAU_2015 Saturn (2015) / OgraphicSource of IAU Coordinate systems: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10569-017-9805-5geographic 2DPROJOGRAPHIC_NORTH_WESTIAU_2015 bY Q'IAU_2015Iapetus (2015) - Sphere / OcentricUse semi-major radius as sphere for interoperability. Source of IAU Coordinate systems: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10569-017-9805-5geographic 2DEPSGIAU_2015a# Q#'IAU_2015ŨHimalia (2015) - Sphere / OcentricSource of IAU Coordinate systems: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10569-017-9805-5geographic 2DEPSGIAU_2015Ũ`9 %'ESRI%Larissa_2015geographic 2DEPSGESRI_@ 3'ESRIGCS_Epimetheus_2000geographic 2DEPSGESRI^J G' ESRIGCS_NAD_1983_HARN_Adj_WI_Rockgeographic 2DEPSGESRIR]M M' ESRIaGCS_NAD_1983_HARN_Adj_WI_Ashlandgeographic 2DEPSGESRI0\] m'ESRI!GCS_NAD_1983_HARN_Adj_MN_Lake_of_the_Woods_Northgeographic 2DEPSGESRI[? 3'ESRIEGCS_Merchich_Degreegeographic 2DEPSGEPSGuZP 9'- ESRIZGCS_Voirol_Unifie_1960geographic 2DEPSGESRI106011_GreenwichY9 %' ESRI[GCS_Point_58geographic 2DEPSGESRIX6 #'EPSG%ETRF2000-PLgeographic 2DEPSGEPSGW- !EPSG#7IGb08geocentricEPSGdEPSGV; 3!EPSG"SIRGAS-CON DGF04P01geocentricEPSGdEPSGU/ !EPSGISN2016geocentricEPSGdEPSGT- !EPSGIGD05geocentricEPSGdEPSGZS2 'EPSGFEH2010geographic 3DEPSGEPSG6R0 'EPSGwIGM95geographic 3DEPSGEPSGQ? 5'EPSG'Madrid 1870 (Madrid)geographic 2DEPSGEPSGP; -'EPSGDeception Islandgeographic 2DEPSGEPSGPO6 #'EPSG:Lisbon 1890geographic 2DEPSGEPSG N0 'EPSGvRGM04geographic 2DEPSGEPSG MA 9' EPSGWGS 84 (geographic 3D)geographic 3DEPSGEPSGL. 'EPSGKOCgeographic 2DEPSGEPSGfK> 3'EPSGIAmerican Samoa 1962geographic 2DEPSGEPSGJr ' EPSGUnknown datum based upon the Average Terrestrial System 1977 ellipsoidgeographic 2DEPSGEPSG d }d\H--Ctableconversion_paramconversion_paramCREATE TABLE conversion_param( auth_name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(auth_name) >= 1), code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(code) >= 1), name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(name) >= 2), CONSTRAINT pk_conversion_param PRIMARY KEY (auth_name, code) ) WITHOUT ROWIDL//Gtableconversion_methodconversion_methodCREATE TABLE conversion_method( auth_name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(auth_name) >= 1), code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(code) >= 1), name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(name) >= 2), CONSTRAINT pk_conversion_method PRIMARY KEY (auth_name, code) ) WITHOUT ROWID|%%;tablevertical_crsvertical_crsCREATE TABLE vertical_crs( auth_name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(auth_name) >= 1), code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(code) >= 1), name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(name) >= 2), description TEXT, coordinate_system_auth_name TEXT NOT NULL, coordinate_system_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL, datum_auth_name TEXT NOT NULL, datum_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL, deprecated BOOLEAN NOT NULL CHECK (deprecated IN (0, 1)), CONSTRAINT pk_vertical_crs PRIMARY KEY (auth_name, code), CONSTRAINT fk_vertical_crs_coordinate_system FOREIGN KEY (coordinate_system_auth_name, coordinate_system_code) REFERENCES coordinate_system(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT fk_vertical_crs_datum FOREIGN KEY (datum_auth_name, datum_code) REFERENCES vertical_datum(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE ) WITHOUT ROWID%%Ctablegeodetic_crsgeodetic_crsCREATE TABLE geodetic_crs( auth_name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(auth_name) >= 1), code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(code) >= 1), name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(name) >= 2), description TEXT, type TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (type IN ('geographic 2D', 'geographic 3D', 'geocentric', 'other')), coordinate_system_auth_name TEXT, coordinate_system_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, datum_auth_name TEXT, datum_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, text_definition TEXT, -- PROJ string or WKT string. Use of this is discouraged as prone to definition ambiguities deprecated BOOLEAN NOT NULL CHECK (deprecated IN (0, 1)), CONSTRAINT pk_geodetic_crs PRIMARY KEY (auth_name, code), CONSTRAINT fk_geodetic_crs_coordinate_system FOREIGN KEY (coordinate_system_auth_name, coordinate_system_code) REFERENCES coordinate_system(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT fk_geodetic_crs_datum FOREIGN KEY (datum_auth_name, datum_code) REFERENCES geodetic_datum(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT check_geodetic_crs_cs CHECK (NOT ((coordinate_system_auth_name IS NULL OR coordinate_system_code IS NULL) AND text_definition IS NULL)), CONSTRAINT check_geodetic_crs_cs_bis CHECK (NOT ((NOT(coordinate_system_auth_name IS NULL OR coordinate_system_code IS NULL)) AND text_definition IS NOT NULL)), CONSTRAINT check_geodetic_crs_datum CHECK (NOT ((datum_auth_name IS NULL OR datum_code IS NULL) AND text_definition IS NULL)), CONSTRAINT check_geodetic_crs_datum_bis CHECK (NOT ((NOT(datum_auth_name IS NULL OR datum_code IS NULL)) AND text_definition IS NOT NULL)) ) WITHOUT ROWIDvdWuL YIGNFGUAD88LSIGN 1988 LS (GUADELOUPE / LES SAINTES)EPSGcIGNFREA008ti U1AESRIĄCalifornia_SRS_Epoch_2017.50_(NAD83)ESRIELLPS_HEIGHT_METREESRIfrom_geogdatum_ESRI_106012sH 1=ESRIQSLD99ESRIELLPS_HEIGHT_METREESRIfrom_geogdatum_EPSG_1053rM !1=ESRIKorea_2000ESRIELLPS_HEIGHT_METREESRIfrom_geogdatum_EPSG_6737q2 9EPSGNCCGVD2013a(1997) heightEPSGcEPSG.p) 'EPSGGUVD04 heightEPSGcEPSGfo2 9EPSG|Martinique 1987 heightEPSGcEPSG" =+{M)xb@ { K , Z ; w Z I " u A 1  w R {d?qA+PROJmillPROJ mill/SPROJgstmGauss Schreiber Transverse Mercator!!PROJSINUSOIDALSinusoidalPROJROBINSONRobinsonPROJMOLLWEIDEMollweide7gEPSG&tAxis Order Reversal (Geographic3D horizontal)"=EPSG&sAxis Order Reversal (2D)!;EPSG&rEquidistant Cylindrical$AEPSG&qMercator (1SP) (Spherical)%EPSG&pOrthographic5EPSG&nVertical Perspective,QEPSG&mGeographic/topocentric conversions,QEPSG&lGeocentric/topocentric conversions(IEPSG&kLambert Cylindrical Equal Area4aEPSG&jLambert Cylindrical Equal Area (Spherical)$AEPSG&iHyperbolic Cassini-Soldner(IEPSG&hModified Azimuthal Equidistant+EPSG&gGuam Projection)KEPSG&fPolar Stereographic (variant C))KEPSG&ePolar Stereographic (variant B)"=EPSG&dBonne (South Orientated)EPSG&cBonne3_EPSG&bLambert Conic Conformal (West Orientated)/WEPSG&`Transverse Mercator Zoned Grid System-SEPSG&_Equidistant Cylindrical (Spherical)/EPSG&^Albers Equal Area2]EPSG&]Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area (Spherical)&EEPSG&\Lambert Azimuthal Equal AreaEPSG&[Krovak1EPSG&ZAmerican Polyconic&EEPSG&YLambert Conic Near-Conformal3EPSG&XTunisia Mining Grid-SEPSG&WHotine Oblique Mercator (variant B)"=EPSG&ULaborde Oblique Mercator-SEPSG&THotine Oblique Mercator (variant A)5EPSG&SNew Zealand Map Grid)KEPSG&RPolar Stereographic (variant A)7EPSG&QOblique Stereographic0YEPSG&PTransverse Mercator (South Orientated)3EPSG&OTransverse Mercator+EPSG&NCassini-Soldner5EPSG&MMercator (variant B)5EPSG&LMercator (variant A)/WEPSG&KLambert Conic Conformal (2SP Belgium)'GEPSG&JLambert Conic Conformal (2SP)'GEPSG&ILambert Conic Conformal (1SP)'GEPSG%Geographic3D to 2D conversion+OEPSG%Geographic/geocentric conversions 9EPSGWTransverse Mercator 3D!;EPSGPChange of Vertical Unit#EPSG6Equal Earth7EPSG,Height Depth Reversal)EPSGColombia Urban0YEPSGLambert Conic Conformal (2SP Michigan),QEPSGKrovak Modified (North Orientated)+EPSGKrovak Modified#?EPSGKrovak (North Orientated)-SEPSGEquidistant Cylindrical (Spherical)!;EPSGEquidistant Cylindrical2]EPSGLambert Azimuthal Equal Area (Spherical)/WEPSGPopular Visualisation Pseudo Mercator $ lFyM& u R .  j B &  x E  -EPSG"Viewpoint height,QEPSG"Geocentric Z of topocentric origin,QEPSG"Geocentric Y of topocentric origin,QEPSG"Geocentric X of topocentric origin2]EPSG"Ellipsoidal height of topocentric origin)KEPSG"Longitude of topocentric origin(IEPSG"Latitude of topocentric origin3EPSG"Longitude of origin'GEPSG"Latitude of standard parallel!EPSG"Zone width/EPSG"~Initial longitude'GEPSG"}Spherical longitude of origin&EEPSG"|Spherical latitude of origin"=EPSG"{Northing at false origin!;EPSG"zEasting at false origin+OEPSG"xLatitude of 2nd standard parallel+OEPSG"wLatitude of 1st standard parallel#?EPSG"vLongitude of false origin"=EPSG"uLatitude of false origin2]EPSG"sScale factor on pseudo standard parallel.UEPSG"rLatitude of pseudo standard parallel'GEPSG"qNorthing at projection centre&EEPSG"pEasting at projection centre&EEPSG"oScale factor on initial line+OEPSG"nAngle from Rectified to Skew Grid!;EPSG"mAzimuth of initial line(IEPSG"lLongitude of projection centre'GEPSG"kLatitude of projection centre)EPSG"gFalse northing'EPSG"fFalse easting(IEPSG"eScale factor at natural origin%CEPSG"bLongitude of natural origin$AEPSG"aLatitude of natural origin(IEPSGProjection plane origin height"=EPSGEllipsoid scaling factor"=EPSG Co-latitude of cone axis D + U '2*-+ESRIounnamedEPSG&JEPSG"u@EqqEPSG#EPSG"vVwwwwwEPSG#EPSG"w@E33333EPSG#EPSG"x@FEPSG#EPSG"z EPSG#+EPSG"{EPSG#++ ESRI|unnamedEPSGEPSG"a@!j:EPSG#EPSG"bRJ tEPSG#EPSG"fA1E&EPSG#)EPSG"gA6OsvȴEPSG#)EPSGEPSG#)z,=M  EPSGMPortuguese National GridOriginal transformation by Gauss-Kruger formula. Longitude is referenced to the Lisbon meridian.EPSG&OEPSG"a@C33333EPSG#EPSG"bEPSG#EPSG"eEPSG#EPSG"f @EPSG#)EPSG"gEPSG#),?c EPSGFObservation Point CircuitReplaced Imperial measure circuit in 1972. Replaced by Observation Point 2000 (code 17956) from March 2000.EPSG&OEPSG"aF/EPSG#EPSG"b@eK7EPSG#EPSG"eEPSG#EPSG"fEPSG#)EPSG"g `EPSG#)ނ9,-;EPSGC=SCAR IMW SQ43-44After: Sievers, J. and H. Bennat (1989). "Reference systems of maps and geographic information systems of Antarctica." Antarctic Science 1(4): 351-362.EPSG&JEPSG"uEPSG#EPSG"vNEPSG#EPSG"wPEPSG#EPSG"xPEPSG#EPSG"zEPSG#)EPSG"{EPSG#)ʂ(,G1 EPSG?3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 20Also found with zone truncated from false easting: see 3-degree Gauss-Kruger cm 60E (code 16380). Original transformation by Gauss-Kruger formula.EPSG&OEPSG"aEPSG#EPSG"bkQEPSG#EPSG"x@=.zGEPSG#EPSG"zB@EPSG#)EPSG"{EPSG#)+1 EPSGGKarratha Grid 2020EPSG&OEPSG"aEPSG#EPSG"b@]# =pEPSG#EPSG"e?q&EPSG#EPSG"fPEPSG#)EPSG"g&EPSG#)n,MEPSGInGCS Harrison-Washington (ftUS)See proj code 7195 for authoritative metric definition. Defined by Indiana DOT as two separate zones (one for each county) each having identical defining parameter values: see info source.EPSG&OEPSG"a@B\)EPSG#EPSG"bU\(EPSG#EPSG"e?O3EPSG#EPSG"f EPSG#+EPSG"g^EPSG#+[,?_EPSGzEPSG Arctic LCC zone 4-22May be defined using LCC (1SP) method (EPSG method code 9801) with value of latitude for natural origin as latitude at false origin here and scale factor = 0.9995765501.EPSG&JEPSG"u@RŘhEPSG#EPSG"vEPSG#EPSG"wMEPSG#EPSG"x@RYEPSG#EPSG"zWREPSG#)EPSG"{D EPSG#) YYQ$--{tableconversion_tableconversion_tableCREATE TABLE conversion_table( auth_name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(auth_name) >= 1), code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(code) >= 1), name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(name) >= 2), description TEXT, method_auth_name TEXT CHECK (method_auth_name IS NULL OR length(method_auth_name) >= 1), method_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT CHECK (method_code IS NULL OR length(method_code) >= 1), -- method_name TEXT, param1_auth_name TEXT, param1_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, -- param1_name TEXT, param1_value FLOAT, param1_uom_auth_name TEXT, param1_uom_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, param2_auth_name TEXT, param2_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, --param2_name TEXT, param2_value FLOAT, param2_uom_auth_name TEXT, param2_uom_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, param3_auth_name TEXT, param3_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, --param3_name TEXT, param3_value FLOAT, param3_uom_auth_name TEXT, param3_uom_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, param4_auth_name TEXT, param4_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, --param4_name TEXT, param4_value FLOAT, param4_uom_auth_name TEXT, param4_uom_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, param5_auth_name TEXT, param5_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, --param5_name TEXT, param5_value FLOAT, param5_uom_auth_name TEXT, param5_uom_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, param6_auth_name TEXT, param6_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, --param6_name TEXT, param6_value FLOAT, param6_uom_auth_name TEXT, param6_uom_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, param7_auth_name TEXT, param7_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, --param7_name TEXT, param7_value FLOAT, param7_uom_auth_name TEXT, param7_uom_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, deprecated BOOLEAN NOT NULL CHECK (deprecated IN (0, 1)), CONSTRAINT pk_conversion PRIMARY KEY (auth_name, code), CONSTRAINT fk_conversion_method FOREIGN KEY (method_auth_name, method_code) REFERENCES conversion_method(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, --CONSTRAINT fk_conversion_coordinate_operation FOREIGN KEY (auth_name, code) REFERENCES coordinate_operation(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT fk_conversion_param1_uom FOREIGN KEY (param1_uom_auth_name, param1_uom_code) REFERENCES unit_of_measure(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT fk_conversion_param2_uom FOREIGN KEY (param2_uom_auth_name, param2_uom_code) REFERENCES unit_of_measure(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT fk_conversion_param3_uom FOREIGN KEY (param3_uom_auth_name, param3_uom_code) REFERENCES unit_of_measure(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT fk_conversion_param4_uom FOREIGN KEY (param4_uom_auth_name, param4_uom_code) REFERENCES unit_of_measure(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT fk_conversion_param5_uom FOREIGN KEY (param5_uom_auth_name, param5_uom_code) REFERENCES unit_of_measure(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT fk_conversion_param6_uom FOREIGN KEY (param6_uom_auth_name, param6_uom_code) REFERENCES unit_of_measure(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT fk_conversion_param7_uom FOREIGN KEY (param7_uom_auth_name, param7_uom_code) REFERENCES unit_of_measure(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE ) WITHOUT ROWID R H Rti {IAU_2015Anthe (2015) - Sphere / Ocentric / Sinusoidal, clon = 0EPSG0IAU_2015IAU_2015< 9 ESRIlETRF_1989_UTM_Zone_32NEPSG0EPSG#cEPSG>B EESRINAD_1983_CORS96_UTM_Zone_18NEPSG0EPSGEPSG>i1ESRIWorld_Plate_CarreeEPSGPROJCS["World_Plate_Carree",GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",DATUM["D_WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION["Plate_Carree"],PARAMETER["False_Easting",0.0],PARAMETER["False_Northing",0.0],PARAMETER["Central_Meridian",0.0],UNIT["Meter",1.0]]D KEPSGNAD83(2011) / WISCRS Monroe (m)EPSGEPSGEPSGV bbZtCCotablecoordinate_operation_methodcoordinate_operation_method!CREATE TABLE coordinate_operation_method( auth_name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(auth_name) >= 1), code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(code) >= 1), name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(name) >= 2), CONSTRAINT pk_coordinate_operation_method PRIMARY KEY (auth_name, code) ) WITHOUT ROWIDY%%utablecompound_crscompound_crs CREATE TABLE compound_crs( auth_name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(auth_name) >= 1), code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(code) >= 1), name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(name) >= 2), description TEXT, horiz_crs_auth_name TEXT NOT NULL, horiz_crs_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL, vertical_crs_auth_name TEXT NOT NULL, vertical_crs_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL, deprecated BOOLEAN NOT NULL CHECK (deprecated IN (0, 1)), CONSTRAINT pk_compound_crs PRIMARY KEY (auth_name, code), CONSTRAINT fk_compound_crs_vertical_crs FOREIGN KEY (vertical_crs_auth_name, vertical_crs_code) REFERENCES vertical_crs(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE ) WITHOUT ROWIDH''Otableprojected_crsprojected_crsCREATE TABLE projected_crs( auth_name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(auth_name) >= 1), code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(code) >= 1), name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(name) >= 2), description TEXT, coordinate_system_auth_name TEXT, coordinate_system_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, geodetic_crs_auth_name TEXT, geodetic_crs_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, conversion_auth_name TEXT, conversion_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, text_definition TEXT, -- PROJ string or WKT string. Use of this is discouraged as prone to definition ambiguities deprecated BOOLEAN NOT NULL CHECK (deprecated IN (0, 1)), CONSTRAINT pk_projected_crs PRIMARY KEY (auth_name, code), CONSTRAINT fk_projected_crs_coordinate_system FOREIGN KEY (coordinate_system_auth_name, coordinate_system_code) REFERENCES coordinate_system(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT fk_projected_crs_geodetic_crs FOREIGN KEY (geodetic_crs_auth_name, geodetic_crs_code) REFERENCES geodetic_crs(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT fk_projected_crs_conversion FOREIGN KEY (conversion_auth_name, conversion_code) REFERENCES conversion_table(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT check_projected_crs_cs CHECK (NOT((coordinate_system_auth_name IS NULL OR coordinate_system_code IS NULL) AND text_definition IS NULL)), CONSTRAINT check_projected_crs_cs_bis CHECK (NOT((NOT(coordinate_system_auth_name IS NULL OR coordinate_system_code IS NULL)) AND text_definition IS NOT NULL)), CONSTRAINT check_projected_crs_geodetic_crs CHECK (NOT((geodetic_crs_auth_name IS NULL OR geodetic_crs_code IS NULL) AND text_definition IS NULL)), CONSTRAINT check_projected_crs_conversion CHECK (NOT((NOT(conversion_auth_name IS NULL OR conversion_code IS NULL)) AND text_definition IS NOT NULL)) ) WITHOUT ROWID 9w"R r r 8p %IGNFWGS72G.NGC48WGS72 geographiques (dms) et NIVELLEMENT GENERAL DE LA CORSE (NGC)IGNFWGS72GIGNFNGC487^ %oIGNFRRAFG.GUAD88RRAF geographiques (dms) et IGN 1988 (GUADELOUPE)IGNFRRAFGIGNFGUAD886z 1 #IGNFRGFG95UTM21.GUYA77RGFG95 UTM Nord f.21 et NIVELLEMENT GENERAL DE GUYANE (NGG) 1977IGNFRGFG95UTM21IGNFGUYA775{ -IGNFRGAF09G.GUAD88SMRGAF09 geographiques (dms) et IGN 1988 SM (GUADELOUPE / SAINT-MARTIN)IGNFRGAF09GIGNFGUAD88SM4{ )IGNFMAYO50G.MAYO53Combani triangulation IGN 1950 geographiques (dms) et SHOM 1953 (MAYOTTE)IGNFMAYO50GIGNFMAYO533 57#IGNFETRS89UTM35.EVRF2000ETRS89 UTM Nord fuseau 35 et EVRF2000 (UELN-95/98)(EUROPEAN VERTICAL REFERENCE FRAME)IGNFETRS89UTM35IGNFEVRF20002B YEPSGNFNAD83(CSRS)v3 + CGVD2013a(1997) heightEPSG 0EPSGNC17 CEPSG&"ECML14_NB Grid + ODN heightEPSG&!EPSGE0> QEPSG$ETRS89 + EVRF2019 mean-tide heightEPSGEPSG$/L mEPSG"BNAD83 / Ohio South (ftUS) + NAVD88 height (ftUS)EPSGEPSG.P uEPSG"NAD83 / Colorado North (ftUS) + NAVD88 height (ftUS)EPSGEPSG-? SEPSG(JGD2000 + JGD2000 (vertical) heightEPSGEPSG&,@ UEPSGPETRS89 / NTM zone 28 + NN2000 heightEPSGEPSG5  `U#E j / `/WEPSG%Molodensky-Badekas (CF geog2D domain)3_EPSG%Coordinate Frame rotation (geog2D domain)8iEPSG%Position Vector transformation (geog2D domain)1[EPSG%Geocentric translations (geog2D domain):mEPSG*Time-specific Coordinate Frame rotation (geocen):mEPSG)Time-specific Position Vector transform (geocen)/WEPSG'Molodensky-Badekas (PV geog2D domain)3_EPSG%Molodensky-Badekas (PV geocentric domain);oEPSG!Time-dependent Coordinate Frame rotation (geog2D);oEPSG Time-dependent Coordinate Frame rotation (geocen)5cEPSGTime-dependent Position Vector tfm (geog2D)9kEPSGTime-dependent Position Vector tfm (geocentric)1[EPSG Geocentric translations (geog3D domain)1[EPSG Geocentric translations (geog3D domain)<qEPSG Position Vector transformation (geocentric domain)7gEPSGCoordinate Frame rotation (geocentric domain)5cEPSGGeocentric translations (geocentric domain) J  6Gmρ@0AqIGNFTSG757_TAHI79G_TO_WGS84GDDIGN79 (TAHITI 1979) ILES DE LA SOCIETE vers WGS 84EPSG%IGNFTAHI79GIGNFWGS84GDD@dQ@]33333@c6zGEPSG#)1.0.01CEIGNFTSG1006_IGN63GEO_TO_RGPFGEOIGN 1963 (HIVA OA - TAHUATA - MOHOTANI) vers RGPF (RESEAU GEODESIQUE DE POLYNESIE FRANCAISE)EPSG IGNFIGN63GEOIGNFRGPFGEO@y7Kƨ@KE@T/vȴ9EPSG#) Ϫ͞S&EPSG#@1T7EPSG#1.0.0605u EPSG>&ELD79 to LGD2006 (1)Derived at 29 stations throughout Libya in May 2006.EPSG%EPSG?EPSGW#KƧ%eO@bSMjEPSG#)SDL-Lbyi19 EPSG'tITRF91 to ITRF2020 (1)IERS describes CT in opposite direction. Parameter values derived from the those between ITRF2020, ITRF2014 and ITRF2008 and those published between earlier realizations. Scale difference in ppb and scale difference rate in ppb/yr where 1/billion = 1E-9.EPSGEPSG1EPSG'?zG{:(333333@VEPSG =p EPSGzGEPSG?333333@EPSGzG{EPSGQEPSGEPSGIERS-Wld_11i % EPSG"CR05 to WGS 84 (2)Parameter vales are from CR05 to CR-SIRGAS (1) (code 8913) assuming that CR-SIRGAS (ITRF08 (IGb08)@2014.59) is equivalent to WGS 84 within the accuracy of the transformation.EPSG%EPSGEPSGŵ D?֙?9m EPSG#)TɅoi?`A7L RiEPSG#?},{ EPSG#IGN-Cri 2014m1=7EPSGEgypt 1907 to WGS 84 (4)Derived at 30 stations throughout Egypt 1907 network. Accuracy determined at 15 stations 0.7m in each axis. Unified transformation for whole country.EPSG%EPSGEPSG?333333_=p @\_zH)ffffffEPSG#)?@é"u'^cEPSG#@Y~($ EPSG#AR.nPAFyAEozEPSG#)SRI-Egys1;/#EPSGjS-JTSK/05 to ETRS89 (1)Derived through the relationship between the R05 realisation of ETRS89 and the astrogeodetic S-JTSK network. Replaces tfm code 1622. May be taken as approximate transformation S-JTSK to WGS 84 - see code 5227.EPSG%EPSGlEPSG@9Xb@UU`A7L@| =pEPSG#)䎊qjvȴ9X\NEPSG\(@wAQ@ewO;dEPSG#)Amoco-Tto Trin 66.GEEtablehelmert_transformation_tablehelmert_transformation_table"CREATE TABLE helmert_transformation_table( auth_name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(auth_name) >= 1), code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(code) >= 1), name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(name) >= 2), description TEXT, method_auth_name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(method_auth_name) >= 1), method_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(method_code) >= 1), --method_name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(method_name) >= 2), source_crs_auth_name TEXT NOT NULL, source_crs_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL, target_crs_auth_name TEXT NOT NULL, target_crs_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL, accuracy FLOAT CHECK (accuracy >= 0), tx FLOAT NOT NULL, ty FLOAT NOT NULL, tz FLOAT NOT NULL, translation_uom_auth_name TEXT NOT NULL, translation_uom_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL, rx FLOAT, ry FLOAT, rz FLOAT, rotation_uom_auth_name TEXT, rotation_uom_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, scale_difference FLOAT, scale_difference_uom_auth_name TEXT, scale_difference_uom_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, rate_tx FLOAT, rate_ty FLOAT, rate_tz FLOAT, rate_translation_uom_auth_name TEXT, rate_translation_uom_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, rate_rx FLOAT, rate_ry FLOAT, rate_rz FLOAT, rate_rotation_uom_auth_name TEXT, rate_rotation_uom_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, rate_scale_difference FLOAT, rate_scale_difference_uom_auth_name TEXT, rate_scale_difference_uom_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, epoch FLOAT, epoch_uom_auth_name TEXT, epoch_uom_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, px FLOAT, -- Pivot / evaluation point for Molodensky-Badekas py FLOAT, pz FLOAT, pivot_uom_auth_name TEXT, pivot_uom_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, operation_version TEXT, -- normally mandatory in OGC Topic 2 but optional here deprecated BOOLEAN NOT NULL CHECK (deprecated IN (0, 1)), CONSTRAINT pk_helmert_transformation PRIMARY KEY (auth_name, code), CONSTRAINT fk_helmert_transformation_source_crs FOREIGN KEY (source_crs_auth_name, source_crs_code) REFERENCES geodetic_crs(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT fk_helmert_transformation_target_crs FOREIGN KEY (target_crs_auth_name, target_crs_code) REFERENCES geodetic_crs(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT fk_helmert_transformation_method FOREIGN KEY (method_auth_name, method_code) REFERENCES coordinate_operation_method(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, --CONSTRAINT fk_helmert_transformation_coordinate_operation FOREIGN KEY (auth_name, code) REFERENCES coordinate_operation(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT fk_helmert_translation_uom FOREIGN KEY (translation_uom_auth_name, translation_uom_code) REFERENCES unit_of_measure(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT fk_helmert_rotation_uom FOREIGN KEY (rotation_uom_auth_name, rotation_uom_code) REFERENCES unit_of_measure(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT fk_helmert_scale_difference_uom FOREIGN KEY (scale_difference_uom_auth_name, scale_difference_uom_code) REFERENCES unit_of_measure(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT fk_helmert_rate_translation_uom FOREIGN KEY (rate_translation_uom_auth_name, rate_translation_uom_code) REFERENCES unit_of_measure(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT fk_helmert_rate_rotation_uom FOREIGN KEY (rate_rotation_uom_auth_name, rate_rotation_uom_code) REFERENCES unit_of_measure(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT fk_helmert_rate_scale_difference_uom FOREIGN KEY (rate_scale_difference_uom_auth_name, rate_scale_difference_uom_code) REFERENCES unit_of_measure(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT fk_helmert_epoch_uom FOREIGN KEY (epoch_uom_auth_name, epoch_uom_code) REFERENCES unit_of_measure(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT fk_helmert_pivot_uom FOREIGN KEY (pivot_uom_auth_name, pivot_uom_code) REFERENCES unit_of_measure(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE ) WITHOUT ROWID: u -E1k U/+EPSG'zETRS89 to SVD2006 height (1)For reversible alternative see ETRS89 to ETRS89 + SVD2006 height (1) (code 10107).EPSGGeographic3D to GravityRelatedHeight (Gravsoft)EPSGIEPSGN EPSG!Geoid (height correction) model filearcgp-2006-sk.binNMA-Sjm SV 2006 EAmqU/5EPSG%GDA2020 to AVWS height (2)AGQG is used to realise AVWS. Uncertainties (4-8 cm across mainland Australia) given in accompanying file AGQG_uncertainty_20201120.gsb. For reversible alternative to this transformation see GDA2020 to GDA2020 + AVWS height (2) (code 9693).EPSGGeographic3D to GravityRelatedHeight (AUSGeoid v2)EPSGEPSG$?EPSG!Geoid (height correction) model fileAGQG_20201120.gsbGA-Aus AGQG 20201120I iU-)EPSG$RGNC91-93 to NGNC08 height (1)Geoid model RANC08 realizes NGNC08 height (CRS code 9351) to a precision of 2-5cm. For reversible alternative to this transformation see RGNC91-93 to RGNC91-93 + NGNC08 height (1) (code 9640).EPSG1Geographic3D to GravityRelatedHeight (IGN2009)EPSG+EPSG$?QEPSG!Geoid (height correction) model fileRanc08_Circe.mntBGN-Ncl RANC08'5YC1EPSG GDA94 to GDA2020 (3)Gives identical results to Helmert transformation GDA94 to GDA2020 (1) (code 8048). See GDA94 to GDA2020 (2) (code 8447) for alternative with local distortion modelling included. GDA2020 Technical Manual and fact sheet T1 give guidance on which to use.EPSG%NTv2EPSGEPSG?EPSG!Latitude and longitude difference fileGDA94_GDA2020_conformal.gsbICSM-Aus NTv2 ConfD5C=!?!#EPSGNAD83 to WGS 84 (46)Parameter files are from NAD83 to NAD83(HARN) (32) (code 1521) assuming that NAD83(HARN) is equivalent to WGS 84 within the accuracy of the transformation.EPSG%NADCONEPSGEPSGEPSG!Latitude difference fileinhpgn.lasEPSG!Longitude difference fileinhpgn.losEPSG-Usa IN tgtlp''tablegrid_packagesgrid_packages&CREATE TABLE grid_packages( package_name TEXT NOT NULL NULL PRIMARY KEY, -- package name that contains the file description TEXT, url TEXT, -- optional URL where to download the PROJ grid direct_download BOOLEAN CHECK (direct_download IN (0, 1)), -- whether the URL can be used directly (if 0, authentication etc mightbe needed) open_license BOOLEAN CHECK (open_license IN (0, 1)) ) WITHOUT ROWID33Stablegrid_transformationgrid_transformation$CREATE TABLE grid_transformation( auth_name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(auth_name) >= 1), code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(code) >= 1), name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(name) >= 2), description TEXT, method_auth_name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(method_auth_name) >= 1), method_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(method_code) >= 1), method_name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(method_name) >= 2), source_crs_auth_name TEXT NOT NULL, source_crs_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL, target_crs_auth_name TEXT NOT NULL, target_crs_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL, accuracy FLOAT CHECK (accuracy >= 0), grid_param_auth_name TEXT NOT NULL, grid_param_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL, grid_param_name TEXT NOT NULL, grid_name TEXT NOT NULL, grid2_param_auth_name TEXT, grid2_param_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, grid2_param_name TEXT, grid2_name TEXT, interpolation_crs_auth_name TEXT, interpolation_crs_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, operation_version TEXT, -- normally mandatory in OGC Topic 2 but optional here deprecated BOOLEAN NOT NULL CHECK (deprecated IN (0, 1)), CONSTRAINT pk_grid_transformation PRIMARY KEY (auth_name, code), --CONSTRAINT fk_grid_transformation_coordinate_operation FOREIGN KEY (auth_name, code) REFERENCES coordinate_operation(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, --CONSTRAINT fk_grid_transformation_source_crs FOREIGN KEY (source_crs_auth_name, source_crs_code) REFERENCES crs(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, --CONSTRAINT fk_grid_transformation_target_crs FOREIGN KEY (target_crs_auth_name, target_crs_code) REFERENCES crs(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT fk_grid_transformation_interpolation_crs FOREIGN KEY (interpolation_crs_auth_name, interpolation_crs_code) REFERENCES geodetic_crs(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE ) WITHOUT ROWID  ^N  e w ; n]2 gK;!u stewartisland-1977-to-nzvd2016-conversion.csvnz_linz_stisht1977-nzvd2016.tifstisht1977-nzvd2016.gtxGTiffvgridshifthttps://cdn.proj.org/nz_linz_stisht1977-nzvd2016.tif\ ; +!7 netherlands/rdtrans2008rdtrans2008.gsbNTv2hgridshifthttps://salsa.debian.org/debian-gis-team/proj-rdnap/raw/upstream/2008/rdtrans2008.gsb[G {m nadcon5.nad83_1993.nad83_pa11.hawaii.lat.trn.20160901.bus_noaa_nadcon5_nad83_1993_nad83_pa11_hawaii.tifGTiffgridshifthttps://cdn.proj.org/us_noaa_nadcon5_nad83_1993_nad83_pa11_hawaii.tifZo 77!a jp_gsi_gsigeo2011.tifjp_gsi_gsigeo2011.tifGTiffgeoid_likehttps://cdn.proj.org/jp_gsi_gsigeo2011.tifYB 99+!c http://geodesie.ign.fr/contenu/fichiers/documentation/grilles/outremer/RALDW842016.mntfr_ign_RALDW842016.tifRALDW842016.gtxGTiffgeoid_likehttps://cdn.proj.org/fr_ign_RALDW842016.tifXt %7)!a ggg00_sb.txtfr_ign_ggg00_sbv2.tifggg00_sbv2.gtxGTiffgeoid_likehttps://cdn.proj.org/fr_ign_ggg00_sbv2.tifWp %5%!_ g1999u03.binus_noaa_g1999u03.tifg1999u03.gtxGTiffgeoid_likehttps://cdn.proj.org/us_noaa_g1999u03.tifV- ]K;!u auckland-1946-to-nzvd2016-conversion.csvnz_linz_auckht1946-nzvd2016.tifauckht1946-nzvd2016.gtxGTiffvgridshifthttps://cdn.proj.org/nz_linz_auckht1946-nzvd2016.tifUr %5)!_ SH50_DAT.htmau_ga_AUSGeoid98.tifAUSGeoid98.gtxGTiffgeoid_likehttps://cdn.proj.org/au_ga_AUSGeoid98.tifTr '5'!_ RASPM2018.mntfr_ign_RASPM2018.tifRASPM2018.gtxGTiffgeoid_likehttps://cdn.proj.org/fr_ign_RASPM2018.tifS k=-!g NOT-YET-IN-GRID-TRANSFORMATION-naptrans2018.gtxnl_nsgi_naptrans2018.tifnaptrans2018.gtxGTiffgeoid_likehttps://cdn.proj.org/nl_nsgi_naptrans2018.tifR A!k NOT-YET-IN-GRID-TRANSFORMATION-fr_ign_CGVD2013RGSPM06.tiffr_ign_CGVD2013RGSPM06.tifGTiffgeoid_likehttps://cdn.proj.org/fr_ign_CGVD2013RGSPM06.tifQ, CSC!} GDA94_GDA2020_conformal.gsbau_icsm_GDA94_GDA2020_conformal.tifGDA94_GDA2020_conformal.gsbGTiffhgridshifthttps://cdn.proj.org/au_icsm_GDA94_GDA2020_conformal.tif 55Etableother_transformationother_transformation)CREATE TABLE other_transformation( auth_name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(auth_name) >= 1), code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(code) >= 1), name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(name) >= 2), description TEXT, -- if method_auth_name = 'PROJ', method_code can be 'PROJString' for a -- PROJ string and then method_name is a PROJ string (typically a pipeline) -- if method_auth_name = 'PROJ', method_code ca*//_tablegrid_alternativesgrid_alternatives'CREATE TABLE grid_alternatives( original_grid_name TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, -- original grid name (e.g. Und_min2.5x2.5_egm2008_isw=82_WGS84_TideFree.gz). For LOS/LAS format, the .las files proj_grid_name TEXT NOT NULL, -- PROJ >= 7 grid name (e.g us_nga_egm08_25.tif) old_proj_grid_name TEXT, -- PROJ < 7 grid name (e.g egm08_25.gtx) proj_grid_format TEXT NOT NULL, -- 'GTiff', 'GTX', 'NTv2', JSON proj_method TEXT NOT NULL, -- gridshift, hgridshift, vgridshift, geoid_like, geocentricoffset, tinshift or velocity_grid inverse_direction BOOLEAN NOT NULL CHECK (inverse_direction IN (0, 1)), -- whether the PROJ grid direction is reversed w.r.t to the authority one (TRUE in that case) package_name TEXT, -- no longer used. Must be NULL url TEXT, -- optional URL where to download the PROJ grid direct_download BOOLEAN CHECK (direct_download IN (0, 1)), -- whether the URL can be used directly (if 0, authentication etc might be needed) open_license BOOLEAN CHECK (open_license IN (0, 1)), directory TEXT, -- optional directory where the file might be located CONSTRAINT fk_grid_alternatives_grid_packages FOREIGN KEY (package_name) REFERENCES grid_packages(package_name) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT check_grid_alternatives_grid_fromat CHECK (proj_grid_format IN ('GTiff', 'GTX', 'NTv2', 'JSON')), CONSTRAINT check_grid_alternatives_proj_method CHECK (proj_method IN ('gridshift', 'hgridshift', 'vgridshift', 'geoid_like', 'geocentricoffset', 'tinshift', 'velocity_grid')), CONSTRAINT check_grid_alternatives_inverse_direction CHECK (NOT(proj_method = 'geoid_like' AND inverse_direction = 1)), CONSTRAINT check_grid_alternatives_package_name CHECK (package_name IS NULL), CONSTRAINT check_grid_alternatives_direct_download_url CHECK (NOT(direct_download IS NULL AND url IS NOT NULL)), CONSTRAINT check_grid_alternatives_open_license_url CHECK (NOT(open_license IS NULL AND url IS NOT NULL)), CONSTRAINT check_grid_alternatives_constraint_cdn CHECK (NOT(url LIKE 'https://cdn.proj.org/%' AND (direct_download = 0 OR open_license = 0 OR url != 'https://cdn.proj.org/' || proj_grid_name))), CONSTRAINT check_grid_alternatives_tinshift CHECK ((proj_grid_format != 'JSON' AND proj_method != 'tinshift') OR (proj_grid_format = 'JSON' AND proj_method = 'tinshift')) ) WITHOUT ROWID } Xq<GM;9 EPSGyMSL depth to MSL depth (ftUS)Change of unit from metre to US survey foot (ftUS). 1 ftUS = (12/39.37)m ≈ 0.304800609601219m.EPSG-Change of Vertical UnitEPSGSEPSGuEPSGUnit conversion scalar@ ?%XEPSG#p~<5?eeMO!EPSG_D48/GK to D96/TM (7)Information source gives rotation angle of source CRS axes as 359.9989361857° using opposite rotation convention to EPSG formula.EPSG%Similarity transformationEPSGHEPSG?əEPSG!Ordinate 1 of evaluation point in target CRSwKƧEPSG#)EPSG!Ordinate 2 of evaluation point in target CRS@~ۍO;dEPSG#)EPSG%Scale factor for source CRS axes? xEPSG#EPSG!Rotation angle of source CRS axes?Qm)=EPSG#GuRS-Svn 7n be 'WKT' for a -- PROJ string and then method_name is a WKT string (CoordinateOperation) method_auth_name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(method_auth_name) >= 1), method_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(method_code) >= 1), method_name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(method_name) >= 2), source_crs_auth_name TEXT NOT NULL, source_crs_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL, target_crs_auth_name TEXT NOT NULL, target_crs_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL, accuracy FLOAT CHECK (accuracy >= 0), param1_auth_name TEXT, param1_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, param1_name TEXT, param1_value FLOAT, param1_uom_auth_name TEXT, param1_uom_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, param2_auth_name TEXT, param2_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, param2_name TEXT, param2_value FLOAT, param2_uom_auth_name TEXT, param2_uom_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, param3_auth_name TEXT, param3_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, param3_name TEXT, param3_value FLOAT, param3_uom_auth_name TEXT, param3_uom_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, param4_auth_name TEXT, param4_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, param4_name TEXT, param4_value FLOAT, param4_uom_auth_name TEXT, param4_uom_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, param5_auth_name TEXT, param5_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, param5_name TEXT, param5_value FLOAT, param5_uom_auth_name TEXT, param5_uom_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, param6_auth_name TEXT, param6_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, param6_name TEXT, param6_value FLOAT, param6_uom_auth_name TEXT, param6_uom_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, param7_auth_name TEXT, param7_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, param7_name TEXT, param7_value FLOAT, param7_uom_auth_name TEXT, param7_uom_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, interpolation_crs_auth_name TEXT, interpolation_crs_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT, operation_version TEXT, -- normally mandatory in OGC Topic 2 but optional here deprecated BOOLEAN NOT NULL CHECK (deprecated IN (0, 1)), CONSTRAINT pk_other_transformation PRIMARY KEY (auth_name, code), --CONSTRAINT fk_other_transformation_coordinate_operation FOREIGN KEY (auth_name, code) REFERENCES coordinate_operation(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, --CONSTRAINT fk_other_transformation_source_crs FOREIGN1 KEY (source_crs_auth_name, source_crs_code) REFERENCES crs(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, --CONSTRAINT fk_other_transformation_target_crs FOREIGN KEY (target_crs_auth_name, target_crs_code) REFERENCES crs(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT fk_other_transformation_param1_uom FOREIGN KEY (param1_uom_auth_name, param1_uom_code) REFERENCES unit_of_measure(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT fk_other_transformation_param2_uom FOREIGN KEY (param2_uom_auth_name, param2_uom_code) REFERENCES unit_of_measure(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT fk_other_transformation_param3_uom FOREIGN KEY (param3_uom_auth_name, param3_uom_code) REFERENCES unit_of_measure(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT fk_other_transformation_param4_uom FOREIGN KEY (param4_uom_auth_name, param4_uom_code) REFERENCES unit_of_measure(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT fk_other_transformation_param5_uom FOREIGN KEY (param5_uom_auth_name, param5_uom_code) REFERENCES unit_of_measure(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT fk_other_transformation_param6_uom FOREIGN KEY (param6_uom_auth_name, param6_uom_code) REFERENCES unit_of_measure(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT fk_other_transformation_param7_uom FOREIGN KEY (param7_uom_auth_name, param7_uom_code) REFERENCES unit_of_measure(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT fk_other_transformation_interpolation_crs FOREIGN KEY (interpolation_crs_auth_name, interpolation_crs_code) REFERENCES geodetic_crs(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT check_other_transformation_method CHECK (NOT (method_auth_name = 'PROJ' AND method_code NOT IN ('PROJString', 'WKT'))) ) WITHOUT ROWID r   / - t3 Og PROJOLD_HAWAIIAN_TO_NAD83_HARN_HAWAIIOld Hawaiian to NAD83(HARN) (NADCON5, Hawaii)Transformation based on concatenation of NADCON5 transformationsEPSG'EPSG8?GzH c} PROJNAD83_HARN_CORRECTED_TO_NAD83_NSRS2007_PRVINAD83(HARN Corrected) to NAD83(NSRS2007) (NADCON5, PRVI)Transformation based on concatenation of NADCON5 transformationsEPSG!aEPSG?Q 99NKGITRF2000_TO_NKG_ETRF00ITRF2000 to NKG_ETRF00Time-dependent transformation from ITRF2000 to NKG_ETRF00EPSG7NKGETRF00?zG{NKG 2008 m{%EPSG'INAGeoid2020 v1 height to INAGeoid v2 height (1)In central Java INAGeoid2020 v2 height minus INAGeoid2020 v1 height is approximately +0.2m (v1 surface is above the v2 surface). This difference varies significantly across Indonesia.EPSG$EPSGND?əBIG-Idn 2022| ? EPSG!Manoca 1962 to WGS 84 (1)Derived via WGS72BE. Can be used as a single positon vector transformation with parameter vaues of dX = -56.7 m, dY = -171.8 m, dZ = -40.6 m, rX = rY = 0 sec, rZ = 0.814 sec, dS = -0.38 ppmEPSGaEPSGOGP-Cmrf 5M#EPSG!NAD27 to WGS 84 (67)Transformation steps are from NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (21) (code 8480) assuming that NAD83(HARN) is equivalent to WGS 84 within the accuracy of the transformation.EPSGEPSG?EPSG-Usa OKf 5M#EPSG!NAD27 to WGS 84 (49)Transformation steps are from NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (10) (code 8469) assuming that NAD83(HARN) is equivalent to WGS 84 within the accuracy of the transformation.EPSGEPSG?EPSG-Usa KYr AY#EPSG!Old Hawaiian to WGS 84 (2)Transformation steps are from Old Hawaiian to NAD83(HARN) (1) (code 8508) assuming that NAD83(HARN) is equivalent to WGS 84 within the accuracy of the transformation.EPSG'EPSG?EPSG-Usa Hi ?#EPSG!TIndian 1960 to WGS 84 (1)May be implemented as a single transformation using position vector 7-parameter geocentric transformation method with parameter values dX=+199m dY=+931m dZ=+318.9m rX=rY=0 sec rZ=+0.814 sec dS=-0.38 ppm.EPSG#EPSGPV-Vnm ?#!EPSG!NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (16)May be taken as approximate transformation NAD27 to WGS 84 - see code 8613.EPSGEPSG8?əNGS-Usa NEB 3 / EPSG AGD66 to WGS 84 (6)Approximation at the +/- 1m level assuming that GDA94 is equivalent to WGS 84. Superseded by AGD66 to WGS 84 (11) (code 8578).EPSGjEPSGEPSG-Aus Vic 0.1m 1+ EPSG RT90 to WGS 84 (1)Approximation at the +/- 1m level assuming that ETRF89 is equivalent to WGS 84.EPSGEPSGEPSG-Swe % OQ%x#!!;tablealias_namealias_name/CREATE TABLE alias_name( table_name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (table_name IN ( 'unit_of_measure', 'celestial_body', 'ellipsoid', 'extent', 'prime_meridian', 'geodetic_datum', 'vertical_datum', 'geodetic_crs', 'projected_crs', 'vertical_crs', 'compound_crs', 'conversion', 'grid_transformation', 'helmert_transformation', 'other_transformation', 'concatenated_operation')), auth_name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(auth_name) >= 1), code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(code) >= 1), alt_name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(alt_name) >= 2), source TEXT )."###tablegeoid_modelgeoid_model.CREATE TABLE geoid_model( name TEXT NOT NULL, operation_auth_name TEXT NOT NULL, operation_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT pk_geoid_model PRIMARY KEY (name, operation_auth_name, operation_code) -- CONSTRAINT fk_geoid_model_operation FOREIGN KEY (operation_auth_name, operation_code) REFERENCES coordinate_operation(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE ) WITHOUT ROWID{!CC}tableconcatenated_operation_stepconcatenated_operation_step-CREATE TABLE concatenated_operation_step( operation_auth_name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(operation_auth_name) >= 1), operation_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(operation_code) >= 1), step_number INTEGER NOT NULL CHECK (step_number >= 1), step_auth_name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(step_auth_name) >= 1), step_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(step_code) >= 1), CONSTRAINT pk_concatenated_operation_step PRIMARY KEY (operation_auth_name, operation_code, step_number) --CONSTRAINT fk_concatenated_operation_step_to_operation FOREIGN KEY (step_auth_name, step_code) REFERENCES coordinate_operation(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE ) WITHOUT ROWID> 99tableconcatenated_operationconcatenated_operation+CREATE TABLE concatenated_operation( auth_name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(auth_name) >= 1), code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(code) >= 1), name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (length(name) >= 2), description TEXT, source_crs_auth_name TEXT NOT NULL, source_crs_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL, target_crs_auth_name TEXT NOT NULL, target_crs_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL, accuracy FLOAT CHECK (accuracy >= 0), operation_version TEXT, -- normally mandatory in OGC Topic 2 but optional here deprecated BOOLEAN NOT NULL CHECK (deprecated IN (0, 1)), CONSTRAINT pk_concatenated_operation PRIMARY KEY (auth_name, code) --CONSTRAINT fk_concatenated_operation_coordinate_operation FOREIGN KEY (auth_name, code) REFERENCES coordinate_operation(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, --CONSTRAINT fk_concatenated_operation_source_crs FOREIGN KEY (source_crs_auth_name, source_crs_code) REFERENCES crs(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, --CONSTRAINT fk_concatenated_operation_target_crs FOREIGN KEY (target_crs_auth_name, target_crs_code) REFERENCES crs(auth_name, code) ON DELETE CASCADE, ) WITHOUT ROWIDI|I.GPROJPUERTO_RICO_TO_NAD83_FBN_PRVIEPSG!.GPROJNAD27_TO_NAD83_NSRS2007_CONUSEPSG") NKGITRF2000_TO_EEEPSG EPSG!EPSGEPSG!$EPSG A ^lYF3  ubO<) t b P > ,   n ] L ; *   o ^OSGM15EPSG&OSGM15EPSG&OSGM15EPSG&OSGM15EPSG&OSGM15EPSG&OSGM15EPSG&OSGM15EPSG%xOSGM15EPSG%wOSGM15EPSG%vOSGM15EPSG%uOSGM15EPSG%tOSGM15EPSG%sOSGM15EPSG%rOSGM15EPSG%qOSGM15EPSG%pOSGM15EPSGOSGM15EPSGOSGM15EPSG%OSGM15EPSG$OSGM15EPSG#OSGM15EPSG"OSGM15EPSG!OSGM15EPSG OSGM15EPSG#9GGM10PROJEPSG_6364_TO_EPSG_5703GEOID99EPSG#GEOID99EPSG#GEOID99EPSG#GEOID99EPSG#GEOID99EPSG#GEOID99EPSG#GEOID99EPSG#GEOID99EPSG#GEOID18EPSG%GEOID18EPSG%GEOID18EPSG%{GEOID18EPSG$GEOID18EPSG$GEOID18EPSG$ GEOID12BEPSG%GEOID12BEPSG%GEOID12BEPSG%GEOID12BEPSG%|GEOID12BEPSGGEOID12BEPSGGEOID12BEPSGGEOID12BEPSGGEOID12BEPSGGEOID12BEPSGGEOID12BEPSGGEOID12AEPSG%GEOID12AEPSG%GEOID12AEPSG%GEOID12AEPSG%|GEOID12AEPSGGEOID12AEPSGGEOID12AEPSGGEOID12AEPSGGEOID12AEPSGGEOID12AEPSGGEOID12AEPSGGEOID09EPSG#GEOID09EPSG#GEOID06EPSG#GEOID03EPSG# @}wqke_YSMGA;5/)# {uoic]WQKE?93-'!   y s m g a [ U O I C = 7 1 + %      } w q k e _ Y S M G A ; 5 / ) #     { u o i c ] W Q K E ? 9 3 - ' !      y s m g a [ U N G @ R^!g/u9}AJU^"e)l~/}r|4{vz=yx]w'vqu/t]sr+q`poVn mBlwkCj iIh}g4fle+dvc;baD`}_8^v]2\l[&Z`YXUW V@U}TISR_QPRON]M%LjK/J}I<H G]F-E}DGCBGA@H?>==u+` <i8cω@Έy͈2̇kˇ$ʆ]ɆȅODžƄAŃză3Âk‚!e+p8 ?ZQM V?_ O.U/9indexidx_grid_alternatives_proj_grid_namegrid_alternatives;CREATE INDEX idx_grid_alternatives_proj_grid_name ON grid_alternatives(proj_grid_name)z--=indexidx_usage_objectusage:CREATE INDEX idx_usage_object ON usage(object_table_name, object_auth_name, object_code)K,%%[tablesqlite_stat1sqlite_stat19CREATE TABLE sqlite_stat1(tbl,idx,stat)U+iCindexsqlite_autoindex_versioned_auth_name_mapping_3versioned_auth_name_mapping8U*iCindexsqlite_autoindex_versioned_auth_name_mapping_2versioned_auth_name_mapping7#&OO5tableauthority_to_authority_preferenceauthority_to_authority_preference3CREATE TABLE authority_to_authority_preference( source_auth_name TEXT NOT NULL, -- 'any' for any source target_auth_name TEXT NOT NULL, -- 'any' for any target allowed_authorities TEXT NOT NULL, -- for example 'PROJ,EPSG,any' CONSTRAINT unique_authority_to_authority_preference UNIQUE (source_auth_name, target_auth_name) )a'uOindexsqlite_autoindex_authority_to_authority_preference_1authority_to_authority_preference4v%##3tabledeprecationdeprecation2CREATE TABLE deprecation( table_name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (table_name IN ( 'unit_of_measure', 'celestial_body', 'ellipsoid', 'extent', 'prime_meridian', 'geodetic_datum', 'vertical_datum', 'geodetic_crs', 'projected_crs', 'vertical_crs', 'compound_crs', 'conversion', 'grid_transformation', 'helmert_transformation', 'other_transformation', 'concatenated_operation')), deprecated_auth_name TEXT NOT NULL, deprecated_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL, replacement_auth_name TEXT NOT NULL, replacement_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL, source TEXT )r$%%'tablesupersessionsupersession0CREATE TABLE supersession( superseded_table_name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (superseded_table_name IN ( 'unit_of_measure', 'celestial_body', 'ellipsoid', 'extent', 'prime_meridian', 'geodetic_datum', 'vertical_datum', 'geodetic_crs', 'projected_crs', 'vertical_crs', 'compound_crs', 'conversion', 'grid_transformation', 'helmert_transformation', 'other_transformation', 'concatenated_operation')), superseded_auth_name TEXT NOT NULL, superseded_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL, replacement_table_name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (replacement_table_name IN ( 'unit_of_measure', 'celestial_body', 'ellipsoid', 'extent', 'prime_meridian', 'geodetic_datum', 'vertical_datum', 'geodetic_crs', 'projected_crs', 'vertical_crs', 'compound_crs', 'conversion', 'grid_transformation', 'helmert_transformation', 'other_transformation', 'concatenated_operation')), replacement_auth_name TEXT NOT NULL, replacement_code INTEGER_OR_TEXT NOT NULL, source TEXT, same_source_target_crs BOOLEAN NOT NULL CHECK (same_source_target_crs IN (0, 1)) -- for transformations, whether the (source_crs, target_crs) of the replacement transfrm is the same as the superseded one ).U)iCindexsqlite_autoindex_versioned_auth_name_mapping_1versioned_auth_name_mapping60(CCgtableversioned_auth_name_mappingversioned_auth_name_mapping5CREATE TABLE versioned_auth_name_mapping( versioned_auth_name TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, auth_name TEXT NOT NULL, version TEXT NOT NULL, priority INTEGER NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT unique_auth_name_version UNIQUE (auth_name, version), CONSTRAINT unique_auth_name_priority UNIQUE (auth_name, priority) )/Jf b|b'NKGEPSGNKG,PROJ,EPSG)ESRIEPSGPROJ,ESRI,EPSG)IGNFEPSGPROJ,IGNF,EPSGPROJEPSGPROJ,EPSG'EPSGEPSGPROJ,EPSG,NKG'anyEPSGPROJ,EPSG,any   anyEPSG PROJEPSG NKGEPSG IGNFEPSG ESRIEPSG EPSGEPSG  IAU_2015IAU2015   IAU_2015   IAU2015  IAU .IXI o ' r / _ 7  z O  ~ QV:i%vI+.#+'deprecationdeprecation_idx468 117 117 2(-!3alias_nameidx_alias_name_code16574 2,scopescope275 69 1++//grid_alternativesgrid_alternatives420 1>*/Ugrid_alternativesidx_grid_alternatives_proj_grid_name420 2B)/]grid_alternativesidx_grid_alternatives_old_proj_grid_name420 2%(%%compound_crscompound_crs647 324 1Z'Iovertical_datum_ensemble_membersqlite_autoindex_vertical_datum_ensemble_member_19 9 9 1(&))prime_meridianprime_meridian112 38 1"%##geoid_modelgeoid_model65 8 8 1$!extentextent4234 847 1E#CC#concatenated_operation_stepconcatenated_operation_step688 172 3 1)"))vertical_datumvertical_datum469 157 1)!''#projected_crsprojected_crs9985 2497 1\ Iogeodetic_datum_ensemble_membersqlite_autoindex_geodetic_datum_ensemble_member_118 18 9 1+--conversion_paramconversion_param36 36 1*))!geodetic_datumgeodetic_datum1186 238 18)E!geodetic_datumgeodetic_datum_ellipsoid_idx1186 396 3axisaxis306 102 1ellipsoidellipsoid450 90 12=/usagesqlite_autoindex_usage_123030 23030 23030)--usageidx_usage_object23030 2094 549 2/--#conversion_tableconversion_table4211 1053 1*++unit_of_measureunit_of_measure100 50 1.%-)supersessionidx_supersession1239 207 177 2.%-)supersessionsupersession_idx1239 207 177 2&%%!geodetic_crsgeodetic_crs2022 337 10%9!geodetic_crsgeodetic_crs_datum_idx2022 405 2())celestial_bodycelestial_body176 59 1455other_transformationother_transformation473 95 1<5=%other_transformationother_transformation_idx473 95 5 5 3ACCcoordinate_operation_methodcoordinate_operation_method17 17 1333grid_transformationgrid_transformation866 217 1; 3;'grid_transformationgrid_transformation_idx866 289 6 6 2A /Ucoordinate_systemsqlite_autoindex_coordinate_system_1145 49 1F EE!helmert_transformation_tablehelmert_transformation_table2641 529 1H EA)helmert_transformation_tablehelmert_transformation_idx2641 661 4 4 2- //conversion_methodconversion_method61 31 1%%%vertical_crsvertical_crs496 166 1899concatenated_operationconcatenated_operation306 77 1A9A'concatenated_operationconcatenated_operation_idx306 102 4 4 3metadatametadata14 1^Ouauthority_to_authority_preferencesqlite_autoindex_authority_to_authority_preference_16 1 1PCiversioned_auth_name_mappingsqlite_autoindex_versioned_auth_name_mapping_11 1RCiversioned_auth_name_mappingsqlite_autoindex_versioned_auth_name_mapping_21 1 1RCiversioned_auth_name_mappingsqlite_autoindex_versioned_auth_name_mapping_31 1 1'projected_crsEPSG YPgOjm{us_noaa_nadcon5_nad83_1993_nad83_pa11_hawaii.tifnadcon5.nad83_1993.nad83_pa11.hawaii.lat.trn.20160901.bN1us_noaa_c2hpgn.tifc2hpgnM&9'nc_dittt_gr3dnc03a.tifgr3dnc03a.mntL"5#fr_ign_gg10_smv2.tifgg10_sm.txtK"3%ca_nrc_NA27SCRS.tifNA27SCRS.GSBOJkOI!!nyhpgn.gsbnyhpgn.lasH!!gahpgn.gsbgahpgn.lasG^/RAC09.gtxhttp://geodesie.ign.fr/contenu/fichiers/documentation/grilles/metropole/RAC09.mntF)spain/BALR2009( |pdXL@4(th\PD8, ~7Dzn5hXU3N=]?$s7"#!?)>0;xnc9. x-@j >y+wPm= _ p) M  #'A " % 4%Td$H=c1;W pP0'projected_crsESRI'projected_crsESRI 'projected_crsESRI_'projected_crsESRI'projected_crsESRIn'projected_crsESRI>"9helmert_transformationEPSG'm\3grid_transformationEPSG'b_ 3grid_transformationEPSG IyaI)H!IGNFREG5920001IGNFTIKE60G!IGNFREG0870001IGNFTIKE88GFIAU_2015IAU_2015EESRIeESRIDESRIESRI~CEPSG2EPSGbBEPSGIGNFIGN72AEPSGvEPSG@EPSGEPSG+?EPSGEPSG">EPSGxEPSGMooIAU_2015IAU_2015ESRI[ESRIsEPSGEPSGEPSGnESRI EPSGkEPSGlEPSGgEPSGW  { c2 Ev  g:=}triggerellipsoid_insert_triggerellipsoidCREATE TRIGGER ellipsoid_insert_trigger BEFORE INSERT ON ellipsoid FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ABORT, 'insert on ellipsoid violates constraint: uom should be of type ''length''') WHERE (SELECT type FROM unit_of_measure WHERE auth_name = NEW.uom_auth_name AND code = NEW.uom_code) != 'length'; ENDL9A9+indexconcatenated_operation_idxconcatenated_operationGCREATE INDEX concatenated_operation_idx ON concatenated_operation(source_crs_auth_name, source_crs_code, target_crs_auth_name, target_crs_code)D8=5#indexother_transformation_idxother_transformationFCREATE INDEX other_transformation_idx ON other_transformation(source_crs_auth_name, source_crs_code, target_crs_auth_name, target_crs_code)@7;3indexgrid_transformation_idxgrid_transformationECREATE INDEX grid_transformation_idx ON grid_transformation(source_crs_auth_name, source_crs_code, target_crs_auth_name, target_crs_code)X6AE7indexhelmert_transformation_idxhelmert_transformation_tableDCREATE INDEX helmert_transformation_idx ON helmert_transformation_table(source_crs_auth_name, source_crs_code, target_crs_auth_name, target_crs_code)5+#Iindexdeprecation_idxdeprecationCCREATE INDEX deprecation_idx ON deprecation(table_name, deprecated_auth_name, deprecated_code)4-%cindexsupersession_idxsupersessionBCREATE INDEX supersession_idx ON supersession(superseded_table_name, superseded_auth_name, superseded_code)3E)Mindexgeodetic_datum_ellipsoid_idxgeodetic_datum@CREATE INDEX geodetic_datum_ellipsoid_idx ON geodetic_datum(ellipsoid_auth_name, ellipsoid_code)29%-indexgeodetic_crs_datum_idxgeodetic_crs?CREATE INDEX geodetic_crs_datum_idx ON geodetic_crs(datum_auth_name, datum_code)1-%cindexidx_supersessionsupersession>CREATE INDEX idx_supersession ON supersession(superseded_table_name, superseded_auth_name, superseded_code)]03!uindexidx_alias_name_codealias_name=CREATE INDEX idx_alias_name_code ON alias_name(code)$/]/Iindexidx_grid_alternatives_old_proj_grid_namegrid_alternatives"9helmert_transformationEPSG'm\3grid_transformationEPSG'b_ 3grid_transformationEPSG'projected_crsEPSGt)'projected_crsEPSGNfV'projected_crsEPSGh QjL.w7 f > f 0 P9;IGNFWGS84GUADIGNFRGAF09IGNFTSG819_WGS84GUAD_RGAF09O13IGNFTERA50IGNFWGS84IGNFTSG586_TERA50_WGS84N>CIGNFRUSAT84GIGNFWGS84GDDIGNFTSG752_RUSAT84G_TO_WGS84GDDMJ!%OIGNFRGR92GEODDIGNFWGS84RRAFGEOIGNFTSG731_RGR92GEODD_TO_WGS84RRAFGEOLAGIGNFRGFG95GEOIGNFWGS84GEOIGNFTSG1211_RGFG95GEO_TO_WGS84GEOK#IGNFPGP50IGNFWGS84IGNFTSG586JD!IIGNFMAYO50GEOIGNFRGM04GEODDIGNFTSG787_MAYO50GEO_TO_RGM04GEODDI6;IGNFLURESGIGNFWGS84GIGNFTSG802_LURESG_TO_WGS84GHH%MIGNFGUAD48GEOIGNFWGS84GUADGEOIGNFTSG465_GUAD48GEO_TO_WGS84GUADGEOG;AIGNFATUO63GIGNFRGPFGDDIGNFTSG1008_ATUO63G_TO_RGPFGDDFESRIEPSGESRIEEPSG#'EPSG# ESRIDEPSGEPSGEPSG&CEPSG6EPSG .EPSG DBEPSGEPSGEPSG>_AEPSG:EPSGEPSG@EPSG 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Wh;], h 8  y R # u K S  q 8S#h@ V&z]8N'dCnIe,29G EPSG#Bin width 82.5 US survey feetlength@9%cL$8E EPSG#Bin width 165 US survey feetlength@I%cL$8E EPSG#Bin width 330 US survey feetlength@Y%cL$# EPSG#coefficientscale,/EPSG#parts per millionscale> EPSG#unityscaleEaEPSG#degree (supplier to define representation)angle?FR4$/EPSG#sexagesimal DMS.sangle2KEPSG#hemisphere degree minute secondangle+=EPSG#hemisphere degree minuteangle+=EPSG#degree minute hemisphereangle$/EPSG#hemisphere degreeangle$/EPSG#degree hemisphereangle 'EPSG#degree minuteangle#EPSG#mil_6400angle?P',/EPSG#centesimal secondangle>ZӀtv,/EPSG#centesimal minuteangle?$2KEPSG#degree minute second hemisphereangle'5EPSG#degree minute secondangle EPSG#gonangle?'#EPSG#gradangle?'grad%!EPSG#arc-secondangle>U%!EPSG#arc-minuteangle?3KWϖ$EPSG#degreeangle?FR4deg EPSG#radiananglerad?SEPSG#British yard (Sears 1922 truncated)length?B0$EPSG#linklength?ɿ~8link#EPSG#chainlength@4,=ch"EPSG#yardlength?Byd/3EPSG#British foot (1936)length?ӁK@++EPSG#Gold Coast footlength?Ӂ֤Թ*%EPSG#Statute milelength@%`A7Lmi.1EPSG#Indian yard (1975)length?B].1EPSG#~Indian yard (1962)length?BE y41EPSG#}Indian yard (1937)length?Bind-yd'#EPSG#|Indian yardlength?B!ٱ.1EPSG#{Indian foot (1975)length?Ӂ.1EPSG#zIndian foot (1962)length?Ӂ.u^Q41EPSG#yIndian foot (1937)length?Ӂ0ind-ft'#EPSG#xIndian footlength?Ӂ!/3EPSG#nBritish foot (1865)length?ӁZt#8EEPSG#gBritish link (Benoit 1895 B)length?ɿ9GEPSG#fBritish chain (Benoit 1895 B)length@4u"8EEPSG#eBritish foot (Benoit 1895 B)length?Ӂֿ(q8EEPSG#dBritish yard (Benoit 1895 B)length?B88EEPSG#]British link (Benoit 1895 A)length?ɿ29GEPSG#\British chain (Benoit 1895 A)length@4s8EEPSG#[British foot (Benoit 1895 A)length?Ӂֽ8EEPSG#ZBritish yard (Benoit 1895 A)length?BoO5?EPSG#SBritish link (Sears 1922)length?ɿܑ}6AEPSG#RBritish chain (Sears 1922)length@4Qa5?EPSG#QBritish foot (Sears 1922)length?Ӂդ0I5?EPSG#PBritish yard (Sears 1922)length?BvHn)'EPSG#OClarke's linklength?ɿZ#*)EPSG#NClarke's chainlength@4j)'EPSG#MClarke's yardlength?B=!EPSG#Lkilometrelengthkm/)EPSG#KUS survey milelength@%cL$us-mi*)EPSG#JUS survey linklength?ɿރ70+EPSG#IUS survey chainlength@4=փus-ch.1EPSG#GGerman legal metrelength?A]&'EPSG#Fnautical milelengthaEN (C5AEPSGparts per million per yearscale=! 4 EPSGsecondtime#- EPSG unity per secondscale$/ EPSG radian per secondangle05EPSG centimetres per yearlength=ƿ8t(!EPSG centimetrelength?zG{cm4?EPSGmilliarc-seconds per yearangle<$2V*+EPSGmilliarc-secondangle>4ҕ2,;5AEPSGparts per billion per yearscale. &֕05EPSGmillimetres per yearlength=k$- EPSGmetre per secondlength(!EPSGmillimetrelength?PbMmm EPSG(bin)scale s@W4 2)PROJUS_YDUS survey yardlength?Bǟè\us-yd2)PROJUS_INUS survey inchlength?x?us-in2%PROJIND_CHIndian chainlength@4ߺ:Nind-ch"PROJINinchlength?u%F in'PROJDMdecimeterlength?zG{dm?SEPSG$VBritish link (Sears 1922 truncated)length?ɿ͛@UEPSG$UBritish chain (Sears 1922 truncated)length@4㸡?SEPSG$TBritish foot (Sears 1922 truncated)length?Ӂ 29 EPSG#Bin width 3.125 metreslength@ 17 EPSG#Bin width 6.25 metreslength@17 EPSG#Bin width 12.5 metreslength@)(3 EPSG#Bin width 25 metreslength gw_I2gK1 r Y > ! u Y > *  | g Q 5   n U >   i Q = # pV?)|gN3hP:"qZB' u^A'{aI/}bI0gMIAU_2015$Thalassa@IAU_2015#NaiadqHIAU_2015"NereidIAU_2015!TritonIAU_2015UranusIAU_2015Puck,IAU_2015BelindaIAU_2015RosalindixIAU_2015PortiaIAU_2015JulietIAU_2015DesdemonaixIAU_2015CressidayIAU_2015BiancaRIAU_2015Ophelia:IAU_2015Cordelia2IAU_2015MirandaIAU_2015Oberon 8IAU_2015Titania IAU_2015UmbrielIAU_2015ArielTIAU_2015SaturnIAU_2015AegaeonJIAU_2015AntheIAU_2015{Daphnis!IAU_2015zPolydeucesIAU_2015yPalleneIAU_2015xMethoneIAU_2015jPan6IAU_2015iPandora!IAU_2015hPrometheus\IAU_2015gAtlas:IAU_2015fCalypso%IAU_2015eTelesto0pIAU_2015dHeleneFP!IAU_2015cEpimetheusXIAU_2015bJanus\pIAU_2015aPhoebeIAU_2015`Iapetus `IAU_2015_HyperionXIAU_2015^Titan'JIAU_2015]Rhea lIAU_2015\DioneIAU_2015[Tethys8IAU_2015ZEnceladusIAU_2015YMimas8IAU_2015WJupiterBIAU_2015MetisSIAU_2015Adrastea IAU_2015ThebeIAU_2015LedaIAU_2015Ananke'IAU_2015Carme:IAU_2015Lysithea.IAU_2015Sinope6IAU_2015PasiphaeFPIAU_2015Elara@IAU_2015HimaliaLIAU_2015AmaltheaF,IAU_2015Callisto$<IAU_2015Ganymede(& IAU_2015EuropaIAU_2015Io2IAU_2015Mars3^IAU_2015Deimos8IAU_2015Phobos+HIAU_2015EarthAXT&fffIAU_2015-MoonIAU_2015+Venus\WIAU_2015Mercury%=RIAU_2015 Sun)w ESRIVenusVenus\TESRIUranusUranusESRIUmbrielUmbrielESRITritonTritonESRITitaniaTitania ESRITitanTitan'JESRIThebeThebeESRIThalassaThalassa@ESRITethysTethysESRITelestoTelesto*ESRISunSun)w ESRISinopeSinope6ESRISaturnSaturnESRIRosalindRosalindixESRIRheaRhea `ESRIPuckPuck,ESRIProteusProteus, !!ESRIPrometheusPrometheusôESRIPortiaPortia!!ESRIPolydeucesPolydeucesESRIPlutoPluto;ESRIPhoebePhoebeESRIPhobosPhobos+HESRIPasiphaePasiphaeFPESRIPandoraPandoraESRIPanPan'ESRIPallenePalleneESRIOpheliaOphelia:ESRIOberonOberon 8ESRINereidNereidESRINeptuneNeptuney`ESRINaiadNaiadqHESRIMoonMoonESRIMirandaMirandaESRIMimasMimasESRIMetisMetisSESRIMethoneMethoneESRIMercuryMercury%:ESRIMarsMars3xESRILysitheaLysithea.ESRILedaLedaESRILarissaLarissa@ESRIJupiterJupiterBESRIJulietJulietESRIJanusJanusZESRIIoIo2ESRIIapetusIapetus ESRIHyperionHyperionESRIHimaliaHimaliaLESRIHeleneHelene>ESRIGanymedeGanymede(& ESRIGalateaGalatea4ESRIEuropaEuropa !!ESRIEpimetheusEpimetheuslESRIEnceladusEnceladus8ESRIElaraElara@ESRIDioneDioneESRIDespinaDespina!ESRIDesdemonaDesdemonaixESRIDeimosDeimos8ESRIDaphnisDaphnisESRICressidaCressidayESRICordeliaCordelia2ESRICharonCharon hESRICarmeCarme:ESRICalypsoCalypso%ESRICallistoCallisto$<ESRIBiancaBiancaRESRIBelindaBelindaESRIAtlasAtlas>ESRIArielArielTESRIAntheAntheESRIAnankeAnanke'ESRIAmaltheaAmaltheaF,ESRIAegaeonAegaeonJESRIAdrasteaAdrastea ESRI4_Vesta4_VestaESRI1_Ceres1_Ceres+  -~fK# nS6 t ^ D -PROJEARTHEarthaRIAU_2015 bGaspraIAU_2015%"Ida="IAU_2015Itokawa IAU_2015Toutatis@Ϊ JIAU_2015Steins IAU_2015DavidaIIAU_20151ErosBhIAU_2015}Mathildeg!IAU_2015XKleopatra@檪IAU_201552 Europag<IAU_2015LutetiaIAU_2015PsychehIAU_2015VestaIAU_2015CeresoIAU_2015BWild 2IAU_2015BTempel 1 IAU_2015BiHartley 2DIAU_2015BdHalley@'7IAU_2015BLChuryumov-GerasimenkorIAU_2015BEBorrelly|IAU_2015Pluto!IAU_2015Charon ?0IAU_2015Neptuney`IAU_2015(Proteus,IAU_2015'LarissawIAU_2015&Galatea4 =^"U ^  M o  f  q 7^%Q3Zl(x.eEN --ESRIFischer_ModifiedFischer modifiedPROJEARTHaREPSG#)@rF %%ESRIFischer_1968Fischer 1968PROJEARTHaREPSG#)@rF %%ESRIFischer_1960Fischer 1960PROJEARTHaREPSG#)@r> ESRIWGS_1966WGS 1966PROJEARTHaREPSG#)@rG 3ESRIrNWL_10DNWL-10D == WGS 1972PROJEARTHaREPSG#)@r(\Q 11ESRIoInternational_1967International 1967PROJEARTHaREPSG#)@rD E EPSGPopular Visualisation SpherePROJEARTHaREPSG#)aR8 #EPSGHughes 1980PROJEARTHaS!EPSG#)AX?\jJ QEPSGInternational 1924 Authalic SpherePROJEARTHa7EPSG#)a7I ;EPSGEverest 1830 (RSO 1969)PROJEARTHAXS~EPSG#)@ra@J MEPSGClarke 1880 (international foot)PROJEARTH?NEPSG#*>8o2 EPSGPZ-90PROJEARTHaREPSG#)@r #1 !EPSGHough 1960PROJEARTHaSEPSG#))C CEPSGClarke 1866 Authalic SpherePROJEARTHa6EPSG#)a67 #EPSGDanish 1876PROJEARTHAXSGEPSG#),> /EPSGGRS 1967 ModifiedPROJEARTHaREPSG#)@r5 EPSGIAG 1975PROJEARTHaREPSG#)@r1'@ =EPSGGRS 1980 Authalic SpherePROJEARTHa6EPSG#)a6@ = EPSGGRS 1980 Authalic SpherePROJEARTHa6EPSG#)a6F 5EPSGBessel Namibia (GLM)PROJEARTHAXSIEPSG#G@rqզP IEPSGEverest 1830 (1975 Definition)PROJEARTHAXSɩEPSG#)@r-P IEPSGEverest 1830 (1962 Definition)PROJEARTHAXSOOEPSG#)@r-3 EPSGWGS 72PROJEARTHaREPSG#)@r(\K ?EPSGEverest (1830 Definition)PROJEARTHAs#8o8 EPSGyOSU91APROJEARTHAXT333EPSG#)@rtm8 EPSGxOSU86FPROJEARTHAXT EPSG#)@rtm4 EPSGwGEM 10CPROJEARTHaREPSG#)@rtm3 EPSGvWGS 84PROJEARTHaREPSG#)@rtm1 !EPSGuWar OfficePROJEARTHaS /EPSGcClarke 1880 (IGN)PROJEARTHAXTLEPSG#)`#F 5EPSGbClarke 1880 (Benoit)PROJEARTHAXT2~EPSG#)AX? =F 5 EPSGaClarke 1866 MichiganPROJEARTHAs x~EPSG#+As㸊ȴ9= #EPSG`Clarke 1866PROJEARTHAXTEPSG#)AX?3335 #EPSG_Clarke 1858PROJEARTH?OEPSG#->9@ ) EPSG^Bessel NamibiaPROJEARTHAXT\(EPSG#)@rqզA +EPSG]Bessel ModifiedPROJEARTHAXT&yEPSG#)@rqզ= #EPSG\Bessel 1841PROJEARTHAXSIEPSG#)@rqզI EEPSGustralian National SpheroidPROJEARTHaREPSG#)@rD 1EPSGZAiry Modified 1849PROJEARTHAXS uEPSG#)@r3; EPSGYAiry 1830PROJEARTHAXTXbEPSG#)@r30 EPSGZach 1812PROJEARTHaJmEPSG#)6: EPSGGSK-2011PROJEARTHAXT EPSG#)@rFK65 EPSGCGCS2000PROJEARTHaREPSG#)@r %ko2 N y   A g?a} ;_Aki =IESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_IsantiGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota IsantiPROJEARTHAXTԋCEPSG#)@rk ?KESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_HoustonGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota HoustonPROJEARTHAXT'-EPSG#)@rm AMESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_HennepinGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota HennepinPROJEARTHAXT9XEPSG#)@rg ;GESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_GrantGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota GrantPROJEARTHAXUbNEPSG#)@rk ?KESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_GoodhueGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota GoodhuePROJEARTHAXTEPSG#)@rm AMESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_FreebornGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota FreebornPROJEARTHAXUC"EPSG#)@rm AMESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_FillmoreGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota FillmorePROJEARTHAXT*MEPSG#)@ro COESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_FaribaultGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota FaribaultPROJEARTHAXUC"EPSG#)@rk ?KESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_DouglasGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota DouglasPROJEARTHAXUbNEPSG#)@rg ;GESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_DodgeGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota DodgePROJEARTHAXT[333EPSG#)@ri =IESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_DakotaGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota DakotaPROJEARTHAXTKƨEPSG#)@ro COESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_Crow_WingGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota Crow WingPROJEARTHAXU ?|EPSG#)@rq EQESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_CottonwoodGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota CottonwoodPROJEARTHAXUEPSG#)@rq EQESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_Cook_SouthGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota Cook SouthPROJEARTHAXU%⟾wEPSG#)@rq EQESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_Cook_NorthGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota Cook NorthPROJEARTHAXU%⟾wEPSG#)@rk ?KESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_ChisagoGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota ChisagoPROJEARTHAXTԋCEPSG#)@rm AMESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_ChippewaGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota ChippewaPROJEARTHAXT6PEPSG#)@rq EQESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_Cass_SouthGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota Cass SouthPROJEARTHAXU ?|EPSG#)@rq EQESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_Cass_NorthGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota Cass NorthPROJEARTHAXU1&EPSG#)@ri =IESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_CarverGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota CarverPROJEARTHAXT)EPSG#)@rk ?KESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_CarltonGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota CarltonPROJEARTHAXT IEPSG#)@rg ;GESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_BrownGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota BrownPROJEARTHAXTEPSG#)@rq EQESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_Blue_EarthGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota Blue EarthPROJEARTHAXT/EPSG#)@ro COESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_Big_StoneGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota Big StonePROJEARTHAXTr!EPSG#)@ri =IESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_BentonGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota BentonPROJEARTHAXTj~EPSG#)@ry MYESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_Beltrami_SouthGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota Beltrami SouthPROJEARTHAXU 41EPSG#)@ry MYESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_Beltrami_NorthGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota Beltrami NorthPROJEARTHAXUsƧEPSG#)@ri =IESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_BeckerGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota BeckerPROJEARTHAXU/EPSG#)@rg ;GESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_AnokaGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota AnokaPROJEARTHAXT9XEPSG#)@rl CYESRI'Sphere_GRS_1980_Mean_RadiusSphere with mean radius based on GRS80PROJEARTHAXM1^EPSG#)[ W ESRICGCS2000China Geodetic Coordinate System 2000PROJEARTHaREPSG#)@rm K] ESRIWGS_1984_Major_Auxiliary_SphereMajor auxiliary sphere based on WGS 1984PROJEARTHaREPSG#)1  ESRIGRS_1967_TruncatedGRS 1967 Truncated - was 107036, called GRS67 Modified in EPSGPROJEARTHaREPSG#)@rI #=ESRISphere_EMEPEMEP Sphere of 6370000 mPROJEARTHa2EPSG#)O +AESRISphere_ARC_INFOAuthalic sphere (ARC/INFO)PROJEARTHa6EPSG#)< ESRIWalbeckWalbeckPROJEARTHaMEPSG#)@rzG7 ESRIEverest_Modified_1969Everest modified 1969 - 107006, called Everest 1830 (RSO 1969) in EPSGPROJEARTHAXS~EPSG#)@ra@ $v< ` t Z  Bj*R~0Z$Jve 9EESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_RiceGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota RicePROJEARTHAXTEPSG#)@rm AMESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_RenvilleGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota RenvillePROJEARTHAXT뗝-EPSG#)@rk ?KESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_RedwoodGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota RedwoodPROJEARTHAXT1&EPSG#)@rm AMESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_Red_LakeGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota Red LakePROJEARTHAXTpEPSG#)@ri =IESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_RamseyGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota RamseyPROJEARTHAXT9XEPSG#)@re 9EESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_PopeGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota PopePROJEARTHAXU9XEPSG#)@re 9EESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_PolkGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota PolkPROJEARTHAXTpEPSG#)@ro COESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_PipestoneGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota PipestonePROJEARTHAXU+EPSG#)@re 9EESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_PineGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota PinePROJEARTHAXTmEPSG#)@rq EQESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_PenningtonGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota PenningtonPROJEARTHAXTpEPSG#)@ro COESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_OttertailGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota OttertailPROJEARTHAXUgvEPSG#)@rk ?KESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_OlmstedGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota OlmstedPROJEARTHAXT[333EPSG#)@ri =IESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_NormanGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota NormanPROJEARTHAXT';dEPSG#)@ri =IESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_NoblesGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota NoblesPROJEARTHAXU +EPSG#)@rm AMESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_NicolletGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota NicolletPROJEARTHAXT/EPSG#)@ri =IESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_MurrayGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota MurrayPROJEARTHAXUClEPSG#)@rg ;GESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_MowerGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota MowerPROJEARTHAXUC"EPSG#)@rm AMESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_MorrisonGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota MorrisonPROJEARTHAXU9XEPSG#)@ri =IESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_MeekerGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota MeekerPROJEARTHAXUuEPSG#)@ri =IESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_MartinGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota MartinPROJEARTHAXUC"EPSG#)@rm AMESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_MarshallGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota MarshallPROJEARTHAXTsCEPSG#)@rm AMESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_MahnomenGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota MahnomenPROJEARTHAXU/EPSG#)@ri =IESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_McLeodGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota McLeodPROJEARTHAXT뗝-EPSG#)@re 9EESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_LyonGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota LyonPROJEARTHAXUoEPSG#)@rk ?KESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_LincolnGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota LincolnPROJEARTHAXU$VEPSG#)@rm AMESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_Le_SueurGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota Le SueurPROJEARTHAXTEPSG#)@r _kESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_Lake_of_the_Woods_SouthGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota Lake of the Woods SouthPROJEARTHAXU*\)EPSG#)@r _kESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_Lake_of_the_Woods_NorthGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota Lake of the Woods NorthPROJEARTHAXT =EPSG#)@rw KWESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_Lac_Qui_ParleGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota Lac Qui ParlePROJEARTHAXT6PEPSG#)@rs GSESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_KoochichingGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota KoochichingPROJEARTHAXUgvEPSG#)@rk ?KESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_KittsonGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota KittsonPROJEARTHAXTZEPSG#)@ro COESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_KandiyohiGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota KandiyohiPROJEARTHAXUuEPSG#)@rk ?KESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_KanabecGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota KanabecPROJEARTHAXTmEPSG#)@rk ?KESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_JacksonGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota JacksonPROJEARTHAXUC"EPSG#)@ru IUESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_Itasca_SouthGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota Itasca SouthPROJEARTHAXU`BEPSG#)@re 9EESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_RockGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota RockPROJEARTHAXU +EPSG#)@r &T$ L v 8 d $Lf3o ?vLTc 1I ESRI(GRS_1980_Adj_WI_FRGRS 1980 Adj. Wisconsin ForestPROJEARTHAXUXbEPSG#)@rtXe 1M ESRI'GRS_1980_Adj_WI_FNGRS 1980 Adj. Wisconsin FlorencePROJEARTHAXUvȴEPSG#)@rif 1O ESRI&GRS_1980_Adj_WI_ECGRS 1980 Adj. Wisconsin EauClairePROJEARTHAXTbMEPSG#)@rL2kba 1E ESRI%GRS_1980_Adj_WI_DUGRS 1980 Adj. Wisconsin DunnPROJEARTHAXTAXbEPSG#)@rRsShd 1K ESRI$GRS_1980_Adj_WI_DGGRS 1980 Adj. Wisconsin DouglasPROJEARTHAXT뻅EPSG#)@rRa 1E ESRI#GRS_1980_Adj_WI_DRGRS 1980 Adj. Wisconsin DoorPROJEARTHAXTzGEPSG#)@r?x}a 1E ESRI"GRS_1980_Adj_WI_DNGRS 1980 Adj. Wisconsin DanePROJEARTHAXTvEPSG#)@rQj6e 1M ESRI!GRS_1980_Adj_WI_CRGRS 1980 Adj. Wisconsin CrawfordPROJEARTHAXTmEPSG#)@rKGe 1M ESRI GRS_1980_Adj_WI_COGRS 1980 Adj. Wisconsin ColumbiaPROJEARTHAXT/EPSG#)@rKlEfb 1G ESRIGRS_1980_Adj_WI_CKGRS 1980 Adj. Wisconsin ClarkPROJEARTHAXTEPSG#)@r]pe 1MESRIGRS_1980_Adj_WI_CPGRS 1980 Adj. Wisconsin ChippewaPROJEARTHAXT" EPSG#)@rR[֫d 1K ESRIGRS_1980_Adj_WI_BNGRS 1980 Adj. Wisconsin BurnettPROJEARTHAXTpEPSG#)@rRg>d 1K ESRIGRS_1980_Adj_WI_BUGRS 1980 Adj. Wisconsin BuffaloPROJEARTHAXT?lDEPSG#)@rLPĐL] 1G ESRIGRS_1980_Adj_WI_BRGRS 1980 Adj. Wisconsin BrownPROJEARTHaREPSG#)@rfe 1M ESRIGRS_1980_Adj_WI_BFGRS 1980 Adj. Wisconsin BayfieldPROJEARTHAXTvȴEPSG#)@rR!phcc 1I ESRIGRS_1980_Adj_WI_BAGRS 1980 Adj. Wisconsin BarronPROJEARTHAXT;EPSG#)@r]jd 1K ESRIGRS_1980_Adj_WI_ALGRS 1980 Adj. Wisconsin AshlandPROJEARTHAXTGEPSG#)@r]`{i AOESRI S_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_St_LouisGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota St. LouisPROJEARTHaTEPSG#)@rg7{ O[ESRI S_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_Yellow_MedicineGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota Yellow MedicinePROJEARTHAXUZEPSG#)@ri =IESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_WrightGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota WrightPROJEARTHAXTEPSG#)@ri =IESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_WinonaGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota WinonaPROJEARTHAXTl1'EPSG#)@rm AMESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_WatonwanGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota WatonwanPROJEARTHAXUEPSG#)@ri =IESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_WasecaGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota WasecaPROJEARTHAXT[333EPSG#)@ri =IESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_WadenaGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota WadenaPROJEARTHAXU ?|EPSG#)@rk ?KESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_WabashaGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota WabashaPROJEARTHAXTlEPSG#)@rm AMESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_TraverseGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota TraversePROJEARTHAXTvEPSG#)@re 9EESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_ToddGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota ToddPROJEARTHAXU ȴ9EPSG#)@rg ;GESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_SwiftGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota SwiftPROJEARTHAXTr!EPSG#)@rk ?KESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_StevensGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota StevensPROJEARTHAXU9XEPSG#)@ri =IESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_SteeleGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota SteelePROJEARTHAXT[333EPSG#)@rk ?KESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_StearnsGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota StearnsPROJEARTHAXU9XEPSG#)@ri =IESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_SibleyGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota SibleyPROJEARTHAXT뗝-EPSG#)@ro COESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_SherburneGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota SherburnePROJEARTHAXTEPSG#)@rg ;GESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_ScottGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota ScottPROJEARTHAXTKƨEPSG#)@ry MYESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_St_Louis_SouthGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota St Louis SouthPROJEARTHAXU 7EPSG#)@r} Q]ESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_St_Louis_CentralGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota St Louis CentralPROJEARTHAXUrEPSG#)@ry MYESRIS_GRS_1980_Adj_MN_St_Louis_NorthGRS 1980 Adj. Minnesota St Louis NorthPROJEARTHAXU -VEPSG#)@rb 1G ESRI)GRS_1980_Adj_WI_GTGRS 1980 Adj. Wisconsin GrantPROJEARTHAXTbMEPSG#)@rKN`/ &9m ; p F ~  T)`0d1i &C ESRIPGRS_1980_Adj_WI_CL_FL_OG_WNGRS 1980 Adj. Wisconsin Calumet, Fond du Lac, Outagamie, and WinnebagoPROJEARTHAXTE\EPSG#)@rEpf;p 7] ESRIOGRS_1980_Adj_WI_PP_PCGRS 1980 Adj. Wisconsin Pepin and PiercePROJEARTHAXTQXbEPSG#)@rL^Qs 7c ESRINGRS_1980_Adj_WI_DD_JFGRS 1980 Adj. Wisconsin Dodge and JeffersonPROJEARTHAXT3lEPSG#)@rKKx 7m ESRIMGRS_1980_Adj_WI_GL_MQGRS 1980 Adj. Wisconsin Green Lake and MarquettePROJEARTHAXTvȴEPSG#)@rKHys 7c ESRILGRS_1980_Adj_WI_GR_LFGRS 1980 Adj. Wisconsin Green and LafayettePROJEARTHAXTȴ9EPSG#)@rQ+p 7] ESRIKGRS_1980_Adj_WI_AD_JNGRS 1980 Adj. Wisconsin Adams and JuneauPROJEARTHAXTXbEPSG#)@rKiSa 1E ESRIJGRS_1980_Adj_WI_WDGRS 1980 Adj. Wisconsin WoodPROJEARTHAXTiEPSG#)@rW+Ne 1M ESRIIGRS_1980_Adj_WI_WSGRS 1980 Adj. Wisconsin WausharaPROJEARTHAXT~$/EPSG#)@rQd 1K ESRIHGRS_1980_Adj_WI_WPGRS 1980 Adj. Wisconsin WaupacaPROJEARTHAXTbNEPSG#)@rK7P e 1M ESRIGGRS_1980_Adj_WI_WKGRS 1980 Adj. Wisconsin WaukeshaPROJEARTHAXT7vEPSG#)@rKu g 1Q ESRIFGRS_1980_Adj_WI_WAGRS 1980 Adj. Wisconsin WashingtonPROJEARTHAXT$EPSG#)@rQSe 1M ESRIEGRS_1980_Adj_WI_WBGRS 1980 Adj. Wisconsin WashburnPROJEARTHAXTEPSG#)@r^>Xe 1M ESRIDGRS_1980_Adj_WI_WWGRS 1980 Adj. Wisconsin WalworthPROJEARTHAXTZMEPSG#)@rK9b 1G ESRICGRS_1980_Adj_WI_VIGRS 1980 Adj. Wisconsin VilasPROJEARTHAXU EPSG#)@rzc 1I ESRIBGRS_1980_Adj_WI_VRGRS 1980 Adj. Wisconsin VernonPROJEARTHAXT<9XEPSG#)@rQDi8h 1S ESRIAGRS_1980_Adj_WI_TRGRS 1980 Adj. Wisconsin TrempealeauPROJEARTHAXTEPSG#)@rL$#4c 1I ESRI@GRS_1980_Adj_WI_TAGRS 1980 Adj. Wisconsin TaylorPROJEARTHAXU :EPSG#)@rijJd 1K ESRI?GRS_1980_Adj_WI_SHGRS 1980 Adj. Wisconsin ShawanoPROJEARTHAXTCEPSG#)@rQc 1I ESRI>GRS_1980_Adj_WI_SWGRS 1980 Adj. Wisconsin SawyerPROJEARTHAXU /EPSG#)@riB/a 1E ESRI=GRS_1980_Adj_WI_SKGRS 1980 Adj. Wisconsin SaukPROJEARTHAXTmEPSG#)@rQYd 1K ESRII 3+ESRITethys_2000_IAU_IAGSaturn - TethysESRITethysEPSG#)C /'ESRIRhea_2000_IAU_IAGSaturn - RheaESRIRhea `EPSG#)U ;3!ESRIPrometheus_2000_IAU_IAGSaturn - PrometheusESRIPrometheusôEPSG#)I 3+ESRIPhoebe_2000_IAU_IAGSaturn - PhoebeESRIPhoebeEPSG#)L 5-ESRIPandora_2000_IAU_IAGSaturn - PandoraESRIPandoraEPSG#)? -%ESRIPan_2000_IAU_IAGSaturn - PanESRIPan'EPSG#)F 1)ESRIMimas_2000_IAU_IAGSaturn - MimasESRIMimasEPSG#)F 1)ESRIJanus_2000_IAU_IAGSaturn - JanusESRIJanusZEPSG#)L 5-ESRIIapetus_2000_IAU_IAGSaturn - IapetusESRIIapetus EPSG#)O 7/ESRIHyperion_2000_IAU_IAGSaturn - HyperionESRIHyperionEPSG#)H 3+ESRIHelene_2000_IAU_IAGSaturn - HeleneESRIHelene>EPSG#)U ;3!ESRIEpimetheus_2000_IAU_IAGSaturn - EpimetheusESRIEpimetheuslEPSG#)R 91ESRIEnceladus_2000_IAU_IAGSaturn - EnceladusESRIEnceladus8EPSG#)F 1)ESRIDione_2000_IAU_IAGSaturn - DioneESRIDioneEPSG#)K 5-ESRICalypso_2000_IAU_IAGSaturn - CalypsoESRICalypso%EPSG#)E 1)ESRIAtlas_2000_IAU_IAGSaturn - AtlasESRIAtlas>EPSG#)I 3ESRISaturn_2000_IAU_IAGSaturnESRISaturnEPSG#)@$j~C9G 1+ESRIThebe_2000_IAU_IAGJupiter - ThebeESRIThebeEPSG#)I 3-ESRISinope_2000_IAU_IAGJupiter - SinopeESRISinope6EPSG#)O 71ESRIPasiphae_2000_IAU_IAGJupiter - PasiphaeESRIPasiphaeFPEPSG#)G 1+ESRIMetis_2000_IAU_IAGJupiter - MetisESRIMetisu0EPSG#)O 71ESRILysithea_2000_IAU_IAGJupiter - LysitheaESRILysithea.EPSG#)C /)ESRILeda_2000_IAU_IAGJupiter - LedaESRILedaEPSG#)> +%ESRIIo_2000_IAU_IAGJupiter - IoESRIIoEPSG#)M 5/ESRIHimalia_2000_IAU_IAGJupiter - HimaliaESRIHimaliaLEPSG#)P 71ESRIGanymede_2000_IAU_IAGJupiter - GanymedeESRIGanymede(*EPSG#)J 3-ESRIEuropa_2000_IAU_IAGJupiter - EuropaESRIEuropaEPSG#)G 1+ESRIElara_2000_IAU_IAGJupiter - ElaraESRIElara@EPSG#)F 1+ESRICarme_2000_IAU_IAGJupiter - CarmeESRICarme:EPSG#)P 71ESRICallisto_2000_IAU_IAGJupiter - CallistoESRICallisto$TEPSG#)I 3-ESRIAnanke_2000_IAU_IAGJupiter - AnankeESRIAnanke'EPSG#)P 71ESRIAmalthea_2000_IAU_IAGJupiter - AmaltheaESRIAmaltheaF,EPSG#)O 71ESRIAdrastea_2000_IAU_IAGJupiter - AdrasteaESRIAdrastea EPSG#)L 5ESRIJupiter_2000_IAU_IAGJupiterESRIJupiterBEPSG#)@.,9F 3'ESRIPhobos_2000_IAU_IAGMars - PhobosESRIPhobos+\EPSG#)F 3'ESRIDeimos_2000_IAU_IAGMars - DeimosESRIDeimos8EPSG#)G /ESRIMars_2000_IAU_IAGMars 2000ESRIMars3^EPSG#)@e /ESRIMoon_2000_IAU_IAGThe MoonESRIMoonEPSG#)B 1!ESRI~Venus_2000_IAU_IAGVenus 2000ESRIVenus\WEPSG#)I ?!ESRI}Venus_1985_IAU_IAG_COSPARVenus 1985ESRIVenus\TEPSG#)C 5ESRI|Mercury_2000_IAU_IAGMercuryESRIMercury%:EPSG#)F !;ESRI\Anthe_2015Saturn - Anthe IAU 2015ESRIAntheEPSG#)L %?ESRI[Aegaeon_2015Saturn - Aegaeon IAU 2015ESRIAegaeonJEPSG#)G !=ESRIZMetis_2015Jupiter - Metis IAU 2015ESRIMetisSEPSG#)? 7ESRIYIo_2015Jupiter - Io IAU 2015ESRIIo2EPSG#)Q 'CESRIXGanymede_2015Jupiter - Ganymede IAU 2015ESRIGanymede(& EPSG#)K #?ESRIWEuropa_2015Jupiter - Europa IAU 2015ESRIEuropaEPSG#)Q 'CESRIVCallisto_2015Jupiter - Callisto IAU 2015ESRICallisto$t+aC ;IAU_2015 Daphnis (2015) - SphereIAU_2015{EPSG#)F AIAU_2015Polydeuces (2015) - SphereIAU_2015zEPSG#)C ;IAU_2015DPallene (2015) - SphereIAU_2015yEPSG#)C ;IAU_2015Methone (2015) - SphereIAU_2015xEPSG#)? 3IAU_2015hPan (2015) - SphereIAU_2015j6EPSG#)6E ;IAU_2015Pandora (2015) - SphereIAU_2015iEPSG#)H AIAU_2015Prometheus (2015) - SphereIAU_2015h\EPSG#)\A 7IAU_2015 )IAU_2015Jupiter (2015)IAU_2015WBEPSG#)pG ;IAU_2015Jupiter (2015) - SphereIAU_2015WBEPSG#)BA 7IAU_2015ɐMetis (2015) - SphereIAU_2015SEPSG#)SD =IAU_2015,Adrastea (2015) - SphereIAU_2015 EPSG#) C 7IAU_2015Thebe (2015) - SphereIAU_2015EPSG#)@ 5IAU_2015dLeda (2015) - SphereIAU_2015EPSG#)B 9IAU_2015Ananke (2015) - SphereIAU_2015'EPSG#)'A 7IAU_2015ǜCarme (2015) - SphereIAU_2015:EPSG#):D =IAU_20158Lysithea (2015) - SphereIAU_2015.EPSG#).B 9IAU_2015Sinope (2015) - SphereIAU_20156EPSG#)6D =IAU_2015pPasiphae (2015) - SphereIAU_2015FPEPSG#)FPC 7IAU_2015 Elara (2015) - SphereIAU_2015@EPSG#)@E ;IAU_2015ŨHimalia (2015) - SphereIAU_2015LEPSG#)LF =IAU_2015DAmalthea (2015) - SphereIAU_2015F,EPSG#)F,= +IAU_2015Callisto (2015)IAU_2015$ !)ESRIPluto_2015Pluto IAU 2015ESRIPluto!EPSG#)N %AESRILarissa_2015Neptune - Larissa IAU 2015ESRILarissawEPSG#) A 7IAU_2015Anthe (2015) - SphereIAU_2015EPSG#) 8{7f T  ? q * b b \K <gM;VMFR =IAU_2015 "lToutatis (2015) - SphereIAU_2015@Ϊ JEPSG#)@Ϊ JD 9IAU_2015 !Steins (2015) - SphereIAU_2015 EPSG#) F 9IAU_2015 쉜Davida (2015) - SphereIAU_2015IEPSG#)I9 #IAU_2015 k%Eros (2015)IAU_20151BhEPSG#)|B 5IAU_2015 k$Eros (2015) - SphereIAU_20151BhEPSG#)BhF =IAU_2015 $Mathilde (2015) - SphereIAU_2015}gEPSG#)gS ?IAU_2015 `Kleopatra (2015) - SphereIAU_2015X@檪EPSG#)@檪I ?IAU_2015 P52 Europa (2015) - SphereIAU_2015g )IAU_2015_-Neptune (2015)IAU_2015y`EPSG#)sjG ;IAU_2015_,Neptune (2015) - SphereIAU_2015y`EPSG#)y`E ;IAU_2015;Proteus (2015) - SphereIAU_2015(,EPSG#),< )IAU_2015;=Larissa (2015)IAU_2015'wEPSG#)[E ;IAU_2015;(\I %'EPSG!Burkina FasoBurkina Faso.@"ǮzH@..zGQ@333333X MEPSG BulgariaBulgaria - onshore and offshore.@DQ@Fp =@6\(\@?Y_ _EPSGBruneiBrunei Darussalam - onshore and offshore.@ =p @=p =@\zH@\׮zH I#EPSGBritish Indian Ocean TerritoryBritish Indian Ocean Territory - onshore and offshore - Chagos Archipelago.%=p =@PQ@R =pׁ< EPSGBrazilBrazil - onshore and offshore. Includes Rocas, Fernando de Noronha archipelago, Trindade, Ihlas Martim Vaz and Sao Pedro e Sao Paulo.AG{@(\)R =q9GzHb 'WEPSGBouvet IslandBouvet Island - onshore and offshore.LfffffIzH =p @"kQA EPSGBotswanaBotswana.:Gz1ǮzH@3p =@=aGz] 9;EPSGBosnia and HerzegovinaBosnia and Herzegovina.@EGzH@F\(@/zG{@3Q? EPSGBoliviaBolivia.6\)#W =pQj=p L\(= EPSGBhutanBhutan.@:33333@\(\TNzGQQ\ !QEPSGAzerbaijanAzerbaijan - onshore and offshore.@BR@EKQ@Fb\(@Ip =? EPSG AustriaAustria.@G333333@H\(@#\(@1+QG CEPSG Australia - onshore and EEZAustralia - onshore and offshore to 200 nautical mile EEZ boundary. Includes Lord Howe Island, Ashmore and Cartier Islands.G!\(@[NQ@dffffffR GEPSG ArubaAruba - onshore and offshore.@(GzH@. =pQG{QS =p? EPSG ArmeniaArmenia.@CkQ@Dfffff@E@GP =qZ OEPSG ArgentinaArgentina - onshore and offshore.M4zG5ǮzHRe\(JP =qv 3sEPSGAntigua and BarbudaAntigua and Barbuda - Antigua, Barbuda and Redonda.@0(\@4GzOaGzM/\(+ !#EPSGAntarcticaAntarctica.LX MEPSGAnguillaAnguilla - onshore and offshore.@1 =q@5zGO33333NW =pT IEPSGAngolaAngola - onshore and offshore.2QQ@ ffffff@8 =p? EPSGAndorraAndorra.@E7 =p@ETzG?Q? =pd )YEPSGAmerican SamoaAmerican Samoa - onshore and offshore.1\($ =p edfffffV KEPSGAlgeriaAlgeria - onshore and offshore.@2Q@Cffffff!W =p@'G{V KEPSGAlbaniaAlbania - onshore and offshore.@CУ =q@EU\(@2u\(@5\(G #%EPSGAfghanistanAfghanistan.@=ffffff@C=p =@N@@RG{ "do > - ] w nn7~'!T -3EPSGJFrench PolynesiaFrench Polynesia - onshore and offshore. Includes Society archipelago, Tuamotu archipelago, Marquesas Islands, Gambier Islands and Austral Islands.?=p =zGc(\` =pb 'WEPSGIFrench GuianaFrench Guiana - onshore and offshore.@Gz@!\(KNzGH KEPSGHFranceFrance - onshore and offshore, mainland and Corsica (France métropolitaine including Corsica).@D33333@IǮzH#Q@$\(V KEPSGGFinlandFinland - onshore and offshore.@MkQ@Q\(@3zG@? =pׁ? ) EPSGFFiji - onshoreFiji - onshore. Includes Viti Levu, Vanua Levu, Taveuni, the Yasawa Group, the Kadavu Group, the Lau Islands and Rotuma Islands.4\(( =p@fRfDb 'WEPSGEFaroe IslandsFaroe Islands - onshore and offshore.@MQ@Pl+R޸Qs -sEPSGDFalkland IslandsFalkland Islands (Malvinas) - onshore and offshore.L G =pP@ =qJ'zHA EPSGCEthiopiaEthiopia.@ 333333@-ǮzH@@~Q@GQO KEPSGBEstoniaEstonia - onshore and offshore.@L\(<@4^Q@<333333V KEPSGAEritreaEritrea - onshore and offshore.@(Q@2@B8Q@EzH7 /wEPSG@Equatorial GuineaEquatorial Guinea - onshore and offshore. Includes Rio Muni, Bioko, Annobon, Corisco, Elobey Chico, and Ebony Grande.333333@Q@zG@&Q^ #SEPSG?El SalvadorEl Salvador - onshore and offshore.@# =q@,GzVۅQU陙R GEPSG>EgyptEgypt - onshore and offshore.@5 =p@@\)@833333@BzG 1EPSG=EcuadorEcuador - onshore and offshore. Includes Galapagos Islands (Archipelago de Colon). =p WfffffRp = !9EPSG EPSG.ColombiaColombia - onshore and offshore. Includes San Andres y Providencia, Malpelo Islands, Roncador Bank, Serrana Bank and Serranilla Bank.Q@/QU1GzPzHs OQEPSG-Cocos (Keeling) Islands - onshoreCocos (Keeling) Islands - onshore.(=p 'Q@X0 =q@X?\(h -]EPSG,Christmas IslandChristmas Island - onshore and offshore.+ =p!p =@Y\)@[ARR GEPSG+ChinaChina - onshore and offshore.@033333@JǮzH@RgzH@`أ =q aEPSG*ChileChile - onshore and offshore. Includes Easter Island, Juan Fernandez Islands, San Felix, and Sala y Gomez.M\(1\Mp =PnzG9 EPSG)ChadChad.@@7u\(@*Q@8\(b  'Vd c  c  ' o ;` q t!QZVe+ M{EPSGoKorea, Republic of (South Korea)Republic of Korea (South Korea) - onshore and offshore.@<@D"\(@^p =@`\)0 u#EPSGnKorea, Democratic People's Republic of (North Korea)Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) - onshore and offshore.@B@EGz@^\(@`=p G )EPSGmKiribatiKiribati - onshore and offshore. Includes Fanning Island, Washington Island and Christmas in the Line Islands, Ocean Islands, Phoenix Islands.+zG@zG@dRbZ=p R GEPSGlKenyaKenya - onshore and offshore.@Q@@33333@F# =pe !cEPSGkKazakhstanKazakhstan - onshore including Caspian Sea.@DKQ@K@G>Q@Ufffff= EPSGjJordanJordan.@=.zG@@ =q@Ap =q@CzHR GEPSGiJapanJapan - onshore and offshore.@1 =p@Gfffff@^Q@c| EPSGhJamaicaJamaica - onshore and offshore. Includes Morant Cays and Pedro Cays.@,(\)@3\(\T&fffffR =qR GEPSGgItalyItaly - onshore and offshore.@AaGz@G@Q@2p =T IEPSGfIsraelIsrael - onshore and offshore.@=s33333@@ =p@@~Q@AQV KEPSGeIrelandIreland - onshore and offshore.@H =p@LH\)0\(P EEPSGdIraqIraq - onshore and offshore.@=\(@BR@CeQ@H`P EEPSGcIranIran - onshore and offshore.@7W =p@C =p@F =p@OQZ OEPSGbIndonesiaIndonesia - onshore and offshore.+fffff@(\)@W =q@aQ* uEPSGaIndiaIndia - onshore and offshore. Includes Amandivis, Laccadives, Minicoy, Andaman Islands, Nicobar Islands, and Sikkim.@\(@AGz@Pffffff@XZG{V KEPSG`IcelandIceland - onshore and offshore.@MG{@Qe\(>޸Q333333? EPSG_HungaryHungary.@F޸Q@HJ=p @0(\@6fffffj /_EPSG^China - Hong KongChina - Hong Kong - onshore and offshore.@6!Gz@6zG@\p =q@\ =qo {EPSG]HondurasHonduras - onshore and offshore. Includes Swan Islands.@)\(@3 =pVW =pSzH OEPSG\Heard Island and McDonald IslandsHeard Island and McDonald Islands - onshore and offshore.M\(H@Ou\(@TzGR GEPSG[HaitiHaiti - onshore and offshore.@-u\(@4QRQQzHT IEPSGZGuyanaGuyana - onshore and offshore.?Gz@%ffffffNRK\(b 'WEPSGYGuinea-BissauGuinea-Bissau - onshore and offshore.@!GzH@)aGz3+GzHT IEPSGXGuineaGuinea - onshore and offshore.@\(@)\(\2B\(Z OEPSGWGuatemalaGuatemala - onshore and offshore.@%333333@1zGWzGV =p P EEPSGVGuamGuam - onshore and offshore.@%fffff@/R@azG@b\(C !EPSGUGuadeloupeGuadeloupe - onshore and offshore. Includes Grande Terre, Basse Terre, Marie Galante, Les Saintes, Iles de la Petite Terre, La Desirade.@.Q@2=p Oh\)LQv  EPSGTGrenadaGrenada and southern Grenadine Islands - onshore and offshore.@&Q@*O =pNh\)S OEPSGSGreenlandGreenland - onshore and offshore.@L0 =q@UGz@\(* sEPSGRGreeceGreece - onshore and offshore. Includes Aegean Islands, Ionian Islands, Dodecanese Islands, Crete, and Mount Athos.@@Gz@D@2B\(@>:G{S OEPSGQGibraltarGibraltar - onshore and offshore.$@BzGzG\(R GEPSGPGhanaGhana - onshore and offshore.?ffffff@&QRQR@V KEPSGOGermanyGermany - onshore and offshore.@G\(@K\(@ Q@.zGV KEPSGNGeorgiaGeorgia - onshore and offshore.@DQ@E˅Q@C|(\@G\(\T IEPSGMGambiaGambia - onshore and offshore.@*@+\)40 =q+zGR GEPSGLGabonGabon - onshore and offshore.zG{@\(@Q@- =p 9 EPSGrLaosLaos.@+ =p@6@Y\(@Z\)E !#EPSGqKyrgyzstanKyrgyzstan.@CQ@E(\@QO\(@T\(T IEPSGpKuwaitKuwait - onshore and offshore.@<zH@> =p@GEQ@H =p (Tj }  T  0 : <S_KeM7P QV KEPSGNigeriaNigeria - onshore and offshore.?Q@+@GzH@-L4 EPSGNigerNiger.@'aGz@7zH?zG{Z OEPSGNicaraguaNicaragua - onshore and offshore.@#@0B\(V[QS =qq #wEPSGNew ZealandNew Zealand - onshore and offshore. Includes Antipodes Islands, Auckland Islands, Bounty Islands, Chatham Islands, Cambell Island, Kermadec Islands, Raoul Island and Snares Islands.K9Gz@d33333effffffF 'EPSGNew CaledoniaNew Caledonia - onshore and offshore. Isle de Pins, Loyalty Islands, Huon Islands, Belep archipelago, Chesterfield Islands, and Walpole.:s33333-\)@c@e\)7 5q EPSGNetherlands AntillesNetherlands Antilles - onshore and offshore. Includes Bonaire, Curacao, Saba, St Eustatius, and southern St Martin@'W =p@2RQe\(Oh\)^ #SEPSGNetherlandsNetherlands - onshore and offshore.@I`@K\(@=p =@Gz; EPSGNepalNepal.@:W =p@>nzG@T =p@V p =R GEPSGNauruNauru - onshore and offshore.GzH@Q@dr\(@e33333V KEPSGNamibiaNamibia - onshore and offshore.> =p033333@ zG{@9EQf +[EPSGMyanmar (Burma)Myanmar (Burma) - onshore and offshore.@"\(@<@Vg =p@YJG{\ !QEPSGMozambiqueMozambique - onshore and offshore.;\($.zG@>5\(@E =pO KEPSGMoroccoMorocco - onshore and offshore.@;\)$+Q(\)\ !QEPSGMontserratMontserrat - onshore and offshore.@/zG@1 =p OfffffN\)A EPSGMongoliaMongolia.@D=p @J33333@U =q@](\T IEPSGMonacoMonaco - onshore and offshore.@ExQ@E\(@\(@ =p ? EPSGMoldovaMoldova.@FQ@H<(\@:Gz@>!Gz' !eEPSGMicronesiaFederated States of Micronesia - onshore and offshore. Includes Caroline Islands, Yap, Truk, Ponape, Kosrae. =p @*(\@` =q@d\(T IEPSGMexicoMexico - onshore and offshore.@(333333@@\(\^(\U(\)V KEPSGMayotteMayotte - onshore and offshore.,G{&\)@E =p@GY EEPSGMauritiusMauritius - onshore and offshore. Includes Rodrigues, Agalega Islands, and Cargados Carajos.7\( (\@Jfffff@P33333\ !QEPSGMauritaniaMauritania - onshore and offshore.@-p =q@;L4 =p 333333\ !QEPSGMartiniqueMartinique - onshore and offshore.@,(\)@0\(\Oh\)L\(h -]EPSGMarshall IslandsMarshall Islands - onshore and offshore.?QR@1Gz@c =p@e =qR GEPSGMaltaMalta - onshore and offshore.@A>Q@BGzH@*R@2\(9 EPSGMaliMali.@$GzH@9\((@ =p X MEPSGMaldivesMaldives - onshore and offshore. \(@ 333333@QR\(@SEQ녁 1EPSGMalaysiaMalaysia - onshore and offshore. Includes peninsular Malayasia, Sabah and Sarawak.?333333@=p =@XGz@] =p= EPSG~MalawiMalawi.1# =p"p =@@W =p@A =pu QSEPSG}Madagascar - onshore and nearshoreMadagascar - onshore and nearshore.: =p'aGz@EC =p@I =pO +-EPSG|North MacedoniaNorth Macedonia.@Dl@E.zG@4s33333@7 =p b 'WEPSG{China - MacaoChina - Macao - onshore and offshore.@6\(@6:G{@\aGz@\kQE !#EPSGzLuxembourgLuxembourg.@HQ@IQ@Q@QZ OEPSGyLithuaniaLithuania - onshore and offshore.@JR@L9@3Q@:RK ')EPSGxLiechtensteinLiechtenstein.@Gfffff@G =p@" =q@#GzHR GEPSGwLibyaLibya - onshore and offshore.@3@Ap =@"Q@:5\(V KEPSGvLiberiaLiberia - onshore and offshore.?QR@! =p +.zGp =q? EPSGuLesothoLesotho.>\)<R@;\(@=u\(V KEPSGtLebanonLebanon - onshore and offshore.@@zH@AkQ@@@BP =qP EEPSGNiueNiue - onshore and offshore.6}p =0zGeQdR #"i o ; P }  SD8J>Q[z# %;EPSGSouth AfricaSouth Africa - onshore and offshore, including Marion Island, and Prince Edward Island.I(\)6!Gz@*\)@ElV KEPSGSomaliaSomalia - onshore and offshore. Gz@+@D}p =@K7 =pׁ_ YEPSGSolomon Islands - onshore main islandsSolomon Islands - onshore southern Solomon Islands, primarily Guadalcanal, Malaita, San Cristobel, Santa Isobel, Choiseul, Makira-Ulawa.%333333@cs =p@dNzGX MEPSGSloveniaSlovenia - onshore and offshore.@F\(@Gp =q@*\(@0(\A EPSGSlovakiaSlovakia.@Gp =@HzG@0 =p@6\(Z OEPSGSingaporeSingapore - onshore and offshore.?zG?Q@Y\(@ZzGY %UEPSGSierra LeoneSierra Leone - onshore and offshore.@Gz 0R$Q녁Y !IEPSGSeychellesSeychelles - onshore and offshore - Alphonse, Bijoutier, St Francois Islands, St Pierre islet, Cosmoledo Islands, Amirantes, Aldabra, Farquhar, and Desroches.)p =q׮zG@EQ@MzGV KEPSGSenegalSenegal - onshore and offshore.@%GzH@03333348Q&Q` %UEPSGSaudi ArabiaSaudi Arabia - onshore and offshore.@0J=p @@zG@A8Q@K\(r 7gEPSGSao Tome and PrincipeSao Tome and Principe - onshore and offshore. =p@\(@ @!QE !#EPSGSan MarinoSan Marino.@ER@EQ@(@) =p R GEPSGSamoaSamoa - onshore and offshore./zG%GzeGzePQ GEPSGSt Vincent and the GrenadinesSt Vincent and the northern Grenadine Islands - onshore and offshore.@(\(@,.zGO =qN# =pX MEPSGSt LuciaSt Lucia - onshore and offshore.@*u\(@,\(OffffffMQl 1aEPSGSt Kitts and NevisSt Kitts and Nevis - onshore and offshore.@0W =p@1QOУ =qO= EPSGRwandaRwanda. =p@<ٙ@>fffff` aEPSGRussiaRussian Federation - onshore and offshore.@C\(@UL(\@2Qe =pV KEPSGRomaniaRomania - onshore and offshore.@EQ@H"\(@4B\(@?h\)6   EPSGReunionReunion - onshore and offshore - Reunion island, Ile Europa, Bassas da India, Juan de Nova, Iles Glorieuses, and Ile Tromelin.9Q%333333@B=p @M"\(R GEPSGQatarQatar - onshore and offshore.@8@; @IFfffff@JQ^ #SEPSGPuerto RicoPuerto Rico - onshore and offshore.@- =p@5(\Q\(PB\(w  EPSGPortugalPortugal - mainland, Azores and Madeira, onshore and offshore.@==p =@E\)A=p \(M IEPSGPolandPoland - onshore and offshore.1@K =p@,GzH@8&fffff !EPSGPitcairnPitcairn - Pitcairn Island, Henderson Island, Ducie Island and Oeno Atoll.fffffP EEPSGPeruPeru - onshore and offshore.5 ͿQU+QQ*G{A EPSGParaguayParaguay.; =p3J=p OS33333KQ2 -oEPSGPapua New GuineaPapua New Guinea - onshore and offshore. Includes Bismark archipelago, Louisade archipelago, Admiralty Islands, d'Entrecasteaux Islands, northern Solomon Islands, Trobriand Islands, New Britain, New Ireland, Woodlark, and associated islands.-@ =p@affffff@dYRM IEPSGPanamaPanama - onshore and offshore.@)QUzGSB\(R GEPSGPalauPalau - onshore and offshore.?=p =@&fffff@`/\(@a\(X MEPSGPakistanPakistan - onshore and offshore.@5 @B\)@NnzG@SuQP EEPSGOmanOman - onshore and offshore.@,\)@:p =@IQ@O =qg oEPSGNorwayNorway including Svalbard - onshore and offshore.@L =p @U.Q @CGzx =mEPSGNorthern Mariana IslandsNorthern Mariana Islands - onshore and offshore.@(\(@7fffff@a\(@be $ ] $ 9 O W \6\unSAMV KEPSGVietnamVietnam - onshore and offshore.@zG@7ffffff@Y\)@\#33333k GIEPSGHoly See (Vatican City State)Holy See (Vatican City State).@D33333@DzG@(Gz@(QV KEPSGVanuatuVanuatu - onshore and offshore.5fffff(=p @deQ@eG{E !#EPSGUzbekistanUzbekistan.@B =p@F=p @KQ@RJG{V KEPSGUruguayUruguay - onshore and offshore.B\(> =pM>QIGz UEPSGUnited States Minor Outlying IslandsUnited States Minor Outlying Islands - onshore and offshore - Baker Island, Howland Islands, Jarvis Island, Johnston Atoll, Kingman Reef, Midway Islands, Palmyra Islands, and Wake Island. Q@?@db=p cQ^ cEPSGUSAUnited States (USA) - onshore and offshore.@/Q@Rp =@dPl(\: EPSGUKUnited Kingdom (UK) - onshore and offshore - England, Scotland including Orkney and Shetland Islands, Wales, Northern Ireland (Ulster).@G\(@OR-ǮzH@ 333333. EPSGUAEUnited Arab Emirates (UAE) - onshore and offshore. Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Umm al Qaywayn, Al Fujairah, Ras al Khaymah.@6Gz@:EQ@I@L =qV KEPSGUkraineUkraine - onshore and offshore.@E =p@J0 =q@6&fffff@D =p= EPSGUgandaUganda.zG@Q@=R@AGz' {EPSGTuvaluTuvalu - onshore and offshore. Funafuti, Nanumanga, Nui, Nanomea, Nurakita, Niutao, Nukufetau, Nukulaelae, and Vaitupu.*zG{@e\(fQx =mEPSGTurks and Caicos IslandsTurks and Caicos Islands - onshore and offshore.@4=p @9RR4zGP=p ` %UEPSGTurkmenistanTurkmenistan - onshore and offshore.@AR@Effffff@Ifffff@PQ_ _EPSGTurkeyTürkiye (Turkey) - onshore and offshore.@A5\(@E@9Q@Fj=p V KEPSGTunisiaTunisia - onshore and offshore.@>:G{@C4zG@\(@+W =pn 3cEPSGTrinidad and TobagoTrinidad and Tobago - onshore and offshore.@#\)@(zGO QL =pR GEPSGTongaTonga - onshore and offshore.9zG,GzHfb\(eh\)V KEPSGTokelauTokelau - onshore and offshore.&zG =peQd\(P EEPSGTogoTogo - onshore and offshore.@GzH@&GzH333333@\(\X MEPSGThailandThailand - onshore and offshore.@Q@4u\(@WGz@Zh\)X MEPSGTanzaniaTanzania - onshore and offshore.'zG@=W =p@EQE !#EPSGTajikistanTajikistan.@BU\(@Dfffff@P =p@R(\ IEPSGTaiwanTaiwan, Republic of China - onshore and offshore - Taiwan Island, Penghu (Pescadores) Islands.@1\(\@:\(@\zG@^ =pR GEPSGSyriaSyria - onshore and offshore.@@'zH@Bfffff@AzG{@E0 =qG #%EPSGSwitzerlandSwitzerland.@F\)@GzH@ =p@$G{T IEPSGSwedenSweden - onshore and offshore.@KzG{@QDzG@$\(@8+QM 7EPSGEswatiniEswatini (Swaziland).;QR9Q@>=p @@R 9 EPSGSvalbard and Jan MayenSvalbard and Jan Mayen - onshore and offshore. Includes Bear Island.@P\(@UC3333308Q@A\(X MEPSGSurinameSuriname - onshore and offshore.?GzH@"33333M =p JTzGR GEPSGSudanSudan - onshore and offshore.@!GzH@6=p =@5R@CGzt 9iEPSGSt Pierre and MiquelonSt Pierre and Miquelon - onshore and offshore.@EzG@G\(LK33333b _EPSGSt Helena, Ascension and Tristan da CunhaSt Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha archipelago (Gough, Inaccessible, Nightingale and Stoltenhoff Islands) - onshore and offshore.EG{3333331=p GzHZ OEPSGSri LankaSri Lanka - onshore and offshore.@ =p@&fffff@SAGz@UO\( EEPSGSpainSpain - mainland, Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melila - onshore and offshore.@8@G!Gz5zG@333333Z OEPSGVenezuelaVenezuela - onshore and offshore.?zG{@0RXQMy TV< l .  Mfp;*VxTu 5oEPSGAustralia - TasmaniaAustralia - Tasmania including islands - onshore.EٙC\(@a =q@bM 5EPSGAustralia - mainlandAustralia - Australian Capital Territory; New South Wales; Northern Territory; Queensland; South Australia; Western Australia; Victoria.C%L@\6fffff@c6zGk GIEPSGAustralia - Western AustraliaAustralia - Western Australia.AQ+W =p@\6fffff@` Q [EPSGAustralasia - Australia and PNG - AGD66Australia - onshore and offshore. Papua New Guinea - onshore.G@[NQ@dffffff I9EPSGAntarctica - Australian sectorAntarctica between 45°E and 136°E and between 142°E and 160°E - Australian sector.- ueEPSGAfrica - Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and UgandaBurundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda.'@Q@<ٙ@DzG~ cSEPSGAfrica - Botswana, Malawi, Zambia, ZimbabweBotswana; Malawi; Zambia; Zimbabwe.:Gz aGz@3p =@A =pׁ) 7SEPSGNetherlands - onshoreNetherlands - onshore, including Waddenzee, Dutch Wadden Islands and 12-mile offshore coastal zone.@I`@Jٙ@ @Gz )SEPSGBrazil - AratuBrazil - offshore south and east of a line intersecting the coast at 2°55'S; onshore Tucano basin.AG{@ =p J =qZ /?EPSGAntigua - onshoreAntigua island - onshore.@0 =q@18QNNzG wcEPSGAsia - Middle East - Bahrain, Kuwait and Saudi ArabiaBahrain, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia - onshore.@0^Q@@zG@AAGz@K\( oYEPSGAfrica - Eritrea, Ethiopia, South Sudan and SudanEritrea; Ethiopia; South Sudan; Sudan.@ 333333@6=p =@5R@GQl COEPSGVenezuela - Maracaibo southVenezuela - south Maracaibo area.@!p =q@$QRQR _aEPSGVenezuela - Pedregal area of Falcon stateVenezuela - Pedregal area of Falcon state.@%@&QQQl(\a =?EPSGVenezuela - Falcon stateVenezuela - Falcon state.@$@(Q33333Q (\\ 3?EPSGVenezuela - BarinasVenezuela - Barinas area.@=p =@"# =pQ\(PQc AMEPSGVenezuela - Puerto La CruzVenezuela - Puerto La Cruz area. @$QP,P r IUEPSGArgentina - Comodoro RivadaviaArgentina - Comodoro Rivadavia area.GYFQQ`Pfffff wkEPSGUK - Great Britain onshore and nearshore; Isle of ManUnited Kingdom (UK) - Great Britain - England and Wales onshore, Scotland onshore and Western Isles nearshore including Sea of the Hebrides and The Minch; Isle of Man onshore.@HQ@NxQ! =p?Q1 ')EPSGNot specifiedNot specified.ZL! EPSGWorldWorld.ZLA EPSGZimbabweZimbabwe.6kQ/8Q@9:G{@@=p = EPSGZambiaZambia.2zG aGz@5p =@@G{ -EPSGCongo DR (Zaire)The Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire) - onshore and offshore.*Q@\(@'zG@?O\( Q EPSGYugoslavia - Serbia and MontenegroYugoslavia - Union of Serbia and Montenegro - onshore and offshore.@D\)@Gp =@2p =q@7 K GEPSGYemenYemen - onshore and offshore.@!fffff@D=p @LG{d )YEPSGWestern SaharaWestern Sahara - onshore and offshore.@2G{@;Q4zG!QR /EPSGWallis and FutunaWallis and Futuna - onshore and offshore - Uvea, Futuna, and Alofi./Gz#zG@fozHeȣ =q 1%EPSGVirgin Islands, USUS Virgin Islands - onshore and offshore - St Croix, St John, and St Thomas.@08Q@5zGP33333O =q$ CEPSGCanada - Maritime ProvincesCanada - New Brunswick; Nova Scotia; Prince Edward Island.@EzG@H\)QC33333Mp = pgy $ y'p5 #EPSGIran - FD58Iran - Arwaz area and onshore Gulf coast west of 54°E, Lavan Island, offshore Balal field and South Pars blocks 2 and 3.@:5\(@@(\@G =q@JzGs /oEPSGEurope - EVRF2000Europe - onshore - Andorra; Austria; Belgium; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Croatia; Czechia; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France - mainland; Germany; Gibraltar; Hungary; Italy - mainland and Sicily; Latvia; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxembourg; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Portugal - mainland; Romania; San Marino; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain - mainland; Sweden; Switzerland; United Kingdom (UK) - Great Britain mainland; Vatican City State.@A@Q\(#Q@? =pׅ =}EPSGEurope - ETRF by countryEurope - onshore and offshore: Albania; Andorra; Austria; Belgium; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Croatia; Cyprus; Czechia; Denmark; Estonia; Faroe Islands; Finland; France; Germany; Gibraltar; Greece; Hungary; Ireland; Italy; Kosovo; Latvia; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxembourg; Malta; Moldova; Monaco; Montenegro; Netherlands; North Macedonia; Norway including Svalbard and Jan Mayen; Poland; Portugal; Romania; San Marino; Serbia; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; United Kingdom (UK) including Channel Islands and Isle of Man; Vatican City State.@@p =q@U.Q0@D =pK ')EPSGEurope - westEurope - west.@Ap =q@U.Q%Q@CGz =EPSGEurope - ED50 by countryEurope - west: Andorra; Cyprus; Denmark - onshore and offshore; Faroe Islands - onshore; France - offshore; Germany - offshore North Sea; Gibraltar; Greece - offshore; Israel - offshore; Italy including San Marino and Vatican City State; Ireland offshore; Malta; Netherlands - offshore; North Sea; Norway including Svalbard - onshore and offshore; Portugal - mainland - offshore; Spain - onshore; Türkiye (Turkey) - onshore and offshore; United Kingdom - UKCS offshore east of 6°W including Channel Islands (Guernsey and Jersey). Egypt - Western Desert; Iraq - onshore; Jordan.@9\(@U.Q0@HNzG )# EPSGGermany - DHDNGermany - onshore - Baden-Wurtemberg, Bayern, Hessen, Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland, Schleswig-Holstein. Also former DDR states of Sachsen and Thuringen by transformation.@G\(@KzH@zG{@.\(k GIEPSGPortugal - mainland - onshorePortugal - mainland - onshore.@By@EzG#Q\(ÁG OwEPSG Brazil - Corrego Alegre 1970-1972Brazil - onshore - west of 54°W and south of 18°S; also south of 15°S between 54°W and 42°W; also east of 42°W.@ =pp =qMzGA^Qi EGEPSG Argentina - Neuquen provinceArgentina - Neuquen province.D\(A!GzQ(\PGz1 =]EPSG Asia - FSU - Caspian SeaAzerbaijan - offshore; Kazakhstan - offshore; Russian Federation - Caspian Sea; Turkmenistan - offshore.@B@G|(\@Gy@J =pׁ' wEPSG Africa - Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho and South AfricaBotswana; Eswatini (Swaziland); Lesotho; South Africa - mainland.Ap =q1ǮzH@0s33333@@y +EPSG Canada - CGVD28Canada - onshore - Alberta; British Columbia; Manitoba south of 57°N; New Brunswick; Northwest Territories south west of a line between 60°N, 110°W and the coast at 132°W; Nova Scotia; Ontario south of 52°N; Prince Edward Island; Quebec - mainland west of 66°W and south of 55°N; Saskatchewan south of 55°N; Yukon.@D\(@Qs33333aQMp =t 9iEPSGAngola - Angola properAngola - Angola proper - onshore and offshore.2QGzH@ ffffff@8 =p{ U[EPSGIndonesia - Banga & Belitung IslandsIndonesia - Banga and Belitung Islands. ffffff =p @ZDzG@[fffffq YCEPSGEurope - Liechtenstein and SwitzerlandLiechtenstein; Switzerland.@F\)@GzH@ =p@$G{ qwEPSGIndonesia - Bali, Java and western Sumatra onshoreIndonesia - onshore - Bali, Java and western Sumatra.!R@Gz@W=p @\Gz a l  *6 We 7KEPSG+USA - CONUS - onshoreUnited States (USA) - CONUS onshore - Alabama; Arizona; Arkansas; California; Colorado; Connecticut; Delaware; Florida; Georgia; Idaho; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Kansas; Kentucky; Louisiana; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; Michigan; Minnesota; Mississippi; Missouri; Montana; Nebraska; Nevada; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New Mexico; New York; North Carolina; North Dakota; Ohio; Oklahoma; Oregon; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; South Carolina; South Dakota; Tennessee; Texas; Utah; Vermont; Virginia; Washington; West Virginia; Wisconsin; Wyoming.@8h\)@H =q_2\(P=p } Y[EPSG*Trinidad and Tobago - Tobago - onshoreTrinidad and Tobago - Tobago - onshore.@&(\)@&RNs33333N8Q] i EPSG)Europe - Austria and former Yugoslavia onshoreAustria. Bosnia and Herzegovina. Croatia - onshore. Kosovo. Montenegro - onshore. North Macedonia. Serbia. Slovenia - onshore.@Dl@H\(@#\(@7 =p U 3?EPSG(Venezuela - MaturinVenezuela - Maturin area.@"333333@$B\(P33333u AEPSG'Venezuela - Maracaibo areaVenezuela - Maracaibo area, onshore and offshore in lake. RQQ -/EPSG&Angola - CabindaAngola - Cabinda.(\)Q@%\(@*333333c ?AEPSG%Angola - Cabinda offshoreAngola - Cabinda offshore.(\)333333@%\(@(\(\g ;MEPSG$Indonesia - Sulawesi SWIndonesia - south west Sulawesi.(\)zG@]p =@^1Rs OQEPSG#Mozambique - west - Tete provinceMozambique - west - Tete province.1\(,Q@>5\(@A\( Y EPSG"Portugal - Madeira archipelago onshorePortugal - Madeira, Porto Santo and Desertas islands - onshore.@@,@@333331O\(0:G{ EsEPSG!Venezuela - north of 7°45'NVenezuela - onshore north of approximately 7°45'N.@@(RXQMfffff A EPSG Venezuela - Lake MaracaiboVenezuela - Lake Maracaibo area, onshore and offshore in lake.@!p =q@&zGRQR\ 3?EPSGVenezuela - CabimasVenezuela - Cabimas area.@$GzH@%8QQ33333Qҏ\(Y 57EPSGKuwait - Kuwait CityKuwait - Kuwait City.@=+Q@=s33333@G =p@HzGx UUEPSGAsia - Malaysia (west) and SingaporeMalaysia - West Malaysia; Singapore.?zG@Gz@X\(@Z&fffffW woEPSGAsia - Bangladesh; India; Myanmar; Pakistan - onshoreBangladesh - onshore; India - mainland onshore; Myanmar - onshore and Moattama area offshore; Pakistan - onshore.@ =p @B\)@NnzG@YJG{D wIEPSGAsia - Bangladesh; India; Myanmar; Pakistan - onshoreBangladesh - onshore; India - mainland onshore; Myanmar (Burma) - onshore; Pakistan - onshore.@ =p @B\)@NnzG@YJG{Y ;1EPSGEurope - CzechoslovakiaCzechia; Slovakia.@Gp =@IzH@(.zG@6\(. m'EPSGEurope - Ireland (Republic and Ulster) - onshoreIreland - onshore. United Kingdom (UK) - Northern Ireland (Ulster) - onshore.@IR@K =p%Q\(\ SiEPSGAsia - Myanmar and Thailand onshoreMyanmar (Burma) - onshore; Thailand - onshore.@Q@<@W @Zh\)> MgEPSGSouth America - Tierra del FuegoChile - Tierra del Fuego, onshore; Argentina - Tierra del Fuego, onshore and offshore Atlantic west of 66°W.KG{I33333RQOp = Y}EPSGAsia - Cambodia and Vietnam - mainlandCambodia - mainland onshore; Vietnam - mainland onshore.@ \)@7ffffff@Y\)@[aR k  NZjR,Lk_ } IyEPSG;Trinidad and Tobago - TrinidadTrinidad and Tobago - Trinidad - onshore and offshore.@#\)@'QO Qb 9EEPSG:Iran - Taheri refineryIran - Taheri refinery site.@;c =p@;(\@J@@JZG{S !=EPSG9USA - HARNAmerican Samoa - onshore - Tutuila, Aunu'u, Ofu, Olesega, Ta'u and Rose islands. Guam - onshore. Northern Mariana Islands - onshore. Puerto Rico - onshore. United States (USA) - onshore Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming; offshore Gulf of Mexico continental shelf (GoM OCS). US Virgin Islands - onshore.-.zG@Qٙ@b\(P =q +- EPSG8Canada - CSRS98Canada - Alberta; New Brunswick; Saskatchewan; Prince Edward Island; and Quebec.@FNzG@OGzHĹ) uEPSG7Caribbean - Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands - onshorePuerto Rico, US Virgin Islands and British Virgin Islands - onshore.@1Q@2ǮzHPzGPz 9uEPSG6USA - Hawaii - onshoreUnited States (USA) - Hawaii - main islands onshore.@2޸Q@6J=p d cWzH IEPSG5USA - Alaska - St. Paul IslandUnited States (USA) - Alaska - Pribilof Islands - St Paul Island.@LzH@L =pePQeAGz QqEPSG4USA - Alaska - St. Lawrence IslandUnited States (USA) - Alaska - St Lawrence Island.@OqR@OQe =peG{ MEPSG3USA - Alaska - St. George IslandUnited States (USA) - Alaska - Pribilof Islands - St George Island.@L>Q@LU\(e<(\e,(\Y %GEPSG2USA - AlaskaUnited States (USA) - Alaska.@Ifffff@Qٙ@ep =`?zHU 13EPSG1Mozambique - southMozambique - south.:޸Q3 =p@?J=p @A33333 Y'EPSG0Indonesia - Kalimantan - Mahakam deltaIndonesia - east Kalimantan - Mahakam delta coastal and offshore shelf areas. =p@].zG@]\(a =?EPSG/France - Corsica onshoreFrance - Corsica onshore.@DzH@E\)@!@#B\(c ?AEPSG.France - mainland onshoreFrance - mainland onshore.@E*=p @IRzG{@ u\(q {EPSG-North America - Canada and USA (CONUS, Alaska mainland)North America - onshore and offshore: Canada - Alberta; British Columbia; Manitoba; New Brunswick; Newfoundland and Labrador; Northwest Territories; Nova Scotia; Nunavut; Ontario; Prince Edward Island; Quebec; Saskatchewan; Yukon. United States (USA) - Alabama; Alaska (mainland); Arizona; Arkansas; California; Colorado; Connecticut; Delaware; Florida; Georgia; Idaho; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Kansas; Kentucky; Louisiana; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; Michigan; Minnesota; Mississippi; Missouri; Montana; Nebraska; Nevada; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New Mexico; New York; North Carolina; North Dakota; Ohio; Oklahoma; Oregon; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; South Carolina; South Dakota; Tennessee; Texas; Utah; Vermont; Virginia; Washington; West Virginia; Wisconsin; Wyoming.@7\(@Up =eGzG޸Q L OEPSG?Germany - East Germany all statesGermany - states of former East Germany - Berlin, Brandenburg; Mecklenburg-Vorpommern; Sachsen; Sachsen-Anhalt; Thuringen.@I@K^Q@# =p@.zGs OQEPSG>Sierra Leone - Freetown PeninsulaSierra Leone - Freetown Peninsula.@ =p@!*zG*B\(Á> =! EPSG=South America by countrySouth America - Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela.L33333 l IWEPSG}[m '-EPSGsUSA - MontanaUnited States (USA) - Montana - counties of Beaverhead; Big Horn; Blaine; Broadwater; Carbon; Carter; Cascade; Chouteau; Custer; Daniels; Dawson; Deer Lodge; Fallon; Fergus; Flathead; Gallatin; Garfield; Glacier; Golden Valley; Granite; Hill; Jefferson; Judith Basin; Lake; Lewis and Clark; Liberty; Lincoln; Madison; McCone; Meagher; Mineral; Missoula; Musselshell; Park; Petroleum; Phillips; Pondera; Powder River; Powell; Prairie; Ravalli; Richland; Roosevelt; Rosebud; Sanders; Sheridan; Silver Bow; Stillwater; Sweet Grass; Teton; Toole; Treasure; Valley; Wheatland; Wibaux; Yellowstone.@F,@HGz]zGZ\(] )KEPSGrUSA - MissouriUnited States (USA) - Missouri.@Ap =@DNzGWGzVFfffffc /QEPSGqUSA - MississippiUnited States (USA) - Mississippi.@>\(@AGzV陙V\(_ +MEPSGpUSA - MinnesotaUnited States (USA) - Minnesota.@EQ@H =qXNzGV_\(] )KEPSGoUSA - MichiganUnited States (USA) - Michigan.@DQ@H(\)VG{TQg 3UEPSGnUSA - MassachusettsUnited States (USA) - Massachusetts.@DQ@EqRR`Qw =pׂW )=EPSGmUSA - MarylandUnited States (USA) - Maryland - counties of Allegany; Anne Arundel; Baltimore; Calvert; Caroline; Carroll; Cecil; Charles; Dorchester; Frederick; Garrett; Harford; Howard; Kent; Montgomery; Prince Georges; Queen Annes; Somerset; St Marys; Talbot; Washington; Wicomico; Worcester.@B(\@Cp =S\(RzGW #EEPSGlUSA - MaineUnited States (USA) - Maine.@EQ@G(\Q\(P=p _ +MEPSGkUSA - LouisianaUnited States (USA) - Louisiana.@<ٙ@@ =pW33333V0] )KEPSGjUSA - KentuckyUnited States (USA) - Kentucky.@B>Q@C33333VdzGT|Y %GEPSGiUSA - KansasUnited States (USA) - Kansas.@B~Q@DGzY =pWQU !CEPSGhUSA - IowaUnited States (USA) - Iowa.@D.zG@EGzX)V\)[ 'IEPSGgUSA - IndianaUnited States (USA) - Indiana.@B\(@D\(VfffffU1R] )KEPSGfUSA - IllinoisUnited States (USA) - Illinois.@B|(\@EAGzVGzUGzW #EEPSGeUSA - IdahoUnited States (USA) - Idaho.@DQ@HGz]O\([\([ 'IEPSGdUSA - GeorgiaUnited States (USA) - Georgia.@>\(\@AGzUg =pT1Gz[ 'IEPSGcUSA - FloridaUnited States (USA) - Florida.@8h\)@?\(UQSzG )EPSGbUSA - DelawareUnited States (USA) - Delaware - counties of Kent; New Castle; Sussex.@C8Q@CR33333RzGF /EPSGaUSA - ConnecticutUnited States (USA) - Connecticut - counties of Fairfield; Hartford; Litchfield; Middlesex; New Haven; New London; Tolland; Windham.@D}p =@EfffffRnQQR] )KEPSG`USA - ColoradoUnited States (USA) - Colorado.@B}p =@DGz[C =pY\(a -OEPSG_USA - CaliforniaUnited States (USA) - California.@@C =p@EGz_\zH] )KEPSG^USA - ArkansasUnited States (USA) - Arkansas.@@Gz@B@WzHVh\)[ 'IEPSG]USA - ArizonaUnited States (USA) - Arizona.@?TzG@BGz\ =p[B\([ 'IEPSG\USA - AlabamaUnited States (USA) - Alabama.@># =p@A\(VQU8\)\ ?AEPSG[Venezuela - Guarico stateVenezuela - Guarico state.@(\)@$\(P0 =q\ 3?EPSGZVenezuela - DeltanaVenezuela - Deltana area.@\(@$QOffffffMfffffO +-EPSGYFrance - AlsaceFrance - Alsace.@G\(@H\)@\(\@ u\(O +-EPSGXCanada - QuebecCanada - Quebec.@F~Q@OO\(SfffffLQ -/EPSGWCanada - OntarioCanada - Ontario.@D\(@Ls33333W=p Rfffffo WA EPSGVAfrica - Algeria, Morocco and TunisiaAlgeria; Morocco; Tunisia.@2G{@BQ*W =p@'G{i =OEPSGUAlgeria - north of 32°NAlgeria - onshore north of 32°N.@?p =@BR@".zG 9 EPSGTAsia - Japan and KoreaJapan - onshore; North Korea - onshore; South Korea - onshore.@4^Q@FQ@^Q@cA 2 M D -H42] )KEPSGUSA - VirginiaUnited States (USA) - Virginia.@BEQ@CG{TQR =pt 'yEPSGUSA - VermontUnited States (USA) - Vermont - counties of Addison; Bennington; Caledonia; Chittenden; Essex; Franklin; Grand Isle; Lamoille; Orange; Orleans; Rutland; Washington; Windham; Windsor.@E\(\@F =pR\(\QU !CEPSGUSA - UtahUnited States (USA) - Utah.@B~Q@EGz\33333[B\(W #EEPSGUSA - TexasUnited States (USA) - Texas.@9zG@B@Z=p W`, +eEPSGUSA - TennesseeUnited States (USA) - Tennessee - counties of Anderson; Bedford; Benton; Bledsoe; Blount; Bradley; Campbell; Cannon; Carroll; Carter; Cheatham; Chester; Claiborne; Clay; Cocke; Coffee; Crockett; Cumberland; Davidson; De Kalb; Decatur; Dickson; Dyer; Fayette; Fentress; Franklin; Gibson; Giles; Grainger; Greene; Grundy; Hamblen; Hamilton; Hancock; Hardeman; Hardin; Hawkins; Haywood; Henderson; Henry; Hickman; Houston; Humphreys; Jackson; Jefferson; Johnson; Knox; Lake; Lauderdale; Lawrence; Lewis; Lincoln; Loudon; Macon; Madison; Marion; Marshall; Maury; McMinn; McNairy; Meigs; Monroe; Montgomery; Moore; Morgan; Obion; Overton; Perry; Pickett; Polk; Putnam; Rhea; Roane; Robertson; Rutherford; Scott; Sequatchie; Sevier; Shelby; Smith; Stewart; Sullivan; Sumner; Tipton; Trousdale; Unicoi; Union; Van Buren; Warren; Washington; Wayne; Weakley; White; Williamson; Wilson.@A}p =@BW =pV =pTie 1SEPSGUSA - South DakotaUnited States (USA) - South Dakota.@E=p =@FZzGXQ> 5EPSGUSA - South CarolinaUnited States (USA) - South Carolina - counties of Abbeville; Aiken; Allendale; Anderson; Bamberg; Barnwell; Beaufort; Berkeley; Calhoun; Charleston; Cherokee; Chester; Chesterfield; Clarendon; Colleton; Darlington; Dillon; Dorchester; Edgefield; Fairfield; Florence; Georgetown; Greenville; Greenwood; Hampton; Horry; Jasper; Kershaw; Lancaster; Laurens; Lee; Lexington; Marion; Marlboro; McCormick; Newberry; Oconee; Orangeburg; Pickens; Richland; Saluda; Spartanburg; Sumter; Union; Williamsburg; York.@@fffff@AG{T =pSGz# 1MEPSGUSA - Rhode IslandUnited States (USA) - Rhode Island - counties of Bristol; Kent; Newport; Providence; Washington.@D =q@E\(QfffffQQe 1SEPSGUSA - PennsylvaniaUnited States (USA) - Pennsylvania.@CG{@EC =pT!RRY %GEPSG~USA - OregonUnited States (USA) - Oregon.@Dp =@G!Gz_&fffff]zGV )KEPSG}USA - OklahomaUnited States (USA) - Oklahoma.@@\(@BGzWG{U !CEPSG|USA - OhioUnited States (USA) - Ohio.@C333333@E*=p U5QT =qe 1SEPSG{USA - North DakotaUnited States (USA) - North Dakota.@F =p@HGzZzGX#33333q 5eEPSGzUSA - North CarolinaUnited States (USA) - North Carolina - counties of Alamance; Alexander; Alleghany; Anson; Ashe; Avery; Beaufort; Bertie; Bladen; Brunswick; Buncombe; Burke; Cabarrus; Caldwell; Camden; Carteret; Caswell; Catawba; Chatham; Cherokee; Chowan; Clay; Cleveland; Columbus; Craven; Cumberland; Currituck; Dare; Davidson; Davie; Duplin; Durham; Edgecombe; Forsyth; Franklin; Gaston; Gates; Graham; Granville; Greene; Guilford; Halifax; Harnett; Haywood; Henderd] )KEPSGyUSA - New YorkUnited States (USA) - New York.@D<(\@F\(SGzQ33333Z -OEPSGxUSA - New MexicoUnited States (USA) - New Mexico.@?TzG%[C =pY\(. -gEPSGwUSA - New JerseyUnited States (USA) - New Jersey - counties of Atlantic; Bergen; Burlington; Camden; Cape May; Cumberland; Essex; Gloucester; Hudson; Hunterdon; Mercer; Middlesex; Monmouth; Morris; Ocean; Passaic; Salem; Somerset; Sussex; Union; Warren.@Co\(@DzGRfffffRxQZ 39EPSGvUSA - New HampshireUnited States (USA) - New Hampshire - counties of Belknap; Carroll; Cheshire; Coos; Grafton; Hillsborough; Merrimack; Rockingham; Strafford; Sullivan.@EXQ@FzHR# =pQQK %GEPSGuUSA - NevadaUnited States (USA) - Nevada.@A~Q*\Rson; Hertford; Hoke; Hyde; Iredell; Jackson; Johnston; Jones; Lee; Lenoir; Lincoln; Macon; Madison; Martin; McDowell; Mecklenburg; Mitchell; Montgomery; Moore; Nash; New Hanover; Northampton; Onslow; Orange; Pamlico; Pasquotank; Pender; Perquimans; Person; Pitt; Polk; Randolph; Richmond; Robeson; Rockingham; Rowan; Rutherford; Sampson; Scotland; Stanly; Stokes; Surry; Swain; Transylvania; Tyrrell; Union; Vance; Wake; Warren; Washington; Watauga; Wayne; Wilkes; Wilson; Yadkin; Yancey.@@=p @BKQUQRQ  l6z > k $ P il\z 1W#l5 [c EPSGCanada - 72°W to 66°W, south of 62°NCanada south of 60°N and between 72°W and 66°W - New Brunswick (NB), Labrador, Nova Scotia (NS), Quebec.@FL@N] 9;EPSGCanada - New BrunswickCanada - New Brunswick.@FGzH@H\)QC33333Oٙh KMEPSGCanada - Quebec - east of 60°WCanada - Quebec - east of 60°W.@I@JGzLl MaEPSGCanada - Quebec - 66°W to 60°WCanada - Quebec - between 66°W and 60°W.@GzG@N5\(l MaEPSGCanada - Quebec - 72°W to 66°WCanada - Quebec - between 72°W and 66°W.@FGz@Nfffffl MaEPSGCanada - Quebec - 78°W to 72°WCanada - Quebec - between 78°W and 72°W.@F~Q@OO\(j MOEPSGCanada - Ontario - east of 78°WCanada - Ontario - east of 78°W.@EУ =q@G Rfffffn OcEPSGCanada - Ontario - 84°W to 78°WCanada - Ontario - between 84°W and 78°W.@D\(@K\(n OcEPSGCanada - Ontario - 90°W to 84°WCanada - Ontario - between 90°W and 84°W.@GzG@Ls33333j MOEPSGCanada - Ontario - west of 90°WCanada - Ontario - west of 90°W.@H =p@LW=p v QUEPSGCanada - Ontario - west of 94.5°WCanada - Ontario - west of 94°30'W.@HXQ@JQW=p W WoEPSGCanada - Ontario - 94.5°W to 91.5°WCanada - Ontario - between 94°30'W and 91°30'W.@HzH@KWV WoEPSGCanada - Ontario - 91.5°W to 88.5°WCanada - Ontario - between 91°30'W and 88°30'W.@G(\@Ls33333VV  WoEPSGCanada - Ontario - 88.5°W to 85.5°WCanada - Ontario - between 88°30'W and 85°30'W.@G\(@LYV U` IEPSGCanada - Ontario - MTM zone 13Canada - Ontario - between 85°30'W and 82°30'W and north of 46°N..@K˅QU`Te IGEPSGCanada - Ontario - MTM zone 12Canada - Ontario - between 82°30'W and 79°30'W: north of 46°N in area between 82°30'W and 80°15'W, north of 47°N in area between 80°15'W and 79°30'W..@KG{TSt IuEPSGCanada - Ontario - MTM zone 11Canada - Ontario - south of 46°N and west of 81°W.@D\(.Tfffff IEPSGCanada - Ontario - MTM zone 10Canada - Ontario - between 81°W and 78°W: south of 46°N in area to west of 80°15'W, south of 47°N in area between 80°15'W and 79°30'W, entire province between 79°30'W and 78°W.@E!Gz@G=p S\(n OcEPSGCanada - Ontario - 78°W to 75°WCanada - Ontario - between 78°W and 75°W.@EУ =q@G j MOEPSGCanada - Ontario - east of 75°WCanada - Ontario - east of 75°W.@F}p =@F33333Rfffffh KMEPSGCanada - Quebec - west of 78°WCanada - Quebec - west of 78°W.@Gp =@O9Sfffffl MaEPSGCanada - Quebec - 78°W to 75°WCanada - Quebec - between 78°W and 75°W.@F\(@OO\(l MaEPSGCanada - Quebec - 75°W to 72°WCanada - Quebec - between 75°W and 72°W.@F~Q@OC =pl MaEPSGCanada - Quebec - 72°W to 69°WCanada - Quebec - between 72°W and 69°W.@FGz@Nfffffe MaEPSGCanada - Quebec - 69°W to 66°WCanada - Quebec - between 69°W and 66°W.@GzH;l MaEPSGCanada - Quebec - 66°W to 63°WCanada - Quebec - between 66°W and 63°W.@G@N5\(l MaEPSGCanada - Quebec - 63°W to 60°WCanada - Quebec - between 63°W and 60°W.@GzG@JGzl Ma EPSGCanada - Quebec - 60°W to 57°WCanada - Quebec - between 60°W and 57°W.@I 4La KM EPSGCanada - Quebec - east of 57°WCanada - Quebec - east of 57°W.@GL@JGz[ 'IEPSGUSA - WyomingUnited States (USA) - Wyoming.@D~Q@FGz[ =pZ33333_ +MEPSGUSA - WisconsinUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin.@E=p =@GzHW8\)Ug 3UEPSGUSA - West VirginiaUnited States (USA) - West Virginia.@B@DQRTSnzGb 4"8 b  ' 4 4 JH/j(]*Q9d GIEPSGLibya - west of 15°E onshoreLibya - onshore west of 15°E.@6(\@@p =@"Qh I]EPSGLibya - 18°E to 24°E onshoreLibya - onshore between 18°E and 24°E.@3!@1p =o I]EPSGLibya - 12°E to 18°E onshoreLibya - onshore between 12°E and 18°E.@6\(@@zH @2\(d GIEPSGLibya - west of 12°E onshoreLibya - onshore west of 12°E.@7\(@@p =@"Q d GIEPSGLibya - east of 24°E onshoreLibya - onshore east of 24°E.@3p =@@33333@95\(h I]EPSGLibya - 22°E to 24°E onshoreLibya - onshore between 22°E and 24°E.@3@@|(\a I]EPSGLibya - 20°E to 22°E onshoreLibya - onshore between 20°E and 22°E.@4=p !h I]EPSGLibya - 18°E to 20°E onshoreLibya - onshore between 18°E and 20°E.@5=p @@\(o I]EPSGLibya - 16°E to 18°E onshoreLibya - onshore between 16°E and 18°E.@6\(@?W =p@2\(h I]EPSGLibya - 14°E to 16°E onshoreLibya - onshore between 14°E and 16°E.@6(\@@eQh I]EPSGLibya - 12°E to 14°E onshoreLibya - onshore between 12°E and 14°E.@6@@zH h I]EPSGLibya - 10°E to 12°E onshoreLibya - onshore between 10°E and 12°E.@7\(@@p = [ 79EPSGLibya - west of 10°ELibya - west of 10°E.@9^Q@>}p =@"Q@$QV 9;EPSGGuinea - east of 12°WGuinea - east of 12°W.@\(@)Q^ 9KEPSGGuinea - west of 12°WGuinea - onshore west of 12°W.@"Q@)\(\.B\(b EGEPSGIran - east of 60°E onshoreIran - onshore east of 60°E.@9Q@BzH<@OQ 7EEPSGIran - 54°E to 60°EIran - onshore between 54°E and 60°E, Gulf offshore between of 54°E and Strait of Hormuz.@9QR@C%Q6p =@C =p@F =p0i EGEPSGSouth Africa - east of 32°ESouth Africa - east of 32°E.< =q:@?33333@@y GEPSGSouth Africa - 30°E to 32°ESouth Africa - onshore between 30°E and 32°E. Eswatini (Swaziland).?aGz68Q@=p =@@\(Á GEPSGSouth Africa - 28°E to 30°ELesotho - east of 28°E. South Africa - onshore between 28°E and 30°E.@ =p6!Gz@;p =@>\(Á GEPSGSouth Africa - 26°E to 28°ELesotho - west of 28°E. South Africa - onshore between 26°E and 28°E.@=p 6Qu GkEPSGSouth Africa - 24°E to 26°ESouth Africa - onshore between 24°E and 26°E.A!Gz8\(@:\(u GkEPSGSouth Africa - 22°E to 24°ESouth Africa - onshore between 22°E and 24°E.A!Gz9B\(@8\(| GkEPSGSouth Africa - 20°E to 22°ESouth Africa - onshore between 20°E and 22°E.Ap =q8\(@3p =@6\(u GkEPSGSouth Africa - 18°E to 20°ESouth Africa - onshore between 18°E and 20°E.Ap =qǮzH{ YoEPSGNew Zealand - offshore 162°E to168°ENew Zealand - offshore between 162°E and 168°E.KRC =pe ACEPSGNew Zealand - South IslandNew Zealand - South Island.GnzGD8Q@d =p@eθQe ACEPSGNew Zealand - North IslandNew Zealand - North Island.D\(A @ezH@fT(\ cEPSGVenezuela - Maracaibo - blocks I II and IIIVenezuela - Maracaibo area offshore blocks I, II and III. @%QQQG{* EPSGKorea, Republic of (South Korea) - 124°E to 126°E onshoreRepublic of Korea (South Korea) - onshore between 124°E and 126°E.@@Q@CQ@_!R~$ EPSGKorea, Republic of (South Korea) - 126°E to 128°E onshoreRepublic of Korea (South Korea) - onshore between 126°E and 128°E.@@R@C*=p ~ EPSGKorea, Republic of (South Korea) - east of 128°E onshoreRepublic of Korea (South Korea) - onshore east of 128°E.@A>Q@CQR@`4́ O+EPSGVietnam - offshore Cuu Long basinVietnam - offshore - Cuu Long basin and northwestern part of Nam Con Son basin.@\(@&L@Z\(no KMEPSGVietnam - onshore Vung Tau areaVietnam - onshore Vung Tau area.@"\(@&zG@Z_\(@ZQ녁 esEPSGYemen - South Yemen - mainland east of 48°EYemen - South Yemen onshore mainland east of 48°E.@+Gz0@JR esEPSGYemen - South Yemen - mainland west of 48°EYemen - South Yemen onshore mainland west of 48°E.@)zG@133333@E\(@HGzn 9yEPSGYemen - 48°E to 54°EYemen - between 48°E and 54°E, onshore and offshore.@"fffff0@KGzu 9yEPSGYemen - 42°E to 48°EYemen - between 42°E and 48°E, onshore and offshore.@'# =p@133333*@HGzU 13EPSGTunisia - offshoreTunisia - offshore.@@(\@C4zG@=p =@+W =pׁ MuEPSGCuba - onshore south of 21°30'NCuba - onshore south of 21°30'N and east of 80°W .@3Q@5S(\RzG M+EPSGCuba - onshore north of 21°30'NCuba - onshore north of 21°30'N but also including all of Isla de la Juventud.@5aGz@7@U@ =qS:=p  WkEPSGArgentina - Tierra del Fuego offshoreArgentina - Tierra del Fuego offshore Atlantic.Kw =pIzGQ'zHNQ uyEPSGArgentina - Tierra del Fuego onshore west of 67.5°WArgentina - Tierra del Fuego onshore west of 67°30'W.Ks33333JKQQ(\)Pc EWEPSGSierra Leone - east of 12°WSierra Leone - onshore east of 12°W.@Q $Q  @ G97QA g t E]EPSGFinland - 28.5°E to 31.5°EFinland - between 28°30'E and 31°30'E.@NxQ@Qs =p@<@?k GIEPSGCanada - Prince Edward IslandCanada - Prince Edward Island.@F33333@GQP\(N33333 c#EPSGCanada - Maritime Provinces - east of 66°WCanada - New Brunswick and Nova Scotia east of 66°W; Prince Edward Island.@EzG@Gp =Mp = c{EPSGCanada - Maritime Provinces - west of 66°WCanada - New Brunswick and Nova Scotia - west of 66°W.@ER@H\)m =WEPSGTurkey - east of 43.5°ETürkiye (Turkey) - east of 43°30'E.@B|(\@D\(@E@Fj=p  SEPSGTurkey - 40.5°E to 43.5°E onshoreTürkiye (Turkey) - between 40°30'E and 43°30'E, onshore.@B\(@D@D@@E SEPSGTurkey - 37.5°E to 40.5°E onshoreTürkiye (Turkey) - between 37°30'E and 40°30'E, onshore.@BTzG@DQ@B@D@ SEPSGTurkey - 34.5°E to 37.5°E onshoreTürkiye (Turkey) - between 34°30'E and 37°30'E, onshore.@AzH@E33333@A@@B SEPSGTurkey - 31.5°E to 34.5°E onshoreTürkiye (Turkey) - between 31°30'E and 34°30'E, onshore.@A(\@E\)@?@A@ SEPSGTurkey - 28.5°E to 31.5°E onshoreTürkiye (Turkey) - between 28°30'E and 31°30'E, onshore.@BzH@DG{@<@?~ MiEPSGTurkey - west of 28.5°E onshoreTürkiye (Turkey) - west of 28°30'E, onshore.@B@@EzG@9Q@<[ =AEPSGPoland - east of 22.5°EPoland - east of 22°30'E.1@K4zG@6@8&fffff CEPSGPoland - 19.5°E to 22.5°EPoland - onshore and offshore between 19°30'E and 22°30'E.@HQ@KFfffff@3@6 CEPSGPoland - 16.5°E to 19.5°EPoland - onshore and offshore between 16°30'E and 19°30'E.@HR@K =p@0@3w =kEPSGPoland - west of 16.5°EPoland - onshore and offshore west of 16°30'E.@I!Gz@K@,GzH@0 +)EPSGPoland - zone VPoland - south central - between 49°20'N and 51°20'N, 18°20'E and 19°40'E.@HR@IQ@2TzG@3Q} -EPSGPoland - zone IVPoland - southwest - south of 53°20'N and west of 19°05'E.@HR@JQ@,GzH@3 =p| /EPSGPoland - zone IIIPoland - northwest - onshore north of 52°10'N and west of 20°E.@JzG@KqR@,GzH{ -EPSGPoland - zone IIPoland - northeast - onshore north of 51°20'N and east of 19°E.@I=p @KAGz@733333j +EPSGPoland - zone IPoland - southeast - south of 52°20'N and east of 18°E.1@J+Q@8&fffff" wEPSGEurope - 13.5°E to 16.5°E onshore and S-42(83) by countryCzechia - between 13°30'E and 16°30'E. Germany - states of former East Germany onshore east of 13°30'E - Brandenburg; Mecklenburg-Vorpommern; Sachsen. Hungary - west of 16°30'E.@GEQ@K\(\@+@0 iyEPSGEurope - 10.5°E to 13.5°E onshore by countryCzechia - west of 13°30'E. Germany - states of former East Germany onshore - between 10°30'E and 13°30'E - Brandenburg; Mecklenburg-Vorpommern; Sachsen; Sachsen-Anhalt; Thuringen.@H|(\@K^Q@%@+ ]EPSGGermany - East Germany - west of 10.5°EGermany - states of former East Germany - west of 10°30'E - Thuringen.@I,@IǮzH@# =p@% UmEPSGFinland - 25.5°E to 28.5°E onshoreFinland - onshore between 25°30'E and 28°30'E.@N =p@Q\(@9@<\(Á UmEPSGFinland - 22.5°E to 25.5°E onshoreFinland - onshore between 22°30'E and 25°30'E.@M@Q9@6@9 UmEPSGFinland - 19.5°E to 22.5°E onshoreFinland - onshore between 19°30'E and 22°30'E.@MGz@QUQ@3@6r UWEPSGCanada - Nova Scotia - west of 63°WCanada - Nova Scotia - west of 63°W.@EzG@G\(PRr UWEPSGCanada - Nova Scotia - east of 63°WCanada - Nova Scotia - east of 63°W.@FQR@G=p Mp =(gI 9 7 L(f w}EPSGArgentina - 42.5°S to 50.3°S and 70.5°W to 67.5°WArgentina - Chibut province between 70°30'W and 67°30'W and south of approximately 42°30'S and Santa Cruz province between 70°30'W and 67°30'W and north of approximately 50°20'S.I+QE>QQP\(eJ [ EPSGCanada - 66°W to 60°W, south of 60°NCanada south of 60°N and between 66°W and 60°W - New Brunswick (NB), Labrador, Nova Scotia (NS), Prince Edward Island (PEI), Quebec.@E<ca -OEPSGUSA - WashingtonUnited States (USA) - Washington.@FQ@Hfffff_2\(]:=p bp )oEPSGtUSA - NebraskaUnited States (USA) - Nebraska - counties of Adams; Antelope; Arthur; Banner; Blaine; Boone; Box Butte; Boyd; Brown; Buffalo; Burt; Butler; Cass; Cedar; Chase; Cherry; Cheyenne; Clay; Colfax; Cuming; Custer; Dakota; Dawes; Dawson; Deuel; Dixon; Dodge; Douglas; Dundy; Fillmore; Franklin; Frontier; Furnas; Gage; Garden; Garfield; Gosper; Grant; Greeley; Hall; Hamilton; Harlan; Hayes; Hitchcock; Holt; Hooker; Howard; Jefferson; Johnson; Kearney; Keith; Keya Paha; Kimball; Knox; Lancaster; Lincoln; Logan; Loup; Madison; McPherson; Merrick; Morrill; Nance; Nemaha; Nuckolls; Otoe; Pawnee; Perkins; Phelps; Pierce; Platte; Polk; Red Willow; Richardson; Rock; Saline; Sarpy; Saunders; Scotts Bluff; Seward; Sheridan; Sherman; Sioux; Stanton; Thayer; Thomas; Thurston; Valley; Washington; Wayne; Webster; Wheeler; York.@CQ@EGzZ =pW33333` SEPSGSUAE - Abu Dhabi and Dubai - onshoreUnited Arab Emirates (UAE) - Abu Dhabi onshore and Dubai onshore.@6Gz@9W =p@IǮzH@L =p_ GqEPSG@Portugal - Azores W - onshorePortugal - western Azores onshore - Flores, Corvo.@Cfffff@C\(?W =p?Q^w -yEPSG,USA (all states)United States (USA) - onshore and offshore - Alabama; Alaska; Arizona; Arkansas; California; Colorado; Connecticut; Delaware; Florida; Georgia; Hawaii; Idaho; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Kansas; Kentucky; Louisiana; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; Michigan; Minnesota; Mississippi; Missouri; Montana; Nebraska; Nevada; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New Mexico; New York; North Carolina; North Dakota; Ohio; Oklahoma; Oregon; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; South Carolina; South Dakota; Tennessee; Texas; Utah; Vermont; Virginia; Washington; West Virginia; Wisconsin; Wyoming.@/Q@Rp =@dPl(\] G+EPSGPortugal - Azores C - onshorePortugal - central Azores onshore - Faial, Graciosa, Pico, Sao Jorge, Terceira.@C(\)@CRi5yA{` u9EPSGWorld - N hemisphere - 180°W to 174°W - by countryBetween 180°W and 174°W, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore. Russian Federation; United States (USA) - Alaska (AK).TLRz [KEPSGWorld - S hemisphere - 120°E to 126°EBetween 120°E and 126°E, southern hemisphere between 80°S and equator, onshore and offshore.x~y WGEPSGWorld - N hemisphere - 42°E to 48°EBetween 42°E and 48°E, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore.T*0x WGEPSGWorld - S hemisphere - 42°W to 36°WBetween 42°W and 36°W, southern hemisphere between 80°S and equator, onshore and offshore.w [KEPSGeWorld - N hemisphere - 120°W to 114°WBetween 120°W and 114°W, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore.Tv /5EPSGJJapan - zone XIIIJapan - onshore - Hokkaido east of approximately 143°E - Kitami city; Obihiro city; Kushiro city; Abashiri city; Nemuro city; Nemuro-shicho; Kushiro-shicho; Abashiri-shicho (except Monbetsu-gun); Tokachi-shicho.@D\(@F333333@aӅQ@b; =puX ;=EPSG5Namibia - east of 24°ENamibia - east of 24°E.2.zG1xQ@9EQtQ WEPSGSouth America - 54°W to 48°W, N hemisphere and SAD69 by countryBrazil - offshore deep water - Amazon cone. In remainder of South America, between 54°W and 48°W, northern hemisphere onshore but excluding most of the area southeast of a line between approximately 2°N, 54°W and 4°N, 52°W.?Gz@=p =GS33333s{ M{EPSGRussia - 180° to 174°W onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 180°E and 174°W.@Pfffff@Q陙LRrO _EPSGSouth America - 72°W to 66°W, N hemisphere and PSAD56 by countrySouth America (Aruba; Bonaire; Curacao; Venezuela) between 72°W and 66°W, northern hemisphere, onshore.?\(\@)\(\q. 9 EPSGNorth America - NAVD88North America: Canada - Alberta; British Columbia (BC); Manitoba; New Brunswick (NB); Newfoundland and Labrador; Northwest Territories (NWT); Nova Scotia (NS); Nunavut; Ontario; Prince Edward Island (PEI); Quebec; Saskatchewan; Yukon. United States (USA) - Alabama; Alaska; Arizona; Arkansas; California; Colorado; Connecticut; Delaware; Florida; Georgia; Idaho; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Kansas; Kentucky; Louisiana; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; Michigan; Minnesota; Mississippi; Missouri; Montana; Nebraska; Nevada; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New Mexico; New York; North Carolina; North Dakota; Ohio; Oklahoma; Oregon; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; South Carolina; South Dakota; Tennessee; Texas; Utah; Vermont; Virginia; Washington; West Virginia; Wisconsin; Wyoming.:Xp wGEPSGEurope - former Yugoslavia onshore 16.5°E to 19.5°EBosnia and Herzegovina - between 16°30'E and 19°30'E; Croatia - onshore east of 16°30'E; Montenegro - onshore west of 19°30'E; Serbia - west of 19°30'E.@DQ@GFfffff@0@3\(oy KoEPSGIndia - mainland 72°E to 78°EIndia - mainland onshore between 72°E and 78°E.@ =p @AGzH@S =qn a1EPSGsIndonesia - 102°E to 108°E, N hemisphereIndonesia - north of equator and between 102°E and 108°E - onshore and offshore.@\(flmt ?cEPSG]UK - offshore - North SeaUnited Kingdom (UK) - offshore - North Sea.@I =p@O =p333333@ 333333l< KeEPSG?Colombia - 75°35'W to 72°35'WColombia - onshore between 1°30'W and 1°30'E of Bogota (approximately 75°35'W and 72°35'W of Greenwich).zG@' =pR\(R%Qk6 y+EPSG"Asia - Middle East - Kuwait and Saudi - 48°E to 54°EKuwait - onshore east of 48°E. Saudi Arabia - onshore between 48°E and 54°E.@1 =q@> =p @GQ@KGzhn QSEPSGMozambique - onshore west of 36°EMozambique - onshore west of 36°E.:޸Q&R@>5\($ ^ $ p v j r(}VNF*v WkEPSG!Saudi Arabia - onshore 36°E to 42°ESaudi Arabia - onshore between 36°E and 42°E.@0 =p@@zG$*T q{EPSG Australasia - Australia and PNG - 144°E to 150°EAustralia - onshore and offshore between 144°E and 150°E. Papua New Guinea (PNG) - onshore between 144°E and 150°E.G@bQC qYEPSGAustralasia - Australia and PNG - 138°E to 144°EAustralia - onshore and offshore between 138°E and 144°E. Papua New Guinea - onshore west of 144°E.GP =q=p =@bQ IEPSGAustralia - EEZ east of 162°EAustralia - offshore east of 162°E to 200 nautical mile EEZ boundary.A(\;@@dffffff E9EPSGAustralia - 156°E to 162°EAustralia including Lord Howe Island - onshore and offshore between 156°E and 162°E.A =q,(\)@d@Q| EEPSGAustralia - 150°E to 156°EAustralia - onshore and offshore between 150°E and 156°E.MzG{+p = EEPSGAustralia - 144°E to 150°EAustralia - onshore and offshore between 144°E and 150°E.IqR"u\(@bQ EEPSGAustralia - 138°E to 144°EAustralia - onshore and offshore between 138°E and 144°E.HQ"(\)@bQ EEPSGAustralia - 132°E to 138°EAustralia - onshore and offshore between 132°E and 138°E.DZG{!\(@a@Q EEPSGAustralia - 126°E to 132°EAustralia - onshore and offshore between 126°E and 132°E.B =q"333333@_\( EEPSGAustralia - 120°E to 126°EAustralia - onshore and offshore between 120°E and 126°E.C\)$Qx@_ =q" QGEPSGAustralia - 114°E to 120°E (EEZ)Australia - onshore and offshore to 200 nautical mile EEZ boundary between 114°E and 120°E.CC =p)8Qrx) QGEPSGAustralia - 108°E to 114°E (EEZ)Australia - onshore and offshore to 200 nautical mile EEZ boundary between 108°E and 114°E.BQ10 =q@[NQrV EY EPSGAustralia - 102°E to 108°EAustralia - between 102°E and 108°E.flh KMEPSGSomalia - onshore east of 48°ESomalia - onshore east of 48°E.@\(@(\(0@I(\ i EPSGSomalia - 42°E to 48°E, N hemisphere onshoreSomalia - onshore north of equator and between 42°E and 48°E.@' =p *0Z =?EPSGEthiopia - east of 42°EEthiopia - east of 42°E.@p =q@)33333*@GQ wEPSGAfrica - Eritrea, Ethiopia and Sudan - 36°E to 42°EEritrea. Ethiopia - between 36°E and 42°E. Sudan - east of 36°E.@ 333333@6\($* _oEPSGGrenada and southern Grenadines - onshoreGrenada and southern Grenadine Islands - onshore.@'Gz@)# =pNQN KmEPSGUSA - Hawaii - Niihau - onshoreUnited States (USA) - Hawaii - Niihau - onshore.@5G{@6Rd czH} IkEPSG USA - Hawaii - Kauai - onshoreUnited States (USA) - Hawaii - Kauai - onshore.@5\(@6J=p c33333c\({ GiEPSG USA - Hawaii - Oahu - onshoreUnited States (USA) - Hawaii - Oahu - onshore.@5333333@5cʏ\(cQ2 }EPSG USA - Hawaii - Maui; Kahoolawe; Lanai; Molokai - onshoreUnited States (USA) - Hawaii - Maui; Kahoolawe; Lanai; Molokai - onshore.@4s33333@5B\(cQc}\( _EPSG USA - Hawaii - island of Hawaii - onshoreUnited States (USA) - Hawaii - island of Hawaii - onshore.@2޸Q@4TzGc33333cWzH" EEEPSG Oman - onshore east of 54°EOman - onshore east of 54°E. Includes Musandam and the Kuria Muria (Al Hallaniyah) islands.@0 =p@:zG6@MzGb EGEPSGOman - onshore west of 54°EOman - onshore west of 54°E.@0 =p@3Q@IQ6Q -/EPSGAustria - StyriaAustria - Styria.@GQR@GQ@+(\)@0+Qv eOEPSGAsia - Cambodia and Vietnam - west of 108°ECambodia; Vietnam west of 108°E.@ \)@7ffffff@Y\)lu QSEPSGMozambique - onshore east of 36°EMozambique - onshore east of 36°E.2G{$ =p@AQ@Ds33333 HE > l @ < t)\:!Rx EVW 9;EPSG=China - east of 132°EChina - east of 132°E.@F\(@H333333@`أ =qm MaEPSGColombia - west of 75°35'WColombia - mainland onshore west of 1°30'W of Bogota (approximately 75°35'W of Greenwich).?Q@$kQSfffffRQ Bg !  - -s'\gL =U EPSG\Germany - west of 4.5°EGermany - onshore - west of 4°30'E.^ cEPSGZGermany - West Germany - 10.5°E to 13.5°EGermany - former West Germany onshore between 10°30'E and 13°30'E - states of Bayern, Berlin, Niedersachsen, Schleswig-Holstein.@GR@KKQ@%@+Q녂% a!EPSGYGermany - West-Germany - 7.5°E to 10.5°EGermany - former West Germany onshore between 7°30'E and 10°30'E - states of Baden-Wurtemberg, Bayern, Bremen, Hamberg, Hessen, Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rhineland-Pfalz, Schleswig-Holstein.@G\(@KQ@@%Q녁X [ EPSGXGermany - West Germany - west of 7.5°EGermany - former West Germany onshore west of 7°30'E - states of Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland.@HzG@JzH@p =q@ iqEPSGWAsia - Middle East - Lebanon and Syria onshoreLebanon - onshore. Syrian Arab Republic - onshore.@@'zH@Bfffff@AQ@E0 =qs [o EPSGVBrazil - Corrego Alegre - east of 42°WBrazil - NE coastal area between 42°W and 40°W.z [o EPSGUBrazil - Corrego Alegre - west of 42°WBrazil - NE coastal area between 45°W and 42°W.333333ց C}EPSGTTunisia - south of 34°39'NTunisia - onshore south of 38.5 grads North (34°39'N) .@>:G{@ATzG@\(@'.zG C{EPSGSTunisia - north of 34°39'NTunisia - onshore north of 38.5 grads North (34°39'N).@AS33333@B33333@ \(\@&p =S /1EPSGRTunisia - onshoreTunisia - onshore.@>:G{@B33333@\(@'.zGZ =?EPSGQBotswana - east of 24°EBotswana - east of 24°E.9 =p1ǮzH@=aGz^ ?S EPSGPBotswana - 21°E to 27°EBotswana - between 21°E and 27°E.:Gz1ǮzHZ =?EPSGOBotswana - west of 24°EBotswana - west of 24°E.:Gz1p =@3p =y SYEPSGNArgentina - east of 55.5°W onshoreArgentina - east of 55°30'W, onshore.<(\9}p =KJ33333 YsEPSGMArgentina - 58.5°W to 55.5°W onshoreArgentina - between 58°30'W and 55°30'W, onshore.CKQ8 =pM@KQ YqEPSGLArgentina - 61.5°W to 58.5°W onshoreArgentina - between 61°30'W and 58°30'W onshore.CzH7^QNGzM@ YsEPSGKArgentina - 64.5°W to 61.5°W onshoreArgentina - between 64°30'W and 61°30'W, onshore.KtzG5p =P N YsEPSGJArgentina - 67.5°W to 64.5°W onshoreArgentina - between 67°30'W and 64°30'W, onshore.KzG5ǮzHPP\( YsEPSGIArgentina - 70.5°W to 67.5°W onshoreArgentina - between 70°30'W and 67°30'W, onshore.Ks333338zGQP\(a CGEPSGHArgentina - west of 70.5°WArgentina - west of 70°30'W.BzGRe\(Qx [kEPSGGAngola - Angola proper - 12°E to 18°EAngola - Angola proper between 12°E and 18°E.1p =qGzH  oqEPSGFAngola - Angola proper - offshore - west of 12°EAngola - Angola proper - offshore - west of 12°E.1B\(Q@ ffffff e ACEPSGEAngola - offshore block 15Angola - offshore block 15.\(\Q@%\)@'W =ps OQEPSGDAngola - Angola proper - offshoreAngola - Angola proper - offshore.1B\( =p @ ffffff@+Q cEPSGCColombia - offshore Caribbean west of 72°WColombia - offshore Caribbean west of 72°W of Greenwich.@@+\(\SWzH` Ok EPSGBColombia - offshore west of 78°WColombia - offshore west of 78°W of Greenwich. C#EPSGAColombia - east of 69°35'WColombia - east of 4°30'E of Bogota (approximately 69°35'W of Greenwich).@=p =Qe\(PzH< KeEPSG@Colombia - 72°35'W to 69°35'WColombia - onshore between 1°30'E and 4°30'E of Bogota (approximately 72°35'W and 69°35'W of Greenwich).Q@) =p R%\(QeQ" ]EPSG[Germany - West Germany - east of 13.5°EGermany - former West Germany onshore east of 13°30'E - state of Bayern.@HAGz@H}p =@+@+zG @# ` _||>zfn@ _/EPSGrIndonesia - 96°E to 102°E, S hemisphereIndonesia - south of equator and between 96°E and 102°E - onshore and offshore.!Q`f _/EPSGqIndonesia - 96°E to 102°E, N hemisphereIndonesia - north of equator and between 96°E and 102°E - onshore and offshore.@\(`ff [k EPSGpIndonesia - west of 96°E, S hemisphereIndonesia - south of equator and west of 96°E. [EPSGoIndonesia - west of 96°E, N hemisphereIndonesia - north of equator and west of 96°E - onshore and offshore.@(\)@W =q` SwEPSGnEurope - Estonia; Latvia; LithuaniaEstonia, Latvia and Lithuania - onshore and offshore.@JR<@3Q@<=p = ]{EPSGmEgypt - west of 29°E; south of 28°11'NEgypt - west of 29°E; south of approximately 28°11'N.@5p =@<0 =q@8p =@=\(Á ]EPSGlEgypt - west of 29°E; north of 28°11'NEgypt - onshore west of 29°E and north of approximately 28°11'N.@<.zG@?zG@833333( 9]EPSGkEgypt - 29°E to 33°EEgypt - onshore between 29°E and 33°E, offshore Mediterranean east of 29°E and offshore Gulf of Suez.@5p =@@\)@A"\(Á GEPSGjEgypt - east of 33°E onshoreEgypt - east of 33°E - onshore plus offshore Gulf of Suez.@5Q@?\(\!@By cwEPSGiEurope - 42°E to 48°E and ED50 by countryEurope - between 42°E and 48°E - Türkiye (Turkey).@B|(\@D*@Fj=p H cEPSGhEurope - 36°E to 42°E and ED50 by countryEurope - between 36°E and 42°E - Jordan; Norway including Svalbard - offshore; Türkiye (Turkey) - onshore and offshore.@=.zG@SzG$*g c?EPSGgEurope - 30°E to 36°E and ED50 by countryEurope - between 30°E and 36°E - Israel - offshore; Jordan; Norway including Svalbard - onshore and offshore; Türkiye (Turkey) - onshore and offshore.@=0 =q@U,$~ c_EPSGfEurope - 24°E to 30°E and ED50 by countryEurope - between 24°E and 30°E - Greece - offshore; Norway including Svalbard - onshore and offshore; Türkiye (Turkey) - onshore and offshore. Egypt - Western Desert.@9\(@U.Q@>\(Áa cEPSGeEurope - 18°E to 24°E and ED50 by countryEurope - between 18°E and 24°E - Greece - offshore; Italy - onshore and offshore; Norway including Svalbard - onshore and offshore.@@˅Q@U"\(@1p =@8\(Á caEPSGdEurope - 12°E to 18°E and ED50 by countryEurope - between 12°E and 18°E onshore and offshore - Denmark (including Bornholm); Italy including San Marino and Vatican City State; Malta; Norway including Svalbard.@A>Q@UG{ @2\(Â' a%EPSGcEurope - 6°E to 12°E and ED50 by countryEurope - between 6°E and 12°E - Denmark - onshore and offshore; France - offshore; Germany offshore; Italy - onshore and offshore; Netherlands offshore; Norway including Svalbard - onshore and offshore.@BC =p@UQ@\(@(Q녂; __EPSGbEurope - 0°E to 6°E and ED50 by countryEurope - between 0°E and 6°E - Andorra; Denmark (North Sea); Germany offshore; Netherlands offshore; Norway including Svalbard - onshore and offshore; Spain - onshore (mainland and Balearic Islands); United Kingdom (UKCS) offshore.@CGzH@T@ =p  _EPSGaEurope - 6°W to 0°W and ED50 by countryEurope - between 6°W and 0°W - Channel Islands (Jersey, Guernsey); France offshore; Gibraltar; Ireland offshore; Norway including Svalbard - offshore; Spain - onshore; United Kingdom - UKCS offshore.@AGz@T\(?zG{3 aYEPSG`Europe - 12°W to 6°W and ED50 by countryEurope - between 12°W and 6°W - Faroe Islands - onshore; Spain - mainland onshore; Ireland offshore.@B =q@O4zG cuEPSG_Europe - 18°W to 12°W and ED50 by countryEurope - between 18°W and 12°W - Ireland offshore.@H7 =p@LH\)0g 9OEPSG^Netherlands - offshoreNetherlands - offshore North Sea.@I@K\(@=p =@ =pu gC. \  |G5bz E{Ck GIEPSGIndia - onshore west of 72°EIndia - onshore west of 72°E.@4 =p@<8Q@QQ@R =q mEPSGIndia - onshore 21°N to 28°N and west of 82°EIndia - onshore between 21°N and 28°N and west of 82°E.@<\(@QQ@T =qV 9;EPSGIndia - north of 28°NIndia - north of 28°N.@AGz@Qfffff@Th\)n QSEPSGBangladesh - onshore east of 90°EBangladesh - onshore east of 90°E.@4Q@9J=p Z@W*G{n QSEPSGBangladesh - onshore west of 90°EBangladesh - onshore west of 90°E.@5 =p@: =p@V =qZw K]EPSGIndia - mainland south of 15°NIndia - mainland onshore south of 15°N.@ =p @.Q@R|(\@To I]EPSGIndia - onshore 15°N to 21°NIndia - onshore between 15°N and 21°N.@5\(@Q\)@UəQ y}EPSGAsia - Bangladesh; India; Myanmar; Pakistan - zone IlbBangladesh - onshore north of 21°N; India - onshore north of 21°N and east of 82°E; Myanmar (Burma) - north of 21°N.@=xQR@YJG{I GEPSGAsia - India; Pakistan - onshore 21°N to 28°N and west of 82°EIndia - onshore between 21°N and 28°N and west of 82°E; Pakistan - onshore south of 28°N.@<\(@N˅Q@T =q a EPSGAsia - India; Pakistan - 28°N to 35°35'NIndia - north of 28°N; Pakistan - between 28°N and 35°35'N.@A˅Q@NnzG@Th\)i EGEPSGPakistan - north of 35°35'NPakistan - north of 35°35'N.@A=p @B\)@Q˅Q@S@ =q* _-EPSGThailand - onshore and GoT 96°E to102°EThailand - onshore west of 102°E plus offshore Gulf of Thailand west of 102°E.@Q@4u\(@XU\(@Y =qq ?kEPSGThailand - east of 102°EThailand - onshore and offshore east of 102°E.@zG@2p =qf@Zh\)) g#EPSGAsia - Myanmar and Thailand - 96°E to 102°EMyanmar (Burma) - onshore east of 96°E; Thailand - onshore west of 102°E.@Q@<@W\(@Y =q []EPSGMyanmar (Burma) - onshore west of 96°EMyanmar (Burma) - onshore west of 96°E.@/QR@;# =p@W @X =q ]EPSGIndonesia - east of 138°E, S hemisphereIndonesia - south of equator and east of 138°E - onshore and offshore.%zG@aQ a1EPSG~Indonesia - 132°E to 138°E, S hemisphereIndonesia - south of equator and between 132°E and 138°E - onshore and offshore.$Q@a@Qj am EPSG}Indonesia - 132°E to 138°E, N hemisphereIndonesia - north of equator and east of 132°E. a1EPSG|Indonesia - 126°E to 132°E, S hemisphereIndonesia - south of equator and between 126°E and 132°E - onshore and offshore."fffff~ a1EPSG{Indonesia - 126°E to 132°E, N hemisphereIndonesia - north of equator and between 126°E and 132°E - onshore and offshore.@Q~& a1EPSGzIndonesia - 120°E to 126°E, S hemisphereIndonesia - south of equator and between 120°E and 126°E - onshore and offshore.+fffff?zG{x@_ =q a1EPSGyIndonesia - 120°E to 126°E, N hemisphereIndonesia - north of equator and between 120°E and 126°E - onshore and offshore.@Qx~ a1EPSGxIndonesia - 114°E to 120°E, S hemisphereIndonesia - south of equator and between 114°E and 120°E - onshore and offshore.*Qr@^ =q a1EPSGwIndonesia - 114°E to 120°E, N hemisphereIndonesia - north of equator and between 114°E and 120°E - onshore and offshore.@zG{rx a1EPSGvIndonesia - 108°E to 114°E, S hemisphereIndonesia - south of equator and between 108°E and 114°E - onshore and offshore.(# =plr a1EPSGuIndonesia - 108°E to 114°E, N hemisphereIndonesia - north of equator and between 108°E and 114°E - onshore and offshore.@zG{lr a1EPSGtIndonesia - 102°E to 108°E, S hemisphereIndonesia - south of equator and between 102°E and 108°E - onshore and offshore.%u\(f@[ =q moEPSGIndia - onshore north of 21°N and east of 82°EIndia - onshore north of 21°N and east of 82°E.@=xQR@XZG{ W, k  @  9Da J@JWE qQEPSGEurope - former Yugoslavia onshore west of 16.5°EBosnia and Herzegovina - west of 16°30'E; Croatia - onshore west of 16°30'E; Slovenia - onshore.@Ey@Gp =q@*\(@0 AEPSGAustria - east of 14°50'EAustria east of 14°50'E of Greenwich (32°30'E of Ferro).@GGzH@H\(@-\)@1+Q# I5EPSGAustria - 11°50'E to 14°50'EAustria between 11°50'E and 14°50'E of Greenwich (29°30'E and 32°30'E of Ferro).@G333333@HeQ@'\)@-zG AEPSGAustria - west of 11°50'EAustria west of 11°50'E of Greenwich (29°30'E of Ferro).@Gb\(@GzG@#\(@'zGn Ac EPSGMorocco - south of 27.9°NMorocco south of 31 grads North (27°54'N).@5\(@;fffff!W =pׁ E EPSGMorocco - 27.9°N to 31.5°NMorocco between 31 grads and 35 grads North (27°54'N and 31°30'N).@;fffff@? } AsEPSGMorocco - north of 31.5°NMorocco onshore north of 35 grads North (31°30'N).@?}p =@A(\#33333(\)@ 5EPSGPhilippines - zone VPhilippines - approximately between 124°E and 126°E, onshore and offshore - east Mindanao (east of 124°E); Bohol; Samar.@ =p @5Q@^Q@_z 7uEPSGPhilippines - zone IVPhilippines - approximately between 122°E and 124°E onshore and offshore - southeast Luzon (east of 122°E); Tablas; Masbate; Panay; Cebu; Negros; west Mindanao (west of 122°E).@ Q@6.zG@^o\(@_\(Á- 9gEPSGPhilippines - zone IIIPhilippines - approximately between 120°E and 122°E, onshore and offshore. Luzon (west of 122°E); Mindoro.@5Q@]@^p =( 7_EPSGPhilippines - zone IIPhilippines - approximately between 118°E and 120°E - Palawan; Calamian Islands - onshore and offshore.@(\)@4kQv@^zGo 5qEPSGPhilippines - zone IPhilippines - west of 118°E onshore and offshore.@ =p@2 =p@]\(vr 7gEPSGGabon - west of 12°EGabon - west of 12°E - onshore and offshore.zG{@\(@Q@(Q녁 qsEPSGGabon - north of equator and west of 12°E onshoreGabon - onshore north of equator and west of 12°E.@\(@" l OQEPSGVenezuela - east of 66°W onshoreVenezuela - onshore east of 66°W.?zG{@&u\(Mfffffr SgEPSGVenezuela - 72°W and 66°W onshoreVenezuela - between 72°W and 66°W, onshore.?\(\@(c ?AEPSGVenezuela - west of 72°WVenezuela - west of 72°W.@zG@'=p =RXQQ\( _EPSGMalaysia - West Malaysia - east of 102°EMalaysia - onshore West Malaysia east of 102°E and offshore east coast.?\(\@=p =f@ZtzG omEPSGMalaysia - West Malaysia - onshore west of 102°EMalaysia - West Malaysia onshore west of 102°E.@QR@Gz@X\(@Y =qs QOEPSGMalaysia - West Malaysia - onshoreMalaysia - West Malaysia onshore.?\(\@Gz@X\(@Z&fffffZ =?EPSGPakistan - east of 72°EPakistan - east of 72°E.@<5\(@B\)H@SuQu OcEPSGPakistan - onshore 66°E to 72°EPakistan - onshore between 66°E and 72°E.@7 =p@BGzHB@R =qq MOEPSGPakistan - onshore west of 66°EPakistan - onshore west of 66°E.@8G{@=޸Q@NnzG@P =qs OQEPSGPakistan - onshore south of 28°NPakistan - onshore south of 28°N.@7 =p@<\(@N˅Q@Q=p k EYEPSGPakistan - 28°N to 35°35'NPakistan - between 28°N and 35°35'N.@A˅Q@NnzG@SuQT 79EPSGIndia - east of 96°EIndia - east of 96°E.@;@=xQ`@XZG{y KoEPSGIndia - mainland 90°E to 96°EIndia - mainland onshore between 90°E and 96°E.@5 =q@=kQZ@X =qo I]EPSGIndia - onshore 84°E to 90°EIndia - onshore between 84°E and 90°E.@2.zG@<# =pT@V =qo I]EPSGIndia - onshore 78°E to 84°EIndia - onshore between 78°E and 84°E.@ zG@AN@U =qz 5  } s  mZx|5 I EPSGAlgeria - 31°30'N to 34°39'NAlgeria - 35 grads to 38.5 grads North (31°30'N to 34°39'N).@?}p =@ATzG@"p =qW 35EPSGSuriname - offshoreSuriname - offshore.@\(\@"33333LJTzG[ 79EPSGMozambique - offshoreMozambique - offshore.;\($.zG@@QR@E =p` ?9EPSGUSA - Michigan - SPCS - SUnited States (USA) - Michigan - counties of Allegan; Barry; Bay; Berrien; Branch; Calhoun; Cass; Clinton; Eaton; Genesee; Gratiot; Hillsdale; Huron; Ingham; Ionia; Isabella; Jackson; Kalamazoo; Kent; Lapeer; Lenawee; Livingston; Macomb; Mecosta; Midland; Monroe; Montcalm; Muskegon; Newaygo; Oakland; Oceana; Ottawa; Saginaw; Sanilac; Shiawassee; St Clair; St Joseph; Tuscola; Van Buren; Washtenaw; Wayne.@DQ@F(\UTQs ?_EPSGUSA - Michigan - SPCS - CUnited States (USA) - Michigan - counties of Alcona; Alpena; Antrim; Arenac; Benzie; Charlevoix; Cheboygan; Clare; Crawford; Emmet; Gladwin; Grand Traverse; Iosco; Kalkaska; Lake; Leelanau; Manistee; Mason; Missaukee; Montmorency; Ogemaw; Osceola; Oscoda; Otsego; Presque Isle; Roscommon; Wexford.@Efffff@F\(U =pTGz" ?=EPSGUSA - Michigan - SPCS - NUnited States (USA) - Michigan north of approximately 45°45'N - counties of Alger; Baraga; Chippewa; Delta; Dickinson; Gogebic; Houghton; Iron; Keweenaw; Luce; Mackinac; Marquette; Menominee; Ontonagon; Schoolcraft.@F=p @H(\)VG{T(\b ?} EPSGUSA - Michigan - SPCS - WUnited States (USA) - Michigan - counties of Alger; Baraga; Chippewa; Delta; Dickinson; Gogebic; Houghton; Iron; Keweenaw; Luce; Mackinac; Marquette; Menominee; Ontonagon; Schoolcraft.R S EPSGUSA - Michigan - SPCS - old centralUnited States (USA) - Michigan - counties of Alger; Allegan; Antrim; Barry; Benzie; Berrien; Branch; Calhoun; Cass; Charlevoix; Clare; Delta; Eaton; Emmet; Grand Traverse; Ionia; Isabella; Kalamazoo; Kalkaska; Kent; Lake; Leelanau; Luce; Mackinac; Manistee; Mason; Mecosta; Missaukee; Montcalm; Muskegon; Newaygo; Oceana; Osceola; Ottawa; St Joseph; Schoolcraft; Van Buren; Wexford.@D@GzGU =pU&fffff@ ?yEPSGUSA - Michigan - SPCS - EUnited States (USA) - Michigan - counties of Alcona; Alpena; Arenac; Bay; Cheboygan; Chippewa; Clinton; Crawford; Genesee; Gladwin; Gratiot; Hillsdale; Huron; Ingham; Iosco; Jackson; Lapeer; Lenawee; Livingston; Macomb; Midland; Monroe; Montmorency; Oakland; Ogemaw; Oscoda; Otsego; Presque Isle; Roscommon; Saginaw; Sanilac; Shiawassee; St Clair; Tuscola; Washtenaw; Wayne.@DQ@GQU7zHTQ 7?EPSGItaly - east of 12°EItaly - onshore and offshore - east of 12°E including San Marino and Vatican City State.@AaGz@G @2p =k 7gEPSGItaly - west of 12°EItaly - onshore and offshore - west of 12°E.@BC =p@GQ@Q y GeEPSGNigeria - offshore deep waterNigeria - offshore beyond continental shelf.?Q@\(@GzH@GzH eEPSGNigeria - offshore deep water - west of 6°ENigeria - offshore beyond continental shelf west of 6°E.?Q@\(@GzH = EPSGNigeria - west of 6.5°ENigeria - onshore west of 6°30'E, onshore and offshore shelf.@ \(@+@Q@ CEPSGNigeria - 6.5°E to 10.5°ENigeria between 6°30'E and 10°30'E, onshore and offshore shelf.@ \(@+\(@@%Qb ??EPSGNigeria - east of 10.5°ENigeria east of 10°30'E.@Q@+p =q@$G{@-Ĺ! q EPSGEurope - former Yugoslavia onshore east of 22.5°ENorth Macedonia - east of 22°30'E; Serbia - east of 22°30'E.@DzG@FY@6@7 =p _ wEPSGEurope - former Yugoslavia onshore 19.5°E to 22.5°EBosnia and Herzegovina - east of 19°30'E; Kosovo; Montenegro - east of 19°30'E; Serbia - between 19°30'E and 22°30'E.@D@GQ@3@6\(Á C{EPSGAlgeria - north of 34°39'NAlgeria - onshore north of 38.5 grads North (34°39'N).@AQR@BR\(@!GzH [ =  *6hLp.[C _ 7]EPSGPeru - 79°W to 73°WPeru - between 79°W and 73°W, onshore.0RQ[ 5IEPSGPeru - east of 73°WPeru - east of 73°W, onshore.2c =pQQ*G{G 3!EPSGUAE - east of 54°EUnited Arab Emirates (UAE) onshore and offshore east of 54°E - Abu Dhabi; Dubai; Sharjah; Ajman; Fujairah; Ras Al Kaimah; Umm Al Qaiwain.@6Gz@:EQ6@L =qH IEPSGAsia - Middle East - Qatar offshore and UAE west of 54°EQatar - offshore. United Arab Emirates (UAE) - Abu Dhabi - onshore and offshore west of 54°E.@6\(@; @IFfffff@KGz 1 EPSGNorway - zone VIIINorway - east of 16°15'E of Oslo (26°58'22.5"E of Greenwich).@QAGz@Q(\@:Q@?QR /IEPSGNorway - zone VIINorway - between 12°10'E and 16°15'E of Oslo (22°53'22.5"E and 26°58'22.5"E of Greenwich).@Q%Q@Q\(@6Gz@:G{ -GEPSGNorway - zone VINorway - between 8°10'E and 12°10'E of Oslo (18°53'22.5"E and 22°53'22.5"E of Greenwich).@QQ@QQ@2Gz@6 =p +EEPSGNorway - zone VNorway - between 4°20'E and 8°10'E of Oslo (15°03'22.5"E and 18°53'22.5"E of Greenwich).@P@QGz@.@2 =p -EEPSGNorway - zone IVNorway - between 1°15'E and 4°20'E of Oslo (11°58'22.5"E and 15°03'22.5"E of Greenwich).@M =q@QFfffff@' =q@.Q /CEPSGNorway - zone IIINorway - between 1°10'W and 1°15'E of Oslo (9°33'22.5"E and 11°58'22.5"E of Greenwich).@Mc =p@PQ@#@'\( -CEPSGNorway - zone IINorway - between 3°30'W and 1°10' W of Oslo (7°13'22.5"E and 9°33'22.5"E of Greenwich).@L33333@PQ@Gz@#Q} +EPSGNorway - zone INorway - west of 3°30'W of Oslo (7°13'22.5"E of Greenwich).@L\(@O\(@\(@Qf IKEPSGKuwait - east of 48°E onshoreKuwait - onshore east of 48°E.@<=p @> =p 0@H=p =f IKEPSGKuwait - west of 48°E onshoreKuwait - onshore west of 48°E.@<zH@> =p@GEQ0u IiEPSGAlgeria - east of 6°E onshoreAlgeria - onshore east of 6°E (of Greenwich).@3@BR@'G{} I{EPSGAlgeria - 0°E to 6°E onshoreAlgeria - onshore between 0°E and 6°E (of Greenwich).@2Q@B|(\@ =p v I{EPSGAlgeria - 6°W to 0°W onshoreAlgeria - onshore between 6°W and 0°W (of Greenwich).@5R@AG{e 9YEPSGAlgeria - west of 6°WAlgeria - west of 6°W (of Greenwich).@9G{@=ٙ!W =po EPSGFrance - mainland 45.45°N to 48.15°N. Also all mainland.France mainland onshore between 50.5 grads and 53.5 grads North (45°27'N to 48°09'N). Also used over all onshore mainland France.@E*=p @IRzG{@ u\( S EPSGFrance - mainland south of 45.45°NFrance - mainland onshore south of 50.5 grads North (45°27'N).@E*=p @FG{ =p@ =pׁ. Y;EPSGFrance - mainland 45.45°N to 48.15°NFrance mainland onshore between 50.5 grads and 53.5 grads North (45°27'N to 48°09'N).@FQ@H33333333333@Q녁 SEPSGFrance - mainland north of 48.15°NFrance mainland onshore north of 53.5 grads North (48°09'N).@HR@IRzG{@ u\("Q eEPSGSouth America - 78°W to 72°W, S hemisphere and PSAD56 by countrySouth America (Chile - north of 45°S; Ecuador; Peru) between 78°W and 72°W, southern hemisphere, onshore.EQ\(> ?EPSGSouth America - 78°W to 72°W, N hemisphere and PSAD56 by countrySouth America (Ecuador; Venezuela) between 78°W and 72°W, northern hemisphere, onshore.@'=p =Q\(< ;EPSGSouth America - 84°W to 78°W, S hemisphere and PSAD56 by countrySouth America (Ecuador and Peru) between 84°W and 78°W, southern hemisphere, onshore.%\(TZ=p i AYEPSGBrazil - Amazon cone shelfBrazil - offshore shelf - Amazon cone.@ffffffIRR 57EPSGPeru - west of 79°WPeru - west of 79°W. =p =p TZ=p a J U ` r .8IPV\a} O}EPSGRussia - 174°E to 180°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 174°E and 180°E .@N33333@Q\(| O{EPSGRussia - 162°E to 168°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 162°E and 168°E.@K<(\@QR| O{EPSGRussia - 156°E to 162°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 156°E and 162°E.@I"\(@SL| O{EPSGRussia - 150°E to 156°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 150°E and 156°E.@F\(@S =q| O{EPSGRussia - 144°E to 150°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 144°E and 150°E.@E@S4zG| O{EPSGRussia - 138°E to 144°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 138°E and 144°E.@FQ@SGz| O{EPSGRussia - 132°E to 138°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 132°E and 138°E.@EP =q@S { O{EPSGRussia - 126°E to 132°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 126°E and 132°E.@E @Rg =p~s O{EPSGRussia - 120°E to 126°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 120°E and 126°E.@IGzJx~z O{EPSGRussia - 114°E to 120°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 114°E and 120°E.@HGz@Rp =rxz O{EPSGRussia - 108°E to 114°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 108°E and 114°E.@HR@S3 =plrz O{EPSGRussia - 102°E to 108°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 102°E and 108°E.@HR@S޸Qflx MyEPSGRussia - 96°E to 102°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 96°E and 102°E.@Hp =@TTzG`fv KwEPSGRussia - 90°E to 96°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 90°E and 96°E.@HR@TVfffffZ`v KwEPSGRussia - 84°E to 90°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 84°E and 90°E.@H\)@TQGzTZv KwEPSGRussia - 78°E to 84°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 78°E and 84°E.@IXQ@TARNTv KwEPSGRussia - 72°E to 78°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 72°E and 78°E.@J\(@Sp =HNw KyEPSGRussia - 66°E to 72°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 66°E and 72°E .@K @SDzGBHv KwEPSGRussia - 60°E to 66°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 60°E and 66°E.@ITzG@TqGz\(ÁS {qEPSGEurope - FSU onshore 18°E to 24°E and S-42 by countryBelarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Ukraine - onshore west of 24°E. Russian Federation - Kaliningrad onshore.@G@MQ@3RV {EPSGEurope - 12°E to 18°E onshore and S-42(58) by countryGermany (former DDR) - onshore east of 12°E. Poland - onshore west of 18°E. Czechia, Hungary and Slovakia - west of 18°E.@F =p@KqR u KeEPSGRussia - east of 174°W onshoreRussian Federation - onshore east of 174°W.@P @P˅QRe =p o" c  z H W#V"xF?oc =QEPSG4Namibia - 22°E to 24°ENamibia - between 22°E and 24°E.2}p =1Q@5p =r =aEPSG1Namibia - 16°E to 18°ENamibia - onshore between 16°E and 18°E. =p1=p =@ zG{@0u\( ]uEPSGFalkland Islands - onshore east of 60°WFalkland Islands (Malvinas) - onshore east of 60°W.JAGzI =qĹ ]uEPSGFalkland Islands - onshore west of 60°WFalkland Islands (Malvinas) - onshore west of 60°W.J*=p IzG{NfffffMQZ ;O EPSGBrazil - 36°W to 30°WBrazil - between 36°W and 30°W.$k KaEPSGBrazil - 42°W to 36°W onshoreBrazil - between 42°W and 36°W, onshore.6\(p =qR ;O EPSGBrazil - 48°W to 42°WBrazil - between 48°W and 42°W.:Lւ kEPSGSouth America - 54°W to 48°W, S hemisphere and SAD69 by countryBrazil - onshore and offshore northern and southern hemispheres between 54°W and 48°W. In remainder of South America - between 54°W and 48°W, southern hemisphere, onshore.AG{@(\)GQc =QEPSG3Namibia - 20°E to 22°ENamibia - between 20°E and 22°E.6\(1ٙ@3p =\ =QEPSG2Namibia - 18°E to 20°ENamibia - between 18°E and 20°E..zG@@Q@`8Q@` )#EPSG>Japan - zone IJapan - onshore - Kyushu west of approximately 130°E - Nagasaki-ken; islands of Kagoshima-ken between 27°N and 32°N and between 128°18'E and 130°E (between 128°18'E and 30°13'E for Amami islands).@:\(@A^Q@`p =@`NQY qEPSG=Asia - Brunei and East Malaysia - 114°E to 120°EBrunei - onshore and offshore east of 114°E; Malaysia - East Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak) onshore and offshore east of 114°E).?Gz@zGr@] =pׁF qaEPSGQ@AGzUg =pT\(F CEPSGUSA - California - SPCS - 1United States (USA) - California - counties Del Norte; Humboldt; Lassen; Modoc; Plumas; Shasta; Siskiyou; Tehama; Trinity.@C˅Q@EGz_]\( = EPSGlUSA - Alaska - PanhandleUnited States (USA) - Alaska - east of 141°W; i.e. Panhandle.@KNzG@N,s`?zH uEPSG`North America - 102°W to 96°W and NAD27 by countryNorth America - between 102°W and 96°W. Canada - Manitoba; Nunavut; Saskatchewan. Mexico. United States (USA) - Iowa; Kansas; Minnesota; Nebraska; North Dakota; Oklahoma; South Dakota; Texas. Onshore for Mexican Pacific coast and Canadian Arctic but onshore and offshore for US & Mexico Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean coasts.@/.zG@T/\(r gCEPSGOEurope - 12°E to 18°E and ETRS89 by countryEurope between 12°E and 18°E: Austria; Denmark - offshore and offshore; Germany - onshore and offshore; Norway including Svalbard - onshore and offshore.@G333333@UG{ @2\(Q uEPSG;World - S hemisphere - 138°E to 144°E - by countryBetween 138°E and 144°E, southern hemisphere between 80°S and equator, onshore and offshore. Australia. Indonesia. Papua New Guinea.v qmEPSG(World - N hemisphere - 84°E to 90°E - by countryBetween 84°E and 90°E, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore. Bangladesh. Bhutan. China. India. Kazakhstan. Mongolia. Nepal. Russian Federation.TTZS q'EPSGWorld - N hemisphere - 30°E to 36°E - by countryBetween 30°E and 36°E, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore. Belarus. Cyprus. Egypt. Ethiopia. Finland. Israel. Jordan. Kenya. Lebanon. Moldova. Norway. Russian Federation. Saudi Arabia. Sudan. Syria. Türkiye (Turkey). Uganda. Ukraine.T$R o'EPSGWorld - N hemisphere - 12°W to 6°W - by countryBetween 12°W and 6°W, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore. Algeria. Côte D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast). Faroe Islands. Guinea. Ireland. Jan Mayen. Mali. Mauritania. Morocco. Portugal. Sierra Leone. Spain. United Kingdom (UK). Western Sahara.T}V q-EPSGWorld - S hemisphere - 72°W to 66°W - by countryBetween 72°W and 66°W, southern hemisphere between 80°S and equator, onshore and offshore. Argentina. Bolivia. Brazil. Chile. Colombia. Peru. ^ </T>;^# qGEPSGWorld - S hemisphere - 18°W to 12°W - by countryBetween 18°W and 12°W, southern hemisphere between 80°S and equator, onshore and offshore.6 qmEPSGWorld - N hemisphere - 18°W to 12°W - by countryBetween 18°W and 12°W, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore. Gambia. Greenland. Guinea. Guinea-Bissau. Iceland. Ireland - offshore Porcupine Basin. Mauritania. Morocco. Senegal. Sierra Leone. Western Sahara.T# qGEPSGWorld - S hemisphere - 24°W to 18°W - by countryBetween 24°W and 18°W, southern hemisphere between 80°S and equator, onshore and offshore.7 qoEPSGWorld - N hemisphere - 24°W to 18°W - by countryBetween 24°W and 18°W, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore. Greenland. Iceland.T# qGEPSGWorld - S hemisphere - 30°W to 24°W - by countryBetween 30°W and 24°W, southern hemisphere between 80°S and equator, onshore and offshore.7 qoEPSGWorld - N hemisphere - 30°W to 24°W - by countryBetween 30°W and 24°W, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore. Greenland. Iceland.T+ qWEPSGWorld - S hemisphere - 36°W to 30°W - by countryBetween 36°W and 30°W, southern hemisphere between 80°S and equator, onshore and offshore. Brazil.. q]EPSGWorld - N hemisphere - 36°W to 30°W - by countryBetween 36°W and 30°W, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore. Greenland.TY q3EPSGWorld - S hemisphere - 42°W to 36°W - by countryBetween 42°W and 36°W, southern hemisphere between 80°S and equator, onshore and offshore. Brazil. South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands.܁. q]EPSGWorld - N hemisphere - 42°W to 36°W - by countryBetween 42°W and 36°W, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore. Greenland.T܁+ qWEPSGWorld - S hemisphere - 48°W to 42°W - by countryBetween 48°W and 42°W, southern hemisphere between 80°S and equator, onshore and offshore. Brazil.ց. q]EPSGWorld - N hemisphere - 48°W to 42°W - by countryBetween 48°W and 42°W, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore. Greenland.Tց4 qiEPSGWorld - S hemisphere - 54°W to 48°W - by countryBetween 54°W and 48°W, southern hemisphere between 80°S and equator, onshore and offshore. Brazil. Uruguay.Ё\ q9EPSGWorld - N hemisphere - 54°W to 48°W - by countryBetween 54°W and 48°W, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore. Brazil. Canada - Newfoundland. French Guiana. Greenland.TЁo q_EPSGWorld - S hemisphere - 60°W to 54°W - by countryBetween 60°W and 54°W, southern hemisphere between 80°S and equator, onshore and offshore. Argentina. Bolivia. Brazil. Falkland Islands (Malvinas). Paraguay. Uruguay.ʂ% qKEPSGWorld - N hemisphere - 60°W to 54°W - by countryBetween 60°W and 54°W, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore. Barbados. Brazil. Canada - Newfoundland and Labrador, Quebec. French Guiana. Greenland. Guyana. St Pierre and Miquelon. Suriname.Tʁf qMEPSGWorld - S hemisphere - 66°W to 60°W - by countryBetween 66°W and 60°W, southern hemisphere between 80°S and equator, onshore and offshore. Argentina. Bolivia. Brazil. Falkland Islands (Malvinas). Paraguay.Ą. q]EPSGWorld - N hemisphere - 66°W to 60°W - by countryBetween 66°W and 60°W, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore. Anguilla. Antigua and Barbuda. Bermuda. Brazil. British Virgin Islands. Canada - New Brunswick; Labrador; Nova Scotia; Nunavut; Prince Edward Island; Quebec. Dominica. Greenland. Grenada. Guadeloupe. Guyana. Martinique. Montserrat. Puerto Rico. St Kitts and Nevis. St Barthelemy. St Lucia. St Maarten, St Martin. St Vincent and the Grenadines. Trinidad and Tobago. Venezuela. US Virgin Islands.T  1 n1) qSEPSGWorld - N hemisphere - 24°E to 30°E - by countryBetween 24°E and 30°E, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore. Belarus. Bulgaria. Central African Republic. Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire). Egypt. Estonia. Finland. Greece. Latvia. Lesotho. Libya. Lithuania. Moldova. Norway. Poland. Romania. Russian Federation. Sudan. Svalbard. Türkiye (Turkey). Uganda. Ukraine.T~ q}EPSGWorld - S hemisphere - 18°E to 24°E - by countryBetween 18°E and 24°E, southern hemisphere between 80°S and equator, onshore and offshore. Angola. Botswana. Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire). Namibia. South Africa. Zambia. qEPSGWorld - N hemisphere - 18°E to 24°E - by countryBetween 18°E and 24°E, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore. Albania. Belarus. Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bulgaria. Central African Republic. Chad. Croatia. Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire). Estonia. Finland. Greece. Hungary. Italy. Kosovo. Latvia. Libya. Lithuania. Montenegro. North Macedonia. Norway, including Svalbard and Bjornoys. Poland. Romania. Russian Federation. Serbia. Slovakia. Sudan. Sweden. Ukraine.Tz quEPSGWorld - S hemisphere - 12°E to 18°E - by countryBetween 12°E and 18°E, southern hemisphere between 80°S and equator, onshore and offshore. Angola. Congo. Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire). Gabon. Namibia. South Africa. E q EPSGWorld - N hemisphere - 12°E to 18°E - by countryBetween 12°E and 18°E, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore. Austria. Bosnia and Herzegovina. Cameroon. Central African Republic. Chad. Congo. Croatia. Czechia. Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire). Gabon. Germany. Hungary. Italy. Libya. Malta. Niger. Nigeria. Norway. Poland. San Marino. Slovakia. Slovenia. Svalbard. Sweden. Vatican City State.T @ oEPSGWorld - S hemisphere - 6°E to 12°E - by countryBetween 6°E and 12°E, southern hemisphere between 80°S and equator, onshore and offshore. Angola. Congo. Gabon. Namibia.  oEPSGWorld - N hemisphere - 6°E to 12°E - by countryBetween 6°E and 12°E, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore. Algeria. Austria. Cameroon. Denmark. Equatorial Guinea. France. Gabon. Germany. Italy. Libya. Liechtenstein. Monaco. Netherlands. Niger. Nigeria. Norway. Sao Tome and Principe. Svalbard. Sweden. Switzerland. Tunisia. Vatican City State.T  mCEPSG World - S hemisphere - 0°E to 6°E - by countryBetween 0°E and 6°E, southern hemisphere between 80°S and equator, onshore and offshore.l m_EPSG World - N hemisphere - 0°E to 6°E - by countryBetween 0°E and 6°E, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore. Algeria. Andorra. Belgium. Benin. Burkina Faso. Denmark - North Sea. France. Germany - North Sea. Ghana. Luxembourg. Mali. Netherlands. Niger. Nigeria. Norway. Spain. Togo. United Kingdom (UK) - North Sea.T mCEPSG World - S hemisphere - 6°W to 0°W - by countryBetween 6°W and 0°W, southern hemisphere between 80°S and equator, onshore and offshore.[ m=EPSG World - N hemisphere - 6°W to 0°W - by countryBetween 6°W and 0°W, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore. Algeria. Burkina Faso. Côte' Ivoire (Ivory Coast). Faroe Islands - offshore. France. Ghana. Gibraltar. Ireland - offshore Irish Sea. Mali. Mauritania. Morocco. Spain. United Kingdom (UK).T! oEEPSG World - S hemisphere - 12°W to 6°W - by countryBetween 12°W and 6°W, southern hemisphere between 80°S and equator, onshore and offshore.8 q5EPSGWorld - S hemisphere - 24°E to 30°E - by countryBetween 24°E and 30°E, southern hemisphere between 80°S and equator, onshore and offshore. Botswana. Burundi. Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire). Rwanda. South Africa. Tanzania. Uganda. Zambia. Zimbabwe. e ZS e# qGEPSG'World - S hemisphere - 78°E to 84°E - by countryBetween 78°E and 84°E, southern hemisphere between 80°S and equator, onshore and offshore.NT# qGEPSG%World - S hemisphere - 72°E to 78°E - by countryBetween 72°E and 78°E, southern hemisphere between 80°S and equator, onshore and offshore.HN} q{EPSG$World - N hemisphere - 72°E to 78°E - by countryBetween 72°E and 78°E, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore. China. India. Kazakhstan. Kyrgyzstan. Maldives. Pakistan. Russian Federation. Tajikistan.THN# qGEPSG#World - S hemisphere - 66°E to 72°E - by countryBetween 66°E and 72°E, southern hemisphere between 80°S and equator, onshore and offshore.BH q EPSG"World - N hemisphere - 66°E to 72°E - by countryBetween 66°E and 72°E, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore. Afghanistan. India. Kazakhstan. Kyrgyzstan. Pakistan. Russian Federation. Tajikistan. Uzbekistan.TBH# qGEPSG!World - S hemisphere - 60°E to 66°E - by countryBetween 60°E and 66°E, southern hemisphere between 80°S and equator, onshore and offshore.World - N hemisphere - 150°E to 156°E - by countryBetween 150°E and 156°E, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore. Russian Federation.TF uEPSG=World - S hemisphere - 144°E to 150°E - by countryBetween 144°E and 150°E, southern hemisphere between 80°S and equator, onshore and offshore. Australia. Papua New Guinea.D uEPSG\(ÁO goEPSGPEurope - 18°E to 24°E and ETRS89 by countryEurope between 18°E and 24°E: Finland - onshore and offshore; Norway including Svalbard - onshore and offshore.@MkQ@U"\(@1p =@8\( 0 hU_V ='EPSGkUSA - Alabama - SPCS - WUnited States (USA) - Alabama west of approximately 86°37'W - counties Autauga; Baldwin; Bibb; Blount; Butler; Chilton; Choctaw; Clarke; Colbert; Conecuh; Cullman; Dallas; Escambia; Fayette; Franklin; Greene; Hale; Jefferson; Lamar; Lauderdale; Lawrence; Limestone; Lowndes; Marengo; Marion; Mobile; Monroe; Morgan; Perry; Pickens; Shelby; Sumter; Tuscaloosa; Walker; Washington; Wilcox; Winston.@># =p@A\(VQU33333 =)EPSGjUSA - Alabama - SPCS - EUnited States (USA) - Alabama east of approximately 86°37'W - counties Barbour; Bullock; Calhoun; Chambers; Cherokee; Clay; Cleburne; Coffee; Coosa; Covington; Crenshaw; Dale; De Kalb; Elmore; Etowah; Geneva; Henry; Houston; Jackson; Lee; Macon; Madison; Marshall; Montgomery; Pike; Randolph; Russell; StClair; Talladega; Tallapoosa.@>p =#U\(U8\)c ;aEPSGiCanada - 48°W to 42°WCanada offshore Atlantic - 48°W to 42°W.@C@K<(\ց ;-EPSGhCanada - 54°W to 48°WCanada between 54°W and 48°W onshore and offshore - Newfoundland and Labrador.@C@L33333GQ ;%EPSGgCanada - 60°W to 54°WCanada between 60°W and 54°W - Newfoundland and Labrador; Nunavut; Quebec.@CGzHTʂ sEPSGfNorth America - 66°W to 60°W and NAD27 by countryNorth America - between 66°W and 60°W - onshore and offshore. Canada - New Brunswick; Labrador; Nova Scotia; Nunavut; Prince Edward Island; Quebec. United States (USA) offshore Atlantic.@CG{@TzGMQk s7EPSGeNorth America - 72°W to 66°W and NAD27 by countryNorth America - between 72°W and 66°W. Canada - New Brunswick; Labrador; Nunavut; Nova Scotia; Quebec. United States (USA) - Connecticut; Maine; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New York (Long Island); Rhode Island; Vermont. Onshore and offshore for US and Canadian east coasts.@@zG@TG{l s9EPSGdNorth America - 78°W to 72°W and NAD27 by countryNorth America - between 78°W and 72°W. Bahamas. Canada - Nunavut; Ontario; Quebec. Cuba. United States (USA) - Connecticut; Delaware; Maryland; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New York; North Carolina; Pennsylvania; Virginia; Vermont. Onshore for Canadian arctic. onshore and offshore for US east coast and Cuba, with usage in Bahamas onshore plus offshore over internal continental shelf only.@2zG@T=p  sEPSGcNorth America - 84°W to 78°W and NAD27 by countryNorth America - between 84°W and 78°W. Bahamas. Canada - Nunavut; Ontario; Quebec. Costa Rica. Cuba. Honduras. Nicaragua. United States (USA) - Florida; Georgia; Kentucky; Maryland; Michigan; New York; North Carolina; Ohio; Pennsylvania; South Carolina; Tennessee; Virginia; West Virginia. Onshore for Canadian Arctic. onshore and offshore for US east coast and Cuba, with usage in Bahamas onshore plus offshore over internal continental shelf only.@Q@TR5 s=EPSGbNorth America - 90°W to 84°W and NAD27 by countryNorth America - between 90°W and 84°W. Belize. Canada - Manitoba; Nunavut; Ontario. Costa Rica. Cuba. El Salvador. Guatemala. Honduras. Mexico. Nicaragua. United States (USA) - Alabama; Arkansas; Florida; Georgia; Indiana; Illinois; Kentucky; Louisiana; Michigan; Minnesota; Mississippi; Missouri; North Carolina; Ohio; Tennessee; Wisconsin. Onshore for Canadian Arctic and Central America, onshore and offshore for Cuba and Gulf of Mexico (both US and Mexican sectors).@"=p @T\(V =qN s}EPSGaNorth America - 96°W to 90°W and NAD27 by countryNorth America - between 96°W and 90°W. Canada - Manitoba; Nunavut; Ontario. Guatemala. Mexico. United States (USA) - Arkansas; Illinois; Iowa; Kansas; Louisiana; Michigan; Minnesota; Mississippi; Missouri; Nebraska; Oklahoma; Tennessee; Texas; Wisconsin. Onshore for Canadian Arctic and Central America, onshore and offshore for Gulf of Mexico (both US and Mexican sectors).@+B\(@T}p = 7wf N 2  0 *My7@ GqEPSG~USA - GoM OCS - east of 84°WUnited States (USA) - Gulf of Mexico outer continental shelf (GoM OCS) east of approximately 84°W - protraction areas Gainesville; Tarpon Springs; St Petersburg; Charlotte Harbor; Pulley Ridge; Dry Tortugas; Tortugas Valley; Miami; Key West.@7R@= =qU\(TJG{R IEPSG}USA - GoM OCS - 90°W to 84°WUnited States (USA) - Gulf of Mexico outer continental shelf (GoM OCS) between approximately 90°W and 84°W - protraction areas Mobile; Viosca Knoll; Mississippi Canyon; Atwater Valley; Lund; Lund South; Pensacola; Destin Dome; De Soto Canyon; Lloyd Ridge; Henderson; Florida Plain; Campeche Escarpment; Apalachicola; Florida Middle Ground; The Elbow; Vernon Basin; Howell Hook; Rankin.@733333@>@V =qT=p P IEPSG|USA - GoM OCS - 96°W to 90°WUnited States (USA) - Gulf of Mexico outer continental shelf (GoM OCS) between approximately 96°W and 90°W - protraction areas East Breaks; Alaminos Canyon; Garden Banks; Keathley Canyon; Sigsbee Escarpment; Ewing Bank; Green Canyon; Walker Ridge; Amery Terrace.@9(\@=G{Vw =pׁa G3EPSG{USA - GoM OCS - west of 96°WUnited States (USA) - Gulf of Mexico outer continental shelf (GoM OCS) west of approximately 96°W - protraction areas Corpus Christi; Port Isabel.@9Q@Q@PtzGeQX1 o7EPSGtUSA - Alaska - north of 54.5°N; 168°W to 164°WUnited States (USA) - Alaska onshore north of 54°30'N and between 168°W and 164°W.@K+Q@QC33333eQ\ KEPSGsUSA - Alaska - 164°W to 160°WUnited States (USA) - Alaska - between 164°W and 160°W, onshore.@K(\)@Q\(dQ` KEPSGrUSA - Alaska - 160°W to 156°WUnited States (USA) - Alaska - between 160°W and 156°W, onshore.@KqR@Qٙ`czH KEPSGqUSA - Alaska - 156°W to 152°WUnited States (USA) - Alaska - between 156°W and 152°W.@K(\@QRdbQ KEPSGpUSA - Alaska - 152°W to 148°WUnited States (USA) - Alaska - between 152°W and 148°W, onshore.@MzG@QQcQbzH| KEPSGoUSA - Alaska - 148°W to 144°WUnited States (USA) - Alaska - between 148°W and 144°W.@M(\@QQlp KEPSGnUSA - Alaska - 144°W to 141°WUnited States (USA) - Alaska - between 144°W and 141°W, onshore.@M(\@Q=p bQa\( K}EPSGmUSA - Alaska - Aleutian IslandsUnited States (USA) - Alaska - Aleutian Islands onshore.@Ifffff@K+Q@ep =dG{  0 s M PT:Ct =cEPSGUSA - Georgia - SPCS - EUnited States (USA) - Georgia - counties of Appling; Atkinson; Bacon; Baldwin; Brantley; Bryan; Bulloch; Burke; Camden; Candler; Charlton; Chatham; Clinch; Coffee; Columbia; Dodge; Echols; Effingham; Elbert; Emanuel; Evans; Franklin; Glascock; Glynn; Greene; Hancock; Hart; Jeff Davis; Jefferson; Jenkins; Johnson; Lanier; Laurens; Liberty; Lincoln; Long; Madison; McDuffie; McIntosh; Montgomery; Oglethorpe; Pierce; Richmond; Screven; Stephens; Taliaferro; Tattnall; Telfair; Toombs; Treutlen; Ware; Warren; Washington; Wayne; Wheeler; Wilkes; Wilkinson.@>\(\@AW =pTzGT1Gzu =eEPSGUSA - Florida - SPCS - WUnited States (USA) - Florida - counties of Charlotte; Citrus; De Soto; Hardee; Hernando; Hillsborough; Lee; Levy; Manatee; Marion; Pasco; Pinellas; Polk; Sarasota; Sumter.@:EQ@=T\(THQp =[EPSGUSA - Florida - SPCS - NUnited States (USA) - Florida - counties of Alachua; Baker; Bay; Bradford; Calhoun; Columbia; Dixie; Escambia; Franklin; Gadsden; Gilchrist; Gulf; Hamilton; Holmes; Jackson; Jefferson; Lafayette; Leon; Liberty; Madison; Okaloosa; Santa Rosa; Suwannee; Taylor; Union; Wakulla; Walton; Washington.@=5\(@?\(UQT\(ÂJ =EPSGUSA - Florida - SPCS - EUnited States (USA) - Florida - counties of Brevard; Broward; Clay; Collier; Dade; Duval; Flagler; Glades; Hendry; Highlands; Indian River; Lake; Martin; Monroe; Nassau; Okeechobee; Orange; Osceola; Palm Beach; Putnam; Seminole; St Johns; St Lucie; Volusia.@8h\)@>zGTQSzGZ ?-EPSGUSA - Colorado - SPCS - SUnited States (USA) - Colorado - counties Alamosa; Archuleta; Baca; Bent; Conejos; Costilla; Crowley; Custer; Dolores; Hinsdale; Huerfano; Kiowa; La Plata; Las Animas; Mineral; Montezuma; Montrose; Otero; Ouray; Prowers; Pueblo; Rio Grande; Saguache; San Juan; San Miguel.@B}p =@CW =p[C =pY\(Áz ?mEPSGUSA - Colorado - SPCS - NUnited States (USA) - Colorado - counties Adams; Boulder; Gilpin; Grand; Jackson; Larimer; Logan; Moffat; Morgan; Phillips; Rio Blanco; Routt; Sedgwick; Washington; Weld; Yuma.@CǮzH@DGz[C =pY\(Â4 ?aEPSGUSA - Colorado - SPCS - CUnited States (USA) - Colorado - counties Arapahoe; Chaffee; Cheyenne; Clear Creek; Delta; Denver; Douglas; Eagle; El Paso; Elbert; Fremont; Garfield; Gunnison; Jefferson; Kit Carson; Lake; Lincoln; Mesa; Park; Pitkin; Summit; Teller.@CR@D Q[C =pY\(ÁE G{EPSGUSA - California - SPCS83 - 5United States (USA) - California - counties Kern; Los Angeles; San Bernardino; San Luis Obispo; Santa Barbara; Ventura.@@aGz@AzH^ZG{\zH GyEPSGUSA - California - SPCS27 - 7United States (USA) - California - Los Angeles county.@@zG@Aj=p ]p =]hQ C3EPSGUSA - California - SPCS - 6United States (USA) - California - counties Imperial; Orange; Riverside; San Diego.@@C =p@A =p ]\G{; GgEPSGUSA - California - SPCS27 - 5United States (USA) - California - counties of Kern; San Bernardino; San Luis Obispo; Santa Barbara; Ventura.@@aGz@AzH^[Q\zH* CIEPSGUSA - California - SPCS - 4United States (USA) - California - counties Fresno; Inyo; Kings; Monterey; San Benito; Tulare.@A =p@B=p ^ =q\zH C!EPSGUSA - California - SPCS - 3United States (USA) - California - counties Alameda; Calaveras; Contra Costa; Madera; Marin; Mariposa; Merced; Mono; San Francisco; San Joaquin; San Mateo; Santa Clara; Santa Cruz; Stanislaus; Tuolumne.@B]p =@CZG{^Gz]uQ녂 C EPSGUSA - California - SPCS - 2United States (USA) - California - counties of Alpine; Amador; Butte; Colusa; El Dorado; Glenn; Lake; Mendocino; Napa; Nevada; Placer; Sacramento; Sierra; Solano; Sonoma; Sutter; Yolo; Yuba.@C\(@DzG_ =p]\( wEt p 7aEPSGUSA - Iowa - SPCS - SUnited States (USA) - Iowa - counties of Adair; Adams; Appanoose; Audubon; Cass; Cedar; Clarke; Clinton; Dallas; Davis; Decatur; Des Moines; Fremont; Guthrie; Harrison; Henry; Iowa; Jasper; Jefferson; Johnson; Keokuk; Lee; Louisa; Lucas; Madison; Mahaska; Marion; Mills; Monroe; Montgomery; Muscatine; Page; Polk; Pottawattamie; Poweshiek; Ringgold; Scott; Shelby; Taylor; Union; Van Buren; Wapello; Warren; Washington; Wayne.@D.zG@EQX\)V\)O =EPSGUSA - Indiana - SPCS - WUnited States (USA) - Indiana - counties of Benton; Boone; Carroll; Clay; Clinton; Crawford; Daviess; Dubois; Fountain; Gibson; Greene; Hendricks; Jasper; Knox; La Porte; Lake; Lawrence; Martin; Monroe; Montgomery; Morgan; Newton; Orange; Owen; Parke; Perry; Pike; Porter; Posey; Pulaski; Putnam; Spencer; Starke; Sullivan; Tippecanoe; Vanderburgh; Vermillion; Vigo; Warren; Warrick; White.@B\(@D\(VfffffU\(0 =[EPSGUSA - Indiana - SPCS - EUnited States (USA) - Indiana - counties of Adams; Allen; Bartholomew; Blackford; Brown; Cass; Clark; De Kalb; Dearborn; Decatur; Delaware; Elkhart; Fayette; Floyd; Franklin; Fulton; Grant; Hamilton; Hancock; Harrison; Henry; Howard; Huntington; Jackson; Jay; Jefferson; Jennings; Johnson; Kosciusko; Lagrange; Madison; Marion; Marshall; Miami; Noble; Ohio; Randolph; Ripley; Rush; Scott; Shelby; St Joseph; Steuben; Switzerland; Tipton; Union; Wabash; Washington; Wayne; Wells; Whitley.@B@D\(U\(U1R> ?uEPSGUSA - Illinois - SPCS - WUnited States (USA) - Illinois - counties of Adams; Alexander; Bond; Brown; Bureau; Calhoun; Carroll; Cass; Christian; Clinton; Fulton; Greene; Hancock; Henderson; Henry; Jackson; Jersey; Jo Daviess; Knox; Lee; Logan; Macoupin; Madison; Marshall; Mason; McDonough; Menard; Mercer; Monroe; Montgomery; Morgan; Ogle; Peoria; Perry; Pike; Pulaski; Putnam; Randolph; Rock Island; Sangamon; Schuyler; Scott; St Clair; Stark; Stephenson; Tazewell; Union; Warren; Washington; Whiteside; Winnebago; Woodford.@B|(\@EAGzVGzUGz% ?CEPSGUSA - Illinois - SPCS - EUnited States (USA) - Illinois - counties of Boone; Champaign; Clark; Clay; Coles; Cook; Crawford; Cumberland; De Kalb; De Witt; Douglas; Du Page; Edgar; Edwards; Effingham; Fayette; Ford; Franklin; Gallatin; Grundy; Hamilton; Hardin; Iroquois; Jasper; Jefferson; Johnson; Kane; Kankakee; Kendall; La Salle; Lake; Lawrence; Livingston; Macon; Marion; Massac; McHenry; McLean; Moultrie; Piatt; Pope; Richland; Saline; Shelby; Vermilion; Wabash; Wayne; White; Will; Williamson.@BzH@E@VQGzUGz 9/EPSGUSA - Idaho - SPCS - WUnited States (USA) - Idaho - counties of Ada; Adams; Benewah; Boise; Bonner; Boundary; Canyon; Clearwater; Elmore; Gem; Idaho; Kootenai; Latah; Lewis; Nez Perce; Owyhee; Payette; Shoshone; Valley; Washington.@DQ@HGz]O\(\zGf 9KEPSGUSA - Idaho - SPCS - EUnited States (USA) - Idaho - counties of Bannock; Bear Lake; Bingham; Bonneville; Caribou; Clark; Franklin; Fremont; Jefferson; Madison; Oneida; Power; Teton.@DQ@F`\O\([\(ÁM 9EPSGUSA - Idaho - SPCS - CUnited States (USA) - Idaho - counties of Blaine; Butte; Camas; Cassia; Custer; Gooding; Jerome; Lemhi; Lincoln; Minidoka; Twin Falls.@DQ@Fٙ\33333\*G{O 7EPSGUSA - Iowa - SPCS - NUnited States (USA) - Iowa - counties of Allamakee; Benton; Black Hawk; Boone; Bremer; Buchanan; Buena Vista; Butler; Calhoun; Carroll; Cerro Gordo; Cherokee; Chickasaw; Clay; Clayton; Crawford; Delaware; Dickinson; Dubuque; Emmet; Fayette; Floyd; Franklin; Greene; Grundy; Hamilton; Hancock; Hardin; Howard; Humboldt; Ida; Jackson; Jones; Kossuth; Linn; Lyon; Marshall; Mitchell; Monona; O'Brien; Osceola; Palo Alto; Plymouth; Pocahontas; Sac; Sioux; Story; Tama; Webster; Winnebago; Winneshiek; Woodbury; Worth; Wright.@D@EGzX)V A   A]UJ 9EPSGUSA - Maine - SPCS - WUnited States (USA) - Maine - counties of Androscoggin; Cumberland; Franklin; Kennebec; Lincoln; Oxford; Sagadahoc; Somerset; York.@EQ@GJ=p Q\(QP =q5 9iEPSGUSA - Maine - SPCS - EUnited States (USA) - Maine - counties of Aroostook; Hancock; Knox; Penobscot; Piscataquis; Waldo; Washington.@E =q@G(\QRP=p G EEPSGUSA - Louisiana - SPCS27 - SUnited States (USA) - Louisiana - counties of Acadia; Allen; Ascension; Assumption; Beauregard; Calcasieu; Cameron; East Baton Rouge; East Feliciana; Evangeline; Iberia; Iberville; Jefferson; Jefferson Davis; Lafayette; LaFourche; Livingston; Orleans; Plaquemines; Pointe Coupee; St Bernard; St Charles; St Helena; St James; St John the Baptist; St Landry; St Martin; St Mary; St Tammany; Tangipahoa; Terrebonne; Vermilion; Washington; West Baton Rouge; West Feliciana. Also Gulf of Mexico outer continental shelf (GoM OCS) protraction areas Sabine Pass (LA); West Cameron; East Cameron; Vermilion; South Marsh Island; Eugene Island; Ship Shoal; South Pelto; Bay Marchand; South Timbalier; Grand Isle; West Delta; South Pass; Main Pass; Breton Sound; Chandeleur.@;R@?RW|(\U =q AEPSGUSA - Louisiana - SPCS - NUnited States (USA) - Louisiana - counties of Avoyelles; Bienville; Bossier; Caddo; Caldwell; Catahoula; Claiborne; Concordia; De Soto; East Carroll; Franklin; Grant; Jackson; La Salle; Lincoln; Madison; Morehouse; Natchitoches; Ouachita; Rapides; Red River; Richland; Sabine; Tensas; Union; Vernon; Webster; West Carroll; Winn.@>ٙ@@ =pW33333V =p׆ ?9EPSGUSA - Kentucky - SPCS - SUnited States (USA) - Kentucky - counties of Adair; Allen; Ballard; Barren; Bell; Boyle; Breathitt; Breckinridge; Butler; Caldwell; Calloway; Carlisle; Casey; Christian; Clay; Clinton; Crittenden; Cumberland; Daviess; Edmonson; Estill; Floyd; Fulton; Garrard; Graves; Grayson; Green; Hancock; Hardin; Harlan; Hart; Henderson; Hickman; Hopkins; Jackson; Johnson; Knott; Knox; Larue; Laurel; Lee; Leslie; Letcher; Lincoln; Livingston; Logan; Lyon; Madison; Magoffin; Marion; Marshall; Martin; McCracken; McCreary; McLean; Meade; Mercer; Metcalfe; Monroe; Muhlenberg; Nelson; Ohio; Owsley; Perry; Pike; Powell; Pulaski; Rockcastle; Russell; Simpson; Taylor; Todd; Trigg; Union; Warren; Washington; Wayne; Webster; Whitley; Wolfe.@B>Q@C\(VdzGT|̓S ?EPSGUSA - Kentucky - SPCS - NUnited States (USA) - Kentucky - counties of Anderson; Bath; Boone; Bourbon; Boyd; Bracken; Bullitt; Campbell; Carroll; Carter; Clark; Elliott; Fayette; Fleming; Franklin; Gallatin; Grant; Greenup; Harrison; Henry; Jefferson; Jessamine; Kenton; Lawrence; Lewis; Mason; Menifee; Montgomery; Morgan; Nicholas; Oldham; Owen; Pendleton; Robertson; Rowan; Scott; Shelby; Spencer; Trimble; Woodford.@BG{@C33333U}p =TzGU ;'EPSGUSA - Kansas - SPCS - SUnited States (USA) - Kansas - counties of Allen; Anderson; Barber; Barton; Bourbon; Butler; Chase; Chautauqua; Cherokee; Clark; Coffey; Comanche; Cowley; Crawford; Edwards; Elk; Finney; Ford; Franklin; Grant; Gray; Greeley; Greenwood; Hamilton; Harper; Harvey; Haskell; Hodgeman; Kearny; Kingman; Kiowa; Labette; Lane; Linn; Lyon; Marion; McPherson; Meade; Miami; Montgomery; Morton; Neosho; Ness; Osage; Pawnee; Pratt; Reno; Rice; Rush; Scott; Sedgwick; Seward; Stafford; Stanton; Stevens; Sumner; Wichita; Wilson; Woodson.@B~Q@Cp =qY33333Wfffffe WmEPSGUSA - Massachusetts - SPCS - mainlandUnited States (USA) - Massachusetts onshore - counties of Barnstable; Berkshire; Bristol; Essex; Franklin; Hampden; Hampshire; Middlesex; Norfolk; Plymouth; Suffolk; Worcester.@DG{@EqRR`Qw =pׁ! U%EPSGUSA - Massachusetts - SPCS - islandsUnited States (USA) - Massachusetts offshore - counties of Dukes; Nantucket.@DQ@DGzQ=p Qx\)  + S  +M ?EPSGUSA - Missouri - SPCS - EUnited States (USA) - Missouri - counties of Bollinger; Butler; Cape Girardeau; Carter; Clark; Crawford; Dent; Dunklin; Franklin; Gasconade; Iron; Jefferson; Lewis; Lincoln; Madison; Marion; Mississippi; Montgomery; New Madrid; Oregon; Pemiscot; Perry; Pike; Ralls; Reynolds; Ripley; Scott; Shannon; St Charles; St Francois; St Louis; Ste. Genevieve; Stoddard; Warren; Washington; Wayne.@Ap =@DNzGVzGVFfffffz ?mEPSGUSA - Missouri - SPCS - CUnited States (USA) - Missouri - counties of Adair; Audrain; Benton; Boone; Callaway; Camden; Carroll; Chariton; Christian; Cole; Cooper; Dallas; Douglas; Greene; Grundy; Hickory; Howard; Howell; Knox; Laclede; Linn; Livingston; Macon; Maries; Mercer; Miller; Moniteau; Monroe; Morgan; Osage; Ozark; Pettis; Phelps; Polk; Pulaski; Putnam; Randolph; Saline; Schuyler; Scotland; Shelby; Stone; Sullivan; Taney; Texas; Webster; Wright.@B=p =@DNzGWr\(V=p Z E5EPSGUSA - Mississippi - SPCS - WUnited States (USA) - Mississippi - counties of Adams; Amite; Bolivar; Carroll; Claiborne; Coahoma; Copiah; De Soto; Franklin; Grenada; Hinds; Holmes; Humphreys; Issaquena; Jefferson; Jefferson Davis; Lawrence; Leflore; Lincoln; Madison; Marion; Montgomery; Panola; Pike; Quitman; Rankin; Sharkey; Simpson; Sunflower; Tallahatchie; Tate; Tunica; Walthall; Warren; Washington; Wilkinson; Yalobusha; Yazoo.@AGzV陙VWzH{ EiEPSGUSA - Mississippi - SPCS - EUnited States (USA) - Mississippi - counties of Alcorn; Attala; Benton; Calhoun; Chickasaw; Choctaw; Clarke; Clay; Covington; Forrest; George; Greene; Hancock; Harrison; Itawamba; Jackson; Jasper; Jones; Kemper; Lafayette; Lamar; Lauderdale; Leake; Lee; Lowndes; Marshall; Monroe; Neshoba; Newton; Noxubee; Oktibbeha; Pearl River; Perry; Pontotoc; Prentiss; Scott; Smith; Stone; Tippah; Tishomingo; Union; Wayne; Webster; Winston.@>\(@AGzV~zGV\(& ACEPSGUSA - Minnesota - SPCS - SUnited States (USA) - Minnesota - counties of Anoka; Big Stone; Blue Earth; Brown; Carver; Chippewa; Cottonwood; Dakota; Dodge; Faribault; Fillmore; Freeborn; Goodhue; Hennepin; Houston; Jackson; Kandiyohi; Lac Qui Parle; Le Sueur; Lincoln; Lyon; Martin; McLeod; Meeker; Mower; Murray; Nicollet; Nobles; Olmsted; Pipestone; Ramsey; Redwood; Renville; Rice; Rock; Scott; Sherburne; Sibley; Steele; Swift; Wabasha; Waseca; Washington; Watonwan; Winona; Wright; Yellow Medicine.@EQ@F˅QX6fffffVp = A!EPSGUSA - Minnesota - SPCS - NUnited States (USA) - Minnesota - counties of Beltrami; Clearwater; Cook; Itasca; Kittson; Koochiching; Lake; Lake of the Woods; Mahnomen; Marshall; Norman; Pennington; Polk; Red Lake; Roseau; St Louis.@GQR@H =qXNzGV_\(C A}EPSGUSA - Minnesota - SPCS - CUnited States (USA) - Minnesota - counties of Aitkin; Becker; Benton; Carlton; Cass; Chisago; Clay; Crow Wing; Douglas; Grant; Hubbard; Isanti; Kanabec; Mille Lacs; Morrison; Otter Tail; Pine; Pope; Stearns; Stevens; Todd; Traverse; Wadena; Wilkin.@F =p@Gp =X7 =pW\(Ât A_EPSGUSA - Montana - SPCS27 - SUnited States (USA) - Montana - counties of Beaverhead; Big Horn; Broadwater; Carbon; Carter; Custer; Deer Lodge; Fallon; Gallatin; Golden Valley; Granite; Jefferson; Madison; Musselshell; Park; Powder River; Ravalli; Rosebud; Silver Bow; Stillwater; Sweet Grass; Treasure; Wheatland; Yellowstone.@F,@Go\(\zGZ\( A+EPSGUSA - Montana - SPCS27 - NUnited States (USA) - Montana north of approximately 47°50'N - counties of Blaine; Chouteau; Daniels; Flathead; Glacier; Hill; Liberty; Lincoln; Phillips; Pondera; Roosevelt; Sheridan; Teton; Toole; Valley.@GzG@HGz]zGZ\(~  d\h_P~} _sEPSG 5World - N hemisphere - 3-degree CM 075°EBetween 73°30'E and 76°30'E, northern hemisphere.T@R`@S  ;EPSG Slovenia - Suha KrajinaSlovenia - Suha Krajina with the Ribnica and Zuzemberk area.@FzG@FR@-# =p@.(\)@ CEPSG Africa - AOF 3.5°W to 4°EFrench West Africa onshore between 3°30'W and 4°E - Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Mali, Niger, Togo.@Q@8.zG  cuEPSG Japan - 31°20'N to 32°N; 131°E to 132°EJapan - onshore 31°20'N to 32°N; 131°E to 132°E.@?TzG @`q ikEPSG Japan - 34°40'N to 35°20'N; 136°E to 137°EJapan - 34°40'N to 35°20'N; 136°E to 137°E.@ATzG@AQ{ ceEPSG Japan - 38°N to 38°40'N; 140°E to 141°EJapan - 38°N to 38°40'N; 140°E to 141°E.@BQ@CU\( cuEPSG Japan - 44°N to 44°40'N; 144°E to 145°EJapan - onshore 44°N to 44°40'N; 144°E to 145°E.@EQ@FQs E[EPSG iAsia - Japan and South KoreaJapan - onshore; South Korea - onshore.@4^Q@FQ@^Q@b; =pw CeEPSG MUSA - Oregon and WashingtonUnited States (USA) - Oregon and Washington.@Dp =@Hfffff_2\(]zG )CEPSG 1Mozambique - DMozambique - provinces of Nampula; Niassa; Cabo Delgado; i.e. north of approximately 16°S.0 =q$ =p@A.zG@Ds33333 ewEPSG Angola - offshore blocks 2 3 17-18 and 31-33Angola - offshore blocks 2, 3, 17, 18, 31, 32 and 33.!.zG =p @$R@)zGz ]_EPSGMyanmar (Burma) - onshore south of 15°NMyanmar (Burma) - onshore south of 15°N.@#\(@Xo\(@X=p A7EPSGUSA - Wisconsin - SPCS - SUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - counties of Adams; Calumet; Columbia; Crawford; Dane; Dodge; Fond Du Lac; Grant; Green; Green Lake; Iowa; Jefferson; Juneau; Kenosha; La Crosse; Lafayette; Manitowoc; Marquette; Milwaukee; Monroe; Ozaukee; Racine; Richland; Rock; Sauk; Sheboygan; Vernon; Walworth; Washington; Waukesha; Waushara; Winnebago.@E=p =@F*=p VۅQU& ?SEPSGUSA - Texas - SPCS27 - SCUnited States (USA) - Texas - counties of Aransas; Atascosa; Austin; Bandera; Bee; Bexar; Brazoria; Brewster; Caldwell; Calhoun; Chambers; Colorado; Comal; De Witt; Dimmit; Edwards; Fayette; Fort Bend; Frio; Galveston; Goliad; Gonzales; Guadalupe; Harris; Hays; Jackson; Jefferson; Karnes; Kendall; Kerr; Kinney; La Salle; Lavaca; Live Oak; Matagorda; Maverick; McMullen; Medina; Presidio; Real; Refugio; Terrell; Uvalde; Val Verde; Victoria; Waller; Wharton; Wilson; Zavala. Gulf of Mexico outer continental shelf (GoM OCS) protraction areas: Matagorda Island; Brazos; Galveston; High Island, Sabine Pass (TX).@;ǮzH@>QWZ=p . OEEPSGUSA - South Carolina - SPCS27 - NUnited States (USA) - South Carolina - counties of Abbeville; Anderson; Calhoun; Cherokee; Chester; Chesterfield; Darlington; Dillon; Edgefield; Fairfield; Florence; Greenville; Greenwood; Horry; Kershaw; Lancaster; Laurens; Lee; Lexington; Marion; Marlboro; McCormick; Newberry; Oconee; Pickens; Richland; Saluda; Spartanburg; Sumter; Union; York.@@G{@AG{T =pSGzg G?EPSGUSA - North Dakota - SPCS - NUnited States (USA) - North Dakota - counties of Benson; Bottineau; Burke; Cavalier; Divide; Eddy; Foster; Grand Forks; Griggs; McHenry; McKenzie; McLean; Mountrial; Nelson; Pembina; Pierce; Ramsey; Renville; Rolette; Sheridan; Steele; Towner; Traill; Walsh; Ward; Wells; Williams.@G33333@HGzZzGX5Qu ?cEPSGUSA - Missouri - SPCS - WUnited States (USA) - Missouri - counties of Andrew; Atchison; Barry; Barton; Bates; Buchanan; Caldwell; Cass; Cedar; Clay; Clinton; Dade; Daviess; De Kalb; Gentry; Harrison; Henry; Holt; Jackson; Jasper; Johnson; Lafayette; Lawrence; McDonald; Newton; Nodaway; Platte; Ray; St Clair; Vernon; Worth.@B=p =@DKQWGzW^Q  J B U~4CW ?'EPSGUSA - New York - SPCS - WUnited States (USA) - New York - counties of Allegany; Cattaraugus; Chautauqua; Erie; Genesee; Livingston; Monroe; Niagara; Orleans; Wyoming.@DQ@ERSGzSW =pׂ ?wEPSGUSA - New York - SPCS - EUnited States (USA) - New York mainland - counties of Albany; Clinton; Columbia; Delaware; Dutchess; Essex; Franklin; Fulton; Greene; Hamilton; Herkimer; Montgomery; Orange; Otsego; Putnam; Rensselaer; Rockland; Saratoga; Schenectady; Schoharie; St Lawrence; Sullivan; Ulster; Warren; Washington; Westchester.@Dp =q@F\(RzHRNQ ?/EPSGUSA - New York - SPCS - CUnited States (USA) - New York - counties of Broome; Cayuga; Chemung; Chenango; Cortland; Jefferson; Lewis; Madison; Oneida; Onondaga; Ontario; Oswego; Schuyler; Seneca; Steuben; Tioga; Tompkins; Wayne; Yates.@DQ@F4zGSpR =p7 GmEPSGUSA - New Mexico - SPCS83 - WUnited States (USA) - New Mexico - counties of Catron; Cibola; Grant; Hidalgo; Luna; McKinley; San Juan; Sierra.@?TzG%[C =pZzGj GSEPSGUSA - New Mexico - SPCS83 - CUnited States (USA) - New Mexico - counties of Bernalillo; Dona Ana; Lincoln; Los Alamos; Otero; Rio Arriba; Sandoval; Santa Fe; Socorro; Taos; Torrance; Valencia.@?ǮzH%ZQZ5\(A GEPSGUSA - New Mexico - SPCS27 - WUnited States (USA) - New Mexico - counties of Catron; Cibola; Grant; Hidalgo; Luna; McKinley; San Juan; Sierra; Valencia.@?TzG%[C =pZzG` G?EPSGUSA - New Mexico - SPCS27 - CUnited States (USA) - New Mexico - counties of Bernalillo; Dona Ana; Lincoln; Los Alamos; Otero; Rio Arriba; Sandoval; Santa Fe; Socorro; Taos; Torrance.@?ǮzH%ZQZ5Q녁U C;EPSGUSA - New Mexico - SPCS - EUnited States (USA) - New Mexico - counties of Chaves; Colfax; Curry; De Baca; Eddy; Guadalupe; Harding; Lea; Mora; Quay; Roosevelt; San Miguel; Union. %ZnzGY\() {EPSGCanada - Newfoundland and Labrador - 57.5°W to 54.5°WCanada - Newfoundland and Labrador between 57°30'W and 54°30'W.@GgzH@KZG{LK>Q [oEPSGCanada - Newfoundland - east of 54.5°WCanada - Newfoundland - onshore east of 54°30'W.@GGzH@HRK@JEQ녁6 ;EPSGUSA - Nevada - SPCS - WUnited States (USA) - Nevada - counties of Churchill; Douglas; Esmeralda; Humboldt; Lyon; Mineral; Pershing; Storey; Washoe.@By*]?\( ;5EPSGUSA - Nevada - SPCS - EUnited States (USA) - Nevada - counties of Clark; Elko; Eureka; Lincoln; White Pine.@A~Q*]@ =q\Rp ;{EPSGUSA - Nevada - SPCS - CUnited States (USA) - Nevada - counties of Lander; Nye.$)](\\\( C#EPSGUSA - Nebraska - SPCS27 - SUnited States (USA) - Nebraska - counties of Adams; Arthur; Banner; Boone; Buffalo; Butler; Cass; Chase; Cheyenne; Clay; Colfax; Custer; Dawson; Deuel; Dodge; Douglas; Dundy; Fillmore; Franklin; Frontier; Furnas; Gage; Garden; Gosper; Greeley; Hall; Hamilton; Harlan; Hayes; Hitchcock; Howard; Jefferson; Johnson; Kearney; Keith; Kimball; Lancaster; Lincoln; Logan; McPherson; Merrick; Morrill; Nance; Nemaha; Nuckolls; Otoe; Pawnee; Perkins; Phelps; Platte; Polk; Red Willow; Richardson; Saline; Sarpy; Saunders; Scotts Bluff; Seward; Sherman; Thayer; Valley; Washington; Webster; York.@CQ@EGzZ =pW33333^ C1EPSGUSA - Nebraska - SPCS27 - NUnited States (USA) - Nebraska - counties of Antelope; Blaine; Box Butte; Boyd; Brown; Burt; Cedar; Cherry; Cuming; Dakota; Dawes; Dixon; Garfield; Grant; Holt; Hooker; Keya Paha; Knox; Loup; Madison; Pierce; Rock; Sheridan; Sioux; Stanton; Thomas; Thurston; Wayne; Wheeler.@D =p@EGzZ =pXzG; S[EPSGUSA - New York - SPCS - Long IslandUnited States (USA) - New York - counties of Bronx; Kings; Nassau; New York; Queens; Richmond; Suffolk.@D<(\@DfffffR =qQ33333  O : # a'OV GEPSGUSA - Pennsylvania - SPCS - SUnited States (USA) - Pennsylvania - counties of Adams; Allegheny; Armstrong; Beaver; Bedford; Berks; Blair; Bucks; Butler; Cambria; Chester; Cumberland; Dauphin; Delaware; Fayette; Franklin; Fulton; Greene; Huntingdon; Indiana; Juniata; Lancaster; Lawrence; Lebanon; Lehigh; Mifflin; Montgomery; Northampton; Perry; Philadelphia; Schuylkill; Snyder; Somerset; Washington; Westmoreland; York.@CG{@D =pT!RRzG GEPSGUSA - Pennsylvania - SPCS - NUnited States (USA) - Pennsylvania - counties of Bradford; Cameron; Carbon; Centre; Clarion; Clearfield; Clinton; Columbia; Crawford; Elk; Erie; Forest; Jefferson; Lackawanna; Luzerne; Lycoming; McKean; Mercer; Monroe; Montour; Northumberland; Pike; Potter; Sullivan; Susquehanna; Tioga; Union; Venango; Warren; Wayne; Wyoming.@DL@EC =pT!RŔT ;%EPSGUSA - Oregon - SPCS - SUnited States (USA) - Oregon - counties of Coos; Crook; Curry; Deschutes; Douglas; Harney; Jackson; Josephine; Klamath; Lake; Lane; Malheur.@Dp =@FGzH_&fffff]9I ;EPSGUSA - Oregon - SPCS - NUnited States (USA) - Oregon - counties of Baker; Benton; Clackamas; Clatsop; Columbia; Gilliam; Grant; Hood River; Jefferson; Lincoln; Linn; Marion; Morrow; Multnomah; Polk; Sherman; Tillamook; Umatilla; Union; Wallowa; Wasco; Washington; Wheeler; Yamhill.@E@G!Gz_ G{]zG3 ?mEPSGUSA - Oklahoma - SPCS - SUnited States (USA) - Oklahoma - counties of Atoka; Beckham; Bryan; Caddo; Carter; Choctaw; Cleveland; Coal; Comanche; Cotton; Garvin; Grady; Greer; Harmon; Haskell; Hughes; Jackson; Jefferson; Johnston; Kiowa; Latimer; Le Flore; Love; Marshall; McClain; McCurtain; McIntosh; Murray; Pittsburg; Pontotoc; Pottawatomie; Pushmataha; Seminole; Stephens; Tillman; Washita.@@\(@A\)WG{K ?EPSGUSA - Oklahoma - SPCS - NUnited States (USA) - Oklahoma - counties of Adair; Alfalfa; Beaver; Blaine; Canadian; Cherokee; Cimarron; Craig; Creek; Custer; Delaware; Dewey; Ellis; Garfield; Grant; Harper; Kay; Kingfisher; Lincoln; Logan; Major; Mayes; Muskogee; Noble; Nowata; Okfuskee; Oklahoma; Okmulgee; Osage; Ottawa; Pawnee; Payne; Roger Mills; Rogers; Sequoyah; Texas; Tulsa; Wagoner; Washington; Woods; Woodward.@A\(@BGzWG{@ 7EPSGUSA - Ohio - SPCS - SUnited States (USA) - Ohio - counties of Adams; Athens; Belmont; Brown; Butler; Champaign; Clark; Clermont; Clinton; Darke; Fairfield; Fayette; Franklin; Gallia; Greene; Guernsey; Hamilton; Highland; Hocking; Jackson; Lawrence; Licking; Madison; Meigs; Miami; Monroe; Montgomery; Morgan; Muskingum; Noble; Perry; Pickaway; Pike; Preble; Ross; Scioto; Vinton; Warren; Washington.@C333333@D.zGU5QT,̈́ 7+EPSGUSA - Ohio - SPCS - NUnited States (USA) - Ohio - counties of Allen;Ashland; Ashtabula; Auglaize; Carroll; Columbiana; Coshocton; Crawford; Cuyahoga; Defiance; Delaware; Erie; Fulton; Geauga; Hancock; Hardin; Harrison; Henry; Holmes; Huron; Jefferson; Knox; Lake; Logan; Lorain; Lucas; Mahoning; Marion; Medina; Mercer; Morrow; Ottawa; Paulding; Portage; Putnam; Richland; Sandusky; Seneca; Shelby; Stark; Summit; Trumbull; Tuscarawas; Union; Van Wert; Wayne; Williams; Wood; Wyandot.@D @E*=p U3 =pT =q[ G'EPSGUSA - North Dakota - SPCS - SUnited States (USA) - North Dakota - counties of Adams; Barnes; Billings; Bowman; Burleigh; Cass; Dickey; Dunn; Emmons; Golden Valley; Grant; Hettinger; Kidder; La Moure; Logan; McIntosh; Mercer; Morton; Oliver; Ransom; Richland; Sargent; Sioux; Slope; Stark; Stutsman.@F =p@G=p Z33333X#33333i P - eDPk: ;EPSGUSA - Texas - SPCS - NCUnited States (USA) - Texas - counties of: Andrews; Archer; Bailey; Baylor; Borden; Bowie; Callahan; Camp; Cass; Clay; Cochran; Collin; Cooke; Cottle; Crosby; Dallas; Dawson; Delta; Denton; Dickens; Eastland; Ellis; Erath; Fannin; Fisher; Floyd; Foard; Franklin; Gaines; Garza; Grayson; Gregg; Hale; Hardeman; Harrison; Haskell; Henderson; Hill; Hockley; Hood; Hopkins; Howard; Hunt; Jack; Johnson; Jones; Kaufman; Kent; King; Knox; Lamar; Lamb; Lubbock; Lynn; Marion; Martin; Mitchell; Montague; Morris; Motley; Navarro; Nolan; Palo Pinto; Panola; Parker; Rains; Red River; Rockwall; Rusk; Scurry; Shackelford; Smith; Somervell; Stephens; Stonewall; Tarrant; Taylor; Terry; Throckmorton; Titus; Upshur; Van Zandt; Wichita; Wilbarger; Wise; Wood; Yoakum; Young.@?Q@AJ=p YzGa 9AEPSGUSA - Texas - SPCS - NUnited States (USA) - Texas - counties of: Armstrong; Briscoe; Carson; Castro; Childress; Collingsworth; Dallam; Deaf Smith; Donley; Gray; Hall; Hansford; Hartley; Hemphill; Hutchinson; Lipscomb; Moore; Ochiltree; Oldham; Parmer; Potter; Randall; Roberts; Sherman; Swisher; Wheeler.@A&fffff@B@YRX\( 9=EPSGUSA - Texas - SPCS - CUnited States (USA) - Texas - counties of Anderson; Angelina; Bastrop; Bell; Blanco; Bosque; Brazos; Brown; Burleson; Burnet; Cherokee; Coke; Coleman; Comanche; Concho; Coryell; Crane; Crockett; Culberson; Ector; El Paso; Falls; Freestone; Gillespie; Glasscock; Grimes; Hamilton; Hardin; Houston; Hudspeth; Irion; Jasper; Jeff Davis; Kimble; Lampasas; Lee; Leon; Liberty; Limestone; Llano; Loving; Madison; Mason; McCulloch; McLennan; Menard; Midland; Milam; Mills; Montgomery; Nacogdoches; Newton; Orange; Pecos; Polk; Reagan; Reeves; Robertson; Runnels; Sabine; San Augustine; San Jacinto; San Saba; Schleicher; Shelby; Sterling; Sutton; Tom Green; Travis; Trinity; Tyler; Upton; Walker; Ward; Washington; Williamson; Winkler.@=ǮzH@@"\(Z=p W` gEPSGCaribbean - Puerto Rico and US Virgin IslandsPuerto Rico and US Virgin Islands - onshore and offshore.@- =p@5(\Q\(O =q6 G]EPSGUSA - South Dakota - SPCS - SUnited States (USA) - South Dakota - counties of Aurora; Bennett; Bon Homme; Brule; Buffalo; Charles Mix; Clay; Custer; Davison; Douglas; Fall River; Gregory; Haakon; Hanson; Hughes; Hutchinson; Jackson; Jerauld; Jones; Lake; Lincoln; Lyman; McCook; Mellette; Miner; Minnehaha; Moody; Pennington; Sanborn; Shannon; Stanley; Todd; Tripp; Turner; Union; Yankton.@E=p =@FeQZ =pXQv G]EPSGUSA - South Dakota - SPCS - NUnited States (USA) - South Dakota - counties of Beadle; Brookings; Brown; Butte; Campbell; Clark; Codington; Corson; Day; Deuel; Dewey; Edmunds; Faulk; Grant; Hamlin; Hand; Harding; Hyde; Kingsbury; Lawrence; Marshall; McPherson; Meade; Perkins; Potter; Roberts; Spink; Sully; Walworth; Ziebach.@FR@FZzGX͂! O+EPSGUSA - South Carolina - SPCS27 - SUnited States (USA) - South Carolina - counties of Aiken; Allendale; Bamberg; Barnwell; Beaufort; Berkeley; Charleston; Clarendon; Colleton; Dorchester; Georgetown; Hampton; Jasper; Orangeburg; Williamsburg.@@fffff@@TRSEi =MEPSGUSA - Texas - SPCS27 - SUnited States (USA) - Texas - counties of Brooks; Cameron; Duval; Hidalgo; Jim Hogg; Jim Wells; Kenedy; Kleberg; Nueces; San Patricio; Starr; Webb; Willacy; Zapata. Gulf of Mexico outer continental shelf (GoM OCS) protraction areas: South Padre Island; North Padre Island; Mustang Island.@9zG@<5\(Y W =p X ~  $  IsEPSGUSA - West Virginia - SPCS - SUnited States (USA) - West Virginia - counties of Boone; Braxton; Cabell; Calhoun; Clay; Fayette; Gilmer; Greenbrier; Jackson; Kanawha; Lewis; Lincoln; Logan; Mason; McDowell; Mercer; Mingo; Monroe; Nicholas; Pendleton; Pocahontas; Putnam; Raleigh; Randolph; Roane; Summers; Upshur; Wayne; Webster; Wyoming.@B@C\(TS33333Z I#EPSGUSA - West Virginia - SPCS - NUnited States (USA) - West Virginia - counties of Barbour; Berkeley; Brooke; Doddridge; Grant; Hampshire; Hancock; Hardy; Harrison; Jefferson; Marion; Marshall; Mineral; Monongalia; Morgan; Ohio; Pleasants; Preston; Ritchie; Taylor; Tucker; Tyler; Wetzel; Wirt; Wood.@CaGz@DQRTp =qSnzGG GEPSGUSA - Washington - SPCS27 - SUnited States (USA) - Washington - counties of Adams; Asotin; Benton; Clark; Columbia; Cowlitz; Franklin; Garfield; Grant; Grays Harbor; Kittitas; Klickitat; Lewis; Mason; Pacific; Pierce; Skamania; Thurston; Wahkiakum; Walla Walla; Whitman; Yakima.@FQ@GG{_]:=p  GEPSGUSA - Washington - SPCS27 - NUnited States (USA) - Washington - counties of Chelan; Clallam; Douglas; Ferry; Island; Jefferson; King; Kitsap; Lincoln; Okanogan; Pend Oreille; San Juan; Skagit; Snohomish; Spokane; Stevens; Whatcom.@G=p @Hfffff_2\(]AGzJ ? EPSGUSA - Virginia - SPCS - SUnited States (USA) - Virginia - counties of Accomack; Albemarle; Alleghany; Amelia; Amherst; Appomattox; Bedford; Bland; Botetourt; Bristol; Brunswick; Buchanan; Buckingham; Campbell; Carroll; Charles City; Charlotte; Chesapeake; Chesterfield; Colonial Heights; Craig; Cumberland; Dickenson; Dinwiddie; Essex; Floyd; Fluvanna; Franklin; Giles; Gloucester; Goochland; Grayson; Greensville; Halifax; Hampton; Hanover; Henrico; Henry; Isle of Wight; James City; King and Queen; King William; Lancaster; Lee; Louisa; Lunenburg; Lynchburg; Mathews; Mecklenburg; Middlesex; Montgomery; Nelson; New Kent; Newport News; Norfolk; Northampton; Northumberland; Norton; Nottoway; Patrick; Petersburg; Pittsylvania; Portsmouth; Powhatan; Prince Edward; Prince George; Pulaski; Richmond; Roanoke; Rockbridge; Russell; Scott; Smyth; Southampton; Suffolk; Surry; Sussex; Tazewell; Washington; Wise; Wythe; York.@BEQ@C# =pTQR =pm ?SEPSGUSA - Virginia - SPCS - NUnited States (USA) - Virginia - counties of Arlington; Augusta; Bath; Caroline; Clarke; Culpeper; Fairfax; Fauquier; Frederick; Greene; Highland; King George; Loudoun; Madison; Orange; Page; Prince William; Rappahannock; Rockingham; Shenandoah; Spotsylvania; Stafford; Warren; Westmoreland.@B\(@CG{T =pS =q0 7aEPSGUSA - Utah - SPCS - SUnited States (USA) - Utah - counties of Beaver; Garfield; Iron; Kane; Piute; San Juan; Washington; Wayne.@B~Q@CJ=p \33333[B\(Á- 7[EPSGUSA - Utah - SPCS - NUnited States (USA) - Utah - counties of Box Elder; Cache; Daggett; Davis; Morgan; Rich; Summit; Weber.@DFfffff@EGz\\([B\(ÁX 71EPSGUSA - Utah - SPCS - CUnited States (USA) - Utah - counties of Carbon; Duchesne; Emery; Grand; Juab; Millard; Salt Lake; Sanpete; Sevier; Tooele; Uintah; Utah; Wasatch.@C>Q@D=p \33333[B\(Z] A1EPSGUSA - Wisconsin - SPCS - NUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - counties of Ashland; Bayfield; Burnett; Douglas; Florence; Forest; Iron; Oneida; Price; Sawyer; Vilas; Washburn.@F\(@GzHW8\)V33333m AQEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - SPCS - CUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - counties of Barron; Brown; Buffalo; Chippewa; Clark; Door; Dunn; Eau Claire; Jackson; Kewaunee; Langlade; Lincoln; Marathon; Marinette; Menominee; Oconto; Outagamie; Pepin; Pierce; Polk; Portage; Rusk; Shawano; St Croix; Taylor; Trempealeau; Waupaca; Wood.@Ep =@FfffffW8\)U ;  8$ Uj@;4 s;EPSGAsia - Bangladesh; Myanmar - onshore 15°N to 21°NBangladesh - onshore south of 21°N; Myanmar (Burma) - onshore between 15°N and 21°N.@5\(@Wfffff@Y) ikEPSGAmerican Samoa - Ofu, Olesega and Ta'u islandsAmerican Samoa - Ofu, Olesega and Ta'u islands.,Q,8Qe7\(e,(\o KMEPSGAmerican Samoa - Tutuila islandAmerican Samoa - Tutuila island.,(\,ffffffe\(\ePQ YEPSGAustralia - SE Australia (ACT NSW Vic)Australia - Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Victoria.C<&fffff@aQ@c6zG ]_EPSGAustralia - New South Wales and VictoriaAustralia - New South Wales and Victoria.C<&fffff@aQ@c6zGY 57EPSGAustralia - VictoriaAustralia - Victoria.C@p =@aQ@bGzg IKEPSGAustralia - Northern TerritoryAustralia - Northern Territory.:\(%Q@`zH ]_EPSGAustralia - Australian Capital TerritoryAustralia - Australian Capital Territory.A =pA\(@bQ@b́ aeEPSGCote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) - Abidjan areaCôte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) - Abidjan area.@@(\)Gz͂ _3EPSGCanada - Quebec and Ontario - MTM zone 10Canada - Quebec west of 78°W; Canada - Ontario - between 79°30'W and 78°W in area to north of 47°N; between 80°15'W and 78°W in area between 46°N and 47°N; between 81°W and 78°W in area south of 46°N.@E!Gz@O9 eyEPSGCanada - Quebec and Ontario - 78°W to 75°WCanada - Quebec and Ontario - between 78°W and 75°W.@EУ =q@OS33333 e#EPSGCanada - Quebec and Ontario - 75°W to 72°WCanada - Quebec between 75°W and 72°W.; Canada - Ontario - east of 75°W.@F}p =@OC =p} gwEPSGCanada - Quebec and Labrador - 69°W to 66°WCanada - Quebec and Labrador between 69°W and 66°W.@GzH; gwEPSGCanada - Quebec and Labrador - 66°W to 63°WCanada - Quebec and Labrador between 66°W and 63°W.@G@NB\(þ gwEPSGCanada - Quebec and Labrador - 63°W to 60°WCanada - Quebec and Labrador between 63°W and 60°W.@GzG@Mu\(ā w[EPSGCanada - Newfoundland and Labrador - 60°W to 57.5°WCanada - Newfoundland west of 57°30'W.@G@IEQMp =Lg G?EPSGUSA - Washington - SPCS83 - SUnited States (USA) - Washington - counties of Adams; Asotin; Benton; Clark; Columbia; Cowlitz; Franklin; Garfield; Grant south of approximately 47°30'N; Grays Harbor; Kittitas; Klickitat; Lewis; Mason; Pacific; Pierce; Skamania; Thurston; Wahkiakum; Walla Walla; Whitman; Yakima.@FQ@GzG_]:=p > GmEPSGUSA - Washington - SPCS83 - NUnited States (USA) - Washington - counties of Chelan; Clallam; Douglas; Ferry; Grant north of approximately 47°30'N; Island; Jefferson; King; Kitsap; Lincoln; Okanogan; Pend Oreille; San Juan; Skagit; Snohomish; Spokane; Stevens; Whatcom.@G=p @Hfffff_2\(]AGz ?3EPSGUSA - Wyoming - SPCS - WCUnited States (USA) - Wyoming - counties of Fremont; Hot Springs; Park; Sweetwater.@D~Q@FGz[ =pZ =%EPSGUSA - Wyoming - SPCS - WUnited States (USA) - Wyoming - counties of Lincoln; Sublette; Teton; Uinta.@D~Q@FU\([ =p[B\(Á& ?SEPSGUSA - Wyoming - SPCS - ECUnited States (USA) - Wyoming - counties of Big Horn; Carbon; Johnson; Natrona; Sheridan; Washakie.@D~Q@FGz[(QB =EPSGUSA - Wyoming - SPCS - EUnited States (USA) - Wyoming - counties of Albany; Campbell; Converse; Crook; Goshen; Laramie; Niobrara; Platte; Weston.@D~Q@FGzZQZ33333; qUEPSGAustralasia - Australia and PNG - 150°E to 156°EAustralia - onshore and offshore between 150°E and 156°E. Papua New Guinea onshore east of 150°E.G8Q\(> {GEPSGCanada - Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador - MTM zone 3Canada - Newfoundland and Labrador between 60°W and 57°30'W; Canada - Quebec east of 60°W.@G@K =qL p | o w | {K5:rcp~ Y]EPSG Angola - offshore blocks 3 7 15 and 17Angola - offshore blocks 3, 7,15 and 17.$.zGQ@%\)@*ǮzHs OQEPSG Angola - offshore blocks 1 and 16Angola - offshore blocks 1 and 16. =p Q@&(\)@(.zG aqEPSG Angola - offshore blocks 7 8 24 + WGC specAngola - offshore blocks 7 and 8. Also used rounded to integer metre in offshore block 24 and for GSI/HGS/Western Geophysical speculative seismic data throughout offshore Angola.1B\( =p @ ffffff@+Qc ?AEPSG Angola - offshore block 7Angola - offshore block 7.$.zG"R@)QR@*ǮzHc ?AEPSG Angola - offshore block 3Angola - offshore block 3.\(\ =p@'zG{@)c ?AEPSG Angola - offshore block 2Angola - offshore block 2. =p  =p @((\)@)zGc ?AEPSG Angola - offshore block 5Angola - offshore block 5.!.zG@)(\)@*́* 1iEPSG Colombia - CusianaColombia - Casanare province BP Cusiana/Cupiagua field areas. Also used by Total in Rivera and Gatanas blocks.@@QR C EPSG Asia - FSU - Caspian statesAzerbaijan; Kazakhstan; Russian Federation; Turkmenistan - Caspian Sea.@A33333@TvfffffZa 5GEPSG Canada - Nova ScotiaCanada - Nova Scotia onshore.@EzG@G=p PRMp =2  EPSG Africa - Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Zambia, ZimbabweBotswana; Eswatini (Swaziland); Lesotho; Malawi; Zambia; Zimbabwe.>\) aGz@3p =@A =p[ C-EPSG Africa - Kenya and TanzaniaKenya; Tanzania.'@Q@=W =p@DzGg CEEPSG Brazil - Tucano basin southBrazil - Tucano basin south.(=p %333333C\)Bp =k GIEPSG Brazil - Tucano basin centralBrazil - Tucano basin central.%8Q#zGCRBQg CEEPSG Brazil - Tucano basin northBrazil - Tucano basin north.# ǮzHCQBQ oEPSG Brazil - Campos; Espirito Santo and Santos basinsBrazil - offshore - Campos; Espirito Santo and Santos basins.5\(@C =pׁ> ) EPSG /Mozambique - BMozambique - provinces of Gaza; Inhambane and southern parts of Sofala and Manhica; i.e. between approximately 24°S and 20°S.8\)3p =@?J=p @A33333" )SEPSG .Mozambique - AMozambique - Maputo province and southern part of Gaza province; i.e. south of approximately 24°S.:޸Q7\)@?\)@A@\ -EEPSG -Brunei - onshoreBrunei Darussalam - onshore.@ =p @p =q@\\(@\׮zH^ /G EPSG ,Brunei - offshoreBrunei Darussalam - offshore.@QR@zG{@\ @\\( AwEPSG +Algeria - north of 31.5°NAlgeria - onshore north of 35 grads North (31°30'N).@?@BR@"p =qW [AEPSG *World - WGS72 BE to WGS 84 - by countryWorld. Vietnam - offshore.ZLI +EPSG )Asia - Middle East - Iraq; Israel; Jordan; Lebanon; Kuwait; Saudi Arabia; SyriaIraq, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Syria - onshore.@0^Q@BR@A\(@K\(r WGEPSG (Europe - Finland and Norway - onshoreFinland and Norway - onshore.@L33333@Q\(@\(@? =pׁs q-EPSG 'Europe - British Isles and Channel Islands onshoreChannel islands - onshore. Ireland - onshore. Isle of Man - onshore. United Kingdom (UK) - onshore - England; Scotland; Wales; Northern Ireland.@HzG@Ns33333%Q?p =q2 =_EPSG &Europe - common offshoreDenmark - offshore North Sea; Ireland - offshore; Netherlands - offshore; United Kingdom - UKCS offshore.@G\(@OR0@%QY 57EPSG %Egypt - Gulf of SuezEgypt - Gulf of Suez.@;0 =q@>\(@@+Q@A"\(] 9;EPSG $Italy - Sicily onshoreItaly - Sicily onshore.@BKQ@C,@(Q@/kQa =?EPSG #Italy - Sardinia onshoreItaly - Sardinia onshore.@Ch\)@DzH@ (\)@#ǮzHf CCEPSG "Europe - Portugal and SpainPortugal; Spain - mainland.@AGz@E\)#Q@ Q A EPSG !Spain - mainland northwestSpain - onshore mainland north of 41°30'N and west of 4°30' W.@D@E\)"p =$ O1EPSG Spain - mainland except northwestSpain - onshore mainland except northwest (north of 41°30'N and west of 4°30'W).@AGz@EǮzH(\)@ Qa =?EPSG Spain - Balearic IslandsSpain - Balearic Islands.@CKQ@D33333?Q@\( egEPSG Norway - North Sea - offshore south of 62°NNorway - offshore south of 62°N - North Sea.@L =p @OGz?Q@%Q oEPSG Norway - offshore 62°N to 65°N and west of 5°ENorway - offshore between 62°N and 65°N and west of 5°E.>@P@ =q\(\@ =p  amEPSG Norway - offshore north of 65°N; SvalbardNorway - offshore north of 65°N. Also Svalbard.A@U.Q @CGzc MO EPSG Norway - offshore north of 65°NNorway - offshore north of 65°N.AH@@\(ÁY 19EPSG Europe - North SeaDenmark - North Sea; Germany - North Sea; Netherlands - offshore; Norway - North Sea south of 62°N; United Kingdom (UKCS) - North Sea south of 62°N.@I =p@OGz333333@%Qg /YEPSG Syria - Deir areaSyria - Deir area (35°22'N, 40°06'E)@A>Q@A33333@Cfffff@DgzHk 9WEPSG Syria - Shaddadeh areaSyria - Shaddadeh area (36°N, 41°E)@AQ@B@@D@@DR^ ;;EPSG Syria - Al Whaleed areaSyria - Al Whaleed area@A=p @A33333@C33333@D4zG O{EPSG Germany - West Germany all statesGermany - states of former West Germany onshore - Baden-Wurtemberg, Bayern, Bremen, Hamburg, Hessen, Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland, Schleswig-Holstein.@G\(@KQ@p =q@+zG ioEPSG Argentina - Neuquen province Auca Mahuida areaArgentina - Neuquen province - Auca Mahuida area.C`BQ`Q M35 Y  % 4 :p#~0tMn AcEPSG LUSA - Texas west of 100°WUnited States (USA) - Texas west of 100°W.@< =p @B@Z=p 6 i;EPSG JUSA - New England - south (CT, MA, NH, RI, VT)United States (USA) - Connecticut; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; Rhode Island; Vermont.@D}p =@FzHRnQQw =pw CeEPSG IUSA - Delaware and MarylandUnited States (USA) - Delaware and Maryland.@B(\@CS\(RzGC -/EPSG HCanada - AlbertaCanada - Alberta.@H~Q<[~QM 79EPSG GCanada - SaskatchewanCanada - Saskatchewan.1@NGzYU\(# ??EPSG FUSA - CONUS including EEZUnited States (USA) - CONUS including EEZ - onshore and offshore - Alabama; Arizona; Arkansas; California; Colorado; Connecticut; Delaware; Florida; Georgia; Idaho; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Kansas; Kentucky; Louisiana; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; Michigan; Minnesota; Mississippi; Missouri; Montana; Nebraska; Nevada; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New Mexico; New York; North Carolina; North Dakota; Ohio; Oklahoma; Oregon; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; South Carolina; South Dakota; Tennessee; Texas; Utah; Vermont; Virginia; Washington; West Virginia; Wisconsin; Wyoming. US Gulf of Mexico (GoM) OCS.@7\(@H =q`%p =Pl(\u AcEPSG EUSA - Alaska including EEZUnited States (USA) - Alaska including EEZ.@G =q@Rp =@d`?zH~ -EPSG DItaly - mainlandItaly - mainland including San Marino and Vatican City State.@BzG@G@zG{@2zGW +=EPSG CNigeria - southNigeria - onshore south.@Gz@@ffffff@"fffffH QwEPSG BEurope - former Yugoslavia onshoreBosnia and Herzegovina; Croatia - onshore; Kosovo; Montenegro - onshore; North Macedonia; Serbia; Slovenia - onshore.@Dl@Gp =q@*\(@7 =p a =?EPSG ASeychelles - Mahe IslandSeychelles - Mahe Island.p =q@Kfffff@K˅Q A)EPSG @Spain - mainland southwestSpain - onshore mainland south of the parallel of approximately 41°58'N from approximately 6°35'W to the meridian of 4°W of Greenwich and then a line from 41°58'N, 4°W through 40°N, 0°E of Greenwich.@A@Dp =(\)?Q A)EPSG ?Spain - mainland northeastSpain - onshore mainland north of the parallel of approximately 41°58'N from approximately 6°35'W to the meridian of 4°W of Greenwich and then a line from 41°58'N, 4°W through 40°N, 0°E of Greenwich.@CG{@E\)"p =@ Qa =?EPSG >Spain - mainland onshoreSpain - mainland onshore.@A@E\)"p =@ Qm IKEPSG =Philippines - Mindanao onshorePhilippines - Mindanao onshore.@\(@% =p @] =q@_ ]_EPSG , l ` e?> cuEPSG Japan - 44°N to 44°40'N; 143°E to 144°EJapan - onshore 44°N to 44°40'N; 143°E to 144°E.@EQ@FS33333{ ceEPSG ~Japan - 44°N to 44°40'N; 142°E to 143°EJapan - 44°N to 44°40'N; 142°E to 143°E.@EQ@FU\( cEPSG }Japan - 44°N to 44°40'N; 141°E to 142°EJapan - onshore mainland 44°N to 44°40'N; 141°E to 142°E.@EQ@FU\(@a\( i{EPSG |Japan - 44°40'N to 45°20'N; 142°E to 143°EJapan - onshore 44°40'N to 45°20'N; 142°E to 143°E.@FTzG@FQ@a =pׁ i EPSG {Japan - 44°40'N to 45°20'N; 141°E to 142°EJapan - onshore mainland 44°40'N to 45°20'N; 141°E to 142°E.@FTzG@FQ@a cuEPSG zJapan - 45°20'N to 46°N; 142°E to 143°EJapan - onshore 45°20'N to 46°N; 142°E to 143°E.@F=p @FQ@aȣ =q cEPSG yJapan - 45°20'N to 46°N; 141°E to 142°EJapan - onshore mainland 45°20'N to 46°N; 141°E to 142°E.@F=p @FQ@aRn !3 EPSG xUSA - HARNAmerican Samoa; Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands; United States (USA) - Alabama; Alaska; Arizona; Arkansas; California; Colorado; Connecticut; Delaware; Florida; Georgia; Hawaii; Idaho; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Kansas; Kentucky; Louisiana; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; Michigan; Minnesota; Mississippi; Missouri; Montana; Nebraska; Nevada; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New Mexico; New York; North Carolina; North Dakota; Ohio; Oklahoma; Oregon; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; South Carolina; South Dakota; Tennessee; Texas; Utah; Vermont; Virginia; Washington; West Virginia; Wisconsin; Wyoming.' 5QEPSG wEurope - FSU onshoreArmenia; Azerbaijan; Belarus; Estonia - onshore; Georgia - onshore; Kazakhstan; Kyrgyzstan; Latvia - onshore; Lithuania - onshore; Moldova; Russian Federation - onshore; Tajikistan; Turkmenistan; Ukraine - onshore; Uzbekistan.@AR@Tz=p @3Re =pׁ% I9EPSG vSlovenia - Gorenjska - centralSlovenia - central Gorenjska (Upper Carniola) with part of the Kamnik or Savinja Alps.@GR@G9@,Q@-8Q QEPSG uEurope - west central (by country)Austria; Denmark; France; Germany (west); Netherlands; Switzerland.@E*=p @LfffffzG{@1+Qy GcEPSG tEurope - west (DMA ED50 mean)Austria; Belgium; Denmark; Finland; Faroe islands; France; Germany (west); Gibraltar; Greece; Italy; Luxembourg; Netherlands; Norway; Portugal; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland.@Ap =q@Q\(#Q@? =pׁ" Y#EPSG sCentral America - Belize to Costa RicaOnshore Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua.@Q@2}p =W\(TRo G]EPSG rCaribbean - central (DMA tfm)Antigua; Barbados; Barbuda; Cuba; Dominican Republic; Grand Cayman; Jamaica; Turks and Caicos Islands. Note: does not include other islands within this geographic area. @7@U@ =qM\(M )+EPSG qCanada - YukonCanada - Yukon.@MQ@QlaQ^=p 2 A[EPSG pCanada - eastern provincesCanada - onshore - New Brunswick; Newfoundland and Labrador; Nova Scotia; Prince Edward Island; Quebec.@EzG@OO\(SfffffJEQa GCEPSG oCanada - Manitoba and OntarioCanada - Manitoba; Ontario.@D\(@NGzRfffff []EPSG nBahamas (San Salvador Island) - onshoreBahamas (San Salvador Island) - onshore.@7fffff@80 =qRfffffRzH> IkEPSG mBahamas - main islands onshoreBahamas - onshore southwest of a line from 27°30'N, 77°30'W through 23°15'N, 74°30'W to 22°30'N, 72°30'W.@4(\@;J=p S\(R+Qk 7YEPSG lUSA - Alaska mainlandUnited States (USA) - Alaska mainland.@K+Q@QٙeQ`?zHo KMEPSG kAsia - India mainland and NepalIndia - mainland onshore; Nepal.@ =p @AGz@QQ@XZG{ SyEPSG jCanada - NWT; Nunavut; SaskatchewanCanada - Northwest Territories; Nunavut; Saskatchewan.1@TG{aQN\(\t p|  } a WM:,p cuEPSG Japan - 38°N to 38°40'N; 139°E to 140°EJapan - onshore 38°N to 38°40'N; 139°E to 140°E.@BQ@CU\(@acQ i{EPSG Japan - 38°40'N to 39°20'N; 141°E to 142°EJapan - onshore 38°40'N to 39°20'N; 141°E to 142°E.@CTzG@CQ@azH ikEPSG Japan - 38°40'N to 39°20'N; 140°E to 141°EJapan - 38°40'N to 39°20'N; 140°E to 141°E.@CTzG@CQ i{EPSG Japan - 38°40'N to 39°20'N; 139°E to 140°EJapan - onshore 38°40'N to 39°20'N; 139°E to 140°E.@CTzG@CQ@aq~ _qEPSG Japan - 39°20'N to 40°N; east of 141°EJapan - onshore 39°20'N to 40°N; east of 141°E.@C=p (@azGt ceEPSG Japan - 39°20'N to 40°N; 140°E to 141°EJapan - 39°20'N to 40°N; 140°E to 141°E.@C=p ( cuEPSG Japan - 39°20'N to 40°N; 139°E to 140°EJapan - onshore 39°20'N to 40°N; 139°E to 140°E.@C=p (@at(\{ ceEPSG Japan - 40°N to 40°40'N; 141°E to 142°EJapan - 40°N to 40°40'N; 141°E to 142°E.@CQ@DU\({ ceEPSG Japan - 40°N to 40°40'N; 140°E to 141°EJapan - 40°N to 40°40'N; 140°E to 141°E.@CQ@DU\( cuEPSG Japan - 40°N to 40°48'N; 139°E to 140°EJapan - onshore 40°N to 40°48'N; 139°E to 140°E.@CQ@Dffffff@at(\ i{EPSG Japan - 40°40'N to 41°20'N; 141°E to 142°EJapan - onshore 40°40'N to 41°20'N; 141°E to 142°E.@DTzG@DQ@a\) ikEPSG Japan - 40°40'N to 41°20'N; 140°E to 141°EJapan - 40°40'N to 41°20'N; 140°E to 141°E.@DTzG@DQ cuEPSG Japan - 41°20'N to 42°N; 141°E to 142°EJapan - onshore 41°20'N to 42°N; 141°E to 142°E.@D=p @DG{@a\) _EPSG Japan - 41°20'N to 42°N; west of 141°EJapan - onshore mainland 41°20'N to 42°N; west of 141°E.@D=p *@a}Q cqEPSG Japan - south of 42°40'N; 143°E to 144°EJapan - onshore south of 42°40'N; east of 143°E.@D\(@EU\(@aQ cuEPSG Japan - 42°N to 42°40'N; 142°E to 143°EJapan - onshore 42°N to 42°40'N; 142°E to 143°E.@E\(@EU\( cuEPSG Japan - 42°N to 42°40'N; 141°E to 142°EJapan - onshore 42°N to 42°40'N; 141°E to 142°E.@EQ@EU\({ ceEPSG Japan - 42°N to 42°40'N; 140°E to 141°EJapan - 42°N to 42°40'N; 140°E to 141°E.@DQ@EU\( YEPSG Japan - north of 42°N; west of 140°EJapan - onshore mainland north of 42°N and west of 140°E.@Efffff@E]p =@avfffff i{EPSG Japan - 42°40'N to 43°20'N; 145°E to 146°EJapan - onshore 42°40'N to 43°20'N; 145°E to 146°E.@Ew =p@EQ@b; =p i{EPSG Japan - 42°40'N to 43°20'N; 144°E to 145°EJapan - onshore 42°40'N to 43°20'N; 144°E to 145°E.@EkQ@EQ ikEPSG Japan - 42°40'N to 43°20'N; 143°E to 144°EJapan - 42°40'N to 43°20'N; 143°E to 144°E.@ETzG@EQ ikEPSG Japan - 42°40'N to 43°20'N; 142°E to 143°EJapan - 42°40'N to 43°20'N; 142°E to 143°E.@ETzG@EQ ikEPSG Japan - 42°40'N to 43°20'N; 141°E to 142°EJapan - 42°40'N to 43°20'N; 141°E to 142°E.@ETzG@EQ i{EPSG Japan - 42°40'N to 43°25'N; 140°E to 141°EJapan - onshore 42°40'N to 43°25'N; 140°E to 141°E.@ETzG@E\( cwEPSG Japan - north of 43°20'N; 145°E to 146°EJapan - onshore north of 43°20'N and west of 145°E.@E=p @F333333@b; =pt ceEPSG Japan - 43°20'N to 44°N; 144°E to 145°EJapan - 43°20'N to 44°N; 144°E to 145°E.@E=p ,t ceEPSG Japan - 43°20'N to 44°N; 143°E to 144°EJapan - 43°20'N to 44°N; 143°E to 144°E.@E=p ,t ceEPSG Japan - 43°20'N to 44°N; 142°E to 143°EJapan - 43°20'N to 44°N; 142°E to 143°E.@E=p , cuEPSG Japan - 43°20'N to 44°N; 141°E to 142°EJapan - onshore 43°20'N to 44°N; 141°E to 142°E.@E=p ,@aQ u_ U U A ; l # ikEPSG Japan - 34°40N' to 35°20'N; 135°E to 136°EJapan - 34°40N' to 35°20'N; 135°E to 136°E.@ATzG@AQ ikEPSG Japan - 34°40'N to 35°20'N; 134°E to 135°EJapan - 34°40'N to 35°20'N; 134°E to 135°E.@ATzG@AQ ikEPSG Japan - 34°40'N to 35°20'N; 133°E to 134°EJapan - 34°40'N to 35°20'N; 133°E to 134°E.@ATzG@AQ ikEPSG Japan - 34°40'N to 35°20'N; 132°E to 133°EJapan - 34°40'N to 35°20'N; 132°E to 133°E.@ATzG@AQ cuEPSG Japan - 35°20'N to 36°N; 140°E to 141°EJapan - onshore 35°20'N to 36°N; 140°E to 141°E.@A=p $@at ceEPSG Japan - 35°20'N to 36°N; 139°E to 140°EJapan - 35°20'N to 36°N; 139°E to 140°E.@A=p $t ceEPSG Japan - 35°20'N to 36°N; 138°E to 139°EJapan - 35°20'N to 36°N; 138°E to 139°E.@A=p $t ceEPSG Japan - 35°20'N to 36°N; 137°E to 138°EJapan - 35°20'N to 36°N; 137°E to 138°E.@A=p $t ceEPSG Japan - 35°20'N to 36°N; 136°E to 137°EJapan - 35°20'N to 36°N; 136°E to 137°E.@A=p $t ceEPSG Japan - 35°20'N to 36°N; 135°E to 136°EJapan - 35°20'N to 36°N; 135°E to 136°E.@A=p $ cuEPSG Japan - 35°20'N to 36°N; 134°E to 135°EJapan - onshore 35°20'N to 36°N; 134°E to 135°E.@A=p @Ap = cEPSG Japan - 35°20'N to 36°N; 133°E to 134°EJapan - onshore mainland 35°20'N to 36°N; 133°E to 134°E.@A=p @AR cEPSG Japan - 35°20'N to 36°N; 132°E to 133°EJapan - onshore mainland 35°20'N to 36°N; 132°E to 133°E.@A=p @A=p @`R cuEPSG Japan - 36°N to 36°40'N; 140°E to 141°EJapan - onshore 36°N to 36°40'N; 140°E to 141°E.@AQ@BU\(@a =q{ ceEPSG Japan - 36°N to 36°40'N; 139°E to 140°EJapan - 36°N to 36°40'N; 139°E to 140°E.@AQ@BU\({ ceEPSG Japan - 36°N to 36°40'N; 138°E to 139°EJapan - 36°N to 36°40'N; 138°E to 139°E.@AQ@BU\({ ceEPSG Japan - 36°N to 36°40'N; 137°E to 138°EJapan - 36°N to 36°40'N; 137°E to 138°E.@AQ@BU\( ]EPSG Japan - 36°N to 36°40'N; west of137°EJapan - onshore between 36°N and 36°40'N; west of 137°E.@AQ@BU\(@` e EPSG Japan - 36°40'N to 37°20'N; east of 140°EJapan - onshore between 36°40'N and 37°20'N; east of 140°E.@BTzG@BQ@a33333 ikEPSG Japan - 36°40'N to 37°20'N; 139°E to 140°EJapan - 36°40'N to 37°20'N; 139°E to 140°E.@BTzG@BQ ikEPSG Japan - 36°40'N to 37°20'N; 138°E to 139°EJapan - 36°40'N to 37°20'N; 138°E to 139°E.@BTzG@BQ ikEPSG Japan - 36°40'N to 37°20'N; 137°E to 138°EJapan - 36°40'N to 37°20'N; 137°E to 138°E.@BTzG@BQ i{EPSG Japan - 36°40'N to 37°20'N; 136°E to 137°EJapan - onshore 36°40'N to 37°20'N; 136°E to 137°E.@BTzG@BQ@a\( cuEPSG Japan - 37°20'N to 38°N; 141°E to 142°EJapan - onshore 37°20'N to 38°N; 141°E to 142°E.@B=p @B\(@aQt ceEPSG Japan - 37°20'N to 38°N; 140°E to 141°EJapan - 37°20'N to 38°N; 140°E to 141°E.@B=p &t ceEPSG Japan - 37°20'N to 38°N; 139°E to 140°EJapan - 37°20'N to 38°N; 139°E to 140°E.@B=p & cEPSG Japan - 37°20'N to 38°N; 138°E to 139°EJapan - onshore mainland 37°20'N to 38°N; 138°E to 139°E.@B=p @B(\@aLzG cuEPSG Japan - 37°20'N to 38°N; 137°E to 138°EJapan - onshore 37°20'N to 38°N; 137°E to 138°E.@B=p @B=p @a-\( cuEPSG Japan - 37°20'N to 38°N; 136°E to 137°EJapan - onshore 37°20'N to 38°N; 136°E to 137°E.@B=p @B(\@ap = cuEPSG Japan - 38°N to 38°40'N; 141°E to 142°EJapan - onshore 38°N to 38°40'N; 141°E to 142°E.@C =p @CU\(@a =p M}e I D L T J-CJI+fM cEPSG Japan - 31°20'N to 32°N; 130°E to 131°EJapan - onshore mainland 31°20'N to 32°N; 130°E to 131°E.@?TzG @`C33333 cuEPSG Japan - 32°N to 32°40'N; 131°E to 132°EJapan - onshore 32°N to 32°40'N; 131°E to 132°E.@?p =@@U\(@`}Q녁 i{EPSG Japan - 32°N to 32°40'N; 129°54'E to 131°EJapan - onshore 32°N to 32°40'N; 129°54'E to 131°E.@?p =@@U\(@`: EuEPSG Africa - AOF 10°W to 3.5°WFrench West Africa between 10°W and 3°30'W - Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Guinea, Mali, Mauritania.@(\)@;L Q A'EPSG Africa - AOF west of 10°WFrench West Africa onshore west of 10°W - Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Senegal.@ zG@:\(1 =pu QS EPSG Serbia and Montenegro - MontenegroSerbia and Montenegro - Montenegro.@D\)@E =p@2p =q@4^QU 13EPSG Romania - offshoreRomania - offshore.@EQ@F@< =p@?h\)R -1EPSG Germany - SaxonyGermany - Sachsen.@I@IzG@'ǮzH@.zGW 35EPSG Germany - ThuringenGermany - Thuringen.@I@IR@# =p@)Q =EPSG Germany - West Germany SGermany - states of former West Germany - south of 50°20'N.@G\(@I+Q@p =q@+zG =EPSG Germany - West Germany CGermany - states of former West Germany - between 50°20'N and 52°20'N.@I*=p @J+Q@p =q@(\( =EPSG Germany - West Germany NGermany - states of former West Germany - onshore north of 52°20'N.@J*=p @KQ@QR@'.zG} _sEPSG World - N hemisphere - 3-degree CM 045°EBetween 43°30'E and 46°30'E, northern hemisphere.T@E@G@} _sEPSG World - N hemisphere - 3-degree CM 042°EBetween 40°30'E and 43°30'E, northern hemisphere.T@D@@E} _sEPSG World - N hemisphere - 3-degree CM 039°EBetween 37°30'E and 40°30'E, northern hemisphere.T@B@D@} _sEPSG World - N hemisphere - 3-degree CM 036°EBetween 34°30'E and 37°30'E, northern hemisphere.T@A@@B} _sEPSG World - N hemisphere - 3-degree CM 033°EBetween 31°30'E and 34°30'E, northern hemisphere.T@?@A@} _sEPSG World - N hemisphere - 3-degree CM 030°EBetween 28°30'E and 31°30'E, northern hemisphere.T@<@?} _sEPSG World - N hemisphere - 3-degree CM 027°EBetween 25°30'E and 28°30'E, northern hemisphere.T@9@<e ACEPSG Denmark - onshore BornholmDenmark - Bornholm onshore.@KxQ@K =q@-.zG@.} W]EPSG Denmark - onshore Zealand and LollandDenmark - Zealand and Lolland (onshore).@KAGz@LeQ@%zG@)aGzr SYEPSG Denmark - onshore Jutland and FunenDenmark - Jutland and Funen - onshore.@KU\(@Lfffff@&zG KEPSG UK - Northern Ireland - onshoreUnited Kingdom (UK) - Northern Ireland (Ulster) - onshore.@JG{@KzG \(\\(\" E7EPSG USA - Louisiana - SPCS83 - SUnited States (USA) - Louisiana - counties of Acadia; Allen; Ascension; Assumption; Beauregard; Calcasieu; Cameron; East Baton Rouge; East Feliciana; Evangeline; Iberia; Iberville; Jefferson; Jefferson Davis; Lafayette; LaFourche; Livingston; Orleans; Plaquemines; Pointe Coupee; St Bernard; St Charles; St Helena; St James; St John the Baptist; St Landry; St Martin; St Mary; St Tammany; Tangipahoa; Terrebonne; Vermilion; Washington; West Baton Rouge; West Feliciana.@<ٙ@?RW|(\V0m =UEPSG USA - Texas - SPCS83 - SUnited States (USA) - Texas - counties of Brooks; Cameron; Duval; Hidalgo; Jim Hogg; Jim Wells; Kenedy; Kleberg; Nueces; San Patricio; Starr; Webb; Willacy; Zapata.@9zG@<5\(Y X6fffff ?CEPSG USA - Texas - SPCS83 - SCUnited States (USA) - Texas - counties of Aransas; Atascosa; Austin; Bandera; Bee; Bexar; Brazoria; Brewster; Caldwell; Calhoun; Chambers; Colorado; Comal; De Witt; Dimmit; Edwards; Fayette; Fort Bend; Frio; Galveston; Goliad; Gonzales; Guadalupe; Harris; Hays; Jackson; Jefferson; Karnes; Kendall; Kerr; Kinney; La Salle; Lavaca; Live Oak; Matagorda; Maverick; McMullen; Medina; Presidio; Real; Refugio; Terrell; Uvalde; Val Verde; Victoria; Waller; Wharton; Wilson; Zavala.@;ǮzH@>QWp =q acEPSG Japan - onshore mainland south of 31°20'NJapan - onshore mainland south of 31°20'N.@> =q@?W =p@`DzG@`fzG >[ f x    *06<at~j[s //EPSG Slovenia - GoricaSlovenia - Gorica region including the Trnovo Forest, Nanos and Idrija Mountains.@F\(@G =p@* =q@,8Qy EgEPSG Slovenia - upper Soca ValleySlovenia - upper Soca Valley and Julian Alps.@GzG@G>Q@*\(@+p = iyEPSG Indonesia - Java Sea - offshore northwest JavaIndonesia - southern Java Sea offshore northwest Java.\(GzH@ZqGz@[ =q$ /QEPSG Australia - AGD84Australia - Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, federal areas offshore west of 129°E.CC =p"p =@[NQ@c3QV 31EPSG Australia - onshoreAustralia - Australian Capital Territory; New South Wales; Northern Territory; Queensland; South Australia; Tasmania; Western Australia; Victoria.Eٙ#Q@\6fffff@c6zGs OQEPSG Congo - coastal area and offshoreCongo - coastal area and offshore. =p ffffff@!zG@(zG auEPSG Greenland - southwest coast 54°W to 48°WGreenland - southwest coast between 54°W and 48°W.@NP =q@RC33333| _aEPSG Greenland - southwest coast east of 48°WGreenland - southwest coast east of 48°W.@M޸Q@OfffffEB\(o CUEPSG Greenland - Ammassalik areaGreenland - Ammassalik area onshore.@PaGz@Pz=p CnzGBgzHs GYEPSG Greenland - Scoresbysund areaGreenland - Scoresbysund area onshore.@Q*=p @RQ= =q3 =pf ASEPSG Greenland - south of 63°NGreenland - onshore south of 63°N.@M޸Q?I\(\D=p | O EPSG Greenland - west - 63°N to 66°NGreenland - west of 46°W and between 63°N and 66°N, onshore.?BJٙ| O EPSG Greenland - west - 66°N to 69°NGreenland - west of 42°W and between 66°N and 69°N, onshore.BEK Q| O EPSG Greenland - west - 69°N to 72°NGreenland - west of 38°W and between 69°N and 72°N, onshore.EHLzH| O EPSG Greenland - west - 72°N to 75°NGreenland - west of 38°W and between 72°N and 75°N, onshore.HKMG{| O EPSG Greenland - west - 75°N to 78°NGreenland - west of 44°W and between 75°N and 78°N, onshore.KNR2\(| O EPSG Greenland - west - 78°N to 81°NGreenland - west of 44°W and between 78°N and 81°N, onshore.NQRR\(u O EPSG Greenland - east - 63°N to 66°NGreenland - east of 46°W and between 63°N and 66°N, onshore.?B| O EPSG Greenland - east - 66°N to 69°NGreenland - east of 42°W and between 66°N and 69°N, onshore.BE9# =p| O EPSG Greenland - east - 69°N to 72°NGreenland - east of 38°W and between 69°N and 72°N, onshore.EH5QR| O EPSG Greenland - east - 72°N to 75°NGreenland - east of 38°W and between 72°N and 75°N, onshore.HK15\(| O EPSG Greenland - east - 75°N to 78°NGreenland - east of 44°W and between 75°N and 78°N, onshore.KN1Q| O EPSG Greenland - east - 78°N to 81°NGreenland - east of 44°W and between 78°N and 81°N, onshore.NQ,\)f ASEPSG Greenland - north of 81°NGreenland - onshore north of 81°N.Q@TG{PC =p'Q_ ;=EPSG Cameroon - coastal areaCameroon - coastal area.@GzH@\(@ fffff@$́ AEPSG Africa - AEF east of 21°EFrench Equatorial Africa east of 21°E - Central African Republic, Chad.@zG{@5\(@;u\(/ CoEPSG Africa - AEF 14°E to 21°EFrench Equatorial Africa between 14°E and 21°E - Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Gabon, Niger. =p@7u\(2 AiEPSG Africa - AEF 9°E to 14°EFrench Equatorial Africa onshore west of 14°E - Cameroon, Chad, Congo, Gabon, Niger - between 9°E and 14°E.=p =@7zH@ fffffr ?{EPSG Africa - AOF 4°E to 9°EFrench West Africa between 4°E and 9°E - Mali, Niger.@) =p@5=p  5 =EPSG Slovenia - upper SavinjaSlovenia - upper Savinja region with part of Koroska (Slovene Carinthia).@GG{@GGzH@- zob B v + 6QU_cgko} _sEPSG 3World - N hemisphere - 3-degree CM 069°EBetween 67°30'E and 70°30'E, northern hemisphere.T@P@Q} _sEPSG 2World - N hemisphere - 3-degree CM 066°EBetween 64°30'E and 67°30'E, northern hemisphere.T@P @P} _sEPSG 1World - N hemisphere - 3-degree CM 063°EBetween 61°30'E and 64°30'E, northern hemisphere.T@N@P } _sEPSG 0World - N hemisphere - 3-degree CM 060°EBetween 58°30'E and 61°30'E, northern hemisphere.T@M@@N} _sEPSG /World - N hemisphere - 3-degree CM 057°EBetween 55°30'E and 58°30'E, northern hemisphere.T@K@M@} _sEPSG .World - N hemisphere - 3-degree CM 054°EBetween 52°30'E and 55°30'E, northern hemisphere.T@J@@K} _sEPSG -World - N hemisphere - 3-degree CM 051°EBetween 49°30'E and 52°30'E, northern hemisphere.T@H@J@} _sEPSG ,World - N hemisphere - 3-degree CM 048°EBetween 46°30'E and 49°30'E, northern hemisphere.T@G@@H mEPSG +Asia - Middle East - Israel and Palestine Territory onshoreIsrael - onshore; Palestine Territory - onshore.@=s33333@@ =p@A\(@AQW 35EPSG *Palestine TerritoryPalestine Territory.@?5\(@@Ffffff@A\(@A=p  aEPSG )Norway - offshore north of 62°N; SvalbardNorway - offshore north of 62°N. Also Svalbard - onshore and offshore.>@U.Q @CGz^ ACEPSG (Algeria - Hassi Bir ReikazAlgeria - Hassi Bir Reikaz.@?@@5\(@ =p] 3AEPSG 'Algeria - In AmenasAlgeria - In Amenas block.@;@World - N hemisphere - 3-degree CM 102°EBetween 100°30'E and 103°30'E, northern hemisphere.T@Y @Y~ _uEPSG =World - N hemisphere - 3-degree CM 099°EBetween 97°30'E and 100°30'E, northern hemisphere.T@X`@Y } _sEPSG Slovenia - Slovenske GoriceSlovenia - Slovenske Gorice (the Slovene Humpback) with the broad region of Ormoz.@G%Q@GaGz@/@0L 1/EPSG Sweden - 7.5 gon WSweden - communes west of approximately 12°26'E. See information source for map.@LQ@Mp =@%(\@)R CEPSG Caribbean - French AntillesFrench Antilles onshore and offshore - Guadeloupe (including Grande Terre, Basse Terre, Marie Galante, Les Saintes, Iles de la Petite Terre, La Desirade); Martinique; St Barthélemy; St Martin.@,(\)@2zHOzGL\(G SsEPSG UK - Great Britain mainland onshoreUnited Kingdom (UK) - Great Britain onshore - England and Wales - mainland; Scotland - mainland and Inner Hebrides.@H =p@MZG{=p =? SEPSG Russia - 67.5°E to 70.5°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 67°30'E and 70°30'E.@Kl@SDzG@P@Q UmEPSG China - 121.5°E to 124.5°E onshoreChina - onshore between 121°30'E and 124°30'E.@<8Q@JǮzH@^`@_  WEPSG Russia - 148.5°E to 151.5°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 148°30'E and 151°30'E.@FG{@S4zG@b@bF [iEPSG mAsia - FSU - 67.5°E to 70.5°E onshoreKazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russian Federation onshore, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan - between 67°30'E and 70°30'E.@Bw =p@SDzG@P@Q L 7 ?  d:{X5 vkL WEPSG Russia - 145.5°E to 148.5°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 145°30'E and 148°30'E.@E@S0 =q@b0@b WEPSG Russia - 139.5°E to 142.5°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 139°30'E and 142°30'E.@FQ@SQ@ap@a WEPSG Russia - 136.5°E to 139.5°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 136°30'E and 139°30'E.@FaGz@SGz@a@ap WEPSG Russia - 133.5°E to 136.5°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 133°30'E and 136°30'E.@E^Q@R@`@a WEPSG Russia - 130.5°E to 133.5°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 130°30'E and 133°30'E.@E @Q\(@`P@` WEPSG Russia - 127.5°E to 130.5°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 127°30'E and 130°30'E.@EU\(@Re\(@_@`P WEPSG Russia - 124.5°E to 127.5°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 124°30'E and 127°30'E.@H =qJ@_ @_ WEPSG Russia - 121.5°E to 124.5°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 121°30'E and 124°30'E.@J =pJ@^`@_  WEPSG ~Russia - 118.5°E to 121.5°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 118°30'E and 121°30'E.@H\(@RhQ@]@^` WEPSG }Russia - 115.5°E to 118.5°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 115°30'E and 118°30'E.@HGz@RQ@\@] WEPSG |Russia - 112.5°E to 115.5°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 112°30'E and 115°30'E.@HQ@S,@\ @\ WEPSG {Russia - 109.5°E to 112.5°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 109°30'E and 112°30'E.@HR@S3 =p@[`@\  WEPSG zRussia - 106.5°E to 109.5°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 106°30'E and 109°30'E.@H@S@Z@[` WEPSG yRussia - 103.5°E to 106.5°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 103°30'E and 106°30'E.@I =q@Sp =@Y@Z WEPSG xRussia - 100.5°E to 103.5°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 100°30'E and 103°30'E.@I\(@Sp =@Y @Y UEPSG wRussia - 97.5°E to 100.5°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 97°30'E and 100°30'E.@HQ@T9@X`@Y  SEPSG vRussia - 94.5°E to 97.5°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 94°30'E and 97°30'E.@Hp =@TVfffff@W@X` SEPSG uRussia - 91.5°E to 94.5°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 91°30'E and 94°30'E.@IzG@TP =q@V@W SEPSG tRussia - 88.5°E to 91.5°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 88°30'E and 91°30'E.@HQ@TQR@V @V" [!EPSG sAsia - FSU - 85.5°E to 88.5°E onshoreKazakhstan and Russian Federation onshore - between 85°30'E and 88°30'E.@Gfffff@SJ=p @U`@V " [!EPSG rAsia - FSU - 82.5°E to 85.5°E onshoreKazakhstan and Russian Federation onshore - between 82°30'E and 85°30'E.@FzG@Sc =p@T@U`. [9EPSG qAsia - FSU - 79.5°E to 82.5°E onshoreKazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russian Federation onshore - between 79°30'E and 82°30'E.@D\)@TAR@S@T. [9EPSG pAsia - FSU - 76.5°E to 79.5°E onshoreKazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russian Federation onshore - between 76°30'E and 79°30'E.@D8Q@TAR@S @S: [QEPSG oAsia - FSU - 73.5°E to 76.5°E onshoreKazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russian Federation onshore and Tajikistan - between 73°30'E and 76°30'E.@B(\@Sp =@R`@S F [iEPSG nAsia - FSU - 70.5°E to 73.5°E onshoreKazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russian Federation onshore, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan - between 70°30'E and 73°30'E.@BU\(@RdzG@Q@R` WEPSG Russia - 142.5°E to 145.5°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 142°30'E and 145°30'E.@EzG@RQ@a@b0 k\A  X . oIw$B^th\z UmEPSG China - 115.5°E to 118.5°E onshoreChina - onshore between 115°30'E and 118°30'E.@6@H =q@\@] UmEPSG China - 112.5°E to 115.5°E onshoreChina - onshore between 112°30'E and 115°30'E.@5Q@F@\ @\ UmEPSG China - 109.5°E to 112.5°E onshoreChina - onshore between 109°30'E and 112°30'E.@2(\@FzG@[`@\  UmEPSG China - 106.5°E to 109.5°E onshoreChina - onshore between 106°30'E and 109°30'E.@20 =q@E<(\@Z@[` =qt E]EPSG China - 103.5°E to 106.5°EChina - between 103°30'E and 106°30'E.@6@EG{@Y@Z =qt E]EPSG China - 100.5°E to 103.5°EChina - between 100°30'E and 103°30'E.@5!Gz@EXQ@Y @Yr C[EPSG China - 97.5°E to 100.5°EChina - between 97°30'E and 100°30'E.@5nzG@EaGz@X`@Y p AYEPSG China - 94.5°E to 97.5°EChina - between 94°30'E and 97°30'E.@<:G{@F@@W@X` =qp AYEPSG China - 91.5°E to 94.5°EChina - between 91°30'E and 94°30'E.@;\(@F =q@V@Wp AYEPSG China - 88.5°E to 91.5°EChina - between 88°30'E and 91°30'E.@;QR@H5\(@V\(@V =qp AYEPSG China - 85.5°E to 88.5°EChina - between 85°30'E and 88°30'E.@;@H =p@U`@V p AYEPSG China - 82.5°E to 85.5°EChina - between 82°30'E and 85°30'E.@kQ OEPSG Western Sahara - south of 24.3°NWestern Sahara - onshore south of 27grads North (24°18'N).@4\(@8O\(1(\) OEPSG Western Sahara - north of 24.3°NWestern Sahara - onshore north of 27grads North (24°18'N).@8J=p @;Q. =p!QR} AsEPSG Morocco - south of 31.5°NMorocco onshore south of 35 grads North (31°30'N).@;\)@?\(*zG{ QS )7EPSG Libya - MabrukLibya - Mabruk field.@=(\@>R@1!Gz@1\(l AQEPSG Libya - Murzuq and En NagaLibya - Murzuq and En Naga fields.@;QR@;Q@2^Q@2Q ;  EPSG Canada - south of 60°NCanada south of 60°N - Alberta, British Columbia (BC), Manitoba, New Brunswick (NB), Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia (NS), Ontario, Prince Edward Island (PEI), Quebec and Saskatchewan.@D =pQ@J =pW 35EPSG Iran - Kharg IslandIran - Kharg Island.@=(\)@=c =p@I(\@I5\( [EPSG Malaysia - East Malaysia - offshore SCSMalaysia - East Malaysia (Sabah; Sarawak) - offshore South China Sea.?\(@zG@[S =p@]S =p EEPSG Portugal - Selvagens onshorePortugal - Selvagens islands (Madeira province) - onshore.@=G{@>5\(0(\/zGr ?_EPSG Asia - FSU - CS63 zone K4Kazakhstan between 55°16'E and 58°16'E.@DGz@IR@KGz@M"\(r ?_EPSG Asia - FSU - CS63 zone K3Kazakhstan between 52°16'E and 55°16'E.@DG{@IQ@J!Gz@K\(r ?_EPSG Asia - FSU - CS63 zone K2Kazakhstan between 49°16'E and 52°16'E.@D33333@I\(@HGz@J"\(e ?EEPSG Asia - FSU - CS63 zone A4Azerbaijan east of 49°02'E.@BR@EKQ@H =p@Ip = ?)EPSG Asia - FSU - CS63 zone A3Armenia and Georgia east of 46°02'E; Azerbaijan between 46°02' and 49°02'E.@C0 =q@E @G =p@HQ녁 ?+EPSG Asia - FSU - CS63 zone A2Armenia and Georgia between 43°02'E and 46°02'E; Azerbaijan west of 46°02'E.@Co\(@Efffff@E =p@GQv ?gEPSG Asia - FSU - CS63 zone A1Armenia and Georgia onshore west of 43°02'E.@D\(@E˅Q@CQ@EQR //EPSG Niger - southeastNiger - southeast@)@033333@=p =@-q MOEPSG Indonesia - northeast KalimantanIndonesia - northeast Kalimantan.Q@(\)@]=p =@] =p SEPSG Russia - 85.5°E to 88.5°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 85°30'E and 88°30'E.@H\)@SJ=p @U`@V  SEPSG Russia - 82.5°E to 85.5°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 82°30'E and 85°30'E.@H=p @Sc =p@T@U` SEPSG Russia - 79.5°E to 82.5°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 79°30'E and 82°30'E.@IY@TAR@S@T SEPSG Russia - 76.5°E to 79.5°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 76°30'E and 79°30'E.@IQ@TAR@S @S SEPSG Russia - 73.5°E to 76.5°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 73°30'E and 76°30'E.@J(\@Sp =@R`@S  SEPSG Russia - 70.5°E to 73.5°E onshoreRussian Federation - onshore between 70°30'E and 73°30'E.@J =p@RdzG@Q@R` Xt V 8  d8U#:X WkEPSG New Caledonia - Grande Terre - NoumeaNew Caledonia - Grande Terre - Noumea district.6^Q60 =q@d33333@dGz[ 79EPSG New Caledonia - BelepNew Caledonia - Belep.3ٙ3@dqGz@dxi EGEPSG New Caledonia - Ile des PinsNew Caledonia - Ile des Pins.6G{6}p =@dQ@dQk 5[EPSG New Caledonia - MareNew Caledonia - Loyalty Islands - Mare.5\(5QR@d@ezG WEPSG Antarctica - Adelie Land coastal areaAntarctica - Adelie Land - coastal area between 136°E and 142°E.PQPg =p _aEPSG Antarctica - Adelie Land - Petrels islandAntarctica - Adelie Land - Petrels island.PRPfffff@anzG@a kmEPSG French Southern Territories - Kerguelen onshoreFrench Southern Territories - Kerguelen onshore.H =pHL@Q,(\@QzHe ACEPSG Wallis and Futuna - WallisWallis and Futuna - Wallis.*R*QRff=p m 7]EPSG New Caledonia - LifouNew Caledonia - Loyalty Islands - Lifou.5=p =4Q@d\(@d =qm 7]EPSG New Caledonia - OuveaNew Caledonia - Loyalty Islands - Ouvea.4Q4W =p@dzG@dָQD #EPSG French Polynesia - Society Islands - Bora Bora, Huahine, Raiatea, TahaaFrench Polynesia - Society Islands - Bora Bora, Huahine, Raiatea and Tahaa.0\(0+QbQbzG y{EPSG French Polynesia - Society Islands - Moorea and TahitiFrench Polynesia - Society Islands - Moorea and Tahiti.1zG1h\)jbG{ moEPSG French Polynesia - Marquesas Islands - Nuku HivaFrench Polynesia - Marquesas Islands - Nuku Hiva."Q!p =qaRa~QO +-EPSG Comoros - MwaliComoros - Mwali.(Gz(aGz@E\)@E\(Q -/EPSG Comoros - NzwaniComoros - Nzwani.((\( =p @FzG@FKQu QSEPSG Comoros - Njazidja (Grande Comore)Comoros - Njazidja (Grande Comore).'G{&Q@EzG@Efffffc AM EPSG Iran - northern Gulf coastIran - northern Gulf coast area.@?Q@G@Ij=p i =OEPSG Chile - Tierra del FuegoChile - Tierra del Fuego onshore.KG{IQRQPQ녁C Qm EPSG Europe - Austria and FR YugoslaviaAustria; Boznia and Herzegovina; Croatia; Czech Republic; FYR Macedonia; Montenegro; Serbia; Slovakia; Slovenia.@DnzG@Ifffff@#\(@7zH[ 79EPSG Isle of Man - onshoreIsle of Man - onshore.@K\(@K8QzG{zG ?EPSG UK - Scilly Isles onshoreUnited Kingdom (UK) - Great Britain - England - Isles of Scilly onshore.@HzG@HQ =pQ AEPSG UK - Flannan Isles onshoreUnited Kingdom (UK) - Great Britain - Scotland - Flannan Isles onshore.@MG{@M, =pׁ 9EPSG UK - St. Kilda onshoreUnited Kingdom (UK) - Great Britain - Scotland - St Kilda onshore.@L޸Q@L =p!zG{ R CEPSG UK - Outer Hebrides onshoreUnited Kingdom (UK) - Great Britain - Scotland - Outer Hebrides onshore.@LaGz@MEQGzffffff ;EPSG UK - North Rona onshoreUnited Kingdom (UK) - Great Britain - Scotland - North Rona onshore.@M\)@MQzGQ =EPSG UK - Sule Skerry onshoreUnited Kingdom (UK) - Great Britain - Scotland - Sule Skerry onshore.@Mfffff@M =q333333 1 EPSG UK - Foula onshoreUnited Kingdom (UK) - Great Britain - Scotland - Foula onshore.@NzH@NzG333333 G!EPSG UK - Shetland Islands onshoreUnited Kingdom (UK) - Great Britain - Scotland - Shetland Islands onshore.@M=p @No\(zG{p =q 9EPSG UK - Fair Isle onshoreUnited Kingdom (UK) - Great Britain - Scotland - Fair Isle onshore.@M@MͿ(\) CEPSG UK - Orkney Islands onshoreUnited Kingdom (UK) - Great Britain - Scotland - Orkney Islands onshore.@M\(\@MzG =pQi EGEPSG New Caledonia - Grande TerreNew Caledonia - Grande Terre.6s333334zH@d}p =@dG{ n w  j S L=n )/EPSG Sweden - 23 15Sweden - communes east of approximately 21°50'E. See information source for map.@P_\(@Q\)@5ٙ@8+Q )5EPSG Sweden - 20 15Sweden - communes in Vaasterbotten east of approximately 19°30'E and (i) north of 63°30'N and (ii) south of approximately 65°05'N. Also Norbotten west of approximately 23°20'E. See information source for map.@O@QDzG@0zG@7GzH^ )KEPSG Sweden - 18 45Sweden - mainland communes between approximately 18°E and 19°30'E and between approximately 62°50'N and 66°N. Also Gotland. See information source for map.@LnzG@PG{@1.zG@48QM ))EPSG Sweden - 17 15Sweden - communes between approximately 14°20'E and 18°50'E and between approximately 67°10'N and 62°05'N. See information source for map.@O\(@P(\@,Q@3 =p G )EPSG Sweden - 15 45Sweden - communes between approximately 15°E and 16°30'E and between approximately 60°30'N and 65°N. See information source for map.@N8Q@PHQ@+QR@1\(Á= ) EPSG Sweden - 14 15Sweden - communes west of approximately 15°E and between approximately 61°35'N and 64°25'N. See information source for map.@Nfffff@P\)@'(\@/< )EPSG Sweden - 18 00Sweden - communes east of approximately 17°15'E between approximately 60°40'N and 58°50'N. See information source for map.@MTzG@NY@1zG@3(\A )EPSG Sweden - 16 30Sweden - communes between approximately 15°45'E and 17°15'E and south of approximately 62°20'N. See information source for map.@L33333@O!Gz@.R@1GzA )EPSG Sweden - 15 00Sweden - communes between approximately 14°15'E and 15°45'E and south of approximately 61°30'N. See information source for map.@K@N\(@+zG@0&fffffA )EPSG Sweden - 13 30Sweden - communes between approximately 12°45'E and 14°15'E and south of approximately 62°10'N. See information source for map.@K =p@O# =p@(=p =@-zG1 )qEPSG Sweden - 12 00Sweden - communes west of approximately 12°45'E and south of approximately 60°N. See information source for map.@L^Q@N =q@%(\@*8Qc ?AEPSG Canada - British ColumbiaCanada - British Columbia.@H @NGzaaGz\Q녁2 AiEPSG Canada - Atlantic offshoreCanada - offshore Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia - west of 44°W and north of 40°N.(@P p =PEQT 1cEPSG World (by country)World: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, American Samoa, Andorra, Angola, Anguilla, Antarctica, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Aruba, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belgium, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bermuda, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bonaire, Saint Eustasius and Saba, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Bouvet Island, Brazil, British Indian Ocean Territory, British Virgin Islands, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, BurkiG AEPSG Guadeloupe - Grande-Terre and surrounding islands - onshoreGuadeloupe - onshore - Basse-Terre, Grande-Terre, La Desirade, Marie-Galante, Les Saintes.@/@0NN|(\ qEPSG Guadeloupe - St Martin and St Barthelemy - onshoreGuadeloupe - onshore - St Martin and St Barthélemy islands.@1R@2+QOG{O]p = kmEPSG Africa - South Sudan and Sudan - 24°E to 30°ESouth Sudan and Sudan - between 24°E and 30°E.@ =p@6\(@7p =@>\(Á iYEPSG Africa - South Sudan and Sudan - west of 24°ESouth Sudan and Sudan - west of 24°E.@!ffffff@/Q@5R@8\(Á- e;EPSG Africa - Ethiopia and Sudan - 30°E to 36°EEthiopia - west of 36°E. South Sudan - east of 30°E. Sudan - between 30°E and 36°E.@ Q@6=p =@=p =$A )EPSG Sweden - 21 45Sweden - communes in Norbotten east of approximately 19°30'E and south of approximately 65°50'N. See information source for map.@P@ =q@PQ@3Gz@6\)na Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde, Cayman Islands, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, China, Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Comoros, Congo, Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Croatia, Cuba, Curacao, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, East Timor, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Eswatini (Swaziland), Ethiopia, Falkland Islands (Malvinas), Faroe Islands, Fiji, Finland, France, French Guiana, French Polynesia, French Southern Territories, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Gibraltar, Greece, Greenland, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guam, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Heard Island and McDonald Islands, Holy See (Vatican City State), Honduras, China - Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea), Republic of Korea (South Korea), Kosovo, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lao People's Democratic Republic (Laos), Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, China - Macao, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Malta, Marshall Islands, Martinique, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mayotte, Mexico, Federated States of Micronesia, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Montserrat, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar (Burma), Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Netherlands, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Niue, Norfolk Island, North Macedonia, Northern Mariana Islands, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea (PNG), Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Pitcairn, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Reunion, Romania, Russian Federation, Rwanda, St Barthelemy, St Kitts and Nevis, St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha, St Lucia, St Martin, St Pierre and Miquelon, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, San Marino, Sao Tome and Principe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia (Slovak Republic), Slovenia, St Maarten, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Africa, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, South Sudan, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Sweden, Switzerland, Syrian Arab Republic, Taiwan, Tajikistan, United Republic of Tanzania, Thailand, The Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire), Togo, Tokelau, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Türkiye (Turkey), Turkmenistan, Turks and Caicos Islands, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates (UAE), United Kingdom (UK), United States (USA), United States Minor Outlying Islands, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Vietnam, US Virgin Islands, Wallis and Futuna, Western Sahara, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe.ZL _ q { F 5 !h.29~A GEPSG =Slovenia - Slovenska BistricaSlovenia - Slovenska Bistrica with the Dravinja River Basin, area of Boc and parts of the Haloze and the Kozjansko region.@GR@G:G{@.Qp _;EPSG QR@G.zG@HNzG WwEPSG ;Portugal - Azores C - S Jorge onshorePortugal - central Azores - Sao Jorge island onshore.@C=p =@Cffffff<^Q;\( QmEPSG :Portugal - Azores C - Pico onshorePortugal - central Azores - Pico island onshore.@C(\)@CNzG<(\;G{ SoEPSG 9Portugal - Azores C - Faial onshorePortugal - central Azores - Faial island onshore.@C:G{@CYRl3d^ ugEPSG USA - CONUS south of 41°N, west of 112°W - onshoreUnited States (USA) - CONUS onshore south of 41°N and west of 112°W - Arizona west of 112°W; California and Nevada south of 41°N; Utah south of 41°N and west of 112°W.@? =p)_͐_ ;=EPSG Mauritania - NouakchuttMauritania - Nouakchutt.@1 =p@2@0(\/\)n QSEPSG Mauritania - west of 12°W onshoreMauritania - onshore west of 12°W.@-p =q@7u\(1zG` AUEPSG Mauritania - 12°W to 6°WMauritania - between 12°W and 6°W.@-@;L\ ?AEPSG Mauritania - east of 6°WMauritania - east of 6°W.@.G{@9p =333333z AmEPSG Mauritania - central coastMauritania - coastal area south of Cape Timiris.@0\(@3h\)0R/.zGx =mEPSG Mauritania - north coastMauritania - coastal area north of Cape Timiris.@3^Q@5W =p1zG/\(l MaEPSG Brazil - offshore 18°S to 34°SBrazil - offshore between 18°S and 34°S.J =qAQb -QEPSG Brazil - PelotasBrazil - offshore - Pelotas basin.AG{<(\J =qFZG{ QwEPSG Brazil - Espirito Santo and MucuriBrazil - offshore - Espirito Santo and Mucuri basins.6 =p 1 =pD/\(A =p` +OEPSG Brazil - CamposBrazil - offshore - Campos basin.9\)4s33333EQBzG` +OEPSG Brazil - SantosBrazil - offshore - Santos basin. =p@GEQ@H5\(i MKEPSG Japan - 144°E to 150°E onshoreJapan - onshore east of 144°E.@EkQ@F333333@b; =pn MaEPSG Japan - 138°E to 144°E onshoreJapan - onshore between 138°E and 144°E.@8Q@FQn MaEPSG Japan - 132°E to 138°E onshoreJapan - onshore between 132°E and 138°E.@4^Q@B=p uence westerly along the town line between Brighton Plantation and Athens to the westerly corner of Athens, and continuing southerly to the southwest corner of the town of Athens where it meets the Cornville town line, thence westerly along the Cornville - Solon town line to the intersection of the Cornville - Madison town line, thence southerly and westerly following the Madison town line to the intersection of the Norridgewock - Skowhegan town line, thence southerly along the Skowhegan town line to the Fairfield town line, thence easterly along the Fairfield town line to the Clinton town line (being determined by the Kennebec River), thence southerly along the Kennebec River to the Augusta city line, thence easterly along the city line to the Windsor town line, thence southerly along the Augusta - Windsor town line to the northwest corner of the Lincoln County line, thence southerly along the westerly Lincoln county line to the boundary of the State of Maine as determined by Maritime law, thence following the State boundary on the westerly side of the state to the point of beginning.@E\)@GJ=p Q\(Qffffff R5 WELS town line, thence continuing southerly along town lines to the northeast corner of Penobscot County, thence continuing southerly along the Penobscot County line to the intersection of the Woodville - Mattawamkeag town line (being determined by the Penobscot River), thence along the Penobscot River to the Enfield - Lincoln town line, thence southeasterly along the Enfield - Lincoln town line and the Enfield - Lowell town line to the Passadumkeag - Edinburg town line, thence south-southeasterly along town lines to the intersection of the Hancock County line, thence southerly along the county line to the intersection of the Otis - Mariaville town line, thence southerly along the Otis - Mariaville town line to the Ellsworth city line, thence southerly along the Ellsworth city line to the intersection of the Surry - Trenton town line, thence southerly along the easterly town lines of Surry, Blue Hill, Brooklin, Deer Isle, and Stonington to the Knox County line, thence following the Knox County line to the boundary of the State of Maine as determined by Maritime law, thence following the State boundary westerly to the intersection of the Sagadahoc - Lincoln county line, thence northerly along the easterly boundary of the Maine 2000 West Zone, as defined, to the point of beginning.@E@G(\QRQQ l s ' BO, l 5;EPSG Australia - BrisbaneAustralia - Brisbane and surrounding area. Also applicable in other local authorities in south-east Queensland (Gold Coast, Logan, Ipswich, Scenic Rim, Redland, Moreton Bay, Sunshine Coast, Noosa, eastern part of Gympie, eastern part of Fraser Coast) and north-east New South Wales (Tweed, Byron, Lismore, Kyogle, Ballina and Richmond Valley).=\(\8 =p@c =p@c6zG< aOEPSG Channel Islands - Guernsey, Alderney, SarkChannel Islands - Guernsey, Alderney, Sark, Herm, Brecqhou, Jethou, Lihou - onshore and offshore.@HG{@HQzG{=p =7 {+EPSG Channel Islands - Jersey, Les Ecrehos and Les MinquiersChannel Islands - Jersey, Les Ecrehos and Les Minquiers - onshore and offshore.@Ho\(@HQzG{\(O %3EPSG Libya - AmalLibya - Amal field.@=@=@4@5ffffffZ )EEPSG Australia - SAAustralia - South Australia.C =q9p =@`zH@aQ` ?IEPSG Pakistan - offshore IndusPakistan - offshore Indus fan.@5 @9c =p@@Q\(g CSEPSG Pakistan - Badin and MehranPakistan - Badin and Mehran blocks.@9 =p@P\(@QwzHY 57EPSG Pakistan - East SindPakistan - East Sind.@8(\)@<(\@QGz@Q\)[ 1MEPSG Pakistan - KarachiPakistan - Karachi licence area.@8 =q@9\(@PQDU 13EPSG Nigeria - offshoreNigeria - offshore.?Q@Q@GzH@ G{? s_EPSG USA - CONUS north of 41°N, east of 78°W - onshoreUnited States (USA) - CONUS onshore north of 41°N and east of 78°W - Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont; New Jersey north of 41°N; New York and Pennsylvania north of 41°N and east of 78°W.)@G(\P=p _ a1EPSG USA - CONUS north of 41°N, 95°W to 78°WUnited States (USA) - CONUS north of 41°N and between 95°W and 78°W - Michigan and Wisconsin; Minnesota east of 95°W; Iowa north of 41°N and east of 95°W; Illinois, Indiana and Ohio north of 41°N; Pennsylvania north of 41°N and west of 78°W; New York west of 78°W.)@H\(S\([ c5EPSG USA - CONUS north of 41°N, 112°W to 95°WUnited States (USA) - CONUS north of 41°N and between 112°W and 95°W - North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming; Idaho and Montana east of 112°W; Utah north of 41°N and east of 112°W; Nebraska north of 41°N; Iowa north of 41°N and west of 95°W; Minnesota west of 95°W.)@H =q% u)EPSG USA - CONUS north of 41°N, west of 112°W - onshoreUnited States (USA) - CONUS onshore north of 41°N and west of 112°W - Oregon and Washington; California and Nevada north of 41°N; Utah north of 41°N and west of 112°W; Idaho and Montana west of 112°W.)@Hfffff_2\(ÐJ sgEPSG USA - CONUS south of 41°N, east of 78°W - onshoreUnited States (USA) - CONUS onshore - south of 41°N and east of 78°W - Delaware; Maryland, North Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia east of 78°W; Pennsylvania south of 41°N and east of 78°W; New Jersey and New York south of 41°N.@@Q@DGzQ uiEPSG USA - CONUS south of 41°N, 95°W to 78°W - onshoreUnited States (USA) - CONUS onshore south of 41°N and between 95°W and 78°W - Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina and Tennessee; Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas east of 95°W; Iowa south of 41°N and east of 95°W; Illinois, Indiana and Ohio south of 41°N; Pennsylvania south of 41°N and west of 78°W; Maryland, North Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia west of 78°W.@8h\)@DGzS\(x wkEPSG Antarctica - 60°S to 64°S, 48°W to 36°W (SP23-24)Antarctica - 60°S to 64°S and 48°W to 36°W.x wkEPSG Antarctica - 60°S to 64°S, 60°W to 48°W (SP21-22)Antarctica - 60°S to 64°S and 60°W to 48°W.x wkEPSG Antarctica - 60°S to 64°S, 72°W to 60°W (SP19-20)Antarctica - 60°S to 64°S and 72°W to 60°W.ĸ  $ 2 : = ?KYj{*/~ {oEPSG Antarctica - 68°S to 72°S, 132°E to 144°E (SR53-54)Antarctica - 68°S to 72°S and 132°E to 144°E.} {oEPSG Antarctica - 68°S to 72°S, 120°E to 132°E (SR51-52)Antarctica - 68°S to 72°S and 120°E to 132°E.x| {oEPSG Antarctica - 68°S to 72°S, 108°E to 120°E (SR49-50)Antarctica - 68°S to 72°S and 108°E to 120°E.lxz ymEPSG Antarctica - 68°S to 72°S, 96°E to 108°E (SR47-48)Antarctica - 68°S to 72°S and 96°E to 108°E.`lx wkEPSG Antarctica - 68°S to 72°S, 84°E to 96°E (SR45-46)Antarctica - 68°S to 72°S and 84°E to 96°E.T`x wkEPSG Antarctica - 68°S to 72°S, 72°E to 84°E (SR43-44)Antarctica - 68°S to 72°S and 72°E to 84°E.HTx wkEPSG Antarctica - 68°S to 72°S, 60°E to 72°E (SR41-42)Antarctica - 68°S to 72°S and 60°E to 72°E.@? =pt E]EPSG Finland - 29.5°E to 30.5°EFinland - between 29°30'E and 30°30'E.@N =p@PQ@=@>t E]EPSG Finland - 28.5°E to 29.5°EFinland - between 28°30'E and 29°30'E.@NxQ@Qs =p@<@= UmEPSG Finland - 27.5°E to 28.5°E onshoreFinland - onshore between 27°30'E and 28°30'E.@N5\(@Q\(@;@< UmEPSG Finland - 26.5°E to 27.5°E onshoreFinland - onshore between 26°30'E and 27°30'E.@N.zG@Q33333@:@; UmEPSG Finland - 25.5°E to 26.5°E onshoreFinland - onshore between 25°30'E and 26°30'E.@N =p@Q|(\@9@: UmEPSG Finland - 24.5°E to 25.5°E onshoreFinland - onshore between 24°30'E and 25°30'E.@MQ@Q9@8@9 UmEPSG Finland - 23.5°E to 24.5°E onshoreFinland - onshore between 23°30'E and 24°30'E.@MzG@Q5\(@7@8 UmEPSG Finland - 22.5°E to 23.5°E onshoreFinland - onshore between 22°30'E and 23°30'E.@M@Q/\(@6@7 UmEPSG Finland - 21.5°E to 22.5°E onshoreFinland - onshore between 21°30'E and 22°30'E.@MGz@QS =p@5@6 UmEPSG Finland - 20.5°E to 21.5°E onshoreFinland - onshore between 20°30'E and 21°30'E.@MQ@QUQ@4@5 UmEPSG Finland - 19.5°E to 20.5°E onshoreFinland - onshore between 19°30'E and 20°30'E.@M\(@N=p =@3@4t OSEPSG Finland - west of 19.5°E onshoreFinland - onshore west of 19°30'E.@N =p @N+Q@3=p =@3( CEEPSG Colombia - west of 78°35'WColombia - mainland onshore west of 4°30'W of Bogota (approximately 78°35'W of Greenwich).?zG@ =pSfffffSQ  X | d m _JU3kU?k z GuEPSG HFrench Guiana - east of 54°WFrench Guiana - east of 54°W, onshore and offshore.@\(\@!\(H_ ;=EPSG EIran - Tombak LNG plantIran - Tombak LNG plant.@;Gz@;\(@J Q@J!Gzk AOEPSG DIran - South Pars block 11Iran - South Pars field phase 11.@:u\(@: =p@J(\@J4zGg CEEPSG CAustralia - New South WalesAustralia - New South Wales.B =p<&fffff@azH@c6zG acEPSG BFrench Polynesia - Society Islands - TahaaFrench Polynesia - Society Islands - Tahaa.0Q0b(\bQ ikEPSG AFrench Polynesia - Society Islands - Bora BoraFrench Polynesia - Society Islands - Bora Bora.0Q0c =pbQbQ egEPSG @French Polynesia - Society Islands - RaiateaFrench Polynesia - Society Islands - Raiatea.0\(0zGb񙙙b陙 egEPSG ?French Polynesia - Society Islands - HuahineFrench Polynesia - Society Islands - Huahine.0޸Q0GzbQbzGF oUEPSG >French Polynesia - Society Islands - main islandsFrench Polynesia - Society Islands - Bora Bora, Huahine, Maupiti, Moorea, Raiatea, Tahaa and Tahiti.1zG0+Qc zGbG{ moEPSG =French Polynesia - Marquesas Islands - Fatu HivaFrench Polynesia - Marquesas Islands - Fatu Hiva.%333333$QaXaQGz ikEPSG ǮzH_ ;=EPSG JFrench Guiana - onshoreFrench Guiana - onshore.@Gz@=p =KNzGIzGV 9; EPSG bPoland - east of 24°EPoland - east of 24°E.@I333333@Is33333@8(\) k h / % 9TeVGhqk} EoEPSG xMicronesia - Kosrae (Kusaie)Federated States of Micronesia - Kosrae (Kusaie).@ =p@Q@d[33333@dc33333 akEPSG wPacific - Marshall Islands, Wake - onshoreMarshall Islands - onshore. Wake atoll onshore.@!QR@3aGz@dH =q@d=p S )7EPSG vWake - onshoreWake atoll - onshore.@38Q@3aGz@dљ@d =pׁ! gEPSG uBritish Indian Ocean Territory - Diego GarciaBritish Indian Ocean Territory - Chagos Archipelago - Diego Garcia.\(Q@R33333@R#33333k GIEPSG tChile - Easter Island onshoreChile - Easter Island onshore.;@;\([` =q[J=p  y{EPSG sSouth Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands - onshoreSouth Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands - onshore.M =pJQER:0 =q ikEPSG rCayman Islands - Little Cayman and Cayman BracCayman Islands - Little Cayman and Cayman Brac.@3Gz@3ǮzHT\)S(\k GIEPSG qCayman Islands - Grand CaymanCayman Islands - Grand Cayman.@35\(@3h\)T]p =TB\(Á] E;EPSG pSt Helena - Tristan da CunhaSt Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha - Tristan da Cunha island group including Tristan, Inaccessible, Nightingale, Middle and Stoltenhoff Islands.D5\()Q# EEPSG oSt Helena - St Helena IslandSt Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha - St Helena Island - onshore.0zG/33333ffffff\(\ EEPSG nSt Helena - Ascension IslandSt Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha - Ascension Island - onshore. \(QR,Q,zG{ aEPSG mUSA - Hawaii - Tern Island and Sorel AtollUnited States (USA) - Hawaii - Tern Island and Sorel Atoll.@7 =q@7zGd˅Qd\)? 7EPSG lAfrica - Angola (Cabinda) and DR Congo (Zaire) - offshoreAngola (Cabinda) - offshore; The Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire) - offshore.(\)333333@%\(@(p =c }EPSG kAfrica - Angola (Cabinda) and DR Congo (Zaire) - coastalAngola (Cabinda) - onshore and offshore; The Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire) - onshore coastal area and offshore.(\)Q@%\(@*333333g IMEPSG jBrazil - east of 36°W onshoreBrazil - onshore east of 36°W .$333333\(A^Q aEPSG iBrazil - 48°W to 42°W and south of 15°SBrazil - onshore between 48°W and 42°W and south of 15°S.9J=p ց aEPSG hBrazil - 54°W to 48°W and south of 15°SBrazil - onshore between 54°W and 48°W and south of 15°S.@ =pЁ CEPSG gEurope - FSU - CS63 zone C2Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania - onshore east of 26°27'E.@K33333@MzG@:s33333@<=p = CEPSG fEurope - FSU - CS63 zone C1Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania - onshore between 23°27'E and 26°27'E.@JR@M(\@7s33333@:s33333# C;EPSG eEurope - FSU - CS63 zone C0Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania - onshore west of 23°27'E. Russia - Kaliningrad onshore.@K\(@M\(@3R@7s33333 '/EPSG dPacific OceanPacific Ocean - American Samoa, Antarctica, Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, China, China - Hong Kong, China - Macao, Cook Islands, Ecuador, Fiji, French Polynesia, Guam, Indonesia, Japan, Kiribati, Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea), Republic of Korea (South Korea), Malaysia, Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Nauru, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Niue, Norfolk Island, Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea (PNG), Peru, Philippines, Pitcairn, Russian Federation, Samoa, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Taiwan, Thailand, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, United States (USA), United States Minor Outlying Islands, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Vietnam, Wallis and Futuna.@PG{@X(\ AEPSG yVanuatu - southern islandsVanuatu - southern islands - Aneityum, Efate, Erromango and Tanna.4O\(1^Q@eG{@e>fffff &$~ g $ q h JGI5D><,}Y 57EPSG Costa Rica - onshoreCosta Rica - onshore.@Q@&p =qU~zGTRO +-EPSG Congo - onshoreCongo - onshore.=p =@ \(@&8Q@2fffff_ 3EEPSG Colombia - mainlandColombia - mainland onshore.Q@) =p SfffffPzHO +-EPSG China - onshoreChina - onshore.@2(\@JǮzH@RgzH@`أ =q_ IKEPSG Chile - onshore north of 45°SChile - onshore north of 45°S.1RzGU 13EPSG Cameroon - onshoreCameroon - onshore.?ffffff@*.zG@ fffff@05\(U 13EPSG Cambodia - onshoreCambodia - onshore.@$ǮzH@-u\(@Y\(@Z\)U 13EPSG Bulgaria - onshoreBulgaria - onshore.@DQ@Fp =@6\(\@<zGQ -/EPSG Brazil - onshoreBrazil - onshore.@ =p@QR =qA^Q_ ;=EPSG Bouvet Island - onshoreBouvet Island - onshore.KB\(K*=p @ QR@ QRS /1EPSG Bermuda - onshoreBermuda - onshore.@@G{@@7 =pP8\)P' =pO +-EPSG Benin - onshoreBenin - onshore.@zG@(? =p@GzQ -/EPSG Belize - onshoreBelize - onshore.@/\(@2}p =VNzGUzGN 13EPSG Barbados - onshoreBarbados - onshore. @*ǮzHMG{M\(Y 57EPSG Bangladesh - onshoreBangladesh - onshore.@4Q@: =p@V =q@W*G{O +-EPSG Aruba - onshoreAruba - onshore.@(Q@)\(\Q =pQtzGi EGEPSG Argentina - mainland onshoreArgentina - mainland onshore.J7 =p5ǮzHRe\(J33333U 13EPSG Anguilla - onshoreAnguilla - onshore.@2(\@2TzGO(\Ou\(S /1EPSG Algeria - onshoreAlgeria - onshore.@2Q@BR!W =p@'G{S /1EPSG Albania - onshoreAlbania - onshore.@CR@EU\(@38Q@5\(d )YEPSG Aaland IslandsÅland Islands - onshore and offshore.@MQ@N=p =@3=p =@50 =qr 7g EPSG Serbia and MontenegroSerbia and Montenegro - onshore and offshore.@D\)@Gp =@2p =q@7 a 5GEPSG Mauritius - mainlandMauritius - mainland onshore.4R3 =q@L@L^ ACEPSG Pitcairn - Pitcairn IslandPitcairn - Pitcairn Island.9# =p`EQ`@Qi EGEPSG Cayman Islands - Cayman BracCayman Islands - Cayman Brac.@3\)@3ǮzHSG{S(\ sEPSG North America - Bahamas and USA - Florida - onshoreNorth America - onshore - Bahamas and USA - Florida (east).@4(\@>zGTQR+Q| IiEPSG Antarctica - Camp McMurdo areaAntarctica - McMurdo Sound, Camp McMurdo area.S|(\SJG{@d\(@d\( G{EPSG Antarctica - Deception IslandAntarctica - South Shetland Islands - Deception Island.O=p Oh\)NqRN,́ ]_ EPSG Japan - Minamitori-shima (Marcus Island)Japan - Minamitori-shima (Marcus Island).@8B\(@8QR@c>fffff@c@Q1 _;EPSG Midway Islands - Sand and Eastern IslandsUnited States Minor Outlying Islands - Midway Islands - Sand Island and Eastern Island.@ =p@GEQ@H=p = aaEPSG Korea, Republic of (South Korea) - onshoreRepublic of Korea (South Korea) - onshore.@@R@CQR@_!R@``Q.  EPSG Korea, Democratic People's Republic of (North Korea) - onshoreDemocratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) - onshore.@B\(@EGz@_Gz@`XO +-EPSG Kenya - onshoreKenya - onshore.Gz@Q@@33333@DzG =EPSG Japan - onshore mainlandJapan - onshore mainland - Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu.@> =q@FQ@`)@b; =pU 13EPSG Iceland - mainlandIceland - mainland.@OQ@P\(8\)*\(U 13EPSG Honduras - onshoreHonduras - onshore.@)\(@0}p =VW =pTQO +-EPSG Haiti - onshoreHaiti - onshore.@1Q@4&fffffRGzQzHQ -/EPSG Guyana - onshoreGuyana - onshore.?Gz@!(\)NRL<(\_ ;=EPSG Guinea-Bissau - onshoreGuinea-Bissau - onshore.@%p =@)aGz0Q+GzHQ -/EPSG Guinea - onshoreGuinea - onshore.@\(@)\(\.B\(W 35EPSG Guatemala - onshoreGuatemala - onshore.@+aGz@1zGW\(V (\M )+EPSG Guam - onshoreGuam - onshore.@*\(\@+ffffff@b\(@b QQ -/EPSG Greece - onshoreGreece - onshore.@Ap =q@D@3R@5\(@Ds33333S /1EPSG Morocco - onshoreMorocco - onshore.@;\)@A(\*zG{(\)Y 57EPSG Montserrat - onshoreMontserrat - onshore.@0Q@0޸QO%QO =p M )+EPSG Togo - onshoreTogo - onshore.@333333@&GzH333333? !~S 7 : J  E 9CyrSw~ 1EPSG Slovenia - VelenjeSlovenia - Velenje with part of Koroska Region (Slovene Carinthia).@G# =p@GAGz@-@.Qp 1iEPSG Slovenia - KoroskaSlovenia - Koroska Region (Slovene Carinthia).@G:G{@GTzG@-\)@/Q녁 1EPSG Slovenia - KocevjeSlovenia - Kocevje with the Kocevski Forest and Gotenica Mountain.@FG{@FGz@-333333@.=p = 75EPSG Slovenia - NotranjskaSlovenia - Notranjska (Inner Carniola) with parts of the Karst and the Brkini Hills.@F(\@F =q@,(\)@-.zG7 ?gEPSG Slovenia - Ljubliana westSlovenia - western part of the Ljubljana region with part of Skofja Loka Hills and the Idrija-Cerklje region.@FzG@GG{@+fffff@- =p / EQEPSG Slovenia - Gorenjska - upperSlovenia - upper Gorenjska (Upper Carniola) with the Baca Valley and part of the Cerkno Mountains.@G Q@GC =p@+ffffff@,\(\m 7]EPSG Slovenia - Novo MestoSlovenia - Novo Mesto with the Gorjanci.@FzG@F\(@.Q@. =qm 5_EPSG Slovenia - PrekmurjeSlovenia - Prekmurje (the Transmuraland).@G<(\@Gp =q@/\(@0(\ ?'EPSG Slovenia - Ljubljana eastSlovenia - eastern part of the Ljubljana region with the Kamnik-Domzale area.@F@G(\)@,fffff@.Q녁 [cEPSG New Zealand - South and Stewart IslandsNew Zealand - South Island, Stewart Island.G=p D8Q@d =p@eθQ ]EPSG Italy - including San Marino and VaticanItaly - onshore and offshore; San Marino, Vatican City State.@AaGz@G@Q@2p =S /1EPSG Jamaica - onshoreJamaica - onshore.@1 =p@2zGSQS G{Y -?EPSG India - mainlandIndia - mainland onshore.@ =p @AGz@QQ@XZG{S /1EPSG Mayotte - onshoreMayotte - onshore.*)8Q@F}p =@F͂6 /uEPSG Germany - onshoreGermany - onshore - states of Baden-Wurtemberg, Bayern, Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Hessen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein, Thuringen.@G\(@KQ@p =q@.zGi EGEPSG New Zealand - Stewart IslandNew Zealand - Stewart Island.G=p GP =q@dGz@e G{S /1EPSG Reunion - onshoreReunion - onshore.5kQ4\(@KzG@KzGM )+EPSG Iran - onshoreIran - onshore.@9Q@C =p@F =p@OQi EGEPSG China - Hong Kong - offshoreChina - Hong Kong - offshore.@6!Gz@6zG@\p =q@\ =qg CEEPSG China - Hong Kong - onshoreChina - Hong Kong - onshore.@60 =q@6\(@\tzG@\\)S /1EPSG Finland - onshoreFinland - onshore.@M@Q\(@3=p =@? =pH +-EPSG Yemen - onshoreYemen - onshore.@(.zG@Dfffff@KC =pa =?EPSG Western Sahara - onshoreWestern Sahara - onshore.@4\(@;Q1(\)!QR E EPSG Virgin Islands, US - onshoreUS Virgin Islands - onshore - St Croix, St John, and St Thomas.@1Q@2p =qPE\(P =q' O7EPSG Virgin Islands, British - onshoreBritish Virgin Islands - onshore - Anegada, Jost Van Dyke, Tortola, and Virgin Gorda.@2GzH@2ǮzHP8QPS /1EPSG Vietnam - onshoreVietnam - onshore.@ \)@7ffffff@Y\)@[aRW 35EPSG Venezuela - onshoreVenezuela - onshore.?zG{@(RXQMfffffL /1EPSG Uruguay - onshoreUruguay - onshore.> =pM>QJQ+ 'gEPSG UAE - onshoreUnited Arab Emirates (UAE) - onshore. Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Umm al Qaywayn, Al Fujairah, Ras al Khaymah.@6Gz@:@IǮzH@L8QS /1EPSG Ukraine - onshoreUkraine - onshore.@F(\)@J0 =q@6&fffff@D =pu QSEPSG Turks and Caicos Islands - onshoreTurks and Caicos Islands - onshore.@5aGz@6\(R\(QzG\ -EEPSG Turkey - onshoreTürkiye (Turkey) - onshore.@AzH@E33333@9Q@Fj=p O +-EPSG Tonga - onshoreTonga - onshore.5QR2\(ep =e33333  <YQRC4! I1EPSG ,USA - west of 174°E - AK, OCSUnited States (USA) - west of 174°E. Alaska and offshore continental shelf (OCS).@HGz@L# =p@d@eQ [EPSG +Greenland - east coast - 72°N to 75°NGreenland - east coast onshore - between 72°N and 75°N.H@RQ=&fffff3 =p [EPSG *Greenland - east coast - 69°N to 72°NGreenland - east coast onshore - between 69°N and 72°N.EH= =q5QR [EPSG )Greenland - east coast - 68°N to 69°NGreenland - east coast onshore - between 68°N and 69°N.@Q*=p E:p =9# =p [EPSG (Greenland - west coast - 78°N to 79°NGreenland - west coast onshore - between 78°N and 79°N.NORR\(PO\(z [oEPSG 'Greenland - west coast - 75°N to 78°NGreenland - west coast - between 75°N and 78°N.KNR2\(L'zH [EPSG &Greenland - west coast - 72°N to 75°NGreenland - west coast onshore - between 72°N and 75°N.HKMG{J\(Á [EPSG %Greenland - west coast - 69°N to 72°NGreenland - west coast onshore - between 69°N and 72°N.EHLzHHzG [EPSG $Greenland - west coast - 66°N to 69°NGreenland - west coast onshore - between 66°N and 69°N.BEK QH33333 [EPSG #Greenland - west coast - 63°N to 66°NGreenland - west coast onshore - between 63°N and 66°N.?BJٙH\(^ 9KEPSG "Greenland - west coastGreenland - west coast onshore.@M޸QORR\(EB\(Á UyEPSG !Mexico - offshore GoM - Tampico areaMexico - offshore Gulf of Mexico (GoM) - Tampico area.@5\(@6XfffffX8\)o ?eEPSG USA - GoM - west of 95°WUnited States (USA) - offshore Gulf of Mexico (GoM) west of approximately 95°W - protraction areas Brazos (including south addition), Matagorda Island, Mustang Island (including east addition); North Padre Island (including east addition), South Padre Island (including east addition), Corpus Christi and Port Isabel. Also protraction areas Galveston (including south addition), East Breaks and Aliminos Canyon - west of 95°W.@9Q@@UTJG{ 'EPSG USA - GoM OCSUnited States (USA) - offshore Gulf of Mexico outer continental shelf (GoM OCS) - protraction areas South Padre Island; North Padre Island; Mustang Island; Matagorda Island; Brazos; Galveston; High Island; Sabine Pass; West Cameron; East Cameron; Vermilion; South Marsh Island; Eugene Island; Ship Shoal; South Pelto; Bay Marchand; South Timbalier; Grand Isle; West Delta; South Pass; Main Pass; Breton Sound; Chandeleur; Corpus Christi; Port Isabel; East BreO !3EPSG South America - Brazil - south of 18°S and west of 54°W + DF; N ParaguayBrazil - south of 18°S and west of 54°W, plus Distrito Federal. Paraguay - north.?\).p =OH\)G| _aEPSG Brazil - west of 54°W and south of 18°SBrazil - west of 54°W and south of 18°S.?\)1p =MzGDW/  & b Q[mnCDa 5cEPSGtIraq - east of 48°EIraq - east of 48°E, onshore and offshore.@=0@H`с YEPSGSFrench Southern Territories - TromelinFrench Southern Territories - Tromelin onshore and offshore.2 =q).zG@J9@L =pЁ O?EPSG3Canada - 60°W to 54°W and NAD27Canada between 60°W and 54°W, onshore and offshore - Newfoundland and Labrador; Quebec.@DH\)@Q;Qρq w=EPSGNorth America - 132°W to 126°W and NAD83 by countryNorth America - between 132°W and 126°W - onshore and offshore. Canada - British Columbia; Northwest Territories; Yukon. United States (USA) - Alaska.@A =q@T;Q|΁d  EPSGSouth America - 60°W to 54°W, N hemisphere and SAD69 by countrySouth America between 60°W and 54°W, northern hemisphere onshore, but excluding most of the area south of approximately 2°N.?Gz@!333333́! }EPSGNigeria - offshore blocks OML 99-102 and OPL 222 and 223Nigeria - offshore blocks OML 99-102 and OPL 222 and 223.@ @ =p @ =p@ ́ UEPSGNew Zealand - South Island - Grey mcNew Zealand - South Island - Grey meridional circuit area.E^QD@ed@eˁ M3EPSGLatin America - 108°W to 102°WLatin America between 108°W and 102°W, northern hemisphere, onshore and offshore.@,@?=p ʁH [EPSGAsia - Korea N and S - 128°E to 130°EDemocratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) and Republic of Korea (South Korea) - onshore between 128°E and 130°E.@A>Q@EGzɁh o'EPSGzIraq - 29.7 to 31.4°N, 42°E to 43.9°E (map 19)Iraq - between UTM 3290000mN and 3470000mN (approximately 29°47'N and 31°21'N) and between 42°E and UTM 400000mE (approximately 43°56'E).@=@?^Q*@E(\ȁ1 WQEPSG^Portugal - Madeira and EEZ E of 18°WPortugal - Madeira, Porto Santo, Desertas and Selvagens islands and surrounding EEZ east of 18°W.@==p =@B:G{(\(ǁM ?EPSGDUSA - Michigan - SPCS - WUnited States (USA) - Michigan - counties of Baraga; Dickinson; Gogebic; Houghton; Iron; Keweenaw; Marquette; Menominee; Ontonagon.@FQ@H(\)VG{T(\g ;wEPSG1Mexico - 96°W to 90°WMexico between 96°W and 90°W, onshore and offshore.@(333333ł ?EPSGSweden - Stockholm countySweden - Stockholm county. Municipalities of Botkyrka, Danderyd, Ekerö, Haninge, Huddinge, Järfälla, Lidingö, Nacka, Nynäshamn, Salem, Sigtuna, Sollentuna, Solna, Stockholm and Sundbyberg.@MXQ@N"\(@1@@3(\[ QSEPSGAntarctica - Darwin Glacier regionAntarctica - Darwin Glacier region._ ;=EPSG Slovenia - southeasternSlovenia - southeastern.@F\(@F\(@-\(@.Qg /YEPSG Serbia and KosovoSerbia including Vojvodina and Kosovo.@D@GQ@2\(@7\( 59EPSG USA - 84°W to 78°WUnited States (USA) - between 84°W and 78°W onshore and offshore - Florida; Georgia; Kentucky; Maryland; Michigan; New York; North Carolina; Ohio; Pennsylvania; South Carolina; Tennessee; Virginia; West Virginia.@7\(@G =qt ;gEPSG Jamaica - west of 78°WJamaica - west of 78°W onshore and offshore.@,QR@3\(\T&fffffS\( ;AEPSG vBrazil - 42°W to 36°WBrazil - between 42°W and 36°W, northern and southern hemispheres, onshore and offshore.:Y?zGr ?{EPSG aMexico - 108°W to 102°WMexico between 108°W and 102°W, onshore and offshore.@,@?=p " w!EPSG LNorth America - 120°W to 114°W and NAD83 by countryNorth America - between 120°W and 114°W - onshore and offshore. Canada - Alberta; British Columbia; Northwest Territories; Nunavut. United States (USA) - California; Idaho; Nevada, Oregon; Washington.@>Gz@T# MIEPSG -USA - 174°E to 180°E - AK, OCSUnited States (USA) - between 174°E and 180°E - Alaska and offshore continental shelf (OCS).@G\(@LU\(aks; Alaminos Canyon; Garden Banks; Keathley Canyon; Sigsbee Escarpment; Ewing Bank; Green Canyon; Walker Ridge; Amery Terrace; Mobile; Viosca Knoll; Mississippi Canyon; Atwater Valley; Lund; Lund South; Pensacola; Destin Dome; De Soto Canyon; Lloyd Ridge; Henderson; Florida Plain; Campeche Escarpment; Apalachicola; Florida Middle Ground; The Elbow; Vernon Basin; Howell Hook; Rankin; Gainesville; Tarpon Springs; St Petersburg; Charlotte Harbor; Pulley Ridge; Dry Tortugas; Tortugas Valley; Miami; Key West.@7R@>@XNzGTJG{tion), South Timbalier (including south addition), Grand Isle (including south addition), West Delta (including south addition), South Pass (including south and east additions), Main Pass (including south and east addition), Breton Sound, Chandeleur (including east addition), Mobile, Viosca Knoll, Mississippi Canyon, Atwater Valley, Lund, Lund South, Ewing Bank, Green Canyon, Walker Ridge, Amery Terrace, Garden Banks, Keathley Canyon and Sigsbee Escarpment. Also for protraction areas Galveston (including south addition), East Breaks and Aliminos Canyon - east of 95°W; for protraction areas Pensacola, Destin Dome, Desoto Canyon, Lloyd Ridge, Henderson and Florida Plain - west of 87°15'W.@9(\@>:G{U [  I f z'tgm}v h SUEPSG JAlgeria - Hassi Mouina licence areaAlgeria - Hassi Mouina licence area.@=@?k GIEPSG IFiji - Vanua Levu and TaveuniFiji - Vanua Levu and Taveuni.1R0@fMp =fx =q SsEPSG HFiji - main islands - east of 180°Fiji - onshore east of 180° - Vanua Levu, Taveuni.1 =p 0Lfx =qV SEPSG GFiji - main islands - west of 180°Fiji - onshore west of 180° - Vanua Levu, Taveuni, Viti Levu and and immediately adjacent smaller islands of Yasawa and Kandavu groups.38Q0@fR> 3EPSG FFiji - main islandsFiji - onshore - Vanua Levu, Taveuni, Viti Levu and and immediately adjacent smaller islands of Yasawa and Kandavu groups.38Q0@fRfx =qS /1EPSG EIraq - Basra areaIraq - Basra area.@=޸Q@? =p@G:G{@HNzG su EPSG DGermany - Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Sachsen-AnhaltGermany - Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Sachsen-Anhalt.@IxQ@Jfffff@%zG@,(\w QWEPSG CGermany - Saxony - west of 13.5°EGermany - Sachsen - west of 13°30'E.@I@IzG@'ǮzH@+Qw QWEPSG BGermany - Saxony - east of 13.5°EGermany - Sachsen - east of 13°30'E.@IO\(@I=p @+@.zG| W[EPSG AGermany - Thuringen - east of 10.5°EGermany - Thuringen - east of 10°30'E.@I@IR@%@)Q| W[EPSG @Germany - Thuringen - west of 10.5°EGermany - Thuringen - west of 10°30'E.@I,@IǮzH@# =p@%S KIEPSG ?World - between 80°S and 84°NWorld between 80°S and 84°N.TL7 [KEPSG >Asia - Middle East -SE Iraq and SW IranIraq - onshore southeast; Iran - onshore northern Gulf coast and west bordering southeast Iraq.@=\(@@@F&fffff@IzH[ EGEPSG =Iraq - east of 48°E onshoreIraq - onshore east of 48°E.@=޸Q0@HNzGV 7KEPSG })= X {EPSG ^Latin America - 78°W to 72°West; N hemisphere and SIRGAS by countryLatin America - Central America and South America - between 78°W and 72°W, northern hemisphere, onshore and offshore.@.zGX {EPSG ]Latin America - 84°W to 78°West; N hemisphere and SIRGAS by countryLatin America - Central America and South America - between 84°W and 78°W, northern hemisphere, onshore and offshore.@3=p 6 s[EPSG \North America - 66°W to 60°W and NAD83 by countryNorth America - between 66°W and 60°W - onshore and offshore. British Virgin Islands. Canada - New Brunswick; Labrador; Nunavut; Prince Edward Island; Quebec. Puerto Rico. US Virgin Islands. United States (USA) offshore Atlantic.@/B\(TĂR sEPSG [North America - 72°W to 66°W and NAD83 by countryNorth America - between 72°W and 66°W - onshore and offshore. Canada - Labrador; New Brunswick; Nova Scotia; Nunavut; Quebec. Puerto Rico. United States (USA) - Connecticut; Maine; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New York (Long Island); Rhode Island; Vermont.@- =pT? Y]EPSG ZLatin America - SIRGAS 2000 by countryLatin America - Central America and South America - onshore and offshore. Brazil - onshore and offshore.M\(@@\(\^(\9GzH ;QEPSG YCanada - 78°W to 72°WCanada between 78°W and 72°W, onshore and offshore south of 84°N - Nunavut, Ontario and Quebec.@EУ =qT ;QEPSG XCanada - 84°W to 78°WCanada between 84°W and 78°W, onshore and offshore south of 84°N - Nunavut, Ontario and Quebec.@D\(T ;OEPSG WCanada - 90°W to 84°WCanada between 90°W and 84°W, onshore and offshore south of 84°N - Manitoba, Nunavut, Ontario.@GzGT ;OEPSG VCanada - 96°W to 90°WCanada between 96°W and 90°W, onshore and offshore south of 84°N - Manitoba, Nunavut, Ontario.@H =pT =[EPSG UCanada - 102°W to 96°WCanada between 102°W and 96°W, onshore and offshore south of 84°N - Manitoba, Nunavut, Saskatchewan.@H~QT3 ?{EPSG TCanada - 126°W to 120°WCanada between 126°W and 120°W, onshore and offshore south of 84°N - British Columbia, Northwest Territories, Yukon.@H =q@Ts333336 ?EPSG SCanada - 132°W to 126°WCanada - between 132°W and 126°W, onshore and offshore south of 84°N - British Columbia, Northwest Territories, Yukon.@GB\(@T;Q|5 ?{EPSG RCanada - 138°W to 132°WCanada between 138°W and 132°W, onshore and offshore south of 84°N - British Columbia, Northwest Territories, Yukon.@HzH@SG{v| ?7EPSG QCanada - 144°W to 138°WCanada west of 138°W, onshore and offshore south of 84°N - British Columbia, Yukon.@Jfffff@R!RaQv] 1CEPSG PSweden - StockholmSweden - Stockholm commune.@M(\@M =p@1@2333333 u-EPSG ONorth America - 102°W to 96°W and NAD83 by countryNorth America - between 102°W and 96°W - onshore and offshore. Canada - Manitoba; Nunavut; Saskatchewan. United States (USA) - Iowa; Kansas; Minnesota; Nebraska; North Dakota; Oklahoma; South Dakota; Texas.@9zGT> wgEPSG NNorth America - 108°W to 102°W and NAD83 by countryNorth America - between 108°W and 102°W - onshore and offshore. Canada - Northwest Territories; Nunavut; Saskatchewan. United States (USA) - Colorado; Montana; Nebraska; New Mexico; North Dakota; Oklahoma; South Dakota; Texas; Wyoming.@ 75EPSG World - north of 0°NNorthern hemisphere.ZL> 75EPSG World - south of 0°NSouthern hemisphere.Lg 9 EPSG World - south of 40°SSouthern hemisphere - south of 40°S including Antarctica.L K EPSG Denmark - onshore east of 12°EDenmark - onshore east of 12°E - Zealand and Falster, Bornholm.@KAGz@L =p @. KEPSG Denmark - onshore west of 12°EDenmark - onshore west of 12°E - Zealand, Jutland, Fuen and Lolland.@KAGz@Lfffff@(Q녁 UwEPSG China - offshore - Pearl River basinChina - offshore South China Sea - Pearl River basin.@2O\(@6 =p@[Q@]0 =qw GaEPSG China - offshore - Yellow SeaChina - offshore - Huang Hai (Yellow Sea).@?:G{@B33333@]θQ@_C =p3 }!EPSG North America - Great Lakes basin and St Lawrence SeawayCanada and United States (USA) - Great Lakes basin and St Lawrence Seaway.@D~Q@J(\WJG{K` OsEPSG North America - Great Lakes basinCanada and United States (USA) - Great Lakes basin.@D~Q@I^QWJG{RzGB 35EPSG China - Ordos basinChina - Ordos basin.#'k@[ =qG  sEPSG World - N hemisphere - 18°E to 24°E - by country and WGS 72BEBetween 12°E and 18°E, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore. Chad - east of 18°E.TG  sEPSG World - N hemisphere - 12°E to 18°E - by country and WGS 72BEBetween 12°E and 18°E, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore. Chad - west of 18°E.T J 9IEPSG World - 86°S to 86°NWorld between 86°S and 86°N.VL [EPSG Mexico - offshore GoM - Campeche area SMexico - offshore Gulf of Mexico (GoM) - Bay of Campeche southeast.@1ٙ@4 =pW\(Vp [EPSG Mexico - offshore GoM - Campeche area NMexico - offshore Gulf of Mexico (GoM) - Bay of Campeche northeast.@4޸Q@7\(WQV*G{t ? EPSG Greenland - 12°W to 6°WGreenland - 12°W to 6°W, onshore and offshore south of 84°N.@RQT AEPSG Greenland - 18°W to 12°WGreenland - between 18°W and 12°W, onshore and offshore south of 84°N.@Q*G{T AEPSG Greenland - 24°W to 18°WGreenland - between 24°W and 18°W, onshore and offshore south of 84°N.@PT AEPSG Greenland - 30°W to 24°WGreenland - between 30°W and 24°W, onshore and offshore south of 84°N.@P=p =T AEPSG Greenland - 36°W to 30°WGreenland - between 36°W and 30°W, onshore and offshore south of 84°N.@NzGT AEPSG Greenland - 42°W to 36°WGreenland - between 42°W and 36°W, onshore and offshore south of 84°N.@LGzHT AEPSG ~Greenland - 48°W to 42°WGreenland - between 48°W and 42°W, onshore and offshore south of 84°N.@L0 =qT AEPSG }Greenland - 54°W to 48°WGreenland - between 54°W and 48°W, onshore and offshore south of 84°N.@Ls33333T AEPSG |Greenland - 60°W to 54°WGreenland - between 60°W and 54°W, onshore and offshore south of 84°N.@MtzGTw AEPSG {Greenland - 66°W to 60°WGreenland - between 66°W and 60°W, onshore and offshore.@Q:G{@TzGw AEPSG zGreenland - 72°W to 66°WGreenland - between 72°W and 66°W, onshore and offshore.@RO\(@T9k ?mEPSG yGreenland - west of 72°WGreenland - west of 72°W, onshore and offshore.@RGz@S\(õ. YIEPSG xSouth America - SIRGAS 1995 by countrySouth America - onshore and offshore. Ecuador (mainland and Galapagos) - onshore and offshore.M\(@0\Mp = ;AEPSG wBrazil - 36°W to 30°WBrazil - between 36°W and 30°W, northern and southern hemispheres, onshore and offshore.7@\(=p =8] /aEPSG Libya - CyrenaicaLibya - Cyrenaica area 42, blocks 2 and 4. @@ffffff@6}p = \ z  S C)}%{ 5_EPSG USA - 90°W to 84°WUnited States (USA) - between 90°W and 84°W onshore and offshore - Alabama; Arkansas; Florida; Georgia; Indiana; Illinois; Kentucky; Louisiana; Michigan; Minnesota; Mississippi; Missouri; North Carolina; Ohio; Tennessee; Wisconsin.@7Q@H(\) 5)EPSG USA - 96°W to 90°WUnited States (USA) - between 96°W and 90°W onshore and offshore - Arkansas; Illinois; Iowa; Kansas; Louisiana; Michigan; Minnesota; Mississippi; Missouri; Nebraska; Oklahoma; Tennessee; Texas; Wisconsin.@9(\@H =qX =qM 77EPSG USA - 102°W to 96°WUnited States (USA) - between 102°W and 96°W onshore and offshore - Iowa; Kansas; Minnesota; Nebraska; North Dakota; Oklahoma; South Dakota; Texas.@9zG@HGzᚠI 9-EPSG USA - 108°W to 102°WUnited States (USA) - between 108°W and 102°W - Colorado; Montana; Nebraska; New Mexico; North Dakota; Oklahoma; South Dakota; Texas; Wyoming.@Gz@HGzሎ& 9YEPSG USA - 126°W to 120°WUnited States (USA) - between 126°W and 120°W onshore and offshore - California; Oregon; Washington.@>=p @HQ]\( 9)EPSG USA - 132°W to 126°WUnited States (USA) - between 132°W and 126°W onshore and offshore - Alaska.@A =q@LkQ| 9)EPSG USA - 138°W to 132°WUnited States (USA) - between 138°W and 132°W onshore and offshore - Alaska.@J@RB\(v`zH 9)EPSG USA - 144°W to 138°WUnited States (USA) - between 144°W and 138°W onshore and offshore - Alaska.@J(\@Re\(pa?zHw C  EPSG USA - 150°W to 144°W - AKUnited States (USA) - between 150°W and 144°W - Alaska (AK).6@Rjp K9EPSG USA - 156°W to 150°W - AK, HIUnited States (USA) - between 156°W and 150°W onshore and offshore - Alaska, Hawaii.@/Q@Rp =dbzH SEPSG USA - 156°W to 150°W onshore - HIUnited States (USA) - between 156°W and 150°W onshore - Hawaii.@2޸Q@4(\dcWzH~ C  EPSG USA - 156°W to 150°W - AKUnited States (USA) - between 156°W and 150°W - Alaska (AK).@J @Rdj K9EPSG USA - 162°W to 156°W - AK, HIUnited States (USA) - between 162°W and 156°W onshore and offshore - Alaska, Hawaii.@/# =p@Rp =^czH SEPSG USA - 162°W to 156°W onshore - HIUnited States (USA) - between 162°W and 156°W onshore - Hawaii.@3\(@6J=p d czH~ C  EPSG USA - 162°W to 156°W - AKUnited States (USA) - between 162°W and 156°W - Alaska (AK).@I@R^d~ C  EPSG USA - 168°W to 162°W - AKUnited States (USA) - between 168°W and 162°W - Alaska (AK).@H@R33333X^w C  EPSG USA - 174°W to 168°W - AKUnited States (USA) - between 174°W and 168°W - Alaska (AK).@HYIRXw C  EPSG USA - 180°W to 174°W - AKUnited States (USA) - between 180°W and 174°W - Alaska (AK).0@OfffffLRw C  EPSG USA - 174°E to 180°E - AKUnited States (USA) - between 174°E and 180°E - Alaska (AK).0@Mfffffi ?s EPSG USA - west of 174°E - AKUnited States (USA) - west of 174°E - Alaska (AK).1@L&fffff\ %[EPSG Canada - NWTCanada - Northwest Territories onshore.@Mp =@S =paQc 9{EPSG World - north of 45°NNorthern hemisphere - north of 45°N, including Arctic.-ZLm ;gEPSG Jamaica - east of 78°WJamaica - east of 78°W onshore and offshore.@,(\)@3333333R =qu l" = % @ X n}1COk%le AC EPSG Channel Islands - GuernseyChannel Islands - Guernsey.@H33333@H =p  9-EPSG UAE - Dubai - offshoreUnited Arab Emirates (UAE) - Dubai offshore - Falah, Fateh and Rashid oilfields.@8 =q@9@KzH@Kfffff ;EPSG South Georgia - onshoreSouth Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands - South Georgia onshore.KyJ =pC =p A޸Q. ?qEPSG Canada - 120°W to 114°WCanada between 120°W and 114°W onshore and offshore - Alberta, British Columbia, Northwest Territories, Nunavut.@H~Q@T# ?iEPSG Canada - 114°W to 108°WCanada between 114°W and 108°W onshore and offshore - Alberta, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Saskatchewan.@H~QT ?WEPSG Canada - 108°W to 102°WCanada between 108°W and 102°W onshore and offshore - Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Saskatchewan.@H~QT5 ;EPSG Canada - 66°W to 60°WCanada between 66°W and 60°W onshore and offshore - New Brunswick, Labrador, Nova Scotia, Nunavut, Prince Edward Island, Quebec.@DQTā ;eEPSG Canada - 72°W to 66°WCanada between 72°W and 66°W onshore and offshore - New Brunswick, Labrador, Nova Scotia, Nunavut, Quebec.@DffffffTv UiEPSG Indonesia - 135°E to 138°E onshoreIndonesia - onshore between 135°E and 138°E. G{\(v UiEPSG Indonesia - 132°E to 135°E onshoreIndonesia - onshore between 132°E and 135°E.333333ҏ\(v UiEPSG Indonesia - 129°E to 132°E onshoreIndonesia - onshore between 129°E and 132°E. R?u UiEPSG Indonesia - 126°E to 129°E onshoreIndonesia - onshore between 126°E and 129°E. =p@\(\~t UiEPSG Indonesia - 123°E to 126°E onshoreIndonesia - onshore between 123°E and 126°E.% =p@Q{~t UiEPSG Indonesia - 120°E to 123°E onshoreIndonesia - onshore between 120°E and 123°E.%\(?ffffffx{t UiEPSG Indonesia - 117°E to 120°E onshoreIndonesia - onshore between 117°E and 120°E.$L@p =qux{ UiEPSG Indonesia - 114°E to 117°E onshoreIndonesia - onshore between 114°E and 117°E."L@zG{r@]@ =qt UiEPSG Indonesia - 111°E to 114°E onshoreIndonesia - onshore between 111°E and 114°E.!W =p?p =qort UiEPSG Indonesia - 108°E to 111°E onshoreIndonesia - onshore between 108°E and 111°E. Q@lot UiEPSG Indonesia - 105°E to 108°E onshoreIndonesia - onshore between 105°E and 108°E.(\)@p =qilt UiEPSG Indonesia - 102°E to 105°E onshoreIndonesia - onshore between 102°E and 105°E.\(?Gzfir SgEPSG Indonesia - 99°E to 102°E onshoreIndonesia - onshore between 99°E and 102°E. \(@ zGcfp QeEPSG Indonesia - 96°E to 99°E onshoreIndonesia - onshore between 96°E and 99°E.\(@zG`cs AmEPSG UAE - Abu Dhabi - offshoreUnited Arab Emirates (UAE) - Abu Dhabi offshore.@9 =p@I@Kĺ u%EPSG New Zealand - offshore Pacific Ocean, Southern OceanSouthwestern Pacific Ocean and Southern Ocean areas surrounding New Zealand.e?zHx sSEPSG China - Tarim - 77.5°E to 88°E and 37°N to 42°NChina - south and west Tarim basin.%@DQ@S\Xc 5WEPSG USA - 72°W to 66°WUnited States (USA) - between 72°W and 66°W onshore and offshore - Connecticut; Maine; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New York (Long Island); Rhode Island; Vermont.@@zG@G(\P\( 5!EPSG USA - 78°W to 72°WUnited States (USA) - between 78°W and 72°W onshore and offshore - Connecticut; Delaware; Maryland; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New York; North Carolina; Pennsylvania; Virginia; Vermont.@LA ?EPSGTaiwan - onshore - PenghuTaiwan, Republic of China - onshore - Penghu (Pescadores) Islands.@7!Gz@7R@]@]R| U]EPSGNigeria - 4°N to 5°N, 6°E to 8°ENigeria - 4°N to 5°N and 6°E to 8°E.@Q@ =p @\(@ QS /1EPSGPakistan - GambatPakistan - Gambat.@9Gz@;Q@Q\(@QS33333 mEPSGEurope - 28.5°E to 31.5°E onshore and S-42(58) by countryBulgaria and Romania - onshore east of 28°30'E.@EQ@FQ@<@=p =* EPSGEurope - 25.5°E to 28.5°E onshore and S-42(58) by countryBulgaria and Romania - onshore between 25°30'E and 28°30'E.@D =p@H"\(@9@< ]EPSGEurope - 22.5°E to 25.5°E onshore and S-42(83) by countryHungary and Slovakia - east of 22°30'E.@GGz@H@6@6fffffS YEPSGEurope - 22.5°E to 25.5°E onshore and S-42(58) by countryBulgaria and Romania - between 22°30'E and 25°30'E. Hungary, Poland and Slovakia - east of 22°30'E.@DQ@K4zG@6@9! wEPSGEurope - 19.5°E to 22.5°E onshore and S-42(83) by countryHungary and Slovakia - between 19°30'E and 22°30'E.@G @H˅Q@3@6o EPSG Europe - 19.5°E to 22.5°E onshore and S-42(58) by countryAlbania - east of 19°30'E. Bulgaria and Romania - west of 22°30'E. Hungary, Poland and Slovakia - between 19°30'E and 22°30'E.@CR@KAGz@3@6N OEPSG Europe - 16.5°E to 19.5°E onshore and S-42(83) by countryCzechia - east of 16°30'E. Hungary - between 16°30'E and 19°30'E. Slovakia - west of 19°30'E.@F޸Q@I9@0@3 =EPSG Europe - 16.5°E to 19.5°E onshore and S-42(58) by countryAlbania - onshore west of 19°30'E. Czechia - east of 16°30'E. Hungary and Poland - onshore between 16°30'E and 19°30'E. Slovakia - west of 19°30'E.@DR@KqR@0@37 !EPSG Europe - 13.5°E to 16.5°E onshore and S-42(58) by countryCzechia - between 13°30'E and 16°30'E. Germany - states of former East Germany onshore - east of 13°30'E - Brandenburg; Mecklenburg-Vorpommern; Sachsen. Hungary and Poland - onshore west of 16°30'E.@GEQ@K\(\@+@0 {wEPSG Europe - 24°E to 30°E onshore and S-42(58) by countryBulgaria, Poland and Romania - onshore east of 24°E.@DQ@Iw =p@=p = {iEPSG Europe - 18°E to 24°E onshore and S-42(83) by countryCzechia, Hungary and Slovakia - east of 18°E.@F޸Q@IzH@6fffff {[EPSG Europe - 18°E to 24°E onshore and S-42(58) by countryAlbania - onshore east of 18°E. Czechia, Hungary and Slovakia - east of 18°E. Poland - onshore between 18°E and 24°E. Bulgaria and Romania - onshore west of 24°E.@CR@KqR= {EEPSG Europe - 12°E to 18°E onshore and S-42(83) by countryGermany (former DDR) - onshore east of 12°E. Czechia, Hungary and Slovakia - west of 18°E.@F =p@K^Q @2\(Á Y}EPSG Germany - East Germany - west of 12°EGermany - states of former East Germany - west of 12°E.@I@Kp =@# =p P WEPSG Europe - onshore - eastern - S-42(58)Onshore: Bulgaria, Czechia, Germany (former DDR), Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. Onshore and offshore: Albania and Romania.@CУ =q@KqR@# =p@?h\)U 13EPSG Slovenia - centralSlovenia - central.@FzG@G'zH@,kQ@.\( cEPSG Slovenia - Primorska and Notranjska onshoreSlovenia - onshore Primorska and Notranjska (Inner Carniola).@FQ@G =p @* =q@-(\) UEPSG Slovenia - Gorenjska and N PrimorskoSlovenia - Gorenjska (Upper Carniola) and northern Primorska.@Gfffff@GC =p@*\(@- =pg 1WEPSG Slovenia - PomurjeSlovenia - Pomurje (the Mura Region).@G<(\@Gp =q@/Q@0(\j 5YEPSG Slovenia - StajerskaSlovenia - Stajerska (Slovene Styria).@G @GaGz@-zG{@0EQj 5YEPSG Slovenia - DolenjskaSlovenia - Dolenjska (Lower Carniola).@Fٙ@G\(@, =q@/u\( F G T Y ^ chmrw|a O+EPSGFinland - east of 30.5°E nominalFinland - nominally east of 30°30'E but may be used in adjacent areas to west if a municipality chooses to use one zone over its whole extent.@O =p @PGz@>@? =pׁi U5EPSGFinland - 29.5°E to 30.5°E nominalFinland - nominally between 29°30'E and 30°30'E but may be used in adjacent areas if a municipality chooses to use one zone over its whole extent.@N =p@PQ@=@>i U5EPSGFinland - 28.5°E to 29.5°E nominalFinland - nominally between 28°30'E and 29°30'E but may be used in adjacent areas if a municipality chooses to use one zone over its whole extent.@NxQ@Qs =p@<@=y eEEPSGFinland - 27.5°E to 28.5°E onshore nominalFinland - nominally onshore between 27°30'E and 28°30'E but may be used in adjacent areas if a municipality chooses to use one zone over its whole extent.@N5\(@Q\(@;@<y eEEPSGFinland - 26.5°E to 27.5°E onshore nominalFinland - nominally onshore between 26°30'E and 27°30'E but may be used in adjacent areas if a municipality chooses to use one zone over its whole extent.@N.zG@Q33333@:@;y eEEPSGFinland - 25.5°E to 26.5°E onshore nominalFinland - nominally onshore between 25°30'E and 26°30'E but may be used in adjacent areas if a municipality chooses to use one zone over its whole extent.@N =p@Q|(\@9@:y eEEPSGFinland - 24.5°E to 25.5°E onshore nominalFinland - nominally onshore between 24°30'E and 25°30'E but may be used in adjacent areas if a municipality chooses to use one zone over its whole extent.@MQ@Q9@8@9y eEEPSGFinland - 23.5°E to 24.5°E onshore nominalFinland - nominally onshore between 23°30'E and 24°30'E but may be used in adjacent areas if a municipality chooses to use one zone over its whole extent.@MzG@Q5\(@7@8y eEEPSGFinland - 22.5°E to 23.5°E onshore nominalFinland - nominally onshore between 22°30'E and 23°30'E but may be used in adjacent areas if a municipality chooses to use one zone over its whole extent.@M@Q/\(@6@7y eEEPSGFinland - 21.5°E to 22.5°E onshore nominalFinland - nominally onshore between 21°30'E and 22°30'E but may be used in adjacent areas if a municipality chooses to use one zone over its whole extent.@MGz@QS =p@5@6y eEEPSG Finland - 20.5°E to 21.5°E onshore nominalFinland - nominally onshore between 20°30'E and 21°30'E but may be used in adjacent areas if a municipality chooses to use one zone over its whole extent.@MQ@QUQ@4@5y eEEPSG Finland - 19.5°E to 20.5°E onshore nominalFinland - nominally onshore between 19°30'E and 20°30'E but may be used in adjacent areas if a municipality chooses to use one zone over its whole extent.@M\(@N=p =@3@4q _;EPSG Finland - west of 19.5°E onshore nominalFinland - nominally onshore west of 19°30'E but may be used in adjacent areas to east if a municipality chooses to use one zone over its whole extent.@N =p @N+Q@3=p =@3} /EPSG Europe - EVRF2007Europe - onshore - Andorra; Austria; Belgium; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Croatia; Czechia; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France - mainland; Germany; Gibraltar, Hungary; Italy - mainland and Sicily; Latvia; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxembourg; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Portugal - mainland; Romania; San Marino; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain - mainland; Sweden; Switzerland; United Kingdom (UK) - Great Britain mainland; Vatican City State.@A@Q\(#Q@? =p] 9;EPSG New Zealand - offshoreNew Zealand - offshore.K9Gz@d33333effffff\ :N ? } u  PZ#!X: YEPSG.Spain - Canary Islands - east of 18°WSpain - Canary Islands - east of 18°W, onshore and offshore.@9@@@aGz' YEPSG-Spain - Canary Islands - west of 18°WSpain - Canary Islands - west of 18°W, onshore and offshore.@8@?0 =q5zGG cqEPSG,Congo DR (Zaire) - south and 24°E to 30°EThe Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire) - south of a line through Bandundu, Seke and Pweto and east of 24°E.*Q(\)@=\(J cEPSG+Congo DR (Zaire) - south and 18°E to 24°EThe Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire) - south of a line through Bandundu, Seke and Pweto and between 18°E and 24°E.&zG{ \(f c/EPSG*Congo DR (Zaire) - south and 12°E to 18°EThe Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire) - onshore and offshore south of a line through Bandundu, Seke and Pweto and between 12°E and 18°E. 8Q GzH @2\(M )+EPSG)Iraq - onshoreIraq - onshore.@=\(@BR@CeQ@HNzGJ cEPSG(Congo DR (Zaire) - south and 27°E to 29°EThe Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire) - south of a line through Bandundu, Seke and Pweto and between 27°E and 29°E.*ǮzHQJ cEPSG'Congo DR (Zaire) - south and 25°E to 27°EThe Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire) - south of a line through Bandundu, Seke and Pweto and between 25°E and 27°E.'G{\(J cEPSG&Congo DR (Zaire) - south and 23°E to 25°EThe Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire) - south of a line through Bandundu, Seke and Pweto and between 23°E and 25°E.& =qQRQ cEPSG%Congo DR (Zaire) - south and 21°E to 23°EThe Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire) - south of a line through Bandundu, Seke and Pweto and between 21°E and 23°E.&zG{Q@7\(ÁC cEPSG$Congo DR (Zaire) - south and 19°E to 21°EThe Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire) - south of a line through Bandundu, Seke and Pweto and between 19°E and 21°E.(\)c ?AEPSG#Brazil - Distrito FederalBrazil - Distrito Federal./Gz.p =H ǴK eEPSG"Congo DR (Zaire) - south and 17°E and 19°EThe Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire) - south of a line through Bandundu, Seke and Pweto and between 17°E and 19°E. 8Q p =qJ cEPSG!Congo DR (Zaire) - south and 15°E to 17°EThe Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire) - south of a line through Bandundu, Seke and Pweto and between 15°E and 17°E.=p = GzHX ;=EPSG Moldova - east of 30°EMoldova - east of 30°E.@G/\(@G<(\@>!GzX ;=EPSGMoldova - west of 30°EMoldova - west of 30°E.@FQ@H<(\@:Gz- e-EPSGCongo DR (Zaire) - Katanga - Lubumbashi areaThe Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire) - Katanga - Likasi-Lubumbashi area.(Q&B\(@:aGz@;@ ={EPSGCongo DR (Zaire) - southThe Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire) - south of a line through Bandundu, Seke and Pweto - onshore and offshore.*Q GzH@'zG@=\(# aEPSGCongo DR (Zaire) - Katanga east of 28.5°EThe Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire) - Katanga east of 28°30'E.*Q\(@<@>ǮzH3 g7EPSGCongo DR (Zaire) - Katanga 26.5°E to 29.5°EThe Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire) - Katanga between 26°30'E and 29°30'E.*Gz\(@:@=3 g7EPSGCongo DR (Zaire) - Katanga 24.5°E to 27.5°EThe Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire) - Katanga between 24°30'E and 27°30'E.((\)\(@8@;# aEPSGCongo DR (Zaire) - Katanga west of 25.5°EThe Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire) - Katanga west of 25°30'E.'p =qGzH@5p =@9\( msEPSG0Denmark - onshore Jutland east of 9°E and FunenDenmark - onshore - Jutland east of 9°E and Funen.@KU\(@Lfffff @&zGq []EPSG/Denmark - onshore Jutland west of 10°EDenmark - Jutland onshore west of 10°E.@Kffffff@LR 8( ( )|$8u OcEPSGCNorway - onshore - 11°E to 12°ENorway - onshore - between 11°E and 12°E.@Mp =q@PQ @(Qu OcEPSGBNorway - onshore - 10°E to 11°ENorway - onshore - between 10°E and 11°E.@Ms33333@PQGz @&Qs MaEPSGANorway - onshore - 9°E to 10°ENorway - onshore - between 9°E and 10°E.@M8Q@P @$Qj K_EPSG@Norway - onshore - 8°E to 9°ENorway - onshore - between 8°E and 9°E.:@Pfffff@"Qx K_EPSG?Norway - onshore - 7°E to 8°ENorway - onshore - between 7°E and 8°E.@L33333@O˅Q@\(@ Q녁 acEPSG>Sao Tome and Principe - onshore - PrincipeSao Tome and Principe - onshore - Principe.?zG?(\)@zG@zG acEPSG=Sao Tome and Principe - onshore - Sao TomeSao Tome and Principe - onshore - Sao Tome.zG{?p =q@ =p@GzH imEPSG\(u OcEPSGYNorway - onshore - 28°E to 29°ENorway - onshore - between 28°E and 29°E.@QAR@Qə@=\(u OcEPSGXNorway - onshore - 27°E to 28°ENorway - onshore - between 27°E and 28°E.@Qy@Q(\@<\(u OcEPSGWNorway - onshore - 26°E to 27°ENorway - onshore - between 26°E and 27°E.@Qmp =@Q@;\( G EPSGVPortugal - Azores and MadeiraPortugal - Azores and Madeira island groups and surrounding EEZ - Flores, Corvo; Graciosa, Terceira, Sao Jorge, Pico, Faial; Sao Miguel, Santa Maria; Madeira, Porto Santo, Desertas; Selvagens.@==p =@E\)A=p (\(u OcEPSGUNorway - onshore - 25°E to 26°ENorway - onshore - between 25°E and 26°E.@Q%\(@Q\(@:\(u OcEPSGTNorway - onshore - 24°E to 25°ENorway - onshore - between 24°E and 25°E.@Q%Q@QG{@9\(u OcEPSGSNorway - onshore - 23°E to 24°ENorway - onshore - between 23°E and 24°E.@Q'zH@Qə@8\(ÁR isEPSGRIndonesia - Java, Java Sea and western SumatraIndonesia - Bali, Java and western Sumatra onshore, offshore southern Java Sea, Madura Strait and western Bali Sea.!R@Gz@W=p @]@ =qu OcEPSGQNorway - onshore - 22°E to 23°ENorway - onshore - between 22°E and 23°E.@Q,(\@QQ@7\(Å MEPSGPUSA - CONUS and Alaska - onshoreUnited States (USA) - CONUS and Alaska - onshore - Alabama; Alaska mainland; Arizona; Arkansas; California; Colorado; Connecticut; Delaware; Florida; Georgia; Idaho; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Kansas; Kentucky; Louisiana; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; Michigan; Minnesota; Mississippi; Missouri; Montana; Nebraska; Nevada; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New Mexico; New York; North Carolina; North Dakota; Ohio; Oklahoma; Oregon; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; South Carolina; South Dakota; Tennessee; Texas; Utah; Vermont; Virginia; Washington; West Virginia; Wisconsin; Wyoming.@8h\)@QٙeQP=p u OcEPSGONorway - onshore - 21°E to 22°ENorway - onshore - between 21°E and 22°E.@QAR@QQ@6\(u OcEPSGNNorway - onshore - 20°E to 21°ENorway - onshore - between 20°E and 21°E.@QzH@QzH@5\(u OcEPSGMNorway - onshore - 19°E to 20°ENorway - onshore - between 19°E and 20°E.@QQ@Qfffff@4\(u OcEPSGLNorway - onshore - 18°E to 19°ENorway - onshore - between 18°E and 19°E.@Q\(@Q\(@3\(Á$ iEPSGKGermany - Schleswig-Holstein - west of 10.5°EGermany - Schleswig-Holstein - west of 10°30'E including Heligoland.@J\(@KQ@333333@%u OcEPSGJNorway - onshore - 17°E to 18°ENorway - onshore - between 17°E and 18°E.@P(\@Q}p =@2\(| OcEPSGINorway - onshore - 16°E to 17°ENorway - onshore - between 16°E and 17°E.@PQ@Q_\(@/G{@1\(u OcEPSGHNorway - onshore - 15°E to 16°ENorway - onshore - between 15°E and 16°E.@P\)@QXQ@0\(u OcEPSGGNorway - onshore - 14°E to 15°ENorway - onshore - between 14°E and 15°E.@PR@QDzG@.Qu OcEPSGFNorway - onshore - 13°E to 14°ENorway - onshore - between 13°E and 14°E.@P =q@Q @,Qu OcEPSGENorway - onshore - 12°E to 13°ENorway - onshore - between 12°E and 13°E.@M =q@Q =p @*Q bl 4 & L <TA=HPb Y_EPSGyGermany - Lower Saxony east of 10.5°EGermany - Niedersachsen east of 10°30'E.@Ifffff@J =q@%@'.zGe oEPSGxIraq - 31.4°N to 33°N, east of 46.1°E (map 17)Iraq - between UTM 3470000mN and 3650000mN (approximately 31°21'N and 32°58'N) and east of UTM 600000mE (approximately 46°04'E).@?TzG@@~Q@Gfffff@G\( WmEPSGwGermany - Lower Saxony west of 7.5°EGermany - Niedersachsen onshore west of 7°30'E.@Jp =@JzH@QR@R ?EPSGvIraq - SEIraq - onshore southeast.@=\(@@AGz@Ep =@HNzGf qEPSGuIraq - 34.6°N to 36.2°N, west of 42.8°E (map 5)Iraq - between UTM 3830000mN and 4010000mN (approximately 34°35'N and 36°13'N) and west of UTM 300000mE (approximately 42°48'E).@AH\)@B(\@DQ@Eh\)y CiEPSGtBrazil - Santos and PelotasBrazil - offshore - Santos and Pelotas basins.AG{6\)J =qD0 yEPSGsBrazil - Cumuruxatiba, Jequitinhonha and Camamu-AlmadaBrazil - offshore - Cumuruxatiba, Jequitinhonha and Camamu-Almada basins.133333*QC(\AĹ _EPSGrBrazil - Potiguar, Ceara and BarreirinhasBrazil - offshore - Potiguar, Ceara and Barreirinhas basins.@ =p FeQx CgEPSGqBrazil - Paraiba-PernambucoBrazil - offshore - Paraiba-Pernambuco basin.$W =pffffffA=!Gz{ EkEPSGpBrazil - Sergipe and AlagoasBrazil - offshore - Sergipe and Alagoas basins.+(\)!u\(BQ@Gz uGEPSGoIraq - 31.4°N to 33°N, 43.9°E to 46.1°E (map 16)Iraq - between UTM 3470000mN and 3650000mN (approximately 31°21'N and 32°58'N) and between UTM 400000mE and 600000mE (approximately 43°56'E and 46°04'E).@?\(\@@~Q@E\(@G =p  []EPSGnFrance - onshore - mainland and CorsicaFrance - onshore - mainland and Corsica.@DzH@IRzG{@#B\(Á AEPSGmBrazil - Tucano and JatobaBrazil - Tucano North, Tucano Central, Tucano South and Jatoba basins.(=p ǮzHCRBQ IoEPSGlBrazil - Reconcavo and JacuipeBrazil - offshore - Reconcavo and Jacuipe basins.+# =p&\(\CQAzHg IYEPSGkAustralia - Qld east of 150°EAustralia - Queensland east of 150°E.=0 =q@c3Qu MoEPSGjAustralia - Qld 144°E to 150°EAustralia - Queensland between 144°E and 150°E.=\(,Q [EPSGiAustralia - SA and Qld 138°E to 144°EAustralia - South Australia east of 138°E, Queensland west of 144°E.C =q#Q@bQy KyEPSGhAustralia - SA 132°E to 138°EAustralia - South Australia between 132°E and 138°E.BR9p =W Y EPSGgAustralia - SA and WA 126°E to 132°EAustralia - South Australia west of 132°E, Western Australia east of 126°E, offshore federal waters between 126°E and 129°E.Bfffff"p =@_\(@`Q acEPSGfColombia - mainland and offshore CaribbeanColombia - mainland and offshore Caribbean.Q@+\(\SfffffPzH SoEPSGePortugal - Azores W - Corvo onshorePortugal - western Azores - Corvo island onshore.@CУ =q@C\(?.zG?Q녁 UqEPSGdPortugal - Azores W - Flores onshorePortugal - western Azores - Flores island onshore.@Cfffff@C=p ?W =p?R _{EPSGcPortugal - Azores E - Santa Maria onshorePortugal - eastern Azores - Santa Maria island onshore.@Bo\(@B=p 9B\(8\($ O?EPSGbPortugal - Azores - west of 30°WPortugal - west of 30°W - western Azores - Flores and Corvo islands and surrounding EEZ.@A@E\)A=p YuEPSGaPortugal - Azores C - Graciosa onshorePortugal - central Azores - Graciosa island onshore.@C|(\@CRQ@EnzG?zG{@ QU 13EPSGGeorgia - offshoreGeorgia - offshore.@DQ@E=p @C|(\@DG{6 7EPSGKorea, Republic of (South Korea) - 126°E to 128°E mainlandRepublic of Korea (South Korea) - between 126°E and 128°E - mainland and nearshore.@@G{@C*=p ~L ooEPSGIraq - 31.4°N to 33°N, west of 40.1°E (map 13)Iraq - sorth of UTM 3650000mN (approximately 32°58'N) and west of UTM zone 37 600000mE (approximately 40°04'E). @@~Q@Cu\(@D =p q q7EPSGIraq - 31.4°N to 33°N, 40.1°E to 42°E (map 14)Iraq - between UTM 3470000mN and 3650000mN (approximately 31°21'N and 32°58'N) and between UTM zone 37 600000mE (approximately 40°04'E) and 42°E.@?QR@@~Q@Dfffff*A WoEPSGAsia - Korea N and S - east of 130°EDemocratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) and Republic of Korea (South Korea) - onshore east of 130°E.@BR@E}p =@``Q\ ?AEPSGBhutan - Tsirang districtBhutan - Tsirang district.@:\(@;333333Z@Vfffff   m ` e Yb.W|Pk cEPSGNew Zealand - South Island - Marlborough mcNew Zealand - South Island - Marlborough meridional circuit area.ES33333Dl@efffff@eθQ YEPSGNew Zealand - South Island - Nelson mcNew Zealand - South Island - Nelson meridional circuit area.E =pDTzG@e@e\(Á [EPSGNew Zealand - South Island - Karamea mcNew Zealand - South Island - Karamea meridional circuit area.DQD`@e~Q@efffff cEPSGNew Zealand - South Island - Collingwood mcNew Zealand - South Island - Collingwood meridional circuit area.D(\D8Q@eQ@e(\ a EPSGNew Zealand - North Island - Mount Eden mcNew Zealand - North Island - Mount Eden meridional circuit area.CGzA @ezH@f =p cEPSGNew Zealand - North Island - Poverty Bay mcNew Zealand - North Island - Poverty Bay meridional circuit area.CQBQ@f\(@fT(\! gEPSGNew Zealand - North Island - Bay of Plenty mcNew Zealand - North Island - Bay of Plenty meridional circuit area.C =qB(\@e@f'\( _ EPSGNew Zealand - North Island - Tuhirangi mcNew Zealand - North Island - Tuhirangi meridional circuit area.CfffffCo\(@e(\@f \(Á ] EPSGNew Zealand - North Island - Taranaki mcNew Zealand - North Island - Taranaki meridional circuit area.C =pC333333@e\(@ezG ] EPSGNew Zealand - North Island - Wanganui mcNew Zealand - North Island - Wanganui meridional circuit area.D|(\CG{@e@f =q _ EPSGNew Zealand - North Island - Wairarapa mcNew Zealand - North Island - Wairarapa meridional circuit area.D\(D%Q@eQ@f a EPSGNew Zealand - North Island - Wellington mcNew Zealand - North Island - Wellington meridional circuit area.DDtzG@eУ =q@eQ eEPSGNew Zealand - North Island - Wellington vcrsNew Zealand - North Island - Wellington vertical CRS area.D\(D\(@eУ =q@f? y=EPSGNew Zealand - North Island - Hawkes Bay mc Napier vcrsNew Zealand - North Island - Hawkes Bay meridional circuit and Napier vertical crs area.DH\)Co\(@e@fB=p  a}EPSGNew Zealand - North Island - Gisborne vcrsNew Zealand - North Island - Gisborne vertical CRS area.CQBQ@f Q@fT(\w ?iEPSGVietnam - DBSCL 02 and 03Vietnam - Mekong delta blocks DBSCL 02 and 03.@"33333@&zG@Z\(@Z =pׁ a}EPSGNew Zealand - North Island - Taranaki vcrsNew Zealand - North Island - Taranaki vertical CRS area.C\(C4zG@e\(@efffff a}EPSGNew Zealand - North Island - Moturiki vcrsNew Zealand - North Island - Moturiki vertical CRS area.DKQB\(@e=p @f(QS /1EPSGIreland - onshoreIreland - onshore.@IR@K =p%QQ~ acEPSGFrench Guiana - coastal area east of 54°WFrench Guiana - coastal area east of 54°W.@ p =q@=p =IzG~ acEPSGFrench Guiana - coastal area west of 54°WFrench Guiana - coastal area west of 54°W.@\(\@\(K9ʁ a}EPSGNew Zealand - North Island - Auckland vcrsNew Zealand - North Island - Auckland vertical CRS area.B\(B\(@fp = K1EPSGLatin America - 102°W to 96°WLatin America between 102°W and 96°W, northern hemisphere, onshore and offshore.@(@=\(Y =q a EPSGNew Zealand - North Island - One Tree vcrsNew Zealand - North Island - One Tree Point vertical CRS area.B4zGA.zG@eQ@eڏ\(e ACEPSGBhutan - Zhemgang districtBhutan - Zhemgang district.@:Q@;c =p@VR@V(\\ ?AEPSGBhutan - Yangtse districtBhutan - Yangtse district.@;^Q@V\(@VGz YEPSGNew Zealand - South Island - Buller mcNew Zealand - South Island - Buller meridional circuit area.EQD\(@eh =q@eQ C  y C Tf%j"+QJq egEPSGNigeria - offshore deep water - east of 6°ENigeria - offshore deep water - east of 6°E.@Gz@ p =q@GzHe 9gEPSGChile - 72°W to 66°WChile - 72°W to 66°W, onshore and offshore.M\(1 {}EPSGCaribbean - St Maarten, St Eustatius and Saba - onshoreCaribbean - St Maarten, St Eustatius and Saba - onshore.@1h\)@2ROzHOp =q^ !UEPSGSt MaartenSint Maarten - onshore and offshore.@1\(@2ROfffffOu\(z M EPSGBrazil - 36°W to 30°W offshoreBrazil - offshore between 36°W and 30°W, southern hemisphere.4(\W MEPSGCuracaoCuraçao - onshore and offshore.@'QR@.33333Qc33333Q"\(Á kEPSGNew Zealand - South Island - Dunedin-Bluff vcrsNew Zealand - South Island - Dunedin-Bluff vertical CRS area.G]p =FB\(@d =p@e>fffff IyEPSGBonaire, St Eustatius and SabaBonaire, St Eustatius and Saba - onshore and offshore.@'QR@1\(QE\(OaGz@ cUEPSGNew Zealand - South Island - Lyttleton vcrsNew Zealand - South Island - between approximately 41°20'S and 45°S - Lyttleton vertical CRS area.Fu\(D@efffff@e =q9 _KEPSGNew Zealand - South Island - Dunedin vcrsNew Zealand - South Island - between approximately 44°S and 46°S - Dunedin vertical CRS area.G333333E\)@d\(@eh\)1 ]=EPSGNew Zealand - South Island - Nelson vcrsNew Zealand - South Island - north of approximately 42°20'S - Nelson vertical CRS area.E8QD8Q@ez=p @eθQ [wEPSGNew Zealand - South Island - Bluff vcrsNew Zealand - South Island - Bluff vertical CRS area.GZG{G!Gz@eQ@eQ. q#EPSGNew Zealand - South and Stewart Islands - Bluff mcNew Zealand - Stewart Island; South Island - Bluff meridional circuit area.G=p F=p @dGz@e =pׁ a EPSGNew Zealand - South Island - Mount York mcNew Zealand - South Island - Mount York meridional circuit area.G*=p FC =p@d =p@eQ eEPSGNew Zealand - South Island - North Taieri mcNew Zealand - South Island - North Taieri meridional circuit area.G]p =Fp =@ezG@e[ =p# iEPSGNew Zealand - South Island - Mount Nicholas mcNew Zealand - South Island - Mount Nicholas meridional circuit area.F=p F%Q@d =p@e#Q) oEPSGNew Zealand - South Island - Observation Point mcNew Zealand - South Island - Observation Point meridional circuit area.F\)FNzG@e8 =q@egzH cEPSGNew Zealand - South Island - Lindis Peak mcNew Zealand - South Island - Lindis Peak meridional circuit area.F33333EG{@e =p@eGzH eEPSGNew Zealand - South Island - Jacksons Bay mcNew Zealand - South Island - Jacksons Bay meridional circuit area.F333333E\(@e =q@e@Q YEPSGNew Zealand - South Island - Timaru mcNew Zealand - South Island - Timaru meridional circuit area.F}p =E@e:=p @eq YEPSGNew Zealand - South Island - Gawler mcNew Zealand - South Island - Gawler meridional circuit area.F E =q@eU\(@eQ [EPSGNew Zealand - South Island - Okarito mcNew Zealand - South Island - Okarito meridional circuit area.E@e&Q@e\zG# iEPSGNew Zealand - South Island - Mount Pleasant mcNew Zealand - South Island - Mount Pleasant meridional circuit area.EG{EXQ@ecQ@e(\ ] EPSGNew Zealand - South Island - Hokitika mcNew Zealand - South Island - Hokitika meridional circuit area.Ep =E4zG@eLzG@e|zG WEPSGNew Zealand - South Island - Amuri mcNew Zealand - South Island - Amuri meridional circuit area.EyE Q@e|(\@e ikEPSGNigeria - offshore blocks OPL 209, 219 and 220Nigeria - offshore blocks OPL 209, 219 and 220.@ @(\)@ =p @ =p cse P 7 m  h 3<h{=]cx 3EPSGSouth America - 66°W to 60°W, S hemisphere and SAD69 by countryBrazil - between 66°W and 60°W, northern and southern hemispheres. In rest of South America between 66°W and 60°W, southern hemisphere onshore.@QMQ^ qEPSGSouth America - 66°W to 60°W, N hemisphere and SAD69 by countrySouth America between 66°W and 60°W, northern hemisphere, onshore, but excluding most of the area south of 4°N.?zG{@&u\(MQl 7wEPSGPeru - 78°W to 72°WPeru - between 78°W and 72°W, onshore and offshore.5 ͿQl 7wEPSGPeru - 84°W to 78°WPeru - between 84°W and 78°W, onshore and offshore.1TzGGzᬲh 5cEPSGPeru - east of 72°WPeru - east of 72°W, onshore and offshore.4p =qQQ*G{y uQEPSGSouth America - 72°W to 66°W, S hemisphere onshoreBrazil - between 72°W and 66°W, northern and southern hemispheres. In rest of South America between 72°W and 66°W, southern hemisphere onshore north of 45°S.@333333P\(k uEEPSGSouth America - 72°W to 66°W, N hemisphere onshoreSouth America between 72°W and 66°W, northern hemisphere, onshore, but excluding the area between approximately 0°N, 70°W to 2°N, 70°W to 2°N, 66°W.@) =p R wEPSGSouth America - 78°W to 72°W, S hemisphere and SAD69 by countryBrazil - west of 72°W. In rest of South America between 78°W and 72°W, southern hemisphere onshore north of 45°S.ӲQ\(! EPSGSouth America - 78°W to 72°W, N hemisphere and SAD69 by countrySouth America between 78°W and 72°W, northern hemisphere, onshore.@(Q( EPSGSouth America - 84°W to 78°W, S hemisphere and SAD69 by countrySouth America between 84°W and 78°W, southern hemisphere, onshore.%\(TZ=p ( EPSGSouth America - 84°W to 78°W, N hemisphere and SAD69 by countrySouth America between 84°W and 78°W, northern hemisphere, onshore.@T Ql 9gEPSGChile - 78°W to 72°WChile - 78°W to 72°W, onshore and offshore.MzG2YQ\(n ;iEPSGUruguay - east of 54°WUruguay - east of 54°W, onshore and offshore.B\(?fffffIGzX ;=EPSGBolivia - west of 66°WBolivia - west of 66°W.6\)#=p Qj=p n ;iEPSGUruguay - west of 54°WUruguay - west of 54°W, onshore and offshore.BP =q> =pM>Qʂ+ _=EPSGCaribbean - French Antilles west of 60°WFrench Antilles onshore and offshore west of 60°W - Guadeloupe (including Grande Terre, Basse Terre, Marie Galante, Les Saintes, Iles de la Petite Terre, La Desirade); Martinique; St Barthélemy; northern St Martin.@,(\)@2O\(OzGh ;OEPSGNigeria - Gongola BasinNigeria - onshore - Gongola Basin@!\(@'B\(@"R@(B\(T /3EPSGCuracao - onshoreCuraçao - onshore.@'G{@(GzQNzGQ,(\t /sEPSGBonaire - onshoreBonaire, St Eustatius and Saba - Bonaire - onshore.@' =q@(QQzGQ\)x  EPSGBonaireBonaire, St Eustatius and Saba - Bonaire - onshore and offshore.@'QR@.QE\(PQ K)EPSGBonaire - St Eustatius and SabaBonaire, St Eustatius and Saba - St Eustatius and Saba - onshore and offshore.@0zG@1\(PGzOaGz _aEPSGNigeria - offshore blocks OPL 215 and 221Nigeria - offshore blocks OPL 215 and 221.@ @Q@zG@=p = ]yEPSGNew Zealand - North Island - Tararu vcrsNew Zealand - North Island - Tararu vertical CRS area.BG{Bc =p@ezG@ezH suEPSGNigeria - offshore blocks OPL 210, 213, 217 and 218Nigeria - offshore blocks OPL 210, 213, 217 and 218.@ Q@(\)@ =p@(\)t WYEPSGNigeria - offshore blocks OPL 217-223Nigeria - offshore blocks OPL 217-223.@ Q@Gz@QR giEPSGNigeria - offshore blocks OPL 209-213 and 316Nigeria - offshore blocks OPL 209-213 and 316.@Gz@=p =@ =p@zG ?nN i m V ~]>?g QSEPSGCanada - Labrador - 66°W to 63°WCanada - Labrador - 66°W to 63°W.@I=p @NB\(þ wmEPSGNorth America - 126°W to 120°W and NAD83 by countryNorth America - between 126°W and 120°W - onshore and offshore. Canada - British Columbia; Northwest Territories; Yukon. United States (USA) - California; Oregon; Washington.@>=p @Ts33333]\( EEPSGUSA - 84°W to 78°W onshoreUnited States (USA) - between 84°W and 78°W - onshore - Florida; Georgia; Maryland; Michigan; New York; North Carolina; Ohio; Pennsylvania; South Carolina; Tennessee; Virginia; West Virginia.@8h\)@G =qU =q$ EIEPSGUSA - 90°W to 84°W onshoreUnited States (USA) - between 90°W and 84°W - onshore - Alabama; Arkansas; Florida; Georgia; Indiana; Illinois; Kentucky; Louisiana; Michigan; Minnesota; Mississippi; Missouri; North Carolina; Ohio; Tennessee; Wisconsin.@<ٙ@H(\)T\( EEPSGUSA - 96°W to 90°W onshoreUnited States (USA) - between 96°W and 90°W - onshore - Arkansas; Illinois; Iowa; Kansas; Louisiana; Michigan; Minnesota; Mississippi; Missouri; Nebraska; Oklahoma; Tennessee; Texas; Wisconsin.@ReunionReunion - onshore and offshore.8Q2GzH@I=p @MQf IKEPSG=Germany - onshore west of 6°EGermany - onshore west of 6°E.@I|(\@I=p @p =q WEPSG5\($O +-EPSGXSudan - onshoreSudan - onshore.@!GzH@6=p =@5R@CTzG a EPSGWFrench Southern Territories - Juan de NovaFrench Southern Territories - Juan de Nova onshore and offshore.35\(.33333@DxQ@EG{ moEPSGVFrench Southern Territories - Glorieuses onshoreFrench Southern Territories - Glorieuses onshore.'B\('@G(\@GzG ] EPSGUFrench Southern Territories - GlorieusesFrench Southern Territories - Glorieuses onshore and offshore.)%L@FGz@H>Q ikEPSGTFrench Southern Territories - Tromelin onshoreFrench Southern Territories - Tromelin onshore./Q/ =p@K:G{@KLv =iEPSGsMalaysia - West MalaysiaMalaysia - West Malaysia onshore and offshore.?zG@=p =@XGz@ZtzG *G ] J ^  !)uc0 oEPSGIndonesia - 96°E to 102°E, S hemisphere onshoreIndonesia - onshore south of equator and between 96°E and 102°E. \(@X\(f qEPSGIndonesia - 126°E to 132°E, N hemisphere onshoreIndonesia - onshore north of equator and between 126°E and 132°E.@\(\@_33333 qEPSGIndonesia - 120°E to 126°E, N hemisphere onshoreIndonesia - onshore north of equator and between 120°E and 126°E.@Qx@_mp = CuEPSGTaiwan - onshore - mainlandTaiwan, Republic of China - onshore - Taiwan Island.@5޸Q@9W =p@]\(@^ =p qEPSGIndonesia - 114°E to 120°E, N hemisphere onshoreIndonesia - onshore north of equator and between 114°E and 120°E.@zG{rx qEPSGIndonesia - 108°E to 114°E, N hemisphere onshoreIndonesia - onshore north of equator and between 108°E and 114°E.@lr qEPSGIndonesia - 102°E to 108°E, N hemisphere onshoreIndonesia - onshore north of equator and between 102°E and 108°E.@p =qfl oEPSGIndonesia - 96°E to 102°E, N hemisphere onshoreIndonesia - onshore north of equator and between 96°E and 102°E.@zG`f = EPSGMalaysia - East MalaysiaMalaysia - East Malaysia (Sabah; Sarawak), onshore and offshore.?333333@zG@[S =p@] =pl OQEPSGIndonesia - west of 96°E onshoreIndonesia - onshore west of 96°E.@ffffff@Gz@W=p `o QSEPSGIndonesia - east of 138°E onshoreIndonesia - onshore east of 138°E."aGz =p@aQv ;kEPSGCocos (Keeling) IslandsCocos (Keeling) Islands - onshore and offshore./Q =q@WZ=p @Y\( 7EPSGNew Zealand - onshoreNew Zealand - North Island, South Island, Stewart Island - onshore.G=p A @d =p@fT(\w Y[EPSGNew Zealand - nearshore east of 174°ENew Zealand - nearshore east of 174°E.F =qAQ@fh =q~ ]qEPSGNew Zealand - nearshore 168°E to 174°ENew Zealand - nearshore between 168°E and 174°E.GR@Rw Y[EPSGNew Zealand - nearshore west of 168°ENew Zealand - nearshore west of 168°E.G33333EKQ@d =p[ 79EPSGPhilippines - onshorePhilippines - onshore.@\(@3s33333@]8\)@_ OoEPSGSaudi Arabia - onshore Gulf coastSaudi Arabia - onshore Arabian Gulf coastal area.@8Gz@<R@G@IgzH: EgEPSGPhilippines - zone V onshorePhilippines - onshore approximately between 124°E and 126°E - east Mindanao (east of 124°E); Bohol; Samar.@@,L@^Q@_z GeEPSG~Philippines - zone IV onshorePhilippines - onshore approximately between 122°E and 124°E - southeast Luzon (east of 122°E); Tablas; Masbate; Panay; Cebu; Negros; northwest Mindanao (west of 124°E).@ffffff@2zG@^o\(@_\(Á. IKEPSG}Philippines - zone III onshorePhilippines - onshore approximately between 120°E and 122°E. Luzon (west of 122°E); Mindoro.@\(@3s33333@]@^p =! GAEPSG|Philippines - zone II onshorePhilippines - onshore approximately between 118°E and 120°E - Palawan; Calamian Islands.@! =p@'(\)v@^zGo =gEPSG{Japan - 144°E to 150°EJapan - east of 144°E, onshore and offshore.@7zH@F33333@b{Qt =}EPSGzJapan - 138°E to 144°EJapan - between 138°E and 144°E, onshore and offshore.@1Gz@Gffffft =}EPSGyJapan - 132°E to 138°EJapan - between 132°E and 138°E, onshore and offshore.@1 =p@Efffffs =}EPSGxJapan - 126°E to 132°EJapan - between 126°E and 132°E, onshore and offshore.@5Q@CP =q~n =gEPSGwJapan - 120°E to 126°EJapan - west of 126°E, onshore and offshore.@5@=\(@^Q~j EWEPSGvPhilippines - zone I onshorePhilippines - onshore west of 118°E.@@" =p@]8\)vj +cEPSGuJapan - onshoreJapan including outlying islands - onshore.@4^Q@FQ@^Q@cA wnJ   0  .<+!Myw QEPSGAustralia - SE Australia (ACT NSW)Australia - Australian Capital Territory and New South Wales onshore.B =p<&fffff@azH@c6zG YEPSGSouth America - onshore north of 45°SSouth America - onshore north of 45°S excluding Amazonia.@) =p TZ=p A^Q] 1CEPSGVietnam - mainlandVietnam - mainland onshore.@ \)@7ffffff@Y\)@[aR} Y[EPSGAustralia - Western Australia mainlandAustralia - Western Australia mainland.AQ+W =p@\6fffff@` Qv ;kEPSGPapua New Guinea - PFTBPapua New Guinea - Papuan fold and thrust belt. \(\(\@aǮzH@b" aEPSGCongo DR (Zaire) - Bas Congo east of 15°EThe Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire) - Bas Congo east of 15°E.zG{zG@-G{@0GzHQ -/EPSGTuvalu - onshoreTuvalu - onshore.!=p =Q@fzH@fiGzf +[EPSGSolomon IslandsSolomon Islands - onshore and offshore.0!Gz\(@cR\(@e\(W +=EPSGOman - mainlandOman - mainland onshore.@0 =p@:kQ@IQ@MzGl GYEPSGOman - mainland east of 54°EOman - mainland onshore east of 54°E.@0 =p@:kQ6@MzG" yEPSGAsia - Cambodia and Vietnam - onshore & Cuu Long basinCambodia - onshore; Vietnam - onshore and offshore Cuu Long basin.@\(@7ffffff@Y\)nj 7eEPSGYemen - west of 42°EYemen - west of 42°E, onshore and offshore.@-u\(@0\(\@D=p * QsEPSGIndonesia - Kalimantan W - coastalIndonesia - west Kalimantan - onshore coastal area.?Q@ =p @[2\(@[qR [mEPSGAustralia - Northern Territory mainlandAustralia - Northern Territory mainland onshore.:\(% =p@`zH$ mEPSGGermany - East Germany - east of 13.5°E onshoreGermany - states of former East Germany - onshore east of 13°30'E.@IO\(@K\(\@+@.zGj 7eEPSGYemen - east of 54°EYemen - east of 54°E, onshore and offshore.@!fffff@-fffff6@LG{x QgEPSGGermany - onshore 12°E to 13.5°EGermany - onshore between 12°E and 13°30'E.@GG{@K^Q @+Qx QgEPSGGermany - onshore 10.5°E to 12°EGermany - onshore between 10°30'E and 12°E.@GR@KKQ@% P EEPSGFijiFiji - onshore and offshore.9 =p#\(@eQf =qt OSEPSGGermany - onshore east of 13.5°EGermany - onshore east of 13°30'E.@HAGz@K\(\@+@.zG4 s-EPSGGermany - East Germany - 10.5°E to 13.5°E onshoreGermany - states of former East Germany - onshore between 10°30'E and 13°30'E.@I@K^Q@%@+Q녁 UmEPSGGermany - onshore 10.5°E to 13.5°EGermany - onshore between 10°30'E and 13°30'E.@GR@K^Q@%@+Q녁 giEPSGJapan - onshore mainland and adjacent islandsJapan - onshore mainland and adjacent islands.@>.zG@FQ@` R@b; =p\ !QEPSGMadagascarMadagascar - onshore and offshore.<Q$\(@D'zH@JR SkEPSGGermany - onshore 7.5°E to 10.5°EGermany - onshore between 7°30'E and 10°30'E.@G\(@KQ@@%Q| [oEPSGNew Zealand - offshore 180°W to 174°WNew Zealand - offshore between 180°W and 174°W.J|(\9GzLR qEPSGIndonesia - 132°E to 138°E, S hemisphere onshoreIndonesia - onshore south of equator and between 132°E and 138°E. G{ҏ\( qEPSGIndonesia - 126°E to 132°E, S hemisphere onshoreIndonesia - onshore south of equator and between 126°E and 132°E. R~ qEPSGIndonesia - 120°E to 126°E, S hemisphere onshoreIndonesia - onshore south of equator and between 120°E and 126°E.%\(x~ qEPSGIndonesia - 114°E to 120°E, S hemisphere onshoreIndonesia - onshore south of equator and between 114°E and 120°E.$Lrx qEPSGIndonesia - 108°E to 114°E, S hemisphere onshoreIndonesia - onshore south of equator and between 108°E and 114°E.!W =plr3l a s | * 2(I?SV 3;EPSGUSA - CONUS and GoMUnited States (USA) - CONUS onshore - Alabama; Arizona; Arkansas; California; Colorado; Connecticut; Delaware; Florida; Georgia; Idaho; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Kansas; Kentucky; Louisiana; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; Michigan; Minnesota; Mississippi; Missouri; Montana; Nebraska; Nevada; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New Mexico; New York; North Carolina; North Dakota; Ohio; Oklahoma; Oregon; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; South Carolina; South Dakota; Tennessee; Texas; Utah; Vermont; Virginia; Washington; West Virginia; Wisconsin; Wyoming. US Gulf of Mexico offshore continental shelf (GoM OCS).@7R@H =q_2\(P=p  5EPSGUSA - Kansas - ColbyUnited States (USA) - Kansas - counties of Logan; Rawlins; Thomas.@CXQ@DGzY_\(Y-p =c -SEPSGuAngola - onshoreAngola - onshore including Cabinda.2QQ@'W =p@8 =p YEPSG[Australia - Western Australia - CollieAustralia - Western Australia - Collie area between 50m and 310m AHD.AU\(@@\Q@]] 9;EPSG7India - Madhya PradeshIndia - Madhya Pradesh.@5R@:Gz@RR@T =px =mEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - MonroeUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Monroe county.@E(\@F\(VQV =pz ?oEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - JacksonUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Jackson county.@F\)@FLVG{V =p WEPSGUSA - Montana - Blackfeet reservationUnited States (USA) - Montana - Blackfeet Indian Reservation.0@HGz\u\(% a!EPSGUSA - Indiana - Elkhart, Kosciusko, WabashUnited States (USA) - Indiana - counties of Elkhart, Kosciusko and Wabash.@DS33333@D\(UQUhQ߁+ e7EPSGFrench Southern Territories - 66°E to 72°EFrench Southern Territories - Kerguelen onshore and offshore between 66°E and 72°E.JQFzGB@R =q| +EPSGUAE - Abu DhabiUnited Arab Emirates (UAE) - Abu Dhabi onshore and offshore.@6Gz@9 =p@I@L =pp 7cEPSGeUSA - Oregon - EugeneUnited States (USA) - Oregon - Eugene area.@E޸Q@FZG{^33333^Q܁ qEPSGKNorthern Mariana Islands - Rota, Saipan and TinianNorthern Mariana Islands - onshore - Rota, Saipan and Tinian.@,Q@.33333@b!R@b >`4Y8Y gEPSGArctic - 84°30'N to 79°30'N, 72°W to 32°WArctic - between 84°30'N and 79°30'N, approximately 72°W to approximately 32°W. May be extended eastwards within the latitude limits.@S@U =qP _EPSGArctic - 79°N to 67°N, 132°E to 138°WArctic - 79°N to 67°N, approximately 132°E to approximately 138°W. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.C@S =qvS ]EPSGArctic - 79°N to 67°N, 60°E to 150°EArctic - 79°N to 67°N, approximately 60°E to approximately 150°E. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.C@S =q<@bQY gEPSGArctic - 84°30'N to 79°30'N, 95°W to 55°WArctic - between 84°30'N and 79°30'N, approximately 95°W to approximately 55°W. May be extended westwards within the latitude limits.@S@U =qd 9IEPSGItaly - Emilia-RomagnaItaly - Emilia-Romagna region.@Ep =@FR@"aGz@)Q녁Q [EPSGArctic - 79°N to 67°N, 12°W to 78°EArctic - 79°N to 67°N, approximately 12°W to approximately 78°E. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.C@S =q@S =qO YEPSGArctic - 79°N to 67°N, 84°W to 6°EArctic - 79°N to 67°N, approximately 84°W to approximately 6°E. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.C@S =q@ =p M ]EPSGArctic - 79°N to 67°N, 156°W to 66°WArctic - 79°N to 67°N, approximately 156°W to approximately 66°W. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.C@S =qdP _EPSGArctic - 87°N to 75°N, 132°E to 138°WArctic - 87°N to 75°N, approximately 132°E to approximately 138°W. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.K@U =qv\ i!EPSGArctic - 84°30'N to 79°30'N, 135°W to 95°WArctic - between 84°30'N and 79°30'N, approximately 135°W to approximately 95°W. May be extended eastwards within the latitude limits.@S@U =qyS ]EPSGArctic - 87°N to 75°N, 60°E to 150°EArctic - 87°N to 75°N, approximately 60°E to approximately 150°E. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.K@U =q<@bQQ [EPSGArctic - 87°N to 75°N, 12°W to 78°EArctic - 87°N to 75°N, approximately 12°W to approximately 78°E. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.K@U =q@S =qO YEPSGArctic - 87°N to 75°N, 84°W to 6°EArctic - 87°N to 75°N, approximately 84°W to approximately 6°E. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.K@U =q@ =p  ;EPSGBrazil - 66°W to 60°WBrazil - between 66°W and 60°W, northern and southern hemispheres.0GzH@QMQC KsEPSGAngola - offshore north of 8°SAngola - offshore north of 8°S - including blocks 0, 1, 2, 14, 15, 17, 18 north of 8°S and 32; onshore Soyo area. Q333333@$R@)zG ;EPSGBrazil - 72°W to 66°WBrazil - between 72°W and 66°W, northern and southern hemispheres.&GzH@333333P\(] 9;EPSGBrazil - west of 72°WBrazil - west of 72°W.$Q\(\R =qQ\(. o%EPSGUAE - Abu Dhabi and Dubai - onshore east of 54°EUnited Arab Emirates (UAE) - Abu Dhabi onshore east of 54°E; Dubai onshore.@6Gz@9W =p@JQ@L =pw K]EPSGAustralia - Queensland mainlandAustralia - Queensland mainland onshore.=0 =q%L@a?zH@c3QW 35EPSGIndonesia - onshoreIndonesia - onshore.%\(@Gz@W=p @aQM ]EPSGArctic - 87°N to 75°N, 156°W to 66°WArctic - 87°N to 75°N, approximately 156°W to approximately 66°W. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.K@U =qdF ]EPSGArctic - 71°N to 59°N, 156°W to 66°WArctic - 71°N to 59°N, approximately 156°W to approximately 66°W. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.;Gd = q ! <P_r~ Q=r k=EPSGArctic - 84°30'N to 79°30'N, 146°E to 174°WArctic - between 84°30'N and 79°30'N, approximately 146°E to approximately 174°W. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@S@U =qezHq k=EPSGArctic - 84°30'N to 79°30'N, 113°E to 153°EArctic - between 84°30'N and 79°30'N, approximately 113°E to approximately 153°E. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@S@U =qq@c Qo i;EPSGArctic - 84°30'N to 79°30'N, 73°E to 113°EArctic - between 84°30'N and 79°30'N, approximately 73°E to approximately 113°E. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@S@U =qI@\@ =qm g9EPSGArctic - 84°30'N to 79°30'N, 33°E to 73°EArctic - between 84°30'N and 79°30'N, approximately 33°E to approximately 73°E. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@S@U =q!@R@ =q( e1EPSGArctic - 84°30'N to 79°30'N, 4°W to 36°EArctic - between 84°30'N and 79°30'N, approximately 4°W to approximately 36°E.@S@U =q@BGzr k=EPSGArctic - 84°30'N to 79°30'N, 174°W to 135°WArctic - between 84°30'N and 79°30'N, approximately 174°W to approximately 135°W. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@S@U =qR`߮zHk k=EPSGArctic - 87°50'N to 82°50'N, 120°E to 180°EArctic - between 87°50'N and 82°50'N, approximately 120°E to approximately 180°E. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@TQ@UQxo i;EPSGArctic - 87°50'N to 82°50'N, 60°E to 120°EArctic - between 87°50'N and 82°50'N, approximately 60°E to approximately 120°E. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@TQ@U\(<@^ =qj e7EPSGArctic - 87°50'N to 82°50'N, 0°E to 60°EArctic - between 87°50'N and 82°50'N, approximately 0°E to approximately 60°E. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@TQ@U\(@NGzc e7EPSGArctic - 87°50'N to 82°50'N, 60°W to 0°EArctic - between 87°50'N and 82°50'N, approximately 60°W to approximately 0°E. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@TQ@U\(āh i;EPSGArctic - 87°50'N to 82°50'N, 120°W to 60°WArctic - between 87°50'N and 82°50'N, approximately 120°W to approximately 60°W. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@TQ@U\(ā^ eEPSGArctic - 84°30'N to 79°30'N, 32°W to 8°EArctic - between 84°30'N and 79°30'N, approximately 32°W to approximately 8°E. May be extended westwards within the latitude limits.@S@U =q@ Q녁I _EPSGArctic - 71°N to 59°N, 132°E to 138°WArctic - 71°N to 59°N, approximately 132°E to approximately 138°W. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.;Gvk k=EPSGArctic - 87°50'N to 82°50'N, 180°W to 120°WArctic - between 87°50'N and 82°50'N, approximately 180°W to approximately 120°W. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@TQ@U\(LL ]EPSGArctic - 71°N to 59°N, 60°E to 150°EArctic - 71°N to 59°N, approximately 60°E to approximately 150°E. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.;G<@bQJ [EPSGArctic - 71°N to 59°N, 12°W to 78°EArctic - 71°N to 59°N, approximately 12°W to approximately 78°E. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.;G@S =q- e-EPSGArctic - 81°10'N to 76°10'N, 4°W to 38°EArctic (Norway (Svalbard) onshore and offshore) - between 81°10'N and 76°10'N.@S =p @TJG{ @CGz  3Ial k=EPSGArctic - 77°50'N to 72°50'N, 169°W to 141°WArctic - between 77°50'N and 72°50'N, approximately 169°W to approximately 141°W. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@R5Q@Su\(Ws^ eEPSGArctic - 81°10'N to 76°10'N, 24°W to 3°EArctic - between 81°10'N and 76°10'N, approximately 24°W to approximately 2°E. May be extended westwards within the latitude limits.@S =p @TJG{?=p =f g9EPSGArctic - 81°10'N to 76°10'N, 54°W to 24°WArctic - between 81°10'N and 76°10'N, approximately 54°W to approximately 24°W. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@S =p @TJG{] yEPSGArctic - 81°10'N to 76°10'N, Greenland west of 54°WArctic - between 81°10'N and 76°10'N, Greenland west of approximately 54°W. May be extended eastwards within the latitude limits.@S =p @TJG{ʁ^ sEPSGArctic - 81°10'N to 76°10'N, Canada east of 84°WArctic - between 81°10'N and 76°10'N, Canada east of approximately 84°W. May be extended westwards within the latitude limits.@S =p @TJG{P1Rf g9EPSGArctic - 81°10'N to 76°10'N, 84°W to 54°WArctic - between 81°10'N and 76°10'N, approximately 84°W to approximately 54°W. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@S =p @TJG{ʁh i;EPSGArctic - 81°10'N to 76°10'N, 114°W to 84°WArctic - between 81°10'N and 76°10'N, approximately 114°W to approximately 84°W. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@S =p @TJG{u OcEPSGNorway - onshore - 24°E to 30°ENorway - onshore - between 24°E and 30°E.@Q%Q@Q\(@>\(u OcEPSGNorway - onshore - 18°E to 24°ENorway - onshore - between 18°E and 24°E.@Q\(@Qə@8\(u OcEPSGNorway - onshore - 12°E to 18°ENorway - onshore - between 12°E and 18°E.@M =q@Q}p = @2\(s MaEPSGNorway - onshore - 6°E to 12°ENorway - onshore - between 6°E and 12°E.@L33333@PQ@(Q녁^ k#EPSGArctic - 81°10'N to 76°10'N, 144°W to 114°WArctic - between 81°10'N and 76°10'N, approximately 144°W to approximately 114°W. May be extended eastwards within the latitude limits.@S =p @TJG{pl k=EPSGArctic - 81°10'N to 76°10'N, 169°W to 138°WArctic - between 81°10'N and 76°10'N, approximately 169°W to approximately 138°W. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@S =p @TJG{Wvr k=EPSGArctic - 81°10'N to 76°10'N, 160°E to 169°WArctic - between 81°10'N and 76°10'N, approximately 160°E to approximately 169°W. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@S =p @TJG{ezH kyEPSGArctic - 81°10'N to 76°10'N, 129°E to 160°EArctic (Russia onshore and offshore) - between 81°10'N and 76°10'N, approximately 129°E to approximately 160°E. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@S =p @TJG{@dQ iwEPSGArctic - 81°10'N to 76°10'N, 98°E to 129°EArctic (Russia onshore and offshore) - between 81°10'N and 76°10'N, approximately 98°E to approximately 129°E. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@S =p @TJG{b@` Q guEPSGArctic - 81°10'N to 76°10'N, 67°E to 98°EArctic (Russia onshore and offshore) - between 81°10'N and 76°10'N, approximately 67°E to approximately 98°E. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@S =p @TJG{C@X =qk k=EPSGArctic - 77°50'N to 72°50'N, 141°W to 116°WArctic - between 77°50'N and 72°50'N, approximately 141°W to approximately 116°W. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@R5Q@Su\(s X%J b '8IXo i;EPSGArctic - 74°30'N to 69°30'N, 85°E to 106°EArctic - between 74°30'N and 69°30'N, approximately 85°E to approximately 106°E. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@Q`@R =qU@Z =qm g9EPSGArctic - 74°30'N to 69°30'N, 64°E to 85°EArctic - between 74°30'N and 69°30'N, approximately 64°E to approximately 85°E. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@Q`@R =q@@U@ =qm g9EPSGArctic - 74°30'N to 69°30'N, 44°E to 64°EArctic - between 74°30'N and 69°30'N, approximately 44°E to approximately 64°E. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@Q`@R =q,@P =qm g9EPSGArctic - 74°30'N to 69°30'N, 24°E to 44°EArctic - between 74°30'N and 69°30'N, approximately 24°E to approximately 44°E. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@Q`@R =q@FGzk e7EPSGArctic - 74°30'N to 69°30'N, 4°E to 24°EArctic - between 74°30'N and 69°30'N, approximately 4°E to approximately 24°E. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@Q`@R =q@8\(Ár k=EPSGArctic - 77°50'N to 72°50'N, 166°E to 169°WArctic - between 77°50'N and 72°50'N, approximately 166°E to approximately 169°W. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@R5Q@Su\(ezHr k=EPSGArctic - 77°50'N to 72°50'N, 142°E to 166°EArctic - between 77°50'N and 72°50'N, approximately 142°E to approximately 166°E. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@R5Q@Su\(@dQq k=EPSGArctic - 77°50'N to 72°50'N, 118°E to 142°EArctic - between 77°50'N and 72°50'N, approximately 118°E to approximately 142°E. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@R5Q@Su\(v@aQo i;EPSGArctic - 77°50'N to 72°50'N, 94°E to 118°EArctic - between 77°50'N and 72°50'N, approximately 94°E to approximately 118°E. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@R5Q@Su\(^@] =qm g9EPSGArctic - 77°50'N to 72°50'N, 70°E to 94°EArctic - between 77°50'N and 72°50'N, approximately 70°E to approximately 94°E. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@R5Q@Su\(F@W =qm g9EPSGArctic - 77°50'N to 72°50'N, 46°E to 70°EArctic - between 77°50'N and 72°50'N, approximately 46°E to approximately 70°E. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@R5Q@Su\(.@Q =qm g9EPSGArctic - 77°50'N to 72°50'N, 22°E to 46°EArctic - between 77°50'N and 72°50'N, approximately 22°E to approximately 46°E. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@R5Q@Su\(@GGzk e7EPSGArctic - 77°50'N to 72°50'N, 2°W to 22°EArctic - between 77°50'N and 72°50'N, approximately 2°W to approximately 22°E. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@R5Q@Su\(@6\(ÁW eEPSGArctic - 77°50'N to 72°50'N, 26°W to 2°WArctic - between 77°50'N and 72°50'N, approximately 26°W to approximately 2°W. May be extended westwards within the latitude limits.@R5Q@Su\(f g9EPSGArctic - 77°50'N to 72°50'N, 51°W to 26°WArctic - between 77°50'N and 72°50'N, approximately 51°W to approximately 26°W. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@R5Q@Su\(Y gEPSGArctic - 77°50'N to 72°50'N, 76°W to 51°WArctic - between 77°50'N and 72°50'N, approximately 76°W to approximately 51°W. May be extended eastwards within the latitude limits.@R5Q@Su\(́Y gEPSGArctic - 77°50'N to 72°50'N, 91°W to 67°WArctic - between 77°50'N and 72°50'N, approximately 91°W to approximately 67°W. May be extended westwards within the latitude limits.@R5Q@Su\(   , > ] | 2Ed^ k#EPSGArctic - 71°10'N to 66°10'N, 141°W to 122°WArctic - between 71°10'N and 66°10'N, approximately 141°W to approximately 122°W. May be extended eastwards within the latitude limits.@P=p @QG{s_ k#EPSGArctic - 71°10'N to 66°10'N, 156°W to 138°WArctic - between 71°10'N and 66°10'N, approximately 156°W to approximately 138°W. May be extended westwards within the latitude limits.@P=p @QG{dv_ k#EPSGArctic - 71°10'N to 66°10'N, 174°W to 156°WArctic - between 71°10'N and 66°10'N, approximately 174°W to approximately 156°W. May be extended eastwards within the latitude limits.@P=p @QG{Rdk e7EPSG Arctic - 74°30'N to 69°30'N, 15°W to 5°EArctic - between 74°30'N and 69°30'N, approximately 15°W to approximately 5°E. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@Q`@R =q@ =p f g9EPSG Arctic - 74°30'N to 69°30'N, 32°W to 12°WArctic - between 74°30'N and 69°30'N, approximately 32°W to approximately 12°W. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@Q`@R =qf g9EPSG Arctic - 74°30'N to 69°30'N, 52°W to 32°WArctic - between 74°30'N and 69°30'N, approximately 52°W to approximately 32°W. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@Q`@R =qg gEPSG Arctic - 74°30'N to 69°30'N, 72°W to 52°WArctic - between 74°30'N and 69°30'N, approximately 72°W to approximately 52°W. May be extended eastwards within the latitude limits.@Q^Q@R =qQ\)IQY gEPSG Arctic - 74°30'N to 69°30'N, 81°W to 61°WArctic - between 74°30'N and 69°30'N, approximately 81°W to approximately 61°W. May be extended westwards within the latitude limits.@Q`@R =qÁh i;EPSGArctic - 74°30'N to 69°30'N, 101°W to 81°WArctic - between 74°30'N and 69°30'N, approximately 101°W to approximately 81°W. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@Q`@R =qj k=EPSGArctic - 74°30'N to 69°30'N, 121°W to 101°WArctic - between 74°30'N and 69°30'N, approximately 121°W to approximately 101°W. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@Q`@R =q^ k#EPSGArctic - 74°30'N to 69°30'N, 141°W to 121°WArctic - between 74°30'N and 69°30'N, approximately 141°W to approximately 121°W. May be extended eastwards within the latitude limits.@Q`@R =qs_ k#EPSGArctic - 74°30'N to 69°30'N, 157°W to 137°WArctic - between 74°30'N and 69°30'N, approximately 157°W to approximately 137°W. May be extended westwards within the latitude limits.@Q`@R =qcw_ k#EPSGArctic - 74°30'N to 69°30'N, 173°W to 153°WArctic - between 74°30'N and 69°30'N, approximately 173°W to approximately 153°W. May be extended eastwards within the latitude limits.@Q`@R =qSgl k=EPSGArctic - 74°30'N to 69°30'N, 169°E to 169°WArctic - between 74°30'N and 69°30'N, approximately 169°E to approximately 169°W. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@Q`@R =qWr k=EPSGArctic - 74°30'N to 69°30'N, 148°E to 169°EArctic - between 74°30'N and 69°30'N, approximately 148°E to approximately 169°E. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@Q`@R =q@e Qk k=EPSGArctic - 74°30'N to 69°30'N, 127°E to 148°EArctic - between 74°30'N and 69°30'N, approximately 127°E to approximately 148°E. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@Q`@R =qj k=EPSGArctic - 71°10'N to 66°10'N, 122°W to 103°WArctic - between 71°10'N and 66°10'N, approximately 122°W to approximately 103°W. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@P=p @QG{ S. F ^ _ &K6N;ySBc ?AEPSG,Colombia - Florencia cityColombia - Florencia city.?Q?ffffffRQR\(] 9;EPSG+Colombia - Cucuta cityColombia - Cucuta city.@=p =@GzR# =pRp =c ?AEPSG*Colombia - Cartagena cityColombia - Cartagena city.@$=p @$ =qRzGRG{Y 57EPSG)Colombia - Cali cityColombia - Cali city.@ \(@ zG{S' =pSG{g CEEPSG(Colombia - Bucaramanga cityColombia - Bucaramanga city.@Q@zGRL(\RC =p` 9AEPSG'Colombia - Bogota cityColombia - Bogota DC city.@@ffffffRGzR~Qi EGEPSG&Colombia - Barranquilla cityColombia - Barranquilla city.@%33333@&QRzHR _ EPSG%Brazil - 42°W to 36°W and north of 0°NBrazil - offshore between 42°W and 36°W, northern hemisphere.?zGC(\_ ;=EPSG$Colombia - Armenia cityColombia - Armenia city.@@333333RQR陙[ 79EPSG#Colombia - Tunja cityColombia - Tunja city.@@p =qRX\)RS33333[ 79EPSG"Colombia - Sucre cityColombia - Sucre city.@!zG@!\)R\(R(\ _ EPSG!Brazil - 48°W to 42°W and north of 0°NBrazil - offshore between 48°W and 42°W, northern hemisphere.@QDQg CEEPSG Colombia - Santa Marta cityColombia - Santa Marta city.@&QR@&R\(RQv /wEPSGNigeria - OML 124Nigeria - onshore - block OML 124 (formerly OPL 118).@=p =@\(@Gz@Gz! yEPSGPortugal - Azores E onshore - Santa Maria and FormigasPortugal - eastern Azores onshore - Santa Maria, Formigas.@Bo\(@BQ9B\(8Q kqEPSGPortugal - Madeira and Desertas islands onshorePortugal - Madeira and Desertas islands - onshore.@@,@@w =p1O\(0ffffffY gEPSGArctic - 64°30'N to 59°30'N, 44°W to 29°WArctic - between 64°30'N and 59°30'N, approximately 44°W to approximately 29°W. May be extended westwards within the latitude limits.@M@P =qY gEPSGArctic - 64°30'N to 59°30'N, 59°W to 44°WArctic - between 64°30'N and 59°30'N, approximately 59°W to approximately 44°W. May be extended eastwards within the latitude limits.@M@P =q] 9;EPSGColombia - Arauca cityColombia - Arauca city.@333333@ffffffQRQp =m IKEPSGCayman Islands - Little CaymanCayman Islands - Little Cayman.@3Gz@3p =T\)SQY gEPSGArctic - 67°50'N to 62°50'N, 42°W to 25°WArctic - between 67°50'N and 62°50'N, approximately 42°W to approximately 25°W. May be extended westwards within the latitude limits.@Oj=p @P\(Y gEPSGArctic - 67°50'N to 62°50'N, 59°W to 42°WArctic - between 67°50'N and 62°50'N, approximately 59°W to approximately 42°W. May be extended eastwards within the latitude limits.@Oj=p @P\(ցY gEPSGArctic - 71°10'N to 66°10'N, 29°W to 11°WArctic - between 71°10'N and 66°10'N, approximately 29°W to approximately 11°W. May be extended westwards within the latitude limits.@P=p @QG{f g9EPSGArctic - 71°10'N to 66°10'N, 47°W to 29°WArctic - between 71°10'N and 66°10'N, approximately 47°W to approximately 29°W. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@P=p @QG{f g9EPSGArctic - 71°10'N to 66°10'N, 65°W to 47°WArctic - between 71°10'N and 66°10'N, approximately 65°W to approximately 47°W. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@P=p @QG{сf g9EPSGArctic - 71°10'N to 66°10'N, 84°W to 65°WArctic - between 71°10'N and 66°10'N, approximately 84°W to approximately 65°W. May be extended westwards or eastwards within the latitude limits.@P=p @QG{,_ ;=EPSG.Colombia - Inirida cityColombia - Inirida city.@ffffff@333333P(\PQ] 9;EPSG-Colombia - Ibague cityColombia - Ibague city.@\(@GzRGzR =p :" j < |  4 lB1,7 ;kEPSGJJapan - northern HonshuJapan - northern Honshu prefectures affected by 2011 Tohoku earthquake: Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, Akita, Yamaguta, Fukushima, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gumma, Saitama, Chiba, Tokyo, Kanagawa, Niigata, Toyama, Ishikawa, Fukui, Yamanashi, Nagano, Gifu.@AkQ@D=p @`p =@azGe ACEPSGIChristmas Island - onshoreChristmas Island - onshore.%B\($Q@Z^Q@ZqGzn AUEPSGHJapan - onshore - HokkaidoJapan - onshore mainland - Hokkaido.@DQ@FQ@avfffff@b; =p U EPSGGPacific - US interests Mariana plateGuam, Northern Mariana Islands and Palau; onshore and offshore.?=p =@7fffff@`/\(@b _sEPSGFJapan - onshore - Honshu, Shikoku, KyushuJapan - onshore mainland - Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu.@> =q@D=p @`)@azGG }IEPSGEJapan - onshore mainland excluding eastern main provinceJapan - onshore mainland - Hokkaido, Honshu (western part only, see remarks), Shikoku, Kyushu.@> =q@FQ@`)@b; =p8 5sEPSGDUSA - Iowa - SpencerUnited States (USA) - Iowa - counties of Clay; Dickinson; Emmet; Kossuth; Lyon; O'Brien; Osceola; Palo Alto; Sioux.@Es33333@EGzX&fffffW~zG5 YIEPSGCJapan excluding northern main provinceJapan - onshore and offshore, excluding northern prefectures of 'main province' (see remarks).@1 =p@Gfffff@^Q@ćP UEPSGBPacific - US interests Pacific plateAmerican Samoa, Marshall Islands, United States (USA) - Hawaii, United States minor outlying islands; onshore and offshore.1\(@?@c =pb =q ]EPSGANorth America - Mexico and USA - onshoreMexico - onshore. United States (USA) - CONUS and Alaska - onshore - Alabama; Alaska; Arizona; Arkansas; California; Colorado; Connecticut; Delaware; Florida; Georgia; Idaho; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Kansas; Kentucky; Louisiana; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; Michigan; Minnesota; Mississippi; Missouri; Montana; Nebraska; Nevada; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New Mexico; New York; North Carolina; North Dakota; Ohio; Oklahoma; Oregon; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; South Carolina; South Dakota; Tennessee; Texas; Utah; Vermont; Virginia; Washington; West Virginia; Wisconsin; Wyoming.@-Q@Qٙ@ep =P=p [ 79EPSG@Colombia - Yopal cityColombia - Yopal city.@333333@zG{RQRfffffk GIEPSG?Colombia - Villavicencio cityColombia - Villavicencio city.@GzH@ =pRl(\Rc =pe ACEPSG>Colombia - Valledupar cityColombia - Valledupar city.@$ǮzH@%QRS33333RL(\{ WYEPSG=Colombia - San Jose del Guaviare cityColombia - San Jose del Guaviare city.@QR@GzR*=p R&fffffe ACEPSG qCEPSGAsia - Malaysia (west including SCS) and SingaporeMalaysia - West Malaysia onshore and offshore east coast; Singapore - onshore and offshore.?zG@=p =@X\(@ZtzGh I]EPSG~Chile - onshore 26°S to 36°SChile - onshore between 26°S and 36°S.R7zHQR{ McEPSG}Chile - onshore 36°S to 43.5°SChile - onshore between 36°S and 43°30'S.EAQRQQ\)k ?QEPSG|Equatorial Guinea - BiokoEquatorial Guinea - Bioko onshore.@ Q@\(@ p =@" =p H ; EPSG{USA - Iowa - Mason CityUnited States (USA) - Iowa - counties of Cerro Gordo; Chickasaw; Floyd; Hancock; Howard; Mitchell; Winnebago; Winneshiek; Worth.@Es33333@EGzW~QVfffff| 'EPSGzVietnam - Quang Ninh; Da Nang, Quang Nam; Ba Ria-Vung Tau, Dong Nai, Lam DongVietnam - Quang Ninh province; Da Nang municipality and Quang Nam province; Ba Ria-Vung Tau, Dong Nai and Lam Dong provinces.@!# =p@5Q@ZQ@[0 =qv QUEPSGyVietnam - east of 106.5°E onshoreVietnam - onshore east of 106°30'E.@!# =p@633333@Z@[aR# E9EPSGxPapua New Guinea - North FlyPapua New Guinea - North Fly area (between 5°04'S and 6°36'S and west of 141°32'E).ffffff333333@azG@aGz YsEPSGwVietnam - 103.5°E to 106.5°E onshoreVietnam - between 103°30'E and 106°30'E, onshore.@ \)@7ffffff@Y@Z =qw SUEPSGvPapua New Guinea - mainland onshorePapua New Guinea - mainland onshore.%Q=p =@a33333@b޸Q OEPSGuUSA - Oregon - Sweet Home-SistersUnited States (USA) - Oregon - Sweet Home-Santiam Pass-Sisters area.@F @FTzG^ =q^l(\n 5aEPSGtUSA - Oregon - SalemUnited States (USA) - Oregon - Salem area.@F(\)@Ffffff^Q^x\)t ;gEPSGsUSA - Oregon - PortlandUnited States (USA) - Oregon - Portland area.@Fp =@GGz^R^ =pׁ Q}EPSGrUSA - Oregon - Pendleton-La GrandeUnited States (USA) - Oregon - Pendleton-La Grande area.@F =q@FR]\)]\(v =iEPSGqUSA - Oregon - PendletonUnited States (USA) - Oregon - Pendleton area.@FG{@G\(] =p]G{w CeEPSGpUSA - Oregon - Oregon CoastUnited States (USA) - Oregon - coastal area.@DR@G333333_5\(^fffffr 9eEPSGoUSA - Oregon - OntarioUnited States (USA) - Oregon - Ontario area.@EzG@FS33333]y],v =iEPSGnUSA - Oregon - La GrandeUnited States (USA) - Oregon - La Grande area.@F =q@Ffffff]G{]H\)f E[EPSGmenter here applicable extententer here applicable geographic extent@V\(Z@fzH| CoEPSGlUSA - Oregon - Dufur-MadrasUnited States (USA) - Oregon - Dufur-Madras area.@FP =q@Ffffff^|^p = ] EPSGkUSA - Oregon - Cottage Grove-CanyonvilleUnited States (USA) - Oregon - Cottage Grove-Canyonville area.@Eh\)@E =q^p =^& Q3EPSGjUSA - Oregon - Columbia River WestUnited States (USA) - Oregon - Columbia River area west of approximately 121°30'W.@F\(@GGzH_Q^^zG SEPSGiUSA - Oregon - Gresham-Warm SpringsUnited States (USA) - Oregon - Gresham-Warm Springs area.@F\(@Ffffff^Q^kQ4 QOEPSGhUSA - Oregon - Columbia River EastUnited States (USA) - Oregon - Columbia River area between approximately 122°03'W and 118°53'W.@FQ@G =p ^33333]\) YEPSGgUSA - Oregon - Canyonville-Grants PassUnited States (USA) - Oregon - Canyonville-Grants Pass area.@E>Q@EQ^Q^Q Q}EPSGfUSA - Oregon - Grants Pass-AshlandUnited States (USA) - Oregon - Grants Pass-Ashland area.@D =q@El^^zHq g j }  &  z+k-Hg e EPSGFrench Southern Territories - 60°E to 66°EFrench Southern Territories - Kerguelen offshore west of 66°E.J =pFp =@OzG{B qEPSGFrench Southern Territories - Crozet east of 54°EFrench Southern Territories - Crozet offshore east of 54°E.HzGEfffff6@LzG. s/EPSGFrench Southern Territories - Crozet 48°E to 54°EFrench Southern Territories - Crozet onshore and offshore between 48°E to 54°E.H\)ENzG0@KGzc _+EPSGFrench Southern and Antarctic TerritoriesFrench Southern Territories - onshore and offshore: Amsterdam and St Paul, Crozet, Europa and Kerguelen. Antarctica - Adelie Land coastal area.PQ4\)@Bp = qEPSGFrench Southern Territories - Crozet west of 48°EFrench Southern Territories - Crozet offshore west of 48°E.H =qE\(@F\(@HGz ;3EPSGUSA - Iowa - BurlingtonUnited States (USA) - Iowa - counties of Des Moines; Henry; Lee; Louisa; Muscatine.@D.zG@DVzGVR 91EPSGUSA - Iowa - FairfieldUnited States (USA) - Iowa - counties of Jefferson; Keokuk; Van Buren; Washington.@DKQ@D\(WG{V޸Qi EEEPSGUSA - Iowa - Red Oak-OttumwaUnited States (USA) - Iowa - counties of Adams; Appanoose; Clarke; Davis; Decatur; Lucas; Monroe; Montgomery; Page; Ringgold; Taylor; Union; Wapello; Wayne.@DH\)@D\(W\)W G{ I!EPSGUSA - Iowa - Dubuque-DavenportUnited States (USA) - Iowa - counties of Clinton; Dubuque; Jackson; Scott.@DQ@EW =pV\)V\) ?3EPSGUSA - Iowa - Cedar RapidsUnited States (USA) - Iowa - counties of Benton; Cedar; Iowa; Johnson; Jones; Linn.@D\(@E&fffffW =pV\) 3EEPSGUSA - Iowa - NewtonUnited States (USA) - Iowa - counties of Jasper; Mahaska; Marion; Marshall; Poweshiek; Tama.@DzG@E&fffffWVfffffW\(Á+ W7EPSGAsia - Middle East - Iraq and SW IranIraq - onshore; Iran - onshore northern Gulf coast and west bordering southeast Iraq.@=\(@BR@CeQ@IzH" E7EPSGUSA - Iowa - Ames-Des MoinesUnited States (USA) - Iowa - counties of Boone; Dallas; Madison; Polk; Story; Warren.@D33333@E(\W\(WNQ& G=EPSGUSA - Iowa - Carroll-AtlanticUnited States (USA) - Iowa - counties of Adair; Audubon; Carroll; Cass; Greene; Guthrie.@D33333@E(\W=p W=p 7 CcEPSGUSA - Iowa - Council BluffsUnited States (USA) - Iowa - counties of Crawford; Fremont; Harrison; Mills; Monona; Pottawattamie; Shelby.@DJ=p @E(\XzHW\(Á% 7KEPSGUSA - Iowa - WaterlooUnited States (USA) - Iowa - counties of Black Hawk; Bremer; Buchanan; Butler; Fayette; Grundy.@E@EQWARV\(u Q_EPSGUSA - Iowa - Sioux City-Iowa FallsUnited States (USA) - Iowa - counties of Buena Vista; Calhoun; Cherokee; Franklin; Hamilton; Hardin; Humboldt; Ida; Plymouth; Pocahontas; Sac; Webster; Woodbury; Wright.@E@Eu\(X)_ IKEPSGChile - onshore north of 32°SChile - onshore north of 32°S.1QGz_ IKEPSGChile - onshore north of 26°SChile - onshore north of 26°S.1Q\(ý 5EPSGUSA - Iowa - ElkaderUnited States (USA) - Iowa - counties of Allamakee; Clayton; Delaware.@E%Q@EGzVzHV\)t 9iEPSGUAE - Abu Dhabi islandUnited Arab Emirates (UAE) - Abu Dhabi island.@8=p =@8 =p@K@KZG{ _oEPSGUSA - California - San Francisco Bay AreaUnited States (USA) - California - San Francisco bay area - counties of Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Solano and Sonoma.@Bl@Co\(^ =p^Ĺ [EPSGUAE - Abu Dhabi - onshore east of 54°EUnited Arab Emirates (UAE) - Abu Dhabi onshore east of 54°E.@6Gz@833333@JQ@L =p} SV S    b[yni72@VWr 7gEPSGUSA - Indiana - PerryUnited States (USA) - Indiana - Perry county.@BQ@C"\(UzGUQv ;kEPSGUSA - Indiana - SpencerUnited States (USA) - Indiana - Spencer county.@B =p@CG{UGzU =q~ CsEPSGUSA - Indiana - VanderburghUnited States (USA) - Indiana - Vanderburgh county.@B\)@C\(Up =U(\r 7gEPSGUSA - Indiana - PoseyUnited States (USA) - Indiana - Posey county.@B\(@CQVfffffUQ MEPSGUSA - Indiana - Pike and WarrickUnited States (USA) - Indiana - counties of Pike and Warrick.@B\(@CGzHU޸QU =qt 9iEPSGUSA - Indiana - GibsonUnited States (USA) - Indiana - Gibson county.@CzG@CEQU\(U =p a!EPSGUSA - Indiana - Crawford, Lawrence, OrangeUnited States (USA) - Indiana - counties of Crawford, Lawrence and Orange.@C 'U(\U\( O EPSGUSA - Indiana - Dubois and MartinUnited States (USA) - Indiana - counties of Dubois and Martin.@C@CtzGUQUG{p 5eEPSGUSA - Indiana - KnoxUnited States (USA) - Indiana - Knox county.@C4zG@CtzGU =qU\( Q EPSGUSA - Indiana - Daviess and GreeneUnited States (USA) - Indiana - counties of Daviess and Greene.@C>Q@C =pURUQx =mEPSGUSA - Indiana - SullivanUnited States (USA) - Indiana - Sullivan county.@Cs33333@CGzU=p U\( O EPSGUSA - Indiana - Monroe and MorganUnited States (USA) - Indiana - counties of Monroe and Morgan.@C~Q@CRU(\U\(p 5eEPSGUSA - Indiana - OwenUnited States (USA) - Indiana - Owen county.@CzG@Cp =U =pUQp 5eEPSGUSA - Indiana - ClayUnited States (USA) - Indiana - Clay county.@CzG@CzGUUQp 5eEPSGUSA - Indiana - VigoUnited States (USA) - Indiana - Vigo county.@C@CzGUQU(\ S EPSGUSA - Indiana - Boone and HendricksUnited States (USA) - Indiana - counties of Boone and Hendricks.@C@DQUU\( WEPSGUSA - Indiana - Montgomery and PutnamUnited States (USA) - Indiana - counties of Montgomery and Putnam.@C(\@D(\UfffffU\) UEPSGUSA - Indiana - Parke and VermillionUnited States (USA) - Indiana - counties of Parke and Vermillion.@C@D33333U\(év ;kEPSGUSA - Indiana - ClintonUnited States (USA) - Indiana - Clinton county.@D\(@D8QUU\( S EPSGUSA - Indiana - Fountain and WarrenUnited States (USA) - Indiana - counties of Fountain and Warren.@C@D=p =U\(U\(v ;kEPSGUSA - Indiana - CarrollUnited States (USA) - Indiana - Carroll county.@D7 =p@D^QURUzH UEPSGUSA - Indiana - Tippecanoe and WhiteUnited States (USA) - Indiana - counties of Tippecanoe and White.@DG{@Du\(UfffffUQt 9iEPSGUSA - Indiana - BentonUnited States (USA) - Indiana - Benton county.@D<(\@D^QURU\(! ]EPSGUSA - Indiana - LaPorte, Pulaski, StarkeUnited States (USA) - Indiana - counties of LaPorte, Pulaski and Starke.@Ds33333@D\(U(\Up = O EPSGUSA - Indiana - Jasper and PorterUnited States (USA) - Indiana - counties of Jasper and Porter.@D]p =@D\(URUG{ KEPSGUSA - Indiana - Lake and NewtonUnited States (USA) - Indiana - counties of Lake and Newton.@D]p =@D\(URUp = cEPSGFrench Southern Territories - east of 78°EFrench Southern Territories - Amsterdam & St Paul offshore east of 78°E.EQA@N@TuQ녁P eEPSGFrench Southern Territories - 72°E to 78°EFrench Southern Territories - Kerguelen offshore east of 72°E and Amsterdam & St Paul onshore and offshore west of 78°E.IQA<(\H@S =q' c#EPSGUSA - Indiana - Fulton, Marshall, St JosephUnited States (USA) - Indiana - counties of Fulton, Marshall and St Joseph.@Ds33333@D\(URU|(\ YKN = Y ] w l@90 _Kz ?oEPSGUSA - Indiana - JeffersonUnited States (USA) - Indiana - Jefferson county.@CJ=p @Cu\(Ul(\UĹ SEPSGUSA - Indiana - Clark, Floyd, ScottUnited States (USA) - Indiana - counties of Clark, Floyd and Scott.@C\(@CkQU\(UZ=p  [EPSGUSA - Indiana - Harrison and WashingtonUnited States (USA) - Indiana - counties of Harrison and Washington.@B@CeQUQUu\(' c#EPSGUSA - Indiana - Dearborn, Ohio, SwitzerlandUnited States (USA) - Indiana - counties of Dearborn, Ohio and Switzerland.@CW =p@CzHUMp =U1Rt 9iEPSGUSA - Indiana - RipleyUnited States (USA) - Indiana - Ripley county.@CtzG@C\)U\UC =px =mEPSGUSA - Indiana - JenningsUnited States (USA) - Indiana - Jennings county.@Cffffff@CUs33333U[Qv ;kEPSGUSA - Indiana - JacksonUnited States (USA) - Indiana - Jackson county.@C\(\@C=p UzGUr\(~ CsEPSGUSA - Indiana - BartholomewUnited States (USA) - Indiana - Bartholomew county.@C =p@CzGU\(UkQr 7gEPSGUSA - Indiana - BrownUnited States (USA) - Indiana - Brown county.@CQ@CU\)UzG! ]EPSGUSA - Indiana - Fayette, Franklin, UnionUnited States (USA) - Indiana - counties of Fayette, Franklin and Union.@CGz@CQUS =pU3 =p MEPSGUSA - Indiana - Decatur and RushUnited States (USA) - Indiana - counties of Decatur and Rush.@C =q@CQUl(\UR\(t 9iEPSGUSA - Indiana - ShelbyUnited States (USA) - Indiana - Shelby county.@CQ@CٙU}p =UgzH Q EPSGUSA - Indiana - Johnson and MarionUnited States (USA) - Indiana - counties of Johnson and Marion.@CQ@C =pUQU{Qr 7gEPSGUSA - Indiana - HenryUnited States (USA) - Indiana - Henry county.@C =p@D =p UffffffUĹ Q EPSGUSA - Indiana - Randolph and WayneUnited States (USA) - Indiana - counties of Randolph and Wayne.@CG{@D(\)UNQU333333 S EPSGUSA - Indiana - Hancock and MadisonUnited States (USA) - Indiana - counties of Hancock and Madison.@CQ@D0 =qU}p =UdzG S EPSGUSA - Indiana - Hamilton and TiptonUnited States (USA) - Indiana - counties of Hamilton and Tipton.@C\(@D4zGUUw =pn 3cEPSGUSA - Indiana - JayUnited States (USA) - Indiana - Jay county.@D&fffff@DJ=p UNzGU333333 YEPSGUSA - Indiana - Blackford and DelawareUnited States (USA) - Indiana - counties of Blackford and Delaware.@D\)@DH\)UeQULr 7gEPSGUSA - Indiana - GrantUnited States (USA) - Indiana - Grant county.@D/\(@DTzGUwzHU\(\r 7gEPSGUSA - Indiana - AdamsUnited States (USA) - Indiana - Adams county.@DGzH@Dw =pUEQU333333r 7gEPSGUSA - Indiana - WellsUnited States (USA) - Indiana - Wells county.@DGzH@Du\(U\UC =p MEPSGUSA - Indiana - Howard and MiamiUnited States (USA) - Indiana - counties of Howard and Miami.@D/\()UQUw =pp 5eEPSGUSA - Indiana - CassUnited States (USA) - Indiana - Cass county.@DGzH@Du\(U\(U=p r 7gEPSGUSA - Indiana - AllenUnited States (USA) - Indiana - Allen county.@DtzG@D =pUU\(U333333 YEPSGUSA - Indiana - Huntington and WhitleyUnited States (USA) - Indiana - counties of Huntington and Whitley.@DS33333@DfffffUl(\US33333t 9iEPSGUSA - Indiana - DeKalbUnited States (USA) - Indiana - DeKalb county.@DGz@DQULU333333v ;kEPSGUSA - Indiana - SteubenUnited States (USA) - Indiana - Steuben county.@D\(@D\(ULU333333 Q EPSGUSA - Indiana - LaGrange and NobleUnited States (USA) - Indiana - counties of LaGrange and Noble.@DGz@D\(Uj=p UL(\)} IyEPSGUSA - Montana - St Mary valleyUnited States (USA) - Montana - St Mary's Valley area.@HFfffff@HGz\~zG yj b n \ p&.@N^jx~t 9iEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - DunnUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Dunn county.@FW =p@FG{W =p V\)t 9iEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - DoorUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Door county.@FU\(@F =pU\(U33333v ;kEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - ClarkUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Clark county.@F5\(@FQVQV =p| AqEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - ChippewaUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Chippewa county.@Fl@FfffffVG{VG{z ?oEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - BuffaloUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Buffalo county.@F\(@FLW\(VGzv ;kEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - BrownUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Brown county.@FQ@FW =pV =qU =q| AqEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - WashburnUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Washburn county.@FУ =q@GzGW =pV\(v ;kEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - VilasUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Vilas county.@F@G&fffffV33333V;Qx =mEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - SawyerUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Sawyer county.@FУ =q@GzGV =pVG{v ;kEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - PriceUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Price county.@F\(@FQVQV\(x =mEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - BarronUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Barron county.@F@F33333W =p VRx =mEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - OneidaUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Oneida county.@FG{@FzGV33333VB\(t 9iEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - IronUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Iron county.@Fp =@GLV =pVzG{x =mEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - ForestUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Forest county.@F\(@G =p VC33333VG{| AqEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - FlorenceUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Florence county.@FG{@G =pV,(\V33333z ?oEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - DouglasUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Douglas county.@G33333@GaGzW33333V33333z ?oEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - BurnettUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Burnett county.@FУ =q@GzGW8\)WR[ 5IEPSGOman - east of 60°EOman - offshore east of 60°E.@0^Q@8 =p<@O =qr 7uEPSGOman - 54°E to 60°EOman - onshore and offshore between 54°E and 60°E.@,\)@:p =6@NGzn 5aEPSGOman - west of 54°EOman - onshore and offshore west of 54°E.@-Gz@3Q@IQ@KGz| AqEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - BayfieldUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Bayfield county.@G33333@GGzV =pVz ?oEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - AshlandUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Ashland county.@Fp =@GQVQV33333 Y EPSGUSA - Wyoming - Wind River reservationUnited States (USA) - Wyoming - Wind River Indian Reservation.@EXQ@EzG[`Z(\v =iEPSGUSA - Montana - BillingsUnited States (USA) - Montana - Billings area.@F~Q@GzG[ZG{Z\(| CoEPSGUSA - Montana - Three ForksUnited States (USA) - Montana - Three Forks area.@FzG@GKQ\\([ M}EPSGUSA - Montana - Crow reservationUnited States (USA) - Montana - Crow Indian Reservation.@F~Q@G Q[5\(Z=p < WYEPSGUSA - Montana - Fort Peck lower areasUnited States (USA) - Montana - Fort Peck Indian Reservation - lower areas, notably in south and east.@G@HGzZ =qZ\(Á> Y[EPSGUSA - Montana - Fort Peck higher areasUnited States (USA) - Montana - Fort Peck Indian Reservation - higher areas, notably in west and north.@HGz@Hp =qZzGZ1R EEPSGUSA - Montana - Fort BelknapUnited States (USA) - Montana - Fort Belknap Indian Reservation area.@G =p@HGz[\(Z\(z AmEPSGUSA - Montana - Milk RiverUnited States (USA) - Montana - Milk River area.@G =p@HGz\ [/\( EuEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - Eau ClaireUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Eau Claire county.@FKQ@FnzGV=p VG{    ! $4[p_!6~ CsEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - La CrosseUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - La Crosse county.@E(\@F VۅQV=p 4 s-EPSGUSA - Wisconsin - Kewaunee, Manitowoc and SheboyganUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - counties of Kewaunee, Manitowoc and Sheboygan.@EQ@FW =pV G{U׮zH> }7EPSGUSA - Wisconsin - Kenosha, Milwaukee, Ozaukee and RacineUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - counties of Kenosha, Milwaukee, Ozaukee and Racine.@E>Q@EfffffV =pUt 9iEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - IowaUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Iowa county.@EgzH@EG{VQVuQ녁" aEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - Green Lake and MarquetteUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - counties of Green Lake and Marquette.@EУ =q@EQVffffffV8Q WEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - Green and LafayetteUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - counties of Green and Lafayette.@E@@EnzGVQVW =pv ;kEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - GrantUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Grant county.@E@@E(\V=p VG{ WEPSG USA - Wisconsin - Dodge and JeffersonUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - counties of Dodge and Jefferson.@EkQ@ERVAGzVm 9iEPSG USA - Wisconsin - DaneUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Dane county.@EkQ@EfffffVu\(| AqEPSG USA - Wisconsin - CrawfordUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Crawford county.@E}p =@E =pVzGV=p u AqEPSG USA - Wisconsin - ColumbiaUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Columbia county.@E =p@E33333Vr\(çM  EEPSG USA - Wisconsin - Calumet, Fond du Lac, Outagamie and WinnebagoUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - counties of Calumet, Fond du Lac, Outagamie and Winnebago.@EQ@FLV8\)V\(Á Q EPSGUSA - Wisconsin - Adams and JuneauUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - counties of Adams and Juneau.@ER@F VzGVe\(t 9iEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - WoodUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Wood county.@FQ@FXQVzGVnzGz ?oEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - WaupacaUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Waupaca county.@FQ@FXQVNQV&fffff GwEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - TrempealeauUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Trempealeau county.@Ep =@FLVzHVəx =mEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - TaylorUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Taylor county.@F =p@FRVQV\(~ CsEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - St. CroixUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - St. Croix county.@Fl@F(\W3 =pWQz ?oEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - ShawanoUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Shawano county.@FJ=p @F =pVNQV\(t 9iEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - RuskUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Rusk county.@FQ@FRV33333VG{z ?oEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - PortageUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Portage county.@FQ@FXQVvfffffVNzGt 9iEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - PolkUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Polk county.@F@Fp =W8\)W  Q EPSGUSA - Wisconsin - Pepin and PierceUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - counties of Pepin and Pierce.@F333333@Fo\(W3 =pV陙x =mEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - OcontoUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Oconto county.@FU\(@F =qV,(\U =q~ CsEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - MenomineeUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Menominee county.@Fl@F\(V?\(VQ~ CsEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - MarinetteUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Marinette county.@FzG{@FfffffVQU޸Q| AqEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - MarathonUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Marathon county.@FW =p@F =qVzGVNzGz ?oEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - LincolnUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Lincoln county.@FzG@FǮzHV33333VZG{| AqEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - LangladeUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Langlade county.@F\(@Fp =V[QV(Q !Y ! ' % s  +Gdcq)6w#Y| )EPSG6India - KeralaIndia - Kerala; Mayyazhi (Mahe) area of Pudacherry territory.@ @)@R =p@SYL /1EPSG5India - KarnatakaIndia - Karnataka.@'# =p@2u\(J@SQS /1EPSG4India - JharkhandIndia - Jharkhand.@5\(@9Y@TzG@UQc ?AEPSG3India - Jammu and KashmirIndia - Jammu and Kashmir.@@"\(@AGz@Rp =q@SzGZ =?EPSG2India - Himachal PradeshIndia - Himachal Pradesh.@>aGz@@Gz@RzGOd +WEPSG1India - HaryanaIndia - Haryana including Chandigarh.@;fffff@> =q@Rp =@Sffffff +%EPSG0India - GujaratIndia - Gujarat and union territories of Daman, Diu, Dadra and Nagar Haveli.@4 @8\(@QQ@RQG #%EPSG/India - GoaIndia - Goa.@-Q@/@Rg =p@RfffffY 57EPSG.India - ChhattisgarhIndia - Chhattisgarh.@1ǮzH@8(\@TQ@U\)K ')EPSG-India - BiharIndia - Bihar.@8GzH@;(\@T =p@V33333K ')EPSG,India - AssamIndia - Assam.@8!Gz@;G{@Vl(\@XRc ?AEPSG+India - Arunachal PradeshIndia - Arunachal Pradesh.@:fffff@=xQ@V33333@XZG{ UEPSG*India - Andhra Pradesh and TelanganaIndia - Andhra Pradesh; Telangana; Yanam area of Pudacherry territory.@)8Q@3Q@S0@U3 =pJ +WEPSG)To be specifiedDescription of the extent of the CRS.ZL /5EPSG(India - northeastIndia - Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura.@5 =q@=xQ@Vl(\@XZG{S gwEPSG'UK - offshore 49°45'N to 61°N, 9°W to 2°EUnited Kingdom (UK) - offshore between 2km from shore and boundary of UKCS within 49°45'N to 61°N and 9°W to 2°E.@H@NGz"Q@zG w[EPSG&UK - Britain and UKCS 49°45'N to 61°N, 9°W to 2°EUnited Kingdom (UK) - offshore to boundary of UKCS within 49°45'N to 61°N and 9°W to 2°E; onshore Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland). Isle of Man onshore.@H@NGz"Q@zGk GIEPSG%Kyrgyzstan - east of 79°01'EKyrgyzstan - east of 79°01'E.@DzG@Effffff@S =q@T\(u OcEPSG$Kyrgyzstan - 76°01'E to 79°01'EKyrgyzstan - between 76°01'E and 79°01'E.@D,+@S =q@SGz| OcEPSG#Kyrgyzstan - 73°01'E to 76°01'EKyrgyzstan - between 73°01'E and 76°01'E.@C@E(\@R@ =q@SGz| OcEPSG"Kyrgyzstan - 70°01'E to 73°01'EKyrgyzstan - between 70°01'E and 73°01'E.@CQ@Ej=p @Q =q@RAGzk GIEPSG!Kyrgyzstan - west of 70°01'EKyrgyzstan - west of 70°01'E.@CGz@D(\@QO\(@QGz0 w;EPSG Papua New Guinea - 0°N to 12°S and 140°E to 158°EPapua New Guinea - between 0°N and 12°S and 140°E and 158°E - onshore and offshore.?zG{@cQ" EPSGPapua New Guinea - onshore south of 5°S and west of 144°EPapua New Guinea - onshore south of 5°S and west of 144°E."33333@a33333@bQ] 3AEPSGAlgeria - Ain TsilaAlgeria - Ain Tsila field.@;ffffff@<@ =p@ =p | AqEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - WausharaUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Waushara county.@Ep =@F VffffffV8Q| AqEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - WaukeshaUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Waukesha county.@EkQ@EV#33333V =p EuEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - WashingtonUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Washington county.@EQ@EfffffVG{VR| AqEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - WalworthUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Walworth county.@E>Q@ElV1RV33333x =mEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - VernonUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Vernon county.@E\(@E޸QVRV =pt 9iEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - SaukUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Sauk county.@ER@E33333VzGVe\(t 9iEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - RockUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Rock county.@E>Q@ElVWzHV1Gz| AqEPSGUSA - Wisconsin - RichlandUnited States (USA) - Wisconsin - Richland county.@EzG@EǮzHVQV(\ #gXb T  w ' e . U~0Ff+g _{EPSGZAustralia - Western Australia - CarnarvonAustralia - Western Australia - Carnarvon area onshore.9@\UQr YEPSGYAustralia - Western Australia - BroomeAustralia - Western Australia - Broome area onshore below 130m AHD.2 =p0@^Q@^zH" aEPSGXAustralia - Western Australia - Jurien BayAustralia - Western Australia - Jurien Bay area onshore below 200m AHD.>p ==zG@\Q@\\( YEPSGWAustralia - Western Australia - AlbanyAustralia - Western Australia - Albany area onshore below 190m AHD.AG{A`@]c33333@]zG YEPSGVAustralia - Western Australia - BarrowAustralia - Western Australia - Barrow Island and Onslow area onshore.633333345\(@\@\\( _EPSGUAustralia - Western Australia - BusseltonAustralia - Western Australia - Busselton area onshore below 250m AHD.@@33333@\˅Q@\zH amEPSGTAustralia - Western Australia - KalgoorlieAustralia - Western Australia - Kalgoorlie area.@ <y@^u\(_ ;=EPSGSUkraine - west of 25°EUkraine - west of 25°E.@GG{@I\(@6&fffff@9\(X ;=EPSGRUkraine - east of 40°EUkraine - east of 40°E.@Hffffff@H\((@D =pt McEPSGQUkraine - 37°E to 40°E onshoreUkraine - between 37°E and 40°E, onshore.@Gffffff@I8Q%@DGzt McEPSGPUkraine - 34°E to 37°E onshoreUkraine - between 34°E and 37°E, onshore.@F*=p @J "@BGzt McEPSGOUkraine - 31°E to 34°E onshoreUkraine - between 31°E and 34°E, onshore.@F(\)@J0 =q@AGzt McEPSGNUkraine - 28°E to 31°E onshoreUkraine - between 28°E and 31°E, onshore.@F =p@J Q@?\(c =QEPSGMUkraine - 25°E to 28°EUkraine - between 25°E and 28°E.@G(\@IG{@<\(Z =?EPSGLBulgaria - west of 24°EBulgaria - west of 24°E.@D\)@Fp =@6\(\{ ?EPSGKBulgaria - 24°E to 30°EBulgaria - onshore east of 24°E, offshore west of 30°E.@DQ@F33333@>\(c =QEPSGJBulgaria - east of 30°EBulgaria - offshore east of 30°E.@EGzH@E\(@?Ym )gEPSGIPapua New Guinea - onshore - Central province and Gulf province east of 144°EPapua New Guinea - onshore - Gulf province east of 144°24'E, Central province and National Capital District.$ =pzG@b @bp = 3 EPSGHIndia - LakshadweepIndia - Lakshadweep (Laccadive, Minicoy, and Aminidivi Islands).@ kQ@'Q@R\(@Rp =qw SUEPSGGIndia - Andaman and Nicobar IslandsIndia - Andaman and Nicobar Islands.@@+u\(@W @WQf '_EPSGFIndia - DelhiIndia - Delhi national capital territory.@kQ@SEQ@U(\)O +-EPSGBIndia - TripuraIndia - Tripura.@6 =q@8=p @Və@W\( 1!EPSGAIndia - Tamil NaduIndia - Tamil Nadu; Pudacherry and Karaikal areas of Pudacherry territory.@ =p @+.zG@SzG@TM )+EPSG@India - SikkimIndia - Sikkim.@;zG@<# =p@V =q@V:G{S /1EPSG?India - RajasthanIndia - Rajasthan.@7\(@>333333@Q^Q@SGzb )UEPSG>India - PunjabIndia - Punjab including Chandigarh.@==p @@J=p @RwzH@S<(\V )=EPSG=India - OdishaIndia - Odisha (Orissa).@1@6R@TXQ@UQ -/EPSGzG@W =qW 35EPSG8India - MaharashtraIndia - Maharashtra.@/333333@6 =p @R&fffff@T9 bz@  s R Z,wZ&z| egEPSGsTrinidad and Tobago - offshore west of 60°WTrinidad and Tobago - offshore west of 60°W.@#\)@(zGO QMQ eEPSGrAustralia - Western Australia - Port HedlandAustralia - Western Australia - Port Hedland area onshore.4=p 4@]@]zG MyEPSGqUSA - Oregon - Canyon City-BurnsUnited States (USA) - Oregon - Canyon City-Burns area.@E\(@F.zG]zG]Gz3 OOEPSGpUSA - onshore - AZ MI MT ND OR SCUnited States (USA) - onshore - Arizona; Michigan; Montana; North Dakota; Oregon; South Carolina.@?TzG@HGz_&fffffSGz~ EqEPSGoUSA - Oregon - Siskiyou PassUnited States (USA) - Oregon - Siskiyou Pass area.@D@E:G{^p =^}p = WEPSGnAustralia - Western Australia - PerthAustralia - Western Australia - Perth area onshore below 165m AHD.@\(?TzG@\(\@]\( A#EPSGmGreenland - 59°N to 84°NGreenland - onshore and offshore between 59°N and 84°N and west of 10°W.;@U =q6 SQEPSGlUSA - Arizona - Pima county centralUnited States (USA) - Arizona - Pima county - between the township line between ranges R2W and R3W and the township line between ranges R7E and R8E, Gila and Salt River Meridian (between approximately 112°31'W and 111°34'W).@?@@AGz\!Gz[ =p| CoEPSGkUSA - Oregon - Burns-HarperUnited States (USA) - Oregon - Burns-Harper area.@EQ@FQ] =p]_\( GsEPSGjUSA - Oregon - Riley-LakeviewUnited States (USA) - Oregon - Riley-Lakeview area.@D =q@E^>zG]ə* i#EPSGiAustralia - Western Australia - Margaret RiverAustralia - Western Australia - Margaret River area onshore below 200m AHD.A5\(@Gz@\p =@\\( QEPSGhEurope - Lower Austria and MoraviaAustria - Lower Austria. Czechia - Moravia and Czech Silesia.@G\(@I9@,R@2(\ eEPSGgEurope - Upper Austria, Salzburg and BohemiaAustria - Upper Austria and Salzburg provinces. Czechia - Bohemia.@Gw =p@IzH@(# =p@0zG A!EPSGfGreenland - 58°N to 85°NGreenland - onshore and offshore between 58°N and 85°N and west of 7°W.:@U@ =q\( ]EPSGeAustralia - Western Australia - LancelinAustralia - Western Australia - Lancelin area onshore below 200m AHD.?}p =>\(@\ə@\zH _EPSGdAustralia - Western Australia - KununurraAustralia - Western Australia - Kununurra area onshore below 200m AHD.0-@` ]yEPSGcAustralia - Western Australia - KarrathaAustralia - Western Australia - Karratha area onshore.4Q4@@]%Q@]Pt MSEPSGbUSA - Arizona - Pima county westUnited States (USA) - Arizona - Pima county - west of the township line between ranges R2W and R3W, Gila and Salt River Meridian (west of approximately 112°31'W).@?@@AGz\UQ\ =q _EPSGaAustralia - Western Australia - GeraldtonAustralia - Western Australia - Geraldton area onshore below 195m AHD.=Q[zH[ =pׁt MSEPSGxUSA - Arizona - Pima county eastUnited States (USA) - Arizona - Pima county - east of the township line between ranges R7E and R8E, Gila and Salt River Meridian (east of approximately 111°34'W).@?nzG@@B\([zG[(\ MyEPSGwUSA - Oregon - Coast Range NorthUnited States (USA) - Oregon - Coast Range North area.@F33333@Fp =^ =p^ =qv =iEPSGvUSA - Oregon - Ukiah-FoxUnited States (USA) - Oregon - Ukiah-Fox area.@FB\(@FG{]fffff]\)d wT W % p {W*k M 3EPSGUSA - FBNAmerican Samoa - Tutuila, Aunu'u, Ofu, Olesega, Ta'u and Rose islands - onshore. Guam - onshore. Northern Mariana Islands - onshore. Puerto Rico - onshore. United States (USA) - CONUS - Alabama; Arizona; Arkansas; California; Colorado; Connecticut; Delaware; Florida; Georgia; Idaho; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Kansas; Kentucky; Louisiana; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; Michigan; Minnesota; Mississippi; Missouri; Montana; Nebraska; Nevada; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New Mexico; New York; North Carolina; North Dakota; Ohio; Oklahoma; Oregon; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; South Carolina; South Dakota; Tennessee; Texas; Utah; Vermont; Virginia; Washington; West Virginia; Wisconsin; Wyoming - onshore plus Gulf of Mexico offshore continental shelf (GoM OCS). US Virgin Islands - onshore.-.zG@H =q@b\(P =q WEPSGPacific - Guam and NMI west of 144°EGuam and Northern Mariana Islands; offshore west of 144°E.@%fffff@7fffff@azG@bQI = EPSGUSA - Kansas - PittsburgUnited States (USA) - Kansas - counties of Allen; Anderson; Bourbon; Cherokee; Crawford; Franklin; Labette; Linn; Miami; Neosho.@B~Q@C^QWRWfffff= AqEPSGUSA - Kansas - CoffeyvilleUnited States (USA) - Kansas - counties of Chautauqua; Coffey; Elk; Greenwood; Montgomery; Osage; Wilson; Woodson.@B~Q@Cp =qX!RW EEPSGUSA - Kansas - Arkansas CityUnited States (USA) - Kansas - counties of Cowley; Harper; Sumner.@B~Q@Bp =XfffffX!Gz 93EPSGUSA - Kansas - WichitaUnited States (USA) - Kansas - counties of Butler; Harvey; Kingman; Reno; Sedgwick.@B =q@C =pXQX!Gz 5EPSGUSA - Kansas - PrattUnited States (USA) - Kansas - counties of Barber; Pratt; Stafford.@B~Q@C"\(XRX\( 71EPSGUSA - Kansas - LarnedUnited States (USA) - Kansas - counties of Comanche; Edwards; Kiowa; Pawnee; Rush.@B~Q@CYX\(X=p  ?EPSGUSA - Kansas - Dodge CityUnited States (USA) - Kansas - counties of Clark; Ford; Hodgeman; Ness.@B~Q@CYYX\(Á( AGEPSGUSA - Kansas - Garden CityUnited States (USA) - Kansas - counties of Finney; Gray; Haskell; Lane; Meade; Scott; Seward.@B~Q@CZG{YHQYQ녁6 9kEPSGUSA - Kansas - UlyssesUnited States (USA) - Kansas - counties of Grant; Greeley; Hamilton; Kearny; Morton; Stanton; Stevens; Wichita.@B~Q@CZG{Y33333YC =p3 A]EPSGUSA - Kansas - Kansas CityUnited States (USA) - Kansas - counties of Douglas; Jefferson; Johnson; Leavenworth; Shawnee; Wyandotte.@C]p =@C =pX\(WQ녁( ;MEPSGUSA - Kansas - AtchisonUnited States (USA) - Kansas - counties of Atchison; Brown; Doniphan; Jackson; Marshall; Nemaha.@CG{@DGzX3 =pWfffff 9 EPSGUSA - Kansas - EmporiaUnited States (USA) - Kansas - counties of Chase; Lyon; Morris.@C =p @Cp =qX<(\W(\ =/EPSGUSA - Kansas - ManhattanUnited States (USA) - Kansas - counties of Geary; Pottawatomie; Riley; Wabaunsee.@C]p =@C\)X>zGW(\A 7EPSGUSA - Kansas - SalinaUnited States (USA) - Kansas - counties of Clay; Cloud; Dickinson; Marion; McPherson; Ottawa; Republic; Saline; Washington.@C =p @DGzX|(\X333333 79EPSGUSA - Kansas - BeloitUnited States (USA) - Kansas - counties of Ellsworth; Jewell; Lincoln; Mitchell; Rice.@C33333@DGzX =qXzG{ ?#EPSGUSA - Kansas - Great BendUnited States (USA) - Kansas - counties of Barton; Osborne; Russell; Smith.@C!Gz@DGzXzGXzG 9EPSGUSA - Kansas - OberlinUnited States (USA) - Kansas - counties of Decatur; Gove; Sheridan.@CXQ@DGzY4zGY\) cq 0 ? \UL|\++q= EPSGKosovoKosovo.@D@E@3Q@5{ McEPSGVietnam - Dien Bien and Lai ChauVietnam - Dien Bien and Lai Chau provinces.@4 =p@6R@Y\)@Y\( eEPSGAfrica - South Africa, Lesotho and Eswatini.Eswatini (Swaziland); Lesotho; South Africa - onshore and offshore.I(\)6!Gz@*\)@El] 9;EPSGAngola - east of 18°EAngola - east of 18°E.2Q =p@1p =@8 =pZ -AEPSGVietnam - Son LaVietnam - Son La province.@4R@6 =p @Yp =@ZARo ESEPSGCanada - Ontario ex. TorontoCanada - Ontario excluding Toronto.@D\(@Ls33333W=p Rfffffe ACEPSGCanada - Ontario - TorontoCanada - Ontario - Toronto.@E=p @EzGS\)S =pׁ U{EPSGCanada - British Columbia - mainlandCanada - British Columbia - mainland and Graham Island.@H~Q@NGzaaGz\Q녁 isEPSGCanada - British Columbia - north Vancouver IsCanada - British Columbia - north Vancouver Island.@H=p =@Iw =p`^\( KEPSGCanada - British Columbia - CRDCanada - British Columbia - Vancouver Island - Capital Regional District.@H @HzH_!Gzᅁ GEPSGCosta Rica - offshore PacificCosta Rica - offshore Pacific ocean and onshore Coco Island.@333333@&8QVTG{u KYEPSGCosta Rica - offshore CaribbeanCosta Rica - offshore - Caribbean sea.@#333333@'=p TfffffT[Q* oEPSGLatin America - Central America and South AmericaLatin America - Central America and South America, onshore and offshore.M\(@@\(\^(\9GzH G EPSGSaudi Arabia - 48°E to 54°ESaudi Arabia - onshore and offshore - between 48°E and 54°E.@1 =q@< =q@GQ@KGz GEPSGSaudi Arabia - 42°E to 48°ESaudi Arabia - onshore and offshore - between of 42°E and 48°E.@0Y@?&fffff@DQ0~ G EPSGSaudi Arabia - 36°E to 42°ESaudi Arabia - onshore and offshore - between 36°E and 42°E.@0J=p @@zG$* MsEPSGPacific - Guam and NMI - onshoreGuam - onshore. Northern Mariana Islands - onshore.@*\(\@4(\@b\(@bC =p EuEPSGSaudi Arabia - west of 36°ESaudi Arabia - onshore and offshore - west of 36°E.@8Q@=aGz@A8Q@BGzW ;IEPSGWorld centred on 150°EWorld centred on Asia-Pacific.Z=p =>\(Á O}EPSGFinland - mainland south of 66°NFinland - onshore mainland south of approximately 66°N.@M@PQ@433333@? =pu QSEPSGNorthern Mariana Islands - onshoreNorthern Mariana Islands - onshore.@,Q@4(\@b\(@bC =pV 9IEPSGWorld centred on 90°WWorld centred on the Americas.Z@V =q@V\( CEPSGAlgeria - 32°N to 34°39'NAlgeria - 35.6 grads to 38.5 grads North (32°N to 34°39'N).@?p =@ATzG@".zG WEPSGPacific - Guam and NMI east of 144°EGuam and Northern Mariana Islands; onshore and offshore east of 144°E.@&@7fffff@b1 ) EPSGCanada - NAD27Canada - onshore - Alberta; British Columbia; Manitoba; New Brunswick; Newfoundland and Labrador; Northwest Territories; Nova Scotia; Nunavut; Ontario; Prince Edward Island; Quebec; Saskatchewan; Yukon; offshore east coast west of 44°W and north of 40°N.(@TG{aQKQ CEPSGSerbiaSerbia including Vojvodina.@Ep =@GQ@2\(@7\( F ] g "KDIFG  qIEPSGArgentina - 42.5°S to 50.3°S and west of 70.5°WArgentina - Chibut province west of 70°30'W and south of approximately 44°55'S and Santa Cruz province west of 70°30'W and north of approximately 50°20'S.I+QFxQRe\(QC IuEPSGArgentina - 42.5°S to 50.3°SArgentina - Chibut province south of approximately 42°30'S and Santa Cruz province north of approximately 50°20'S.I+QE>QRe\(P^zG9 K_EPSGArgentina - Mendoza and NeuquenArgentina - Mendoza province, Neuquen province, western La Pampa province and western Rio Negro province.EzG?\)R\)Pw =pz MaEPSGArgentina - Mendoza - Cuyo basinArgentina - Mendoza province - Cuyo basin.B/\(?\(QYPG{1 EPSGVietnam - Binh Thuan, Dak Lak, Dak Nong, Gia Lai, Phu YenVietnam - Binh Thuan, Dak Lak, Dak Nong, Gia Lai and Phu Yen provinces.@$(\@-8Q@Z@[aGz a}EPSGVietnam - Binh Dinh, Khanh Hoa, Ninh ThuanVietnam - Binh Dinh, Khanh Hoa and Ninh Thuan provinces.@&@-kQ@[#33333@[aRb 5IEPSGVietnam - Quang NgaiVietnam - Quang Ngai province.@-\(@.G{@[Q@[L\ /CEPSGVietnam - Kon TumVietnam - Kon Tum province.@+ =p@. =p@ZQ@[#33333^ 1EEPSGVietnam - Lang SonVietnam - Lang Son province.@5QR@6xQ@Z\(@Z׮zHp ;{EPSGAngola - 12°E to 18°EAngola - between 12°E and 18°E, onshore and offshore.1p =qQ  YoEPSGVietnam - Bac Giang and Thua Thien-HueVietnam - Bac Giang and Thua Thien-Hue provinces.@/G{@5Gz@ZxQ@[\(} OeEPSGVietnam - Bac Kan and Thai NguyenVietnam - Bac Kan and Thai Nguyen provinces.@5QR@6@Z[Q@Z QgEPSGVietnam - Binh Phuoc and Quang TriVietnam - Binh Phuoc and Quang Tri provinces.@&@18Q@Z=p @ZۅQs 9gEPSGAngola - west of 12°EAngola - west of 12°E, onshore and offshore.1GzHQ@ ffffff@(Q녁 iEPSGVietnam - Hoa Binh, Quang Binh and Tuyen QuangVietnam - Hoa Binh, Quang Binh and Tuyen Quang provinces.@0Q@633333@Z5Q@ZRP seEPSGVietnam - 105°15'E to 107°50'E by province - HCMCVietnam - Hai Phong and Ho Chi Minh cities; Ben Tre, Binh Duong, Cao Bang, Long An and Tien Giang provinces.@#@7Q@ZP =q@Z33333d eEPSGVietnam - 104°20'E to 106°40'E by provinceVietnam - Bac Ninh, Ha Giang, Ha Tinh, Hai Duong, Hung Yen, Nam Dinh, Soc Trang, Tay Ninh, Thai Binh, Tra Vinh and Vinh Long provinces.@"aGz@7ffffff@ZQ@Z(\t u+EPSGVietnam - 104°20'E to 106°10'E by province - HanoiVietnam - Ha Noi city, Ha Nam, Ha Tay, Ninh Binh, Thanh Hoa and Vinh Phuc provinces; Can Tho city, Bac Lieu, Dong Thap and Hau Giang provinces.@! =q@5zG@ZzH@Z(\+ yEPSGVietnam - An Giang, Lao Cai, Nghe An, Phu Tho, Yen BaiVietnam - An Giang, Lao Cai, Nghe An, Phu Tho and Yen Bai provinces.@$\(\@6ٙ@YR@Zw =py KaEPSGVietnam - Ca Mau and Kien GiangVietnam - Ca Mau and Kien Giang provinces.@ \)@%@Yٙ@Zb\(x: 'EPSGSouth Africa - Prince Edward islands - onshore and offshoreSouth Africa - Marion Island and Prince Edward Island - onshore and offshore.I(\)EGz@@ZG{@Eĺ ikEPSGSouth Africa - mainland - onshore and offshoreSouth Africa - mainland - onshore and offshore.C\(6!Gz@*\)@BEQ녁4  EPSGEurope - offshore North Sea - Germany and Netherlands east of 5°EGermany - offshore North Sea. Netherlands - offshore east of 5E.@JQ@K\(@ Q@!\( qIEPSGArgentina - 42.5°S to 50.3°S and east of 67.5°WArgentina - Chibut province east of 67°30'W and south of approximately 43°35'S and Santa Cruz province east of 67°30'W and north of approximately 49°23'S.HfffffE=p PP^zGm $ D  V8F:* IGNF5FRANCE CONTINENTALE (CORSE EXCLUE) - CC44 (CONIQUE CONFORME ZONE 3)FRANCE CONTINENTALE (CORSE EXCLUE) - CC44 (CONIQUE CONFORME ZONE 3)+-@! IGNFPLANETE TERRE ET SON ENVIRONNEMENT PROCHE - UTM SUD FUSEAU 42PLANETE TERRE ET SON ENVIRONNEMENT PROCHE - UTM SUD FUSEAU 42BHb YYIGNFPOLYNESIE FRANCAISE - UTM SUD FUSEAU 8POLYNESIE FRANCAISE - UTM SUD FUSEAU 8vz IGNFFRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - LAMBERT III CARTOFRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - LAMBERT III CARTO@E&fǺ@F6602  yyIGNFHAO ET AMANU (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 7HAO ET AMANU (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 721zGap =a\(0  IGNFPLANETE TERRE ET SON ENVIRONNEMENT PROCHE - ANTILLES FRANCAISESPLANETE TERRE ET SON ENVIRONNEMENT PROCHE - ANTILLES FRANCAISES@,@2333333ON]p =9 IGNFtTAHAATAHAA0333330zHb\(b(\W 55IGNFGAPATAKI, RAPA et HAOAPATAKI, RAPA et HAO;.tbN]cfad8 ssIGNFHIVA OA, TAHUATA, MOHOTANI (ARCHIPEL DES MARQUISES)HIVA OA, TAHUATA, MOHOTANI (ARCHIPEL DES MARQUISES)#\(#LaffffffaX~ [[ESRIIsrael, Palestine Territory, and JordanIsrael, Palestine Territory, and Jordan@=0 =q@@ =p@@~Q@CfffffR //ESRIIllinois - EurekaIllinois - Eureka@DKQ@D33333Vh\)V:G{e CCESRIxUK - Highways England - A23UK - Highways England - A23@I`@JPH?֣S&? k ccESRIQColombia - San Jose del Guaviare - GuaviareColombia - San Jose del Guaviare - Guaviare@ffffff@RIR; 33ESRI%ARC System - Zone 6ARC System - Zone 6DHL? {;EPSGzUSA - Illinois - Clinton, Jefferson, Marion, WashingtonUnited States (USA) - Illinois - counties of Clinton, Jefferson, Marion and Washington.@C\(@Cj=p Vmp =V,(\ SEPSG`USA - Illinois - Cook, DuPage, LakeUnited States (USA) - Illinois - counties of Cook, DuPage and Lake.@DG{@E@VGzUGzZ UEPSGAJapan - zone VIII - onshore mainlandJapan - onshore - Honshu between approximately 137°45'E and 139°E - Niigata-ken on Honshu; Nagano-ken; Yamanashi-ken; Shizuoka-ken.@AEQ@CJ=p @a*=p @a}Qk 5[EPSG)Ukraine - SevastopolUkraine - Sevastopol (Sebastopol) city.@F0 =q@Fl@@\(@@ =pQ YEPSG Canada - 41°N to 85°N, west of 50°WCanada - onshore and offshore between 41°N and 85°N and west of 50°W - Alberta; British Columbia; Manitoba; New Brunswick; Newfoundland and Labrador; Northwest Territories; Nova Scotia; Nunavut; Ontario; Prince Edward Island; Quebec; Saskatchewan; Yukon.)@U@ =qaQHQ} QcEPSGSpain - Canary Islands - El HierroSpain - Canary Islands - El Hierro onshore.@;zG@;fffff28Q1zG E EPSGArgentina - south Santa CruzArgentina - Santa Cruz province south of approximately 50°20'S.J7 =pI*=p RQRQ33333 q # 5 ` $/w__ } QcEPSGSpain - Canary Islands - La GomeraSpain - Canary Islands - La Gomera onshore.@;33333@Ql ?SEPSG"Ukraine - Ternopil oblastUkraine - Ternopil region (oblast).@H@@I"\(@8\(@:s33333d 7KEPSG!Ukraine - Sumy oblastUkraine - Sumy region (oblast).@I @J/\(@@w =p@A\(_ 9MEPSG Ukraine - Rivne oblastUkraine - Rivne region (oblast).2@I@9zG@;p =j =QEPSGUkraine - Poltava oblastUkraine - Poltava region (oblast).@H^Q@IFfffff@@ =p @AQh ;OEPSGUkraine - Odessa oblastUkraine - Odessa region (oblast).@F@HQ@<5\(@?Ll ?SEPSGUkraine - Mykolaiv oblastUkraine - Mykolaiv region (oblast).@G.zG@Hp =@>333333@@Qd 7KEPSGUkraine - Lviv oblastUkraine - Lviv region (oblast).@HZG{@IS33333@6 =p@9nzGj =QEPSGUkraine - Luhansk oblastUkraine - Luhansk region (oblast).@G\)@I Q@B=p @Dp =p CWEPSGUkraine - Kirovohrad oblastUkraine - Kirovohrad region (oblast).@G޸Q@H@=p =@@33333k 7YEPSGUkraine - Kyiv oblastUkraine - Kyiv (Kiev) region (oblast).@H\(@Ifffff@=B\(@@zGt G[EPSGUkraine - Khmelnytskyi oblastUkraine - Khmelnytskyi region (oblast).@H9@IKQ@:!Gz@;fffffj =QEPSGUkraine - Kherson oblastUkraine - Kherson region (oblast).@F@G@?\(@AzGj =QEPSGUkraine - Kharkiv oblastUkraine - Kharkiv region (oblast).@HB\(@I:G{@AkQ@C z MaEPSGUkraine - Ivano-Frankivsk oblastUkraine - Ivano-Frankivsk region (oblast).@G(\@HǮzH@7zH@9\)j =QEPSGUkraine - Donetsk oblastUkraine - Donetsk region (oblast).@GnzG@HQ@BEQ@Cx K_EPSGUkraine - Dnipropetrovsk oblastUkraine - Dnipropetrovsk region (oblast).@G@HQ@@y@BxQp CWEPSGUkraine - Chernivtsi oblastUkraine - Chernivtsi region (oblast).@G(\@HW =p@8fffff@;=p n AUEPSGUkraine - Chernihiv oblastUkraine - Chernihiv region (oblast).@I+Q@J0 =q@>zG{@@Gzl ?SEPSGUkraine - Cherkasy oblastUkraine - Cherkasy region (oblast).@H9@Ip =@=@@qR^ 3CEPSGUkraine - Kyiv cityUkraine - Kyiv (Kiev) city.@IG{@IKQ@>:G{@>zG| 9wEPSGUK - Oxford to BedfordUnited Kingdom (UK) - on or related to East West Rail (Phase 2) routes from Oxford to Bicester, Bletchley and Bedford, and from Claydon Junction to Aylesbury and Princes Risborough.@Iٙ@JQGz =p i CGEPSG UK - Newcastle to AshingtonUnited Kingdom (UK) - on or related to rail routes from Newcastle Central to Ashington via Benton North Junction, and the section from Bedlington to Morpeth.@Kl@Kfffffffffff͂g CCEPSG UK - Tweedmouth to AberdeenUnited Kingdom (UK) - on or related to the complex of rail routes in the East of Scotland, incorporating the route from Tweedbank through the Borders to Edinburgh; the line from Edinburgh to Aberdeen; routes via Kirkaldy and Cowdenbeath; and routes via Leuchars and Perth to Dundee. @Kfffff@LG{ zG{ =p s /mEPSG Italy - 6°22'E to 18°40'E and north of 35°16'N; San Marino, Vatican City StateItaly - onshore and offshore between 6°22'E and 18°40'E and north of 35°16'N; San Marino, Vatican City State.@AGz@G@p =q@2Q c -SEPSG(Ukraine - CrimeaUkraine - Crimea autonomous region.@F0 =q@GQ@@<(\@BS33333l ?SEPSG'Ukraine - Zhytomyr oblastUkraine - Zhytomyr region (oblast).@H=p @I =p@;0 =q@=p =t G[EPSG&Ukraine - Zaporizhzhia oblastUkraine - Zaporizhzhia region (oblast).@G\)@H33333@A\(@B  ^  YF"^9 SWEPSG@Japan - zone III - onshore mainlandJapan - onshore - Honshu west of approximately 133°15'E - Yamaguchi-ken; Shimane-ken; Hiroshima-ken.@@(\@AR@`YR@`zH* Q;EPSG?Japan - zone II - onshore mainlandJapan - onshore - Kyushu east of approximately 130°E - Fukuoka-ken; Saga-ken; Kumamoto-ken; Oita-ken; Miyazaki-ken; Kagoshima-ken on Kyushu (except for area within Japan Plane Rectangular Coordinate System zone I).@> =q@@Q@`8Q@` OEPSG>Japan - zone I - onshore mainlandJapan - onshore - Kyushu west of approximately 130°E - Nagasaki-ken@@AGz@@Q@`)@`NQa ==EPSG=USA - Amtrak NE corridorUnited States (USA) - parts of Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Virginia on or related to the Amtrak northeast corridor rail route from Boston to Washington DC via New York and Philadelphia.@CQR@E^QS =qQQ? MiEPSG=p 7Q\Mp =< Q_EPSG:UK - Manchester, Wigan and ChesterUnited Kingdom (UK) - on or related to the rail route from Manchester via Wigan and Liverpool to Chester.@JQ@J33333 333333́V EEPSG9UK - Motherwell to InvernessUnited Kingdom (UK) - on or related to the Scottish central mainline rail route from Motherwell through Perth and Pitlochry to Inverness.@Kٙ@Lfffff ffffff ==EPSG8UK - Inverness to ThursoUnited Kingdom (UK) - on or related to the rail route from Inverness to Thurso and Wick.@L33333@MQRffffff& 1SEPSG7UK - Leeds to HullUnited Kingdom (UK) - on or related to the rail route from the Morley tunnel through Leeds to Hull.@J@J33333333333GzHS /1EPSG6Iceland - onshoreIceland - onshore.@OQ@PzH8\)*\(Á* ?MEPSG5UK - Newport to Ebbw ValeUnited Kingdom (UK) - on or related to the rail route from Newport (Park Junction) to Ebbw Vale.@I@I ffffffQQ -/EPSG4Germany - HessenGermany - Hessen.@HR@IzG@zG@$zG{. IKEPSG3Italy - mainland west of 16°EItaly - mainland northwest of approximately 16°E, including San Marino and Vatican City State.@C33333@G@zG{@0zHc 'YEPSG2St BarthelemySt Barthélemy - onshore and offshore.@1 =p@2QROzGOG{Z OEPSG1St MartinSt Martin - onshore and offshore.@1޸Q@20 =qOzGO]p =m IKEPSG0Norway - inshore and nearshoreNorway - inshore and nearshore.@L@Q\)@QR@?Q녁D ;EPSG/UK - Manchester to DoreUnited Kingdom (UK) - on or related to the rail route from Manchester via Ordsall Lane and the Hope Valley to Dore Junction.@J@Jfffff333333=p =z OkEPSG.Papua New Guinea - east of 162°EPapua New Guinea - east of 162°E to EEZ limit.p =qQ@dYR SEPSG-Papua New Guinea - 156°E to 162°EPapua New Guinea - between 156°E and 162°E, onshore and offshore.,Q녿\(@d@Qa ;?EPSG,UK - Cardiff to LincolnUnited Kingdom (UK) - on or related to Midland Rail Hub, covering routes through Cardiff, Bristol, Gloucester, Derby, Birmingham, Leicester, and Lincoln.@I@JGz (\) =p ]sEPSG+Ukraine - Rivne and Khmelnytskyi oblastsUkraine - Rivne and Khmelnytskyi regions (oblasts).@H9@I@9zG@;fffff IuEPSG*Ukraine - Kyiv city and oblastUkraine - Kyiv (Kiev) city and Kyiv region (oblast).@H\(@Ifffff@=B\(@@zGl $9} R o(j"z29A WEPSG^USA - Illinois - Lee, Ogle, WinnebagoUnited States (USA) - Illinois - counties of Lee, Ogle and Winnebago.@D=p @EAGzVl(\V;Q1 m-EPSG]USA - Illinois - Carroll, Jo Daviess, StephensonUnited States (USA) - Illinois - counties of Carroll, Jo Daviess and Stephenson.@D\(@EAGzV=p VX\) =yEPSGRUK - London to FishguardUnited Kingdom (UK) - on or related to the rail routes from London (Paddington) to Swansea; Swansea to Pembroke Dock, Milford Haven and Fishguard; and around Cardiff and the valleys.@I@JzH =p& ACEPSGQUK – Reading to PenzanceUnited Kingdom (UK) - on or related to the rail route from Reading via Newbury to Penzance.@Ifffff@IٙQ녿333333 G1EPSGPUK – Okehampton to PenstoneUnited Kingdom (UK) - on or related to the rail route from Okehampton to Penstone.@IS33333@Ilffffff ́$ I7EPSGOUK - Shrewsbury to AberystwythUnited Kingdom (UK) - on or related to the rail route from Shrewsbury to Aberystwyth.@J/\(@Jb\( =ṕ& K9EPSGNUK - Dovey Junction to PwllheliUnited Kingdom (UK) - on or related to the rail route from Dovey Junction to Pwllheli.@J9@JGz =p ffffff! 9AEPSGMUK - London to SwanseaUnited Kingdom (UK) - on or related to the rail route from London (Paddington) to Swansea.@I@JzH =p # E9EPSGLUK - Cardiff and the valleysUnited Kingdom (UK) - on or related to the rail routes around Cardiff and the valleys.@I@IzH \(< ?qEPSGKUK - Swansea to FishguardUnited Kingdom (UK) - on or related to the rail routes from Swansea to Pembroke Dock, Milford Haven and Fishguard.@Ifffff@JzH =p ́/ GOEPSGJUK - London to Leamington SpaUnited Kingdom (UK) - on or related to the rail route from London (Marylebone) to Leamington Spa.@I@JtzGzG 9'EPSGIUK - Didcot to BanburyUnited Kingdom (UK) - on or related to the rail route from Didcot to Banbury.@I\)@JzG\(\ffffff =+EPSGHUK - Oxford to WorcesterUnited Kingdom (UK) - on or related to the rail route from Oxford to Worcester.@I33333@J!GzzG{ffffff =+EPSGGUK - Shrewsbury to CreweUnited Kingdom (UK) - on or related to the rail route from Shrewsbury to Crewe.@JS33333@JzGGzHffffff- AQEPSGFUK - Chester to ShrewsburyUnited Kingdom (UK) - on or related to the rail route from from Chester via Wrexham to Shrewsbury.@J@@JGz GzH333333 9?EPSGEUK - Crewe to HolyheadUnited Kingdom (UK) - on or related to the rail route from Crewe via Chester to Holyhead.@J\(@JG{ =p=p = SEPSGDJapan - zone XII - onshore mainlandJapan - onshore - Hokkaido between approximately 141°E and 143°E - Sapporo city; Asahikawa city; Wakkanai city; Rumoi city; Bibai city; Yubari city; Iwamizawa city; Tomakomai city; Muroran city; Shibetsu city; Nayoro city; Ashibetsu city; Akabira city; Mikasa city; Takikawa city; Sunagawa city; Ebetsu city; Chitose city; Utashinai city; Fukagawa city; Monbetsu city; Furano city; Noboribetsu city; Eniwa city; Ishikari-shicho; Monbetsu-gun of Abashiri-shicho; Kamikawa-shicho; Soya-shicho; Hidaka-shicho; Iburi-shicho (except Usu-gun and Abuta-gun); Sorachi-shicho; Rumoi-shicho.@E33333@FQ@aQp QGEPSGCJapan - zone XI - onshore mainlandJapan - onshore - Hokkaido west of approximately 141°E - Otaru city; Usu-gun and Abuta-gun of Iburi-shicho; Hiyama-shicho; Shiribeshi-shicho; Oshima-shicho.@DQ@E\(@avfffff@aQ% Q1EPSGBJapan - zone IX - onshore mainlandJapan - onshore - Honshu - Tokyo-to. (Excludes offshore island areas of Tokyo-to).@AkQ@Bp =@aL@aQ= y9EPSG_USA - Illinois - Boone, Dekalb, Kane, Kendall, McHenryUnited States (USA) - Illinois - counties of Boone, Dekalb, Kane, Kendall and McHenry.@D@E@VUSA - Contiguous USUSA - Contiguous US2p UUESRI=Kyrgyz Republic - 79~01'E to 82~01'EKyrgyz Republic - 79~01'E to 82~01'E@D+@S4۪@T4۪p UUESRI6zc AAESRIcUK - Highways England - A2UK - Highways England - A2@I($ x@I6]cf+jc AAESRIbUK - Highways England - A1UK - Highways England - A1@I U=@I6c 1[W>6Ur WWESRIaColombia - Puerto - Carreno - VichadaColombia - Puerto - Carreno - Vichada@@Q_ ==ESRI`Colombia - Mitu - VaupesColombia - Mitu - Vaupes?wwwwww?QQnq OOESRI_Colombia - Cali - Valle del CaucaColombia - Cali - Valle del Cauca@wwwwwy@SB"""""Sc AAESRI^Colombia - Ibague - TolimaColombia - Ibague - Tolima@UUUUUV@R뻻R_ ==ESRI]Colombia - Sucre - SucreColombia - Sucre - Sucre@ @""""""RRs QQESRI\Colombia - Bucaramanga - SantanderColombia - Bucaramanga - Santander@DDDDDD@UUUUUURlR+s QQESRI[Colombia - San_Andres - San_AndresColombia - San_Andres - San_Andres@(@*TTMk IIESRIZColombia - Pereira - RisaraldaColombia - Pereira - Risaralda@333333@DDDDDDS R˻g EEESRIYColombia - Armenia - QuindioColombia - Armenia - Quindio@@""""""S Rʪe CCESRIXColombia - Mocoa - PutumayoColombia - Mocoa - Putumayo?DDDDDD?ffffffSJS t YYESRIWColombia - Cucuta - Norte de SantanderColombia - Cucuta - Norte de Santander@@ RAa ??ESRIVColombia - Pasto - NarinoColombia - Pasto - Narino?ffffff?wwwwwySqS0m KKESRIUColombia - Villavicencio - MetaColombia - Villavicencio - Meta@ 333333@RRGwwwwws QQESRITColombia - Santa Marta - MagdalenaColombia - Santa Marta - Magdalena@%n@'wwwwwvRRmo MMESRISColombia - Riohacha - La GuajiraColombia - Riohacha - La Guajira@&@(RZR_ ==ESRIRColombia - Neiva - HuilaColombia - Neiva - Huila@wwwwwy@ R33333R"""""!e CCESRIwUK - Highways England - A22UK - Highways England - A22@I`C@JE??ѷY (n4h 6 i  4 f 1c.`+](nknV 33ESRIIllinois - SterlingIllinois - Sterling@DR@DQV(\VgzHR //ESRIIllinois - OttawaIllinois - Ottawa@Du\(@DRVwzHV\(R //ESRIIllinois - MolineIllinois - Moline@D\)@DQVQVV 33ESRIIllinois - RockfordIllinois - Rockford@D=p @EAGzVl(\V;QT 11ESRIIllinois - ChicagoIllinois - Chicago@DG{@E@VGzUGzV 33ESRIIllinois - FreeportIllinois - Freeport@D\(@EAGzV=p VX\)R //ESRIIllinois - AuroraIllinois - Aurora@D@E@VB[ pf CCESRIUK - Highways England - B32UK - Highways England - B32@J+/V@JaX?2W?,?S&f CCESRIUK - Highways England - B24UK - Highways England - B24@JC\@Je%?'RT`?Hf CCESRIUK - Highways England - B23UK - Highways England - B23@JY@JeC\?]ce?)^f CCESRIUK - Highways England - B22UK - Highways England - B22@Js@Jf?_o?ݙf CCESRIUK - Highways England - B21UK - Highways England - B21@Jm]@Jg.HZݘ?lf CCESRIUK - Highways England - B20UK - Highways England - B20@J?@JL/{J԰{?*0f CCESRIUK - Highways England - B19UK - Highways England - B19@Jj~@Jߤ?Fs+f CCESRIUK - Highways England - B18UK - Highways England - B18@J(@J\("h ԕ;5Xyf CCESRIUK - Highways England - B17UK - Highways England - B17@J@J˒:)ǿ4J>BZf CCESRIUK - Highways England - B16UK - Highways England - B16@J L/@J˒:)\?Ef CCESRIUK - Highways England - B15UK - Highways England - B15@J!R@J[W> ohی!.He CCESRIUK - Highways England - A30UK - Highways England - A30@IuO @I+j?GE84?ue CCESRI~UK - Highways England - A29UK - Highways England - A29@Iv (@JoiDg8?;dZ?e CCESRI}UK - Highways England - A28UK - Highways England - A28@Iv%@J`A7?/{J#:?tj~e CCESRI|UK - Highways England - A27UK - Highways England - A27@IvMj@Jae?m?\N;e CCESRI{UK - Highways England - A26UK - Highways England - A26@I_H˒:@J?JL?u%Fe CCESRIzUK - Highways England - A25UK - Highways England - A25@I_r@JGE85?bM?iDg8~e CCESRIyUK - Highways England - A24UK - Highways England - A24@I`$ xG@J<64?s?nR //ESRIIllinois - JolietIllinois - Joliet@D~Q@Dp =VGzUGz -lXY J M > ) u p[SHA?0l2 ++ESRIMoon - Far SideMoon - Far SideZZJ ''ESRINavajo NationNavajo Nation@@ffffff@B\\(ZG{ }}ESRIAustralia - Lord Howe Island - 158~E to 160~E (ISG 57/2)Australia - Lord Howe Island - 158~E to 160~E (ISG 57/2)G<&fffffP --ESRIBangladesh - CHTBangladesh - CHT@5.쿱[W@76@V@W*6z^ ;;ESRIBangladesh - ChottogramBangladesh - Chottogram@4S&@66@V33333@WxF]Z 77ESRIBangladesh - NoakhaliBangladesh - Noakhali@6?@7H@V@VD*X 55ESRIBangladesh - CumillaBangladesh - Cumilla@6sPH@8DFs@VrGE@VxF]Z 77ESRIBangladesh - BarishalBangladesh - Barishal@5ȆYJ@7@N@Vvfffff@V#9O 33ESRIBangladesh - KhulnaBangladesh - Khulna@5䎊@V8#@V|X 55ESRIBangladesh - JoshoreBangladesh - Joshore@6ȆYJ@7Fs@V+/V@Vs33333X 55ESRIBangladesh - KushtiaBangladesh - Kushtia@7]b@87y @V#33333@VVfffffV 33ESRIBangladesh - SylhetBangladesh - Sylhet@7sPH@9333333@V @WZ 77ESRIBangladesh - FaridpurBangladesh - Faridpur@6S&@7fffff@VR!R<@VeVl!T 11ESRIBangladesh - DhakaBangladesh - Dhaka@7]b@8UY|@Vk/V@V^ ;;ESRIBangladesh - MymensinghBangladesh - Mymensingh@733333@8nMj@Vh#@VT 11ESRIBangladesh - PabnaBangladesh - Pabna@7@8Fs@V>c @VtD*V 33ESRIBangladesh - BoguraBangladesh - Bogura@8YJ@9DFs@V: @VpS 77ESRIBangladesh - RajshahiBangladesh - Rajshahi@8@9333333X@VUVl!X 55ESRIBangladesh - RangpurBangladesh - Rangpur@9YJ@:s33333@V9@Vx'RTZ 77ESRIBangladesh - DinajpurBangladesh - Dinajpur@97sPH@:&IR@VTɅo@VS33333Z 77ESRIIllinois - MetropolisIllinois - Metropolis@B|(\@BzGVaRV33333Z 77ESRIIllinois - CarbondaleIllinois - Carbondale@BǮzH@C!GzVp =U=p ^ ;;ESRIIllinois - Mount VernonIllinois - Mount Vernon@C\(@Cj=p Vmp =V,(\P --ESRIIllinois - OlneyIllinois - Olney@Cp =@Cu\(V-p =U\(Z 77ESRIIllinois - BellevilleIllinois - Belleville@C =p @CGzVQVe\(X 55ESRIIllinois - EffinghamIllinois - Effingham@C]p =@C(\Vh\)V =p\ 99ESRIIllinois - JerseyvilleIllinois - Jerseyville@CnzG@CzGV(\V\)V 33ESRIIllinois - RobinsonIllinois - Robinson@CkQ@CQVQU =q\ 99ESRIIllinois - CarlinvilleIllinois - Carlinville@C~Q@C =pVQVl(\Z 77ESRIIllinois - CharlestonIllinois - Charleston@C\(@CRVQUR\ 99ESRIIllinois - TaylorvilleIllinois - Taylorville@C~Q@C=p Vmp =VAGz^ ;;ESRIIllinois - JacksonvilleIllinois - Jacksonville@CR@C =qVQVzG{\ 99ESRIIllinois - SpringfieldIllinois - Springfield@C\(@Cp =V =qVMp =R //ESRIIllinois - MacombIllinois - Macomb@C=p @DQRVG{VQT 11ESRIIllinois - LincolnIllinois - Lincoln@C\(@D8QV\(VH\)R //ESRIIllinois - QuincyIllinois - Quincy@C@DQRVGzVT 11ESRIIllinois - DecaturIllinois - Decatur@CG{@D%QVNzGVp =X 55ESRIIllinois - ChampaignIllinois - Champaign@CzG@D@VzGUGzX 55ESRIIllinois - GalesburgIllinois - Galesburg@D =p@DQVp =VhQ\ 99ESRIIllinois - BloomingtonIllinois - Bloomington@D# =p@DaGzVQGzVR //ESRIIllinois - PeoriaIllinois - Peoria@D'zH@D}p =V =qVP =qT 11ESRIIllinois - WatsekaIllinois - Watseka@D1R@D\(VzGUGzV 33ESRIIllinois - MonmouthIllinois - Monmouth@DO\(@DQV(\VQT 11ESRIIllinois - PontiacIllinois - Pontiac@DNzG@D\(V<(\VQ4 --ESRIMoon - Near SideMoon - Near SideZZ &S/ w - : L z  f y){4M@o0k IIIGNFHIKUERU (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU)HIKUERU (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU)1zG1kQaڏ\(ap =k IIIGNFHARAIKI (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU)HARAIKI (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU)1zG1kQa\(a\(\ AAIGNFHAO (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU)HAO (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU)2ap =a\(u SSIGNFHAO ET AMANU (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU)HAO ET AMANU (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU)21zGap =a\(ÁO ++IGNFGRANDE-TERRE, BASSE-TERRE, MARIE-GALANTE, LA DESIRADE, LES SAINTES (GUADELOUPE)GRANDE-TERRE, BASSE-TERRE, MARIE-GALANTE, LA DESIRADE, LES SAINTES (GUADELOUPE)@/ =p@0N=p Nb\(Á wwIGNFILES DE SAINT-MARTIN ET SAINT-BARTHELEMY (GUADELOUPE)ILES DE SAINT-MARTIN ET SAINT-BARTHELEMY (GUADELOUPE)@1R@2.zGO =pO q OOIGNFGRANDE TERRE (NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE)GRANDE TERRE (NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE)63@dp@dp =M ++IGNFILES GLORIEUSESILES GLORIEUSES'=p =&(\@G@G(\ uuIGNFMANGAREVA, AGAKAUITAI, AUKENA, MEKIRO (ILES GAMBIER)MANGAREVA, AGAKAUITAI, AUKENA, MEKIRO (ILES GAMBIER)7.zG7R`Gz`zGs QQIGNFFATU HUKU (ARCHIPEL DES MARQUISES)FATU HUKU (ARCHIPEL DES MARQUISES)"Gz"(\a^zGa]p =q OOIGNFFANGATAUFA (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU)FANGATAUFA (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU)6TzG6&fffffaZ\(aR\(` KKIGNFFAKARAVA (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU)FAKARAVA (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU)0zGnb(< !!IGNFILE EUROPAILE EUROPA6TzG@D @D@F ++IGNFEUROPE (ETRS89)EUROPE (ETRS89)@;@Q@F mmIGNF EIAO, HIVA OA, MOHOTANI (ARCHIPEL DES MARQUISES)EIAO, HIVA OA, MOHOTANI (ARCHIPEL DES MARQUISES)$\(azHaX\)X CCIGNF EFATE (ARCHIPEL DU VANUATU)EFATE (ARCHIPEL DU VANUATU)1@@ep =? 99IGNF EUROPE DE L'OUEST ED50EUROPE DE L'OUEST ED50"H O --IGNF GUYANE FRANCAISEGUYANE FRANCAISE@ffffff@KyIfffffT 99IGNF ILES CROZET (ARCHIPEL)ILES CROZET (ARCHIPEL)G`F2@J@D ))IGNFILE CLIPPERTONILE CLIPPERTON@$W =p@%[`R ==IGNFCAP JULES (TERRE ADELIE)CAP JULES (TERRE ADELIE)P@a` EEIGNFCAP BIENVENUE (TERRE ADELIE)CAP BIENVENUE (TERRE ADELIE)P@a\(@ap =K ))IGNFILE DE MAYOTTEILE DE MAYOTTE*)@Fy@F33333f YYIGNFFRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE)FRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE))4 k IIIGNFAPATAKI (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU)APATAKI (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU)/B\(.zGbNQbE\(e CCIGNFANAA (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU)ANAA (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU)11QRb333333b+ =pY  EEIGNFAMANU (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU)AMANU (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU)1zGsa\(Á ooESRIAustralia - Lord Howe and Norfolk Islands onshoreAustralia - Lord Howe and Norfolk Islands onshore@* <䎊@cٙ@e d8\ 99ESRIAzores - Flores IslandAzores - Flores Island@C@C?L? qqESRIPacific - USA interests Pacific and Mariana platesPacific - USA interests Pacific and Mariana plates1\(@?@`/\(b =qI ;;ESRIUSA - Idaho and MontanaUSA - Idaho and Montana)@H =qP --ESRIIceland - NADCONIceland - NADCON@O`Z@P=qi8f_i*f CCESRIAzores - Santa Maria IslandAzores - Santa Maria Island@Bs33333@B9@833333| YYESRINorthern Marianas - Tinian and AguijanNorthern Marianas - Tinian and Aguijan@-@.DDDDDB@b0@b8X AAESRINorthern Marianas - SaipanNorthern Marianas - Saipan@-@/M ==ESRINorthern Marianas - RotaNorthern Marianas - Rota@-- %%ESRIJapan - NTv2Japan - NTv2/yo MMIGNFHIVA OA (ARCHIPEL DES MARQUISES)HIVA OA (ARCHIPEL DES MARQUISES)#p =#333333ahaR\( i)hd  h +  N MDjF`a "hG %%IGNFFILE TROMELINILE TROMELIN//p =@KAGz@KC =pq OOIGNFDTETIAROA (ARCHIPEL DE LA SOCIETE)TETIAROA (ARCHIPEL DE LA SOCIETE)11Qb33333b\)e CCIGNFCTANNA (ARCHIPEL DU VANUATU)TANNA (ARCHIPEL DU VANUATU)3Q3zG@e%p =@e:\(Á aaIGNFBTAKAROA ET TAKAPOTO (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU)TAKAROA ET TAKAPOTO (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU)-,b*\(bS KKIGNFATAHITI (ARCHIPEL DE LA SOCIETE)TAHITI (ARCHIPEL DE LA SOCIETE)jkk IIIGNF@TAHAA (ARCHIPEL DE LA SOCIETE)TAHAA (ARCHIPEL DE LA SOCIETE)0333330zHb\(b(\K ))IGNF?ILE SAINT-PAULILE SAINT-PAULCb\(CU\(@S^Q@SeQm KKIGNF>RURUTU (ARCHIPEL DES AUSTRALES)RURUTU (ARCHIPEL DES AUSTRALES)6zG6@bb\(x qqIGNF=TERRES AUSTRALES ET ANTARCTIQUES FRANCAISES (TAAF)TERRES AUSTRALES ET ANTARCTIQUES FRANCAISES (TAAF)'_ ==IGNFQL ; 33IGNF;POLYNESIE FRANCAISEPOLYNESIE FRANCAISEdzS 11IGNF:NOUVELLE-CALEDONIENOUVELLE-CALEDONIE:fffff-333333@c33333@eU 33IGNF9ANTILLES FRANCAISESANTILLES FRANCAISES@,@2333333ON]p =Q //IGNF8ILE DE LA REUNIONILE DE LA REUNION5kQ4@K\(@K\(g EEIGNF7ILES WALLIS, FUTUNA ET ALOFIILES WALLIS, FUTUNA ET ALOFI,ǮzH*QRf\(f i GGIGNF6RAPA (ARCHIPEL DES AUSTRALES)RAPA (ARCHIPEL DES AUSTRALES);;bbg KKIGNF5RANGIROA (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU)RANGIROA (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU)-\), =plbdq OOIGNF4RAIVAVAE (ARCHIPEL DES AUSTRALES)RAIVAVAE (ARCHIPEL DES AUSTRALES)7Q7bxbr\(v [[IGNF3RAIATEA, TAHAA (ARCHIPEL DE LA SOCIETE)RAIATEA, TAHAA (ARCHIPEL DE LA SOCIETE)0bp =b\(V AAIGNF2PORT-MARTIN (TERRE ADELIE)PORT-MARTIN (TERRE ADELIE)P@a\(} [[IGNF1ARCHIPEL POINTE GEOLOGIE (TERRE ADELIE)ARCHIPEL POINTE GEOLOGIE (TERRE ADELIE)PzGPfffff@aup =@a =pd IIIGNF0ILE DES PETRELS (TERRE ADELIE)ILE DES PETRELS (TERRE ADELIE)PG{@aup =@ap =W 55IGNF/OUVEA (ILES LOYAUTE)OUVEA (ILES LOYAUTE)4ǮzH4@@dÅQ@dָQ wwIGNF.NUKU HIVA, UA HUKA ET UA POU (ARCHIPEL DES MARQUISES)NUKU HIVA, UA HUKA ET UA POU (ARCHIPEL DES MARQUISES)#!=p a =qao\(e CCIGNF-LUXEMBOURG (pays_cid : 137)LUXEMBOURG (pays_cid : 137)@H@I =p@Q@Qe CCIGNF,NOUMEA (NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE)NOUMEA (NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE)6\(\6# =p@d˅Q@dGzd IIIGNF+MURUROA (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU)MURUROA (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU)5Qaep =aR\(g KKIGNF*MOOREA (ARCHIPEL DE LA SOCIETE)MOOREA (ARCHIPEL DE LA SOCIETE)11@jbq OOIGNF)MOHOTANI (ARCHIPEL DES MARQUISES)MOHOTANI (ARCHIPEL DES MARQUISES)$(\)#\)a]p =aUp =7 IGNF(MAUPITIMAUPITI00@ch< !!IGNF'MARTINIQUEMARTINIQUE@,=p NN`U 33IGNF&MARE (ILES LOYAUTE)MARE (ILES LOYAUTE)5 =q5J=p @dzG@e\(_ ==IGNF%MANGAREVA (ILES GAMBIER)MANGAREVA (ILES GAMBIER)7s333336zG`\(`ҏ\(c GGIGNF$MAKEMO (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU)MAKEMO (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU)0zG0TzGpa\(W 55IGNF#LIFOU (ILES LOYAUTE)LIFOU (ILES LOYAUTE)58Q4fffff@d޸Q@dQ, IGNF"KERGUELENKERGUELENI@CG\ GGIGNF!KAUHEI (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU)KAUHEI (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU)/W =pb*\(oH --IGNF ILE JUAN DE NOVAILE JUAN DE NOVA1+Q@EU\(@Ej=p q OOIGNFILE DES PINS (NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE)ILE DES PINS (NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE)66p =q@dGz@d =pI ''IGNFILE AMSTERDAMILE AMSTERDAMB\(B@S\@ShQ1e IIIGNFETIKEHAU (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU)TIKEHAU (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU).ffffff-\)bl ,b: L c 2 [ R g6Ic n w;]cPb= IGNFsRAIATEARAIATEA0 =q0=p bG{b=p f KKIGNFqSAINT-MARTIN (PARTIE FRANCAISE)SAINT-MARTIN (PARTIE FRANCAISE)@2333333OOs33333H --IGNFpSAINT-BARTHELEMYSAINT-BARTHELEMY@1@2fffffO\H --IGNFoSAINT BARTHELEMYSAINT BARTHELEMY@1@2fffffO\W 55IGNFnILE DE MARIE-GALANTEILE DE MARIE-GALANTE@/@0 N33333Nq OOIGNFmARCHIPEL DES SAINTES (GUADELOUPE)ARCHIPEL DES SAINTES (GUADELOUPE)@/@/ٙNٙN ]]IGNFlGUADELOUPE (GRANDE-TERRE ET BASSE-TERRE)GUADELOUPE (GRANDE-TERRE ET BASSE-TERRE)@/@0ȴ9XN33333N7KƧy WWIGNFkGUADELOUPE GRANDE-TERRE + BASSE-TERREGUADELOUPE GRANDE-TERRE + BASSE-TERRE@/@0N33333NL 77IGNFjNUKU HIVA - MARQUISESNUKU HIVA - MARQUISES!ffffffat mmIGNFiNUKU HIVA - ILES MARQUISES - POLYNESIE FRANCAISENUKU HIVA - ILES MARQUISES - POLYNESIE FRANCAISE#!=p a =qao\(; IGNFhUA POUUA POU#"Laa}Q= IGNFgUA HUKAUA HUKA".zG!atah4 IGNFfNUKU HIVANUKU HIVA!ffffffat5 ''IGNFeILE DE TAHITIILE DE TAHITIbzGkM ++IGNFdILE DE FAKARAVAILE DE FAKARAVA0fffff/fffffbQL T 11IGNFRURUTU - AUSTRALESRURUTU - AUSTRALES6zG6@bb\( IGNFTAAFTAAF'> IGNFREUNIONREUNION5kQ4@K\(@K\(E ))IGNFILE DE RAIATEAILE DE RAIATEA0bbH %%IGNFTERRE ADELIETERRE ADELIEPzGPfffff@aup =@a =pe IIIGNFTERRE ADELIE - ILE DES PETRELSTERRE ADELIE - ILE DES PETRELSPG{@aup =@ap =D !!IGNFLUXEMBOURGLUXEMBOURG@H@I =p@Q@QE 77IGNFFRANCE METROPOLITAINEFRANCE METROPOLITAINE)4 O 33IGNFFRANCE CONTINENTALEFRANCE CONTINENTALE*@I@!= //IGNFEUROPE (EVRF2007)EUROPE (EVRF2007)$@Q = //IGNFEUROPE (EVRF2000)EUROPE (EVRF2000)$@Q L ))IGNFANAA - TUAMOTUANAA - TUAMOTU11QRb333333b+ =pT 11IGNFTETIAROA - SOCIETETETIAROA - SOCIETE11Qb33333b\)R //IGNFAPATAKI - TUAMOTUAPATAKI - TUAMOTU/B\(.zGbNQbE\(P --IGNFRAPA - AUSTRALESRAPA - AUSTRALES;;bbC ''IGNFHAO - TUAMOTUHAO - TUAMOTU2ap =a\(X 55IGNFFANGATAUFA - TUAMOTUFANGATAUFA - TUAMOTU6TzG6&fffffaZ\(aR\(J ''IGNFILE DE MOOREAILE DE MOOREA1333331YbbC --IGNFKAUEHI - TUAMOTUKAUEHI - TUAMOTU/W =pb*\(oT 11IGNFTUBUAI - AUSTRALESTUBUAI - AUSTRALES7s333337@b\(b\(V 33IGNFMANGAREVA - GAMBIERMANGAREVA - GAMBIER7s333336zG`\(`ҏ\(@ IGNFRAIVAVAERAIVAVAE7Q7bxbr\(B IGNFFATU HIVAFATU HIVA%333333$aVfffff@aS33333E ))IGNFILE DE MAUPITIILE DE MAUPITI00@ch6 ))IGNF~ILES KERGUELENILES KERGUELENI@CG: --IGNF}KERGUELEN (TAAF)KERGUELEN (TAAF)I@CG5 --IGNF|TAHITI - SOCIETETAHITI - SOCIETEjkq OOIGNF{NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE - GRANDE TERRENOUVELLE-CALEDONIE - GRANDE TERRE63@dp@dp =O --IGNFzEIAO - MARQUISESEIAO - MARQUISES Qa\(a(\U 33IGNFyHIVA OA - MARQUISESHIVA OA - MARQUISES#p =#333333ahaR\(W 55IGNFxMOHOTANI - MARQUISESMOHOTANI - MARQUISES$(\)#\)a]p =aUp =E ##IGNFwILE DE MAREILE DE MARE5 =q5J=p @dzG@e\(6 IGNFvHUAHINEHUAHINE0bbA IGNFuBORA BORABORA BORA0zG0kQb\(bp =: gl X p  1 C m .X:M>+cgz UUIGNFGRANDE-TERRE, BASSE-TERRE, MARIE-GALANTE, LA DESIRADE, LES SAINTES (GUADELOUPE) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 20GRANDE-TERRE, BASSE-TERRE, MARIE-GALANTE, LA DESIRADE, LES SAINTES (GUADELOUPE) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 20@/ =p@0N=p Nb\(ÁF !!IGNFILES DE SAINT-MARTIN ET SAINT-BARTHELEMY (GUADELOUPE) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 20ILES DE SAINT-MARTIN ET SAINT-BARTHELEMY (GUADELOUPE) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 20@1R@2.zGO =pO  wwIGNFGRANDE TERRE (NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 58GRANDE TERRE (NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 5863@dp@dp =v SSIGNFILES GLORIEUSES - UTM SUD FUSEAU 38ILES GLORIEUSES - UTM SUD FUSEAU 38'=p =&(\@G@G(\t QQIGNFILES GLORIEUSES - MERCATOR DIRECTEILES GLORIEUSES - MERCATOR DIRECTE'=p =&(\@G@G(\ uuIGNFFANGATAUFA (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 7FANGATAUFA (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 76TzG6&fffffaZ\(aR\(Á qqIGNFFAKARAVA (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 6FAKARAVA (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 60zGnb(c GGIGNFILE EUROPA - MERCATOR DIRECTEILE EUROPA - MERCATOR DIRECTE6TzG@D @D@q UUIGNFEUROPE (ETRS89) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 38EUROPE (ETRS89) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 38@;@Q*@Fj UUIGNFEUROPE (ETRS89) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 37EUROPE (ETRS89) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 37@;@Q$*j UUIGNFEUROPE (ETRS89) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 36EUROPE (ETRS89) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 36@;@Q$j UUIGNFEUROPE (ETRS89) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 35EUROPE (ETRS89) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 35@;@Qj UUIGNFEUROPE (ETRS89) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 34EUROPE (ETRS89) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 34@;@Qj UUIGNFEUROPE (ETRS89) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 33EUROPE (ETRS89) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 33@;@Q j UUIGNFEUROPE (ETRS89) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 32EUROPE (ETRS89) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 32@;@Q i UUIGNFEUROPE (ETRS89) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 31EUROPE (ETRS89) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 31@;@Qi UUIGNFEUROPE (ETRS89) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 30EUROPE (ETRS89) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 30@;@Qj UUIGNFEUROPE (ETRS89) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 29EUROPE (ETRS89) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 29@;@Qj UUIGNFEUROPE (ETRS89) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 28EUROPE (ETRS89) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 28@;@Qj UUIGNFEUROPE (ETRS89) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 27EUROPE (ETRS89) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 27@;@Qj UUIGNFEUROPE (ETRS89) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 26EUROPE (ETRS89) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 26@;@Q kkIGNFEFATE (ARCHIPEL DU VANUATU) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 59EFATE (ARCHIPEL DU VANUATU) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 591@@ep =i ccIGNFEUROPE DE L'OUEST ED50 - UTM NORD FUSEAU 31EUROPE DE L'OUEST ED50 - UTM NORD FUSEAU 31"Hj ccIGNFEUROPE DE L'OUEST ED50 - UTM NORD FUSEAU 32EUROPE DE L'OUEST ED50 - UTM NORD FUSEAU 32"H i ccIGNFEUROPE DE L'OUEST ED50 - UTM NORD FUSEAU 30EUROPE DE L'OUEST ED50 - UTM NORD FUSEAU 30"Hs WWIGNFGUYANE FRANCAISE - UTM NORD FUSEAU 22GUYANE FRANCAISE - UTM NORD FUSEAU 22@ffffff@Ifffffs WWIGNFGUYANE FRANCAISE - UTM NORD FUSEAU 21GUYANE FRANCAISE - UTM NORD FUSEAU 21@ffffff@Kyʁ/ IGNFPLANETE TERRE ET SON ENVIRONNEMENT PROCHE - ILES CROZET (ARCHIPEL)PLANETE TERRE ET SON ENVIRONNEMENT PROCHE - ILES CROZET (ARCHIPEL)G`F2@J@} aaIGNFILES CROZET (ARCHIPEL) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 39ILES CROZET (ARCHIPEL) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 39G`F2@J@o SSIGNFILE CLIPPERTON - UTM NORD FUSEAU 12ILE CLIPPERTON - UTM NORD FUSEAU 12@$W =p@%[`t QQIGNFILE DE MAYOTTE - UTM SUD FUSEAU 38ILE DE MAYOTTE - UTM SUD FUSEAU 38*)@Fy@F33333 ooIGNFAPATAKI (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 6APATAKI (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 6/B\(.zGbNQbE\( I  ]  ' J<;t"W~eb IGNFFRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - LAMBERT II ETENDUFRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - LAMBERT II ETENDU@D@IliC%7Mփ  IGNFFRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - LAMBERT II CARTOFRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - LAMBERT II CARTO@FK@H2 O7<r  IGNFFRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - LAMBERT II CENTREFRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - LAMBERT II CENTRE@FK@H2 O7<r  }}IGNFFRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - LAMBERT I CARTOFRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - LAMBERT I CARTO@H/@IeL7#ov  {{IGNFFRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - LAMBERT I NORDFRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - LAMBERT I NORD@H/@IeL7#ov # IGNFFRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - LAMBERT GRAND CHAMPFRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - LAMBERT GRAND CHAMP@D@IeL7#ov ooIGNFMURUROA (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 7MURUROA (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 75Qaep =aR\(Á qqIGNFMOOREA (ARCHIPEL DE LA SOCIETE) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 6MOOREA (ARCHIPEL DE LA SOCIETE) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 611@jb@ IGNFMANGAREVA, AGAKAUITAI, AUKENA, MEKIRO (ILES GAMBIER) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 8MANGAREVA, AGAKAUITAI, AUKENA, MEKIRO (ILES GAMBIER) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 87.zG7R`Gz`zG^ AAIGNFMAUPITI - UTM SUD FUSEAU 5MAUPITI - UTM SUD FUSEAU 500@chg KKIGNFMARTINIQUE - UTM NORD FUSEAU 20MARTINIQUE - UTM NORD FUSEAU 20@,=p NN`x [[IGNFMARE (ILES LOYAUTE) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 58MARE (ILES LOYAUTE) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 585 =q5J=p @dzG ccIGNFMANGAREVA (ILES GAMBIER) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 8MANGAREVA (ILES GAMBIER) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 87s333336zG`\(`ҏ\(Á mmIGNFMAKEMO (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 7MAKEMO (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 70zG0TzGpa\(Á ]]IGNFLIFOU (ILES LOYAUTE) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 58LIFOU (ILES LOYAUTE) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 5858Q4fffff@d޸Q@dQ wwIGNFPLANETE TERRE ET SON ENVIRONNEMENT PROCHE - KERGUELENPLANETE TERRE ET SON ENVIRONNEMENT PROCHE - KERGUELENI@CGU GGIGNFKERGUELEN - UTM SUD FUSEAU 42KERGUELEN - UTM SUD FUSEAU 42I@CG mmIGNFKAUHEI (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 6KAUHEI (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 6/W =pb*\(oq UUIGNFILE JUAN DE NOVA - UTM SUD FUSEAU 38ILE JUAN DE NOVA - UTM SUD FUSEAU 381+Q@EU\(@Ej=p  yyIGNFGRANDE TERRE (NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE) - NOUVELLE-CALEDONIEGRANDE TERRE (NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE) - NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE63@dp@dp = IGNFRAIATEA, TAHAA (ARCHIPEL DE LA SOCIETE) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 5RAIATEA, TAHAA (ARCHIPEL DE LA SOCIETE) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 50bp =b\(Á> IGNFHIVA OA, TAHUATA, MOHOTANI (ARCHIPEL DES MARQUISES) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 7HIVA OA, TAHUATA, MOHOTANI (ARCHIPEL DES MARQUISES) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 7#\(#LaffffffaX ssIGNFHIVA OA (ARCHIPEL DES MARQUISES) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 7HIVA OA (ARCHIPEL DES MARQUISES) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 7#p =#333333ahaR\(Á ooIGNFHIKUERU (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 7HIKUERU (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 71zG1kQaڏ\(ap = ooIGNFHARAIKI (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 7HARAIKI (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 71zG1kQa\(a\(Á ggIGNFHAO (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 7HAO (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 72ap =a\( }}IGNFFRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - LAMBERT III SUDFRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - LAMBERT III SUD@E&fǺ@F6602 zc  o ] VOH-"@zb YYIGNFPOLYNESIE FRANCAISE - UTM SUD FUSEAU 7POLYNESIE FRANCAISE - UTM SUD FUSEAU 7pvb YYIGNFPOLYNESIE FRANCAISE - UTM SUD FUSEAU 5POLYNESIE FRANCAISE - UTM SUD FUSEAU 5djp YYIGNFNOUVELLE-CALEDONIE - UTM SUD FUSEAU 59NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE - UTM SUD FUSEAU 59:fffff-333333p YYIGNFNOUVELLE-CALEDONIE - UTM SUD FUSEAU 58NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE - UTM SUD FUSEAU 58:fffff-333333v YYIGNFNOUVELLE-CALEDONIE - UTM SUD FUSEAU 57NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE - UTM SUD FUSEAU 57:fffff-333333@c33333 IGNFFRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 30FRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 30)4 IGNFFRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 32FRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 32)4 IGNFFRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 31FRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 31)4+ IGNFFRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - CC50 (CONIQUE CONFORME ZONE 9)FRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - CC50 (CONIQUE CONFORME ZONE 9)13 + IGNFFRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - CC49 (CONIQUE CONFORME ZONE 8)FRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - CC49 (CONIQUE CONFORME ZONE 8)02 + IGNFFRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - CC48 (CONIQUE CONFORME ZONE 7)FRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - CC48 (CONIQUE CONFORME ZONE 7)/1 + IGNFFRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - CC47 (CONIQUE CONFORME ZONE 6)FRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - CC47 (CONIQUE CONFORME ZONE 6).0 + IGNFFRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - CC46 (CONIQUE CONFORME ZONE 5)FRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - CC46 (CONIQUE CONFORME ZONE 5)-/ + IGNFFRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - CC45 (CONIQUE CONFORME ZONE 4)FRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - CC45 (CONIQUE CONFORME ZONE 4),. + IGNFFRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - CC44 (CONIQUE CONFORME ZONE 3)FRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - CC44 (CONIQUE CONFORME ZONE 3)+- + IGNFFRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - CC43 (CONIQUE CONFORME ZONE 2)FRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - CC43 (CONIQUE CONFORME ZONE 2)*, + IGNFFRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - CC42 (CONIQUE CONFORME ZONE 1)FRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - CC42 (CONIQUE CONFORME ZONE 1))+ ]]IGNFANTILLES FRANCAISES - UTM NORD FUSEAU 20ANTILLES FRANCAISES - UTM NORD FUSEAU 20@,@2333333ON]p = kkIGNFILES WALLIS, FUTUNA ET ALOFI - UTM SUD FUSEAU 1ILES WALLIS, FUTUNA ET ALOFI - UTM SUD FUSEAU 1,ǮzH*QRf\(f  qqIGNFRANGIROA (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 6RANGIROA (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 6-\), =plbd́ uuIGNFRAIVAVAE (ARCHIPEL DES AUSTRALES) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 6RAIVAVAE (ARCHIPEL DES AUSTRALES) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 67Q7bxbr\(Á __IGNFILE DE LA REUNION - GAUSS LABORDE REUNIONILE DE LA REUNION - GAUSS LABORDE REUNION5kQ4\(@K\(@K\( ]]IGNFOUVEA (ILES LOYAUTE) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 58OUVEA (ILES LOYAUTE) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 584ǮzH4@@dÅQ@dָQB IGNFNUKU HIVA, UA HUKA ET UA POU (ARCHIPEL DES MARQUISES) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 7NUKU HIVA, UA HUKA ET UA POU (ARCHIPEL DES MARQUISES) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 7#!=p a =qao\( IGNFFRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - LAMBERT IV CARTOFRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - LAMBERT IV CARTO@Dǜ@Eׇ@u  IGNFFRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - LAMBERT IV CORSEFRANCE METROPOLITAINE (CORSE COMPRISE) - LAMBERT IV CORSE@Dǜ@Eׇ@u b YYIGNFPOLYNESIE FRANCAISE - UTM SUD FUSEAU 6POLYNESIE FRANCAISE - UTM SUD FUSEAU 6jp }U w  f W A1"V2} IGNFPLANETE TERRE ET SON ENVIRONNEMENT PROCHE - UTM SUD FUSEAU 39PLANETE TERRE ET SON ENVIRONNEMENT PROCHE - UTM SUD FUSEAU 3906 IGNFPLANETE TERRE ET SON ENVIRONNEMENT PROCHE - UTM SUD FUSEAU 1PLANETE TERRE ET SON ENVIRONNEMENT PROCHE - UTM SUD FUSEAU 1LR  IGNFPLANETE TERRE ET SON ENVIRONNEMENT PROCHE - UTM NORD FUSEAU 32PLANETE TERRE ET SON ENVIRONNEMENT PROCHE - UTM NORD FUSEAU 32P   IGNFPLANETE TERRE ET SON ENVIRONNEMENT PROCHE - UTM NORD FUSEAU 31PLANETE TERRE ET SON ENVIRONNEMENT PROCHE - UTM NORD FUSEAU 31P  IGNFPLANETE TERRE ET SON ENVIRONNEMENT PROCHE - UTM NORD FUSEAU 30PLANETE TERRE ET SON ENVIRONNEMENT PROCHE - UTM NORD FUSEAU 30P| YYIGNFILE D'UVEA (WALLIS) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 1ILE D'UVEA (WALLIS) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 1* =p*W =pf f33333B IGNFPLANETE TERRE ET SON ENVIRONNEMENT PROCHE - ILES WALLIS, FUTUNA ET ALOFIPLANETE TERRE ET SON ENVIRONNEMENT PROCHE - ILES WALLIS, FUTUNA ET ALOFI,ǮzH*QRf\(f mmIGNFTUREIA (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 7TUREIA (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 74Qaz\(aZ\(Á qqIGNFTUBUAI (ARCHIPEL DES AUSTRALES) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 6TUBUAI (ARCHIPEL DES AUSTRALES) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 67s333337@b\(b\(x [[IGNFAPATAKI, RAPA et HAO - UTM SUD FUSEAU 7APATAKI, RAPA et HAO - UTM SUD FUSEAU 7;.tpad8x [[IGNFAPATAKI, RAPA et HAO - UTM SUD FUSEAU 6APATAKI, RAPA et HAO - UTM SUD FUSEAU 6;.tbN]cfpn KKIGNF ILE TROMELIN - MERCATOR DIRECTEILE TROMELIN - MERCATOR DIRECTE//p =@KAGz@KC =p ooIGNF TIKEHAU (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 6TIKEHAU (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 6.ffffff-\)bl uuIGNF TETIAROA (ARCHIPEL DE LA SOCIETE) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 6TETIAROA (ARCHIPEL DE LA SOCIETE) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 611Qb33333b\)V 11IGNF ARCHIPEL POINTE GEOLOGIE (TERRE ADELIE) - STEREOGRAPHIQUE POLAIRE SUD TERRE ADELIEARCHIPEL POINTE GEOLOGIE (TERRE ADELIE) - STEREOGRAPHIQUE POLAIRE SUD TERRE ADELIEPzGPfffff@aup =@a =p kkIGNF TANNA (ARCHIPEL DU VANUATU) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 59TANNA (ARCHIPEL DU VANUATU) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 593Q3zG@e%p =@e:\(Á, IGNFTAKAROA ET TAKAPOTO (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 6TAKAROA ET TAKAPOTO (ARCHIPEL DES TUAMOTU) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 6-,b*\(bz qqIGNFTAHITI (ARCHIPEL DE LA SOCIETE) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 6TAHITI (ARCHIPEL DE LA SOCIETE) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 6jk ooIGNFTAHAA (ARCHIPEL DE LA SOCIETE) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 5TAHAA (ARCHIPEL DE LA SOCIETE) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 50333330zHb\(b(\ wwIGNFILE DES PINS (NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 58ILE DES PINS (NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 5866p =q@dGz@d =pt QQIGNFILE SAINT-PAUL - UTM SUD FUSEAU 43ILE SAINT-PAUL - UTM SUD FUSEAU 43Cb\(CU\(@S^Q@SeQ녁 qqIGNFRURUTU (ARCHIPEL DES AUSTRALES) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 5RURUTU (ARCHIPEL DES AUSTRALES) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 56zG6@bb\(Á" IGNFTERRES AUSTRALES ET ANTARCTIQUES FRANCAISES (TAAF) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 43TERRES AUSTRALES ET ANTARCTIQUES FRANCAISES (TAAF) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 43HN" IGNFTERRES AUSTRALES ET ANTARCTIQUES FRANCAISES (TAAF) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 42TERRES AUSTRALES ET ANTARCTIQUES FRANCAISES (TAAF) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 42BH" IGNFTERRES AUSTRALES ET ANTARCTIQUES FRANCAISES (TAAF) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 39TERRES AUSTRALES ET ANTARCTIQUES FRANCAISES (TAAF) - UTM SUD FUSEAU 3906 ggIGNFSAINT-PIERRE-ET-MIQUELON - UTM NORD FUSEAU 21SAINT-PIERRE-ET-MIQUELON - UTM NORD FUSEAU 21@GY@GL>QL z WWIGNFILE DE LA REUNION - UTM SUD FUSEAU 40ILE DE LA REUNION - UTM SUD FUSEAU 405kQ4@K\(@K\( o q h _ UK}UhiUAog YYIGNF4CORSE - CC43 (CONIQUE CONFORME ZONE 2)CORSE - CC43 (CONIQUE CONFORME ZONE 2)*@E * IGNF3FRANCE CONTINENTALE (CORSE EXCLUE) - CC43 (CONIQUE CONFORME ZONE 2)FRANCE CONTINENTALE (CORSE EXCLUE) - CC43 (CONIQUE CONFORME ZONE 2)*,@!g YYIGNF2CORSE - CC42 (CONIQUE CONFORME ZONE 1)CORSE - CC42 (CONIQUE CONFORME ZONE 1)@D+ * IGNF1FRANCE CONTINENTALE (CORSE EXCLUE) - CC42 (CONIQUE CONFORME ZONE 1)FRANCE CONTINENTALE (CORSE EXCLUE) - CC42 (CONIQUE CONFORME ZONE 1)*+@!R ==IGNF0CORSE - LAMBERT IV CORSECORSE - LAMBERT IV CORSE@Ḍ@Eׇ R ==IGNF/CORSE - LAMBERT IV CARTOCORSE - LAMBERT IV CARTO@Ḍ@Eׇ  uuIGNF.FRANCE CONTINENTALE (CORSE EXCLUE) - LAMBERT III SUDFRANCE CONTINENTALE (CORSE EXCLUE) - LAMBERT III SUD@E&fǺ@FB602@! yyIGNF-FRANCE CONTINENTALE (CORSE EXCLUE) - LAMBERT III CARTOFRANCE CONTINENTALE (CORSE EXCLUE) - LAMBERT III CARTO@E&fǺ@FB602@! yyIGNF,FRANCE CONTINENTALE (CORSE EXCLUE) - LAMBERT II CENTREFRANCE CONTINENTALE (CORSE EXCLUE) - LAMBERT II CENTRE@FK@H1Ԅ7<r@!T ??IGNF+CORSE - LAMBERT II ETENDUCORSE - LAMBERT II ETENDU@D1'@E  yyIGNF*FRANCE CONTINENTALE (CORSE EXCLUE) - LAMBERT II ETENDUFRANCE CONTINENTALE (CORSE EXCLUE) - LAMBERT II ETENDU*@Il zX7Mփ@! wwIGNF)FRANCE CONTINENTALE (CORSE EXCLUE) - LAMBERT II CARTOFRANCE CONTINENTALE (CORSE EXCLUE) - LAMBERT II CARTO@FK@H1Ԅ7<r@! ssIGNF(FRANCE CONTINENTALE (CORSE EXCLUE) - LAMBERT I NORDFRANCE CONTINENTALE (CORSE EXCLUE) - LAMBERT I NORD@H/@Id15 7#ov@! uuIGNF'FRANCE CONTINENTALE (CORSE EXCLUE) - LAMBERT I CARTOFRANCE CONTINENTALE (CORSE EXCLUE) - LAMBERT I CARTO@H/@Id15 7#ov@! uuIGNF&EUROPE (RESEAU VERTICAL UNIFIE) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 36EUROPE (RESEAU VERTICAL UNIFIE) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 36$@Q  uuIGNF%EUROPE (RESEAU VERTICAL UNIFIE) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 35EUROPE (RESEAU VERTICAL UNIFIE) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 35$@Q uuIGNF$EUROPE (RESEAU VERTICAL UNIFIE) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 34EUROPE (RESEAU VERTICAL UNIFIE) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 34$@Q uuIGNF#EUROPE (RESEAU VERTICAL UNIFIE) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 33EUROPE (RESEAU VERTICAL UNIFIE) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 33$@Q  uuIGNF"EUROPE (RESEAU VERTICAL UNIFIE) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 32EUROPE (RESEAU VERTICAL UNIFIE) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 32$@Q  uuIGNF!EUROPE (RESEAU VERTICAL UNIFIE) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 31EUROPE (RESEAU VERTICAL UNIFIE) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 31$@Q uuIGNF EUROPE (RESEAU VERTICAL UNIFIE) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 30EUROPE (RESEAU VERTICAL UNIFIE) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 30$@Q uuIGNFEUROPE (RESEAU VERTICAL UNIFIE) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 29EUROPE (RESEAU VERTICAL UNIFIE) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 29$@Q {{IGNFFRANCE CONTINENTALE (CORSE EXCLUE) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 31FRANCE CONTINENTALE (CORSE EXCLUE) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 31*@I {{IGNFFRANCE CONTINENTALE (CORSE EXCLUE) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 32FRANCE CONTINENTALE (CORSE EXCLUE) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 32*@I@! {{IGNFFRANCE CONTINENTALE (CORSE EXCLUE) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 30FRANCE CONTINENTALE (CORSE EXCLUE) - UTM NORD FUSEAU 30*@I> 33IGNFPLANETE TERRE ET SON ENVIRONNEMENT PROCHE - PSEUDO MERCATOR (POPULAR VISUALISATION)PLANETE TERRE ET SON ENVIRONNEMENT PROCHE - PSEUDO MERCATOR (POPULAR VISUALISATION)UL IGNFPLANETE TERRE ET SON ENVIRONNEMENT PROCHE - UTM SUD FUSEAU 43PLANETE TERRE ET SON ENVIRONNEMENT PROCHE - UTM SUD FUSEAU 43HN T P  = )')PROJEXTENT_UNKNOWNNot specifiedNot specified.ZLs #CNKGEXTENT_2020Nordic and Baltic countriesDenmark; Estonia; Finland; Latvia; Lithuania; Norway; Sweden2K1t #CNKGEXTENT_2008Nordic and Baltic countriesDenmark; Estonia; Finland; Latvia; Lithuania; Norway; Sweden5I(* IGNF;FRANCE CONTINENTALE (CORSE EXCLUE) - CC50 (CONIQUE CONFORME ZONE 9)FRANCE CONTINENTALE (CORSE EXCLUE) - CC50 (CONIQUE CONFORME ZONE 9)13@!* IGNF:FRANCE CONTINENTALE (CORSE EXCLUE) - CC49 (CONIQUE CONFORME ZONE 8)FRANCE CONTINENTALE (CORSE EXCLUE) - CC49 (CONIQUE CONFORME ZONE 8)02@!* IGNF9FRANCE CONTINENTALE (CORSE EXCLUE) - CC48 (CONIQUE CONFORME ZONE 7)FRANCE CONTINENTALE (CORSE EXCLUE) - CC48 (CONIQUE CONFORME ZONE 7)/1@!* IGNF8FRANCE CONTINENTALE (CORSE EXCLUE) - CC47 (CONIQUE CONFORME ZONE 6)FRANCE CONTINENTALE (CORSE EXCLUE) - CC47 (CONIQUE CONFORME ZONE 6).0@!* IGNF7FRANCE CONTINENTALE (CORSE EXCLUE) - CC46 (CONIQUE CONFORME ZONE 5)FRANCE CONTINENTALE (CORSE EXCLUE) - CC46 (CONIQUE CONFORME ZONE 5)-/@!* IGNF6FRANCE CONTINENTALE (CORSE EXCLUE) - CC45 (CONIQUE CONFORME ZONE 4)FRANCE CONTINENTALE (CORSE EXCLUE) - CC45 (CONIQUE CONFORME ZONE 4),.@!