util namespace

namespace util

A set of base types from ISO 19103, GeoAPI and other PROJ specific classes.

osgeo.proj.util namespace.


using BaseObjectPtr = std::shared_ptr<BaseObject>

Shared pointer of BaseObject.

using BoxedValuePtr = std::shared_ptr<BoxedValue>

Shared pointer of BoxedValue.

using BoxedValueNNPtr = util::nn<BoxedValuePtr>

Non-null shared pointer of BoxedValue.

using ArrayOfBaseObjectPtr = std::shared_ptr<ArrayOfBaseObject>

Shared pointer of ArrayOfBaseObject.

using ArrayOfBaseObjectNNPtr = util::nn<ArrayOfBaseObjectPtr>

Non-null shared pointer of ArrayOfBaseObject.

using LocalNamePtr = std::shared_ptr<LocalName>

Shared pointer of LocalName.

using LocalNameNNPtr = util::nn<LocalNamePtr>

Non-null shared pointer of LocalName.

using NameSpacePtr = std::shared_ptr<NameSpace>

Shared pointer of NameSpace.

using NameSpaceNNPtr = util::nn<NameSpacePtr>

Non-null shared pointer of NameSpace.

using GenericNamePtr = std::shared_ptr<GenericName>

Shared pointer of GenericName.

using GenericNameNNPtr = util::nn<GenericNamePtr>

Non-null shared pointer of GenericName.

class ArrayOfBaseObject : public osgeo::proj::util::BaseObject
#include <util.hpp>

Array of BaseObject.

Public Functions

void add(const BaseObjectNNPtr &obj)

Adds an object to the array.

  • obj: the object to add.

Public Static Functions

ArrayOfBaseObjectNNPtr create()

Instanciate a ArrayOfBaseObject.

a new ArrayOfBaseObject.

class BaseObject
#include <util.hpp>

Class that can be derived from, to emulate Java’s Object behaviour.

Subclassed by osgeo::proj::common::IdentifiedObject, osgeo::proj::common::Measure, osgeo::proj::common::ObjectDomain, osgeo::proj::common::UnitOfMeasure, osgeo::proj::metadata::Citation, osgeo::proj::metadata::Extent, osgeo::proj::metadata::GeographicExtent, osgeo::proj::metadata::Identifier, osgeo::proj::metadata::PositionalAccuracy, osgeo::proj::metadata::TemporalExtent, osgeo::proj::metadata::VerticalExtent, osgeo::proj::operation::GeneralParameterValue, osgeo::proj::operation::ParameterValue, osgeo::proj::util::ArrayOfBaseObject, osgeo::proj::util::BoxedValue, osgeo::proj::util::GenericName

struct BaseObjectNNPtr : public util::nn<BaseObjectPtr>
#include <util.hpp>

Non-null shared pointer of BaseObject.

class BoxedValue : public osgeo::proj::util::BaseObject
#include <util.hpp>

Encapsulate standard datatypes in an object.

Public Functions

BoxedValue(const char *stringValueIn)

Constructs a BoxedValue from a string.

BoxedValue(const std::string &stringValueIn)

Constructs a BoxedValue from a string.

BoxedValue(int integerValueIn)

Constructs a BoxedValue from an integer.

BoxedValue(bool booleanValueIn)

Constructs a BoxedValue from a boolean.

class CodeList
#include <util.hpp>

Abstract class to define an enumeration of values.

Subclassed by osgeo::proj::cs::AxisDirection, osgeo::proj::datum::RealizationMethod

Public Functions

const std::string &toString()

Return the CodeList item as a string.

operator std::string()

Return the CodeList item as a string.

class Exception : public exception
#include <util.hpp>

Root exception class.

Subclassed by osgeo::proj::io::FactoryException, osgeo::proj::io::FormattingException, osgeo::proj::io::ParsingException, osgeo::proj::operation::InvalidOperation, osgeo::proj::util::InvalidValueTypeException, osgeo::proj::util::UnsupportedOperationException

Public Functions

const char *what() const

Return the exception text.

class GenericName : public osgeo::proj::util::BaseObject
#include <util.hpp>

A sequence of identifiers rooted within the context of a namespace.

Simplified version of GenericName from GeoAPI

Subclassed by osgeo::proj::util::LocalName

Public Functions

virtual const NameSpacePtr scope() const = 0

Return the scope of the object, possibly a global one.

virtual std::string toString() const = 0

Return the LocalName as a string.

virtual GenericNameNNPtr toFullyQualifiedName() const = 0

Return a fully qualified name corresponding to the local name.

The namespace of the resulting name is a global one.

class IComparable
#include <util.hpp>

Interface for an object that can be compared to another.

Subclassed by osgeo::proj::common::IdentifiedObject, osgeo::proj::common::ObjectDomain, osgeo::proj::metadata::Extent, osgeo::proj::metadata::GeographicExtent, osgeo::proj::metadata::TemporalExtent, osgeo::proj::metadata::VerticalExtent, osgeo::proj::operation::GeneralParameterValue, osgeo::proj::operation::ParameterValue

Public Types

enum Criterion

Comparison criterion.



All attributes are identical.


The objects are equivalent for coordinate operations.

Public Functions

virtual bool isEquivalentTo(const IComparable *other, Criterion criterion = Criterion::STRICT) const = 0

Returns whether an object is equivalent to another one.

true if objects are equivalent.
  • other: other object to compare to
  • criterion: comparaison criterion.

class InvalidValueTypeException : public osgeo::proj::util::Exception
#include <util.hpp>

Exception thrown when an invalid value type is set as the value of a key of a PropertyMap.

class LocalName : public osgeo::proj::util::GenericName
#include <util.hpp>

Identifier within a NameSpace for a local object.

Local names are names which are directly accessible to and maintained by a NameSpace within which they are local, indicated by the scope.

Simplified version of LocalName from GeoAPI

Public Functions

const NameSpacePtr scope() const

Return the scope of the object, possibly a global one.

std::string toString() const

Return the LocalName as a string.

GenericNameNNPtr toFullyQualifiedName() const

Return a fully qualified name corresponding to the local name.

The namespace of the resulting name is a global one.

class NameFactory
#include <util.hpp>

Factory for generic names.

Simplified version of NameFactory from GeoAPI

Public Static Functions

NameSpaceNNPtr createNameSpace(const GenericNameNNPtr &name, const PropertyMap &properties)

Instanciate a NameSpace.

a new NameFactory.
  • name: name of the namespace.
  • properties: Properties. Allowed keys are “separator” and “separator.head”.

LocalNameNNPtr createLocalName(const NameSpacePtr &scope, const std::string &name)

Instanciate a LocalName.

a new LocalName.
  • scope: scope.
  • name: string of the local name.

GenericNameNNPtr createGenericName(const NameSpacePtr &scope, const std::vector<std::string> &parsedNames)

Instanciate a GenericName.

a new GenericName.
  • scope: scope.
  • parsedNames: the components of the name.

class NameSpace
#include <util.hpp>

A domain in which names given by strings are defined.

Simplified version of NameSpace from GeoAPI

Public Functions

bool isGlobal() const

Returns whether this is a global namespace.

const GenericNamePtr &name() const

Returns the name of this namespace.

template <class T>
class optional
#include <util.hpp>

Loose transposition of std::optional available from C++17.

Public Functions

const T *operator->() const

Returns a pointer to the contained value.

const T &operator*() const

Returns a reference to the contained value.

operator bool() const

Return whether the optional has a value

bool has_value() const

Return whether the optional has a value

class PropertyMap
#include <util.hpp>

Wrapper of a std::map<std::string, BaseObjectNNPtr>

Public Functions

PropertyMap &set(const std::string &key, const BaseObjectNNPtr &val)

Set a BaseObjectNNPtr as the value of a key.

PropertyMap &set(const std::string &key, const char *val)

Set a string as the value of a key.

PropertyMap &set(const std::string &key, const std::string &val)

Set a string as the value of a key.

PropertyMap &set(const std::string &key, int val)

Set a integer as the value of a key.

PropertyMap &set(const std::string &key, bool val)

Set a boolean as the value of a key.

PropertyMap &set(const std::string &key, const std::vector<std::string> &array)

Set a vector of strings as the value of a key.

class UnsupportedOperationException : public osgeo::proj::util::Exception
#include <util.hpp>

Exception Thrown to indicate that the requested operation is not supported.